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Karakura High || Student Council Application


Level 0

. . .


What is your Minecraft Username?: DaRealYNLN

Past warns/kicks/bans?: N/A

What is your timezone?: BST

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: Yinamy_Alt#6012

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending): N/A

Describe your activity on the server?: I, currently, am not active, but i can improve drastically as my free time has increased highly.

List your accounts and roles on this server?: Y/N L/N - School RP - Student

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?: Of course! I can assure you this will not happen to me, though.


What is student council and what do they do?:
The Student Council is a team of students who are specially chosen to mildly manage the school. Usually, they are voted on by their class, but in some cases teachers can choose as well. The Student Council Members' jobs are to represent their class, share peers ideas, views and hopes to improve the school. The School Council Members' are to see to it that the community

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, ect.): Well, in real-life, i am in the Student Council, and i want to portray that in Minecraft. Also, i want to do something for the server, to make up for my inactivity.

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and team work ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events): Of Course!

Can you list the roles in council along with others roles that might be important to council?:
The General Council Roles

Class Representative: A class representative holds the task of ensuring that the ideas, interests and concerns of their respective class are voiced within the council. During the first registration, following a student council meeting, a class representative MUST inform their respective class of the discussed topics and obtain feedback.

Vice Representative: A vice representative holds the responsibilities entrusted within their corresponding class representative under the circumstance that the class representative is absent from a student council meeting. Following the meeting, they must debrief their corresponding representative of the discussed topics. A vice representative should overall assist their corresponding class representative with their duties.
The Upper Council Roles

Student Body President: A Student Body President holds the tasks of chairing the student council meeting and coordinating the activities of the student council. The President must act as an exemplary role model in behaviour and academics. The Student Body President has the authority to call a meeting of the student council whenever deemed necessary. A Student Body President is also designated to represent the council at any meetings with the Office. Vice President: A Vice President holds the responsibility of assisting the Student Body President and under the circumstances that the President is absent from a meeting, the Vice President assumes the role of chairperson.

Secretary: A Secretary keeps a record of the student council meetings and any decisions taken by the council (minutes). After each meeting, the Secretary must forward the minutes to the Student Body President and the Student Council Advisor. A Secretary also has the task of taking a role call at the start of each student council meeting. Treasurer: A Treasurer is responsible for managing all funds raised by the Student Council and should keep an account of all income and expenditure. A Treasurer also holds the role of providing financial advice.

Official Observing Roles

Student Council Advisor: A Student Council Advisor is a member of staff that is present at all student council meetings. They have the ability to advise the council and provide any assistance if required.


You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

I ask them to cease their harrassment, and sternly warn them that if this happens again, they will be put in detention.

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?

I immediately alert an adult, as this seems serious.

There seems to be a councillor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?

I would ask said councillor to cease their behaviour, and sternly inform them that i will tell a higher rank of this. I would then apologize to the Student being verbally harrased and tell them not to respond, but tell another councillor or teacher.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?

I would ask a fellow councillor on the information. If provided, then i would thank them and compliment their hard work.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or done something that goes against what you were trained by your higher ups. How would you react to this?

I would tell them that this goes against my laws, and that i, sadly, cannot complete this task. I would apologize profusely, and go to sit down.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):

Welcome Party:

Each year the Year 13’s put together a welcome party for the new Year 12 students at lunch time. This is an opportunity for students to relax and integrate as a whole Sixth Form. There is food, music and a whole host of activates for students to get involved in. It is a great event to kick of the new academic year. This can also help to form Friendships, and even relationships, bringing the wonderful students of Karakura High together. Also, First Impressions will not only help the school's publicity, but make the school a wonderful working environment overall. Thank you for listening. This event, and I quote, "Will be the best one yet!"

Character Name: Y/N L/N

Character Gender: Male

Character Age: 16

Character phone-number: 225-124-097

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:

Y/N 'Midnight' L/N is a 16-year-old teenager who enjoys planking, working on cars and eating out. He is Kind and Intelligent, but can also be very Hot-Headed and a bit Standoffish.

He is British, and is currently at school. He is allergic to eggs and is obsessed with films.

Physically, Y/N is in good shape. He is very short with chocolate skin, White hair and Red eyes.

He lives in a upper class neighbourhood.

Y/N goes to Karakura High, as you know, where his favourite subjects are English and Social Studies. He loves his teacher Miss Cullen but hates Miss Bird whose interests include speaking in a really annoying voice.

Y/N's best friend is a teenager called Alethea Wyatt. They get on well most of the time. He also hangs around with Beverley Lovell and Kacie Gilbert. They enjoy reading together.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):
Y/N has white hair and red eyes, with pale skin and a wide smile.

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
I have an in-depth knowledge of School Council, am a perfect student, and will be the most dedicated councillor yet! I accept the responsiblities and am willing to take them!
Why do you want this position?:

What interests you the most about student council?:

Well, as aforementioned, I am interested in the President Role Of School Council. I have several leadership qualities and the role really fits to my strengths and limits.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:

Well, i a have a ton of bright ideas, not to mention my real life experience of School Council! I know how it works. I will most likely be the most experienced candidate you will meet!


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Level 169
Senior Admin
College Sports Lead
Event Coordinator
Thank you for applying, unfortunately after both the council (vice-)presidents and I have read your application we have decided to deny your application due to the following reasons:
- The application is extremely unclear, please bold your questions as stated in the pinned post and answer them all.

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