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KARAKURA NEWS | A look into the Hospital


Level 6


A wide look into the local Karakura Hospital!

With the constant use of the Karakura Hospital and its advancements of prosthetics, medical treatment and psychological treatment. With all of these factors I was given the privilege of speaking with these highly educated people and giving us all a nice look into the Hospital and its employees! These range from Doctors to Psychiatrists and the in-between as well as giving a small inside look into their routines, how it operates and what happens to some people who are injured. All of these will be covered in hopes of bringing more light to the public when it comes to the main core of our community and what keeps up going with new medical discoveries and anything else involved int he medical field.



Ramona Gallardo

Kagoshima Kosuki: “Alright, Thank you! Could you describe your average day in the hospital? Maybe some extra information about the lobby or front desk that happens often?

Ramona Gallardo: “Uuhh. . . I mean, It’s not a lot. Usually there’ll be a group, usually one or two injured that come in, Uuhh. . Yeah. There isn’t an aveerege day. Uh, I think. The amount of patiens is unpredictable. Uhhm, Usually KPD visits on their patrol, though. Uhhm. . yeah. I thinnnk. And. . uh, by group- I mean an injured person and theeeeir gaggle of friends. Rush hour dooooooesn’t happen that often. And, and were not in lightning season sooo. . . so it’s been lighter.”

[!] A pause then another audio continued [!]

Kagoshima Kosuki: “And is there a specific place that most patients go to, or do they go to the same room regardless of injury?”

Ramona Gallardo: “Yeah, uh, different places depeeeending. . .” - “Depending on the severity. Uhhm. Yeah, yeah. For smaaall injuries there’s thee. . the curtains. Uh, everything else is usually seeeent. . sent to the trauma unit.”

[!] The audio was edited together [!]

Kagoshima Kosuki: “Would I be able to get a picture for the report and some information on what the curtains are?”

Ramona Gallardo: “I thinnnk. .” - “You’ll need to. . need to speak to a higher-up for a picture. Uh. Buuuut. . . but the curtains are juuust small rooms - bed, counter, sink, IV stand. Uh. And, and they’re separated from the room across with a. . . a privacy curtain. Uhhhm. . Yeah. Nothing special.”



Officer Miyako Sakai

Kagoshima Kosuki: “Thank you Miss Sakia, could you tell me maybe something you’ve noticed with your time visiting the hospital or any opinions on it? Maybe some fun facts?”

Miyako Sakai: “Well- I've not had to visit the hospital all too much, thankfully, but each time I have visited, most of the staff have been quite professional and friendly to me. They set a pretty good example of professionalism. I would say- though there are outliers here and there who set bad examples but I can and won't name.” - “As for opinion, I think my opinion is mostly good. I just think they could be a bit more responsive, over the helpline 0 and more present in general. I understand it’s a taxing job, but during these hours specially there should be someone on standby at the very least to help, to listen to the likes. Boring as desk work is, I know from experience ahah!”

[!] The audio continued after a moment [!]

Kagoshima Kosuki: “And you mentioned responsiveness, from what you’ve heard or seen. Has the late responses from the hospital staff had any effect on the community itself? Or is it just the very few times?”

Miyako Sakai: “Personally I would say it’s had an effect on the community. I speak as someone who works with the Karakura Police Department, myself - so I understand
That there are difficulties, but I believe we all need to take steps to make the emergency services more reliable for those that need it most. Like right this moment… She’s bene waiting for someone to see her for a possible broke rib, and has been for the last two hours. That’s an example of someone experiencing needless pain for something that is so avoidable with a bit more diligence. Which, again we can never be PERFECT.. But we should strive for that, for a better Karakura”



Doctor Yoneno

[!] A pause, static [!]

[!] A recording played [!]

Kagoshima Kosuki: “And can you just tell me about your role, what you do and what your day to day routine is?”

Quasar Yoneno: “My role is a Doctor, Senior Resident and my days differ day to day. Slowler days I sit on the desk and other days it’s busy and I’m running from corner to corner taking care of tasks.”

Kagoshima Kouski: “And what would you say is the most common injury you see as a senior doctor?”

Quasar Yoneno: “Hmm.. Stab wounds I’d say, that or broken bones.”

Kagoshima Kouski: “After interviewing people from the community, would you like to comment on the opinions about the late response which the hospital has or none at all?”

Quasar Yoneno: “Not really.”

My Perspective


With all of that. Its time to go onto what Doctor Gallardo called “The Curtains”, this place is where patients with injuries are diagnosed or dealt with. Doctor Gallardo explained it as “ the curtains are juuust small rooms - bed, counter, sink, IV stand. Uh. And, and they’re separated from the room across with a. . . a privacy curtain.” This gives many people who haven’t gone to the hospital a good image as to what it looks like.

I can assume that this is where most things are handled unless it's a serious injury like a stab wound. Or broken leg but small things like possible check ups, small cuts, dislocations or other small injuries that can be done quickly.

I have had my small amount of seeing the area and it's something important for people to know even if you have no experience! With that, the staff at the hospital were all helpful and happy to talk to me which is something that is always happy to see. I’d like to thank the hospital staff personally for allowing me this much information and their opinions. I do hope that they all have a great day and also a special thanks to Office Sakai for giving me their input as a person from the local community who visits the hospital often.

[See something, maybe say something? If you know anything that might be helpful, contact the Reporter hotline at (020)-980-4487]


Level 206
Woahh! I like that it shares multiple perspectives and focusses on a few key hospital aspects!

There are a few spelling errors that quick spellchecking can solve ("int he" instead of "in the", "patiens" instead of "patients" "slowler" instead of "slower" and such)

Adding a few transitions between the topics would be great!

But still! All in all - lovely! Thank you for this report! I'm looking forward to the next articles!


Level 12
Very cool to see this actually posted into a topic! Awesome work, you cooked. :D

Some clean up with the spelling would be good, as Erik pointed out, but otherwise, very cool - and I'm delighted to have contributed to it!


Level 6
Thread starter
Woahh! I like that it shares multiple perspectives and focusses on a few key hospital aspects!

There are a few spelling errors that quick spellchecking can solve ("int he" instead of "in the", "patiens" instead of "patients" "slowler" instead of "slower" and such)

Adding a few transitions between the topics would be great!

But still! All in all - lovely! Thank you for this report! I'm looking forward to the next articles!
thank you, I barely noticed!

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