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Karakura News | Akihito Clan interview


Level 102
Heng Yu

Good evening Karakura!

It's my first day on the job and I decided to do an interview! Today we'll be interviewing the Captain and Senior Administrator of the Akihito Clan. . Ryuu Tashiro!
We discuss how things work behind the scenes and some more interesting information. Interesting in joining the clan? we talk about that too!

HY: Alright. First, let's start off with what you're occupation in the clan is and how long you've been working there.
RT: I've been in the clan for quite some time, a few years at least. I have had past experiences in such organizations as well. I currently hold the position of Captain in the clan.

HY: So this isn't your first time in this type of business? How interesting!.. I've read many books and heard stories of such jobs. Tell me, what makes Akihito Different from the others?
RT: Ah well lots of things really. Stories have limitations, setbacks, while the real world does not. Many organizations like this throughout Japan use violence to get their way, we do not. We do all our business through legal and legitimate practice.

HY: That is unique for sure! But may I ask what type of businesses the Akihito Clan runs or holds?
RT: We hold many businesses throughout Japan, it'd be impossible to list them all. Though we do have an advertisement business for anyone willing to pay. That’s one of our main ones here. In the Karakura branch.

HY: Ohh! I'm guessing it makes enough revenue to fund the clan and while we're on the topic of how big the clan is, what is the current member count? and what type of personality does it hold.
RT: Indeed it does, the clan is well funded. Throughout Japan, there is a membership count in the thousands. For the personalities, I can't exactly say. I haven't met anywhere near every member, only the ones that are important to the business.

HY: Oh I see... How does one become a part of Akihito in the first place?
RT: Some people come in by invite, some apply. It depends on the person and their reason for joining.

HY: Well how can you apply?
RT: You must be chosen by one of our current members as eligible first, then you may go through the application process.
HY: Ahh I see. Now to the final question. How does the hierarchy work? and how does one climb the ranks?

RT: The Akihito CLan follows a very similar hierarchy to most organizations like this, the highest position you can get before taking over is senior adviser. Also known as Captain, my position. Climbing the ranks is done by showing your knowledge of business, and how useful you are.

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