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KARAKURA NEWS | Behind the Scenes: Inside Karakura's Rising Entertainment Industry


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Behind the Scenes: Inside Karakura's Rising Entertainment Industry
By: Sky H.E. Volante

Idols… In a town where the concept of idols once seemed unknown, Karakura is now witnessing change in our town. Over recent years, the idea of idols, acting, etc., has been slowly gaining ground, thanks in large part to the efforts of Hoshino Productions, a company that pretty much introduced something new to our town.

Today, we have a special treat for our viewers, readers, and listeners. I've had the privilege of sitting down with the CEO of Hoshino Productions, alongside three of their talented idols: 'MIUMIU,' 'ANGEL,' and 'MINNI.' Join us as we learn more about their personal journeys and the inspiration behind becoming idols and the creation of the company in Karakura.

[!] The interview would start, and sitting in the interview room would be the Hoshino Productions’ CEO, Akane Hoshino [!]

Akane: “Thank you for having me.”

Sky: “Please if anything, the pleasure is all mine- I’m glad you as well as the others agreed to this.” She chuckled, “May you introduce yourself to the watchers and readers, Miss Akane?”

Akane: Gave a dainty wave towards the camera, “Hello, my full name is Akane Hoshino. I’m the current CEO of Hoshino Productions, and lead actress in our acting division.”

Sky: Smiling slightly, she began to ask her questions, "So, Miss Akane, what was the idea with Hoshino Productions? Like- How did you start? Since idols, acting, and modeling aren't as popular in Karakura of course, unlike the rest of the mainland.”

Akane: “That’s my primary goal, actually. Currently, Karakura isn’t particularly… Bright. Hoshino Productions was my attempt to liven up this city. Does this make sense, Mrs. Volante? What better way to accomplish that than to load it with brilliant musicians, models, actions, and actresses?”

Sky: "It does actually, and you do have a point there. Karakura always had a lack of, 'enjoyment' I should say, so hearing your goal being that, makes me happy to see changes in this town." - "As you have said, Hoshino has musicians, models, actors, actresses, idols- all of them, but are there any unknown ones that need more recognition? A way to bring up more to light on what they do and such."

Akane: "Well, Lotus, our modeling division, is already well-known, and I understand you spoke with the leader of ANGELIX. The majority of our actors and actresses will be available to meet soon as we work on some unique events and performances; however, we are currently looking for some more talented minds to join us. We're considering doing some short films, which is also something to look forward to." Paused for a moment, "We're also working on sorting out some sort of way to create livestreams so fans can interact with our artists in the moment. It's still a work in progress."

Sky: "I've actually seen a few posts of Miu on her Onrain about her livestreams actually. That actually gives a lot more opportunities to people to explore more on the internet side of things, have you considered doing or atleast adding a VTuber section to the company? While it will of course still fall under livestreaming, I think it's a pretty neat idea to do maybe in the future once all is set up and people who work for you are used to it."

Akane: "Right now, our only plan is to host livestreams for our idols, actors, and actresses, but it is definitely something we may consider in the future after we get our feet on the ground. Lovely idea, Mrs. Volante.”

Sky: "That would be exciting to see then in the future. Well, here's the last question for our interview. Besides from ANGELIX, are there any other groups or solo artists from your company performing for the Music Festival as well, or just them?"

Akane: "Besides ANGELIX, our plan is to have two of our soloists, Miu-Hua Li and Cesare Di Stefano, perform and two members from another one of our girl groups, LUNAIRE. We're currently just waiting on application results."

Sky: "Hopefully everyone will be able to enter- I would love to watch each and every one of them. Any final words to the people listening or reading this before we end it, Miss Akane?"

Akane: “All I’d like to say is thank you for listening in, and please look forward to our future endeavors!”

[!] The video would switch to the Hoshino Productions’ idols! ‘ANGEL’ and ‘MIUMIU’, with Sky in the back. [!]

Sky: The camera would capture her smiling as she had a cheery attitude around her as she began to speak, “Well, may you introduce yourselves first to the people listening in to this, my dears?”

‘MIUMIU’: Swayed her head from side to side, “Hi Hii!~ I’m Miu-Miu! The love idol of Karakura! I’ve got a cutesy bat theme and my fans are called my baby bats!” Clasping her hands together, “Oh! And I’m a more recent member to join (Hoshino)!” She would turn to the other person in the interview room as she spoke.

‘ANGEL’: Her voice would be slightly distorted, “I’m A-Angel. I joined Hoshino Productions at its start… Ah, I was an independent performer prior to that.” A small hum came from her before she continued, “My first performance was at last year's Battle of the Bands, and you can find me performing for Club Umbra from time to time. I have yet to make my official debut under Hoshino though.”

‘MIUMIU’: “Looks like neither of us have an official debut yet, pff…”

Sky: Chuckled softly at that, focusing on the two females, “Well I’m sure you two will soon have one, I would love to see more stars in Karakura,” - “Though let's continue with knowing you two more, how did you two get into the whole… performing slash idol thing?”

‘MIUMIU’ & ‘ANGEL’: Would be seen interacting as Sky spoke, both giving each other a fist bump with a chuckle.

‘MIUMIU’: “Well… I always did want to dance and sing… But I was a maid! Maid’s can’t exactly perform from what I know, hehe.” - “I think what really drove me to become an idol specifically was my bestest friend ever, the amazing idol Cupid! She said I had the capabilities to be an idol! So I did just as she said!” She brought her hand to her chest towards her heart, “And now I perform to bring people love and happiness, just as Cupid does! However, in my own way! In a vampy way!”

‘MIUMIU’: “But really… She’s amazing… And if it wasn't for Ms. Cupid, I probably wouldn’t of had the confidence to become an idol! And I will forever be grateful for her loving boost.”

Sky: “That’s sweet then- I mean it genuinely, a person’s push can truly change one’s life no?” Looked over at Angel with a gentle smile on her face, “What about you, Miss Angel?”

‘ANGEL’: “Well, ah…” - “The Battle of The Bands was my first time performing in front of a crowd. And I suppose I signed up because… I wasn’t sure about anything in my life at the time. I felt like I was just being pulled this way and that, so I just wanted to do something I’d never done before. And once I was on stage… I don’t know, something clicked in me.”

‘ANGEL’: “I still have other passions, and things I do for work, but I felt like I owned it to myself to explore music. Next thing I knew, I’d became employed at Club Umbra, I heard about Hoshino Productions and… Here I am!”

Sky: “A story of encouragement, and a story of finding ones calling, I’m… actually very surprised at your stories, but at the same time inspired by it- Was there any particular thing or event, or even reason as to why you two picked Hoshino Productions as a starting place? For your idol careers at least.”

‘ANGEL’: Grinned excitedly, blurting out her answer, “Fate. That’s what it felt like- I’ve always believed in fate. And I was drawn to Hoshino Productions right away.”

‘MIUMIU’: “Well… With Hoshino Productions- They found me actually!- I was sought out and was immediately hired after my audition!” - “And now I’ve opened up a branch in Hoshino for modeling! Recently we hired our newest batch of models and they are amazing to work with! And the other idols and workers in Hoshino are all so sweet.”

‘MIUMIU’: “Hoshino Productions has treated us so well and has given us so much room to be ourselves and work as aspiring idols! All of management are all so sweet to us, it really does feel like a family.”

‘ANGEL’: “It’s true, the talents Hoshino takes in work incredibly hard, and have wonderful attitudes towards their futures. It’s hard not to be inspired when you’re surrounded by them.”

Sky: “Is that so? Seeing that you were able to open your own branch in the company, Miss Miu, do you ever think it can expand to other parts of Japan as well?”

‘MIUMIU’: “Wohh! That would be amazing, wouldn’t it, Angel? Having Lotus branches in other parts of Japan?” she gasped out in excitement, as her eyes twinkled in amazement.

‘ANGEL’: “I would love to help kick off a wide range conglomerate like that. Your modeling branch, our idol talents, actors, perhaps even fashion design one day! Hoshino Productions has the talent and skill to make such a large-scale project successful no doubt.”

Sky: “Hopefully it will. I would love to see the company to grow into something big both nationally and internationally. Though out of curiosity, if you two were able to expand- or well, create your own paths to become larger idols, would you two do it? I’ve seen some idols do that as they go solo, so I’m just asking out of curiosity.”

‘MIUMIU’: “Well... I don't really want to go solo honestly. I love Hoshino! I really do! However, if I could, I would totally want to collaborate with Cupid independently! Also- Considering my recent sponsorships, I may start working for Club Umbra as well once I'm in college, so that'll be like a secondary job!... Wait but I also work at Yeobo... Woh, that's a lot of jobs!"

Sky: That’s a lot of opportunities lined up for you then in the future, Miss Miu.” she chuckled lightheartedly, “It’s nice to see you having more jobs outside being just an idol- What about you though, Miss Angel?”

‘ANGEL’: “Leading up to my debut, I’ve been giving solo performances. So I suppose I’m accustomed to it… To move on without a group, or without Hoshino Productions hasn’t quite crossed my mind yet. I suppose I’m still in the middle of a leap of faith, signing on to an agency in the first place.”

Sky: nodded, “That’s understandable then, well hm… We can finish our interview then,” - “But before we do, do you two have any words for the people? Advice? Anything?”

‘MIUMIU’: "Honestly. I have one thing to say... Possibly two-" Miu stood from her seat, reaching her hand to help Angel up alongside her. "Really, the reason why I want to stay an idol rather than just becoming a singer or even an actor is... I wanna bring happiness back to Karakura. Happiness and love, just like my title as a love idol. I want people to remember that the world isn't always going to be completely dark and that there will always be someone there to at least try make you smile, even if it's just a cute bat-themed love idol like myself. So keep on smiling. I may just be one idol, but the more baby bats I have spreading love throughout this town, the closer we can come to making the world even just a little happier one person at a time. All it takes is spreading your love and persevering through the hard times, knowing that a light will come at the end of every tunnel!”

‘MIUMIU’: "Anything you wanna add, Angel?”

‘ANGEL’: "What else is there to say...? Let's see... If there's something you can do, you should do it! There's no good reason to give up on something you've dreamed for yourself. And if no one else supports you... I really hope you can find some comfort and support in my music. I don't know everyone in Karakura, and there's surely problems I could never comprehend or help with. But I can sing for you. So please listen, and keep moving forward."

[!] The second interview would end there, as it switched to a different idol! ‘MINNI’ along with Sky still. [!]

Sky: chuckled softly, “May you formally, or well- Introduce yourself to the viewers, listeners, and readers my dear?”

‘MINNI’: “Hello WINX!” she would face the camera, her eyes sparkling as she continued, “Although most of you know me as MINNI from Angelix, I’m your lovely Mei-Lin Yang.” Her hands cupped her own cheeks, looking cutesy!

Sky: I’m glad I was able to have you here, Miss Mei, tell me- How did you get and or join Hoshino Productions? There a lot of of idols in Japan, so out of curiosity- What was the thing that pushed you to apply?”

‘MINNI’: Turned back to face Sky, placing her hands back down. “Oh! Perfect question! I've been a part of Hoshino Productions since it began, hence why I'm the idol division's manager!" - "I've always enjoyed music, and as a kid, I'd always put on tiny performances for my family members, so I believe I was born an idol! And a really adorable one at that! If you want to follow in my footsteps, visit @HOSHINOPROD on Onrain! We have application promos there and would love to have you all!"

Sky: "That's wonderful then that you've been part of a company since the very beginning! Dedication can really be seen to you actually-" - "Actually, recently I've heard about your girl group and as well as from you mentioning it, ANGELIX, correct? How did you guys form into a group if you do not mind me asking dear?"

‘MINNI’: “Oh, ohl I love this question, We currently have four members, including me! The other three are Akari Oonichikata, Aoi Chloros, and Yukihana Kagenouta! You can find most of us on Onrain!" She paused for a second to catch her breath, as she spoke quite quickly! "They're all new to ANGELIX, as we're still a very new group. They went through our audition process, and I kind of adopted them into ANGELIX! I sensed the kind of energy we needed and seized the moment!"

Sky: “Ahh! Okay that makes a lot of sense,” - “Is ANGELIX permanently just four members or will there be more in the future? Seeing that Miu-Miu plans on expanding Lotus, will ANGELIX be the same or no?”

‘MINNI’: "Well, ANGELIX and LOTUS both function differently, given that Lotus is our entire modeling division while ANGELIX is only one group out of our entire idol division. If you mean ANGELIX by itself, I'd love to have more members, but for the time being, it'll just be the four of us! We have a few solo performers, such as Cesare Di Stefano, as well as two additional idol groups, LUNAIRE and CLOUD9, but we intend to make more as we receive more applications."

Sky: "So they're a separate di- I see I see." gave a nod, "Well I do hope you find other talents to join your group if ever, speaking of that... This is the last question actually! Will you and the rest of the ANGELIX members be performing in the upcoming Music Festival?”

‘MINNI’: “Yes, Yes! We hope so! Were just waiting to hear back from our stage manager. It’ll be Yu-Yu, Aoi, and I! Please look forward to it! You don’t want to miss out ANGELIX’s debut as well as some of our other outstanding idols!”

[!] The video ended there. [!

In summary, the interview with Hoshino Productions' CEO, Akane Hoshino, and the idols 'MIUMIU,' 'ANGEL,' and 'MINNI' pretty much showed us behind the scenes of the entertainment industry in Karakura which isn’t all that well known. Miss Akane's vision for the town as well as the personal journeys of the idols that shows so much of their dedication and passion, it’s exciting to hopefully see them soon in the Music Festival.

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Level 177
Very nice! Great interview!
In-depth Coverage, check.
Personal Touch, check.
Highlighting Local Impact, check.

I would have loved to see more on the topic of challenges and maybe a Future Outlook, plans and aspirations and such! Lot's of potential for a follow up article!


Level 83
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I would have loved to see more on the topic of challenges and maybe a Future Outlook, plans and aspirations and such! Lot's of potential for a follow up article!
Hopefully in the future I would be able to! But my next reports would focus on other idols as well aside from those in Hoshino Productions, such as the Fazwell family etc. :) (And my planned crime report oooo :eyes:)

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