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KARAKURA NEWS: Commissioner Speech On Gang Activity


Level 174

Good day citizens of Karakura!
My name is Adaryn Rodrique, and today I will be touching on the topic of gang activity, but more importantly, the speech made by our commissioner regarding the intense amount of gang involvement within the city. Throughout this report, I will be discussing the issue posed to the city by anarchist groups, a multitude of different violent protests led by the groups, a run down of the speech provided by Mr. Schwarz, along with a private interview with Mr. Schwarz himself!

So settle down, grab some comfy blankets and cushions, and read on as I discuss Mr. Schwarz’s speech!

Anarchy Group(s)

For as long as Karakura has been alive, our city has been flooded by gangs, but how severely do these criminal organisations affect our lives?

1 in 3 people living in Karakura have had some sort of bad experience with criminal organisations within their lifetime, however no one realised how big of an issue this was until many members of our city needed psychiatric evaluation, and almost all coming out with anxiety disorders, depression, and PTSD, many of which were caused due to these criminal organisations. Not only do these groups affect the community mentally, but physically too. Citizens have been kidnapped, assaulted, majorly injured, or even killed by these groups. These countless acts of violence have been labelled as acts of protest, however KPD have stated no protest should involve the death of someone loved.

These violent acts have always been around, but with the current time, and criminal organisations controlling our city more than ever, the issue has become very apparent. Many question if actions had been taken earlier, our city might have been more crime free. Faith in KPD has been slowly creeping away, and even more after our last commissioner Hiroto Akihito was arrested for 6 charges of murder, barely weeks after his family member sadly passed away in an explosion of the abandoned power plant, which is yet another place run by criminal organisations. This issue is apparent, and this is why Mr. Schwarz has brought it to so many people's attention.


“Welcome everyone. Thanks for coming. You may all be wondering why you were brought here; The matter at hand is to do with something that has been concerning both the police force as well as the government: Gang Activity.”

“Now, I know most of you are already used to these kinds of speeches. Nonetheless, the issue lies on a more specific situation, or rather, organisation. I’m sure many of you have witnessed some individuals who belong to the so-called ‘Anarchy’ Group. They have been organising, quote unquote, peaceful demonstrations around the city while also wearing what some people call ‘Gang Attires’.”

“These papers right here belong to an EMS log that was filed some days ago. They describe how officer Alice Hashirama was attacked whilst off duty by a group of criminals who, as you may have already guessed, belong to this anarchist group. An officer who has done nothing wrong, and has solely fulfilled their duties, was brutally attacked by this organisation who, according to them, wish to remain within the legal fields of protesting.”

“The hypocrisy that this group has shown has never been seen before. Ever since I arrived to Karakura and progressed through my professional parcours, I have seen a lot of gangs, and while I must admit that gang activity has decreased over these past years, we can still see how criminals are trying to gain our trust to go on and backstab us right as least expect it.”

“Having said that, I will formally announce that Anarchy is now considered a threat to public safety. Any individuals from this group is kindly discouraged to leave and inform the police of any relevant information. The government also now prohibits any sort of protest coming from this group specifically. Any sort of attempts at instigating violence coming from this group will be met with law enforcement.”

“Whether you want to call this a ‘War declaration’ or a ‘Violation of Free Speech’, this decision has been taken via consensus by all government officials in regards to public safety. With your help, we will be able to fight this organisation, and reach a better future. Thank you.”


Schwarz Interview

Finally, I was permitted an interview with Mr. Schwarz, where I discussed what he hopes this speech will lead to.

RED - Schwarz
BLUE - Rodrique

[!] Below would be an attached tape recording of the interview [!]


So Mr. Schwatz, thank you first for agreeing to an interview. I’ll move straight into questions rather than chatting. What audience were you mainly targeting with your speech? Did you want it to catch the eye of this Anarchist group, or maybe citizens who may have information to bring this criminal group to justice?

Firstly, although this may sound childish, we did it out of spite against that group. You see, they had been stepping on the borderline of what's legal and what’s not. However, thanks to what they had done to our officers, we were finally able to tell for sure we weren't just dealing with some ‘edgy’ kids. And to answer your question, it was sort of a message to everyone. To those who aren’t in the group as a way to discourage them from joining, and to the already-existing members to let them know they’re not gonna have it easy at all to continue doing their little parades for their so-called ‘freedom’.

Do you think your speech worked well to keep the group at bay? Maybe scaring them out of their acts? Or do you think that this could have increased their motivation to succeed in their illegal acts and hypocritical goals?

You want me to be honest? No. Not at all. In fact, I know for a fact that they'll now target us more than ever before. However, I've been living here for decades now, and I know for a fact that remaining silent will not fix things. Does this mean we may see more officers casualties? Who knows; maybe yes, maybe no. But that's precisely why we're here. If they're going to harm people, it'd be better if those people were us. Although it may sound wrong, it might just be the desired outcome, actually. If
they focus on us, they will slip up and give up their sense of organisation to fight for their rights against police. That's precisely when we'll have the most chances at stopping and arresting them.

"So essentially, the group will focus on the KPD rather than civilian life? Does this worry any of your
force at all? That they may be in danger, will this focus on KPD affect the Cadets training at all do you think?"

I accepted this interview to be honest. Do I fear dying? Yes. Do my officers fear dying too? I'm 99% sure the answer's also yes. You may see a lot of officers acting strong, but that's precisely to give off that image. We do want to die, and anyone who says otherwise is simply lying. However, if nobody does anything, as I said before, everything will be the same. Nothing will change, and the problem won't be solved just because we hid it under the rug. That's why we're trained to endure and to
overcome that fear to stop crime.

[!] The tape would begin to glitch and distort before stopping [!]


Unfortunately, the tape recording of the interview faulted a little, so I am only able to provide part of the interview, however I think we can gather a lot from this interview!

Thank you for taking the time of your day to read this report! My name is Adaryn Rodrique, this report was brought to you by Karakura News, and I hope you all have a wonderful day!


Level 45
damn I wasn't there in time for the screen shot :( oh well.

Although, it's great report!!!

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