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KARAKURA NEWS | Complex L and The Secrets Around It


Level 86

August 29, 2023. - 21.11C | 70.0F - On and off rain showers expected for the next week - SUMMER

Complex L, the apartment complex that replaced the old Saiky Estate..

Opened in late April, Complex L was the new attraction located near the Tōge tunnel .. but why? Well Complex L was constructed as of course, in response to the Karakura Housing Crisis, similarly to why complex K was constructed. However, its placement was one to not be expected.
An Earthquake hit Karakura on April 14, 2023, which ultimately affected those on the ocean side of the city. Most notably, the old Saiky estate was destroyed during such, assumingly due to its old architecture in comparison to the buildings nearby. It didn't take long for the land to be repurposed into complex L, however not everything began a new concrete residential facility … beside the apartment Complex is the Itsbyoshi trail, there we see where nature has taken over, replanting itself to create a nice wildlife attraction … with some secrets hiding within it. Here in this article will be everything you need to know about Complex L, and the secrets around it.

The building has two main entrances, both in the Lobby. One faces the new Saiky estate and Masayoshi Boulevard while the other faces the 700s housing. Once entering the lobby, you're greeted by a large open space with two notable points, a way to enter the courtyard and an elevator.

The courtyard faces out to some of the Karakura Mountains, and also leads to stairwells. Both stairwells lead to the same locations accessible via the elevator, simply an alternative route.

Each floor of the complex is the same, all of which have Security cameras on both ends of the outdoor hallways. Each floor, as stated before, also has both an elevator and or Stairwell option. All of which also has a beautiful view out to nature!
There was much positive feedback due to the stairwell option, as it makes it safer and easier for people to escape if a threat was amidst, which was a high priority back when its previous complex, K, was released.

Now, the fine print. If you wish to live here, how's the security? How's the apartments? What's the cost? Well let's dive into that.

Each apartment is 42 feet | 1280 CM wide, 15 feet | 457 CM tall and 48 feet | 1463 long.
Every apartment comes with a balcony, which are 9 feet | 274 CM wide and 42 feet | 1280 CM wide.
[Note: 1 Block = 1 foot | 30 cm]

Price wise, every apartment comes out to about 50,000¥ yen a month, or for thirty days. Compared to some of the complexes that came before it, yes, Complex L is smaller. However, in comparison to the newer apartments at business park, it's quite decently sized. Some may argue it prepared others for what was to come there.

Now as far as security goes, there's cameras! .. not many on the ground floor. There's only one CCTV camera matter of fact in the ground floor area, including the outside, this singular camera is located in the far back of the complex Lobby. As for the rest of the cameras, they are all located near stairwells and at the end of the hallway. About two - three per floor. However, CCTV doesn't always mean security and safety though, does it? So, an interview was done. New Karakura Police Captain, Dwayne Myers was interviewed, this is what was said.

[!] Dawson Myers checked his watch that he totally had

[Myers]: "err sure go ahead, what's yer question?"

[!] "Jim" Yasushi hesitated, their speech pattern threw him off.. it reminded him too much of K629 for his liking, ".. for starters, what's your name and rank?"

[Myers]: “Dawson Myers, KPD Captain”

[Yasushi]: ".. Captain?" He paused.. A bit thankful Saiky wasn't
here for this.

[Yasushi]: "I see. Then I trust your input will be quite reliable. So, Captain, are you familiar with the itsbyoshi trail beside Complex L?"

[Myers]: "I've heard about it, I'm still decently new but that's the ol' forest lookin thing right?" He went ahead and took a seat.

[Yasushi]: ".. Yes, correct." He tried to keep his comments in his
head, the voices were very loud though.

[Yasushi]: "Due to the lack of CCTV, and or working CCTV, how safe would you say the Itsbyoshi Trail is?”

[!] Dauson Myers let out a small hum as he thought about it

[Myers]: "I'd reckon it's bout as safe as the rest of the city? even wit cctv things can still be dangerous if citizens aren't careful and such..”

[Yasushi]: "So a secluded path with zero CCTV and only one
entrance, with hard to reach locations, two caves, a well and dimly lit areas are just as safe as anywhere else in the city?"

[!] "Jim" Yasushi looked concerned. if that's the safety level of the city, he may be moving

[Myers]: "realistically speakin ya, crime can happen anywhere in this town even with CCTV all over the place of course CC
TV makes it a bit easier to catch crimes. CCTV doesn't stop crime but it does deter it if that makes sense? i haven't heard of many crimes taking place in that little apartment complex area, prolly cause there's so many eyes even without the addition of cameras''

[!] "Jim" Yasushi's eyes twitched, he was doubting now how well this captain actually knew the location..

[Yasushi]: "Little.. one of the biggest complexes nou described a little. I see.." he gave a small side-eye.. adjusting his tie..

[Yasushi]: "I've had to assist EMS take a man burned alive out of there but yes of course, not too many crimes surely." all his words seemed to be.. backhanded, sarcastic.

[Yasushi]: "Tell me then, Captain. On a scale from one ten, how safe is it? Just to put it into perspective, of course.”

[!] Dawson Myers raised a brow, his glare narrowing on Jim .. hm. Something was left out here before dawson continued on to answer the males question

[Myers]: "Again I'd say the area is about as safe as the rest of the town, everyone should always keep their eyes out for trouble and to report it to KPD if they see anything so we can actually look into it and handle it. a big problem i've noticed with the town is no one cares to report crimes i don't know how they expect us to help them if they don't report it, KPD can't be everywhere at once yer government just doesn't allow us to act like that."

[!] He sighed, "if you use this for a news report please encourage kids to come and tell us about things, if they are scared for their life we have protective custody that you can get quite literally with no hassle."

The ground floor of Complex L houses many attractions for citizens. Starting off, we have the Itsbyoshi subway station, or the East Tunnel. The East Tunnel hosts the second largest Subway station in Karakura, with its grand entrance, its bathroom level and up too it's lobby. It's certainly the most modern as well. The Itsbyoshi station has a magenta purple and white theme throughout the station, seen in its walls. It is also the ONLY subway station in Karakura to NOT have ‘sprays’, a-k-a spray painted messages along its walls.

For the bathrooms, both the womens and mens look the same for the most part. In each there are three sinks, three mirrors, and three stalls. All stalls are larger than other stations bathrooms

as well. Finally for the Stations main entrance, it's a simple area with seating, a map of train lines, and an exit/entrance facing out to Masayoshi Boulevard.

Next up is Karakura’s Okamoto Auto Dealership, though the public knows it as Autos. Autos used to be located in a small facility by the Bobcats Bowling Alley and beside Harada Motor Parts, now located beside Itsbyoshi Subway station at coordinates 1979, 17, 1249.

Autos is run by Mechanic Tetsuo Okamaoto, who has a sale on items every single day. The percentages range from 1% up to 15%. The following is Okamoto’s current stock of vehicles:

  • Grey BMW for 4,000,000
  • Black Bentley Jeep for 3,750,000 ¥
  • Red Lancer for 3,500,000¥
  • Black Mercedes for 3,500,000¥
  • Red Motorbike for 2,500,000¥
  • Green Bicycle for 100,000¥
  • Pink Bicycle for 100,000¥

On the other side of the building, facing the 700s housing, we have the shops. Starting with Club Umbra which officially opened on June 17th, Club Umbra is a Bar & Late name gaming establishment. Currently, Club Umbra is located at the GPS coordinates of 1922 17 1279.
As of right now, Club Umbra sells the following:


  • Sake - 10,000¥
  • Hennessy - 7,000¥
  • Grey Goose - 10,000¥
  • Pride Vodka - 13,000¥
  • Hanako Sake - 9,500¥
  • Crystal Shōchū - 9,000¥
  • Crystal Merlot - 9,000¥
  • Crystal Rose - 9,000¥
  • Sōbetsu Beer Can - 8,000¥
  • Sōbetsu Whiskey - 10,000¥
  • Plum Sake - 10,000¥
  • Monako ****tail Can - 10,000¥
  • Ryukyu Ohcho Awamori - 14,000¥
  • Bacardi 8 Rum- 8,000¥
  • Cosmopolitan ****tail - 10,000¥
  • Witches Heart ****tail - 10,000¥
  • Coronation Rum- 11,000¥
  • Kujira Whiskey- 13,000¥
  • "Grimace" ****tail shake - 15,000¥
  • Water - 200¥
  • Americano - 300¥
  • Milk - 300¥
  • Hot Chocolate 800¥

We also were able to get an interview with Club Umbra’s Original owner and founder, Skylar Tsu who has since moved onto being an officer for Karakura Police Department. Notably, this interview was back when she first established Club Umbra.. Before its grand opening as well.

[!] Skylar T. Tsu leaned back against the book shelves, folding her arms across her chest as she waited for him to begin.

[!] "Jim" Yasushi adjusted himself,

[Yasushi]: "Let's start with the basics.. who are you?"

[Tsu]: "My name is Skylar Tsu."

[!] She Narrowed her gaze slightly on the reporter, judging him for not knowing beforehand. In the meantime, Yasushi paused hearing the name, but continued nonetheless

[Yasushi]: "How old are you, Tsu?"

[!] Skylar T. Tsu had to think for a moment.. "I'll be twenty-five in July I believe."

[Yasushi]: "And how exactly at such a young age did you get your hands on this club?"

[!] Skylar T. Tsu moved her arms down from its folded position, placing them into her pockets as she continued to seem relaxed.

[Tsu]: "I've been a part of large businesses for a long time I suppose. Plus with some training, it really wasn't that difficult."

[Yasushi]: "What businesses? Did those businesses get you this money for this? Or were outside sources involved?"

[Tsu]: "Business. I think if I remember correctly, I've worked in over twelve companies and shops over the recent years. I suppose always witnesses deals being made taught me a thing or two about savings."

[!] Skylar T. Tsu did her best to word things carefully, not giving any specific Job roles.

[Yasushi]: "You've yet to answer my question. What business, then?"

[!] Skylar T. Tsu eyelids would lower slightly, piercing her eyes down to Yasushi.

[Tsu]: "I worked in Akihito Loans for four years give or take. I did some meetings with the Bakery out in the shopping district for protection services too."

[!] She huffed, remembering why she stays out of the media. In return, "Jim" Yasushi gave a smirk as a response to her seemingly glare,

[Yasushi]: "Akihito Loans hm." he gave a small shrug, "Then what? What did you do after that? Considering now that no longer exists.. and only other loan company possibly recognized in Karakura is Forelli.”

[!] Skylar T. Tsu tried holding back the urge to roll her eye's at the name.

[Tsu]: "Forelli is just a carbon copy. I'd hardly call it a business of its own." glanced down to the carpet to think, before staring back up to Yasushi. "I went out of the country for a year or so and worked with a Chinese branch. It was similar work, Loans, servicing security work for small shop businesses.”

[Yasushi]: "And those jobs alone got you the money you needed to start a full Club in a new location?"

[!] Skylar T. Tsu nodded simply. "Alongside the small part-time jobs, yes."

[Yasushi]: "When did you start working jobs then?"

[!] Skylar T. Tsu played with something in her right pocket. "Since I was sixteen. Right when I moved here."

[Yasushi]: "So in just nine years by working part time security and business jobs, you acquired enough to get this place?"

[!] Skylar T. Tsu lips would tug into a very small smile.

[Tsu]: "Yes sir."

[Yasushi]: "What did you do differently, then? A lot of people start working at sixteen, yet most aren't anywhere near as well off as you are."

[Tsu]: "I played my card's correctly. I made sure not to waste my time with people who couldn't offer me anything. I suppose the trick is to make sure your business is pushed onto the people with contacts."

[!] "Jim" Yasushi raised an eyebrow but didn't say what was on his mind,

[Yasushi]: "I see, impressive perhaps." he adjusted himself a bit, and the way he sat, "Why don't you tell a bit about your club you worked so hard for, then?”

[!] Skylar T. Tsu eye's would trail around the room, her pride and joy.

[Tsu]: "Club Umbra...well let's start with the name. Umbra. The word derives from latin, did you know? It's supposed to be the meaning of 'shadow within a shadow'. I always wanted to create a calm and safe environment for the people in this town. Everywhere is always so damn loud or crowded. I figured a place like this could be worth having."

[Yasushi]: "So this club will be more laid back rather than a party bar, yes?"

[Tsu]: "Correct. There will be a down stairs area for games and such. I'm not entirely opposed to having some dedicated nights where we do create a more...Party atmosphere. But yes, it's a classy bar.”

[Yasushi]: "I see is there anything you'd like to add ord discuss, or will this be all you'd like to say?”

[Tsu]: "I suppose there's one more thing I'd like to address. My building is a somewhat...continental ground. Though many businesses here in Karakura prohibit harassment and such, any outlandish behavior will be taken as an extreme offense."

[!] Skylar Cleared her throat, shuffling herself up to correct her posture. She leaned over to the gate and l proceeded to unlock it.

[Tsu]: "Thank you for stopping by Yasushi"

Club Umbra is now run by a family member of Skylar’s, another member of the Tsu family.

Lastly, we have Umisachi, which is run by a new shopkeeper by the name of Namiko Miura. Umisachi is still in the works, however is planned to be your go-to accessories and gifts shop by the beach. It is planned to also be Karakura’s first sea-themed shop which already makes it pretty unique.
Umisachi is located at the GPS coordinates of 1926 17 1214, it is located beside Club Umbra and will hopefully open
in the near future.

Currently, there is two open locations for future shops or other attractions at Complex L, both on either sides of the building. One being at GPS coordinates 2000, 17, 1235 by Umisachi, and the other at GPS coordinates 1922, 17, 1342 besides.. Itsbyoshi Trail.

“Once upon a time a gracious land for the imperial residencies of Karakura's lords, it now is nothing but a mere eerie trail. While it may appear as a serene plaza for all to seek refuge from the blazing sun at its entrance, the deeper parts of the park tell another story.” … that's at least what someone says. And is the main description of the infamous Itsbyoshi trail beside Complex L.

Now popularly known for its beautiful warm entrance, and spooky interior.. Let's go over what you can expect inside. Upon entering you're met with a well lit welcoming area, full of park benches, seating and even a small picnic area. However, it's beyond this point when people begin to raise some eyebrows..
Deeper into the path, the lights begin to dim, the forest gets thicker.. And the weird occurrences, and sights, begin. Between unmarked graves, caves, tombs, ruins, and more.. This is what to expect.

Not hard to miss, right beside the Picnic blanket is where it begins. Here is located the first of two weird sightings, a cave where the air instantly grows colder,
and what can only be assumed to be one of the many graves spotted amongst these parts.
Further in, is where you'll begin noticing trees with an obscene amount of cobwebs..
While following the path, keep your eyes peeled to the ground, you'll start to notice odd ominous roots that don't match the other trees, along with little.. Carvings. First one being:
The other one, is:
Nearby, notably near the Old well, is an odd alignment of sticks that typically.. No one dares to touch
Then of course.. The Well itself., with nothing but a small bucket.. Lost at the bottom
To the left of the well, is the.. Tomb.
Surrounding this Tomb, there are quite a few odd things to note. Firstly, a covered hole on its right side:
Behind it, is the .. fresh ‘hole’, or should it be said: grave.
And then on its right side.. Another grave.
Continuing to the very end, under a wooden trap door can be found yet another hole, this one with a ladder attached.
And lastly.. A forgotten bag.

That, anyway, is the notable stuff for the path .. but what about the sights to see.. Off the path?

Higher elevated in the mountains, you can see some of the ruins of the previous Saiky estate which was destroyed during the Earthquake that hit back in April.

While traveling up to this point.. You'll see odd sigils and objects, one quite related to keeping peace - keeping spirits away .. keeping people protected, however that's for you to see for yourself. What will be shown, however, is some of the carving spotted around the Ruins itself.

As for the ruins itself, there really isn't much besides the well known Yin Yang symbol, known to be a part of the Saiky family. Notably, the old one at the ruins matches one now seen at the new Saiky estate as well:

And for other views of the old ruins.. Here's it as a whole!:

What else can be found off the path? Well, certainly something you wouldn't expect.

This tunnel located on the mountain leads into a cave system with the.. Seemingly ancient remains. Photos of such will be provided here in order:

But .. What is all this? Why is it here? Why is it all so supposedly … haunted!? Well, why not ask someone who's not only in the Saiky family, but also got their PHD through a project focusing on the Paranormal aspects of Karakura? Presenting here now, a transcripted nearly fully accurate interview with Katsuhito Saiky. In this extensive .. interview, it'll go over the ‘lore’ for the spirits and or hauntings, along with some information about the former and current Saiky estate as a whole.

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito wasn't going to enjoy this interview.. However "Jim" Yasushi would.

[Yasushi]: "Splendid, firstly. What occurred at the old Saiky estate which led to it being moved?”

[Saiky]: "The Great Karakura Earthquake of 2023."

[!] Katsuhito hissed his words.

[Yasushi]: "Now what remains of the old estate?"

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito hummed to himself then mumbled.

[Saiky]: "A broken hut, and the vegitation that was replanted from the estate itself. All trees, plants, and any sorts of vegetation behind Complex L are descendants of the plantae of the Itsbyoshi forest. And so were the estate's plants themselves."

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito left out the tomb that was so obvious in the deepest parts of the trail.

[Yasushi]: "I see.. Ill be straightforward regarding the next question. How is that area haunted?”

[!] As Jim' spoke, he did air quotations around the mentioning of haunted.

[Saiky]: “well, there are several reasons. However, Id like to sit down to discuss them.”

[Yasushi]: "Ah? Now we move elsewhere, fair enough. Lead the way, Saiky."

[!] from there, they made their way to a private room.. Rather then a lobby. There they sat down, Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito crossed a leg over the other.

[Saiky]: "You are aware that not all the paranormal comes from the dead, or at least, not dead humans?"

[!] "Jim" Yasushi sat down, adjusting his trench coat so it wouldn't be so messed up,

[Yasushi]: "For the sake of this, sure yes I am aware of such"

[Saiky]: "Tsugumi Takagi's tears, eternally banishing her Patient files children from out of her door and punishing them."

[!] Yet, another end. Whenever Katsuhito spoke, there were more questions than answers. In response, "Jim" Yasushi furrowed his eyebrows.. he gave quite the blank stare

[Yasushi]: “Takagi, correct me if i'm wrong but isn't she connected to the hut up in the mountain in the forest?"

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito simply stated one thing:

[Saiky]: "Mother."

[Yasushi]: ".. You are absolutely awful at responding to questions."

[!] He stated bluntly, not like he's losing anything from doing so. After speaking, he waved his hand dismissively, "So the Itsboyshi curse was something about banishing her kids and the punishment, sure, whatever. Why is it still affecting the area today?"

[Saiky]: "Because, her children are buried in the area, would be locked most obviously."

[Yasushi]: "So why doesn't someone just move them?"

[!] It may be a silly question, but he'd rather ask it so someone responding to some future article doesn't have too. Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito changed his expression to one of livid fury and perked a brow to question Yasushi's audacity.

[Saiky]: "You surely must be joking, Yasushi? These are not only graves, but they're imperial graves. You. Don't. Move graves.”

[!] "Jim" Yasushi couldn't help but smirk, Katsuhito's reaction was quite amusing,

[Yasushi]: "Ohh right, of course. Imperial graves! now it makes sense!"

[!] he said in a near sarcastic tone, hell he may be even trying not to chuckle,
"Graves can be moved, just hard too. But I do suppose its quite unethical to do so. Is that why there's so many random graves and even a tomb of sorts around the path?”

[Saiky]: "The Itsbyoshi buried their family members surrounding their palaces, one of them being the Saiky's."

[!] He fought back Yasushi's sinister self with his own: "Obviously, only the elite of feu can ever desire to be buried against them."

[!] "Jim" Yasushi leaned forward-placing his forearms onto the table ahead of him, "Who would be the 'few' then to desire Such?”

[Saiky]: “...It seems i've misspoke, Scratch that sentence from the record."

[!] "Jim" Yasushi stared blankly once again, perhaps he's resisting some emotions "... my question stays unchanged, nothing needs to be scratched. I'll repeat myself, who would be those few to desire such?”

[Saiky]: "Those who know of the elite.

[Yasushi]: “And who may those be?"

[Saiky]: "Well, anyone interested in history. You're getting off path here. Get back to why you're here." Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito wasn't enjoying Yasushi’s prying on other parts of history.

[Yasushi]: "Ah" He rose up his index finger, "You Are interested in history, aren't you, saiky? Do you Desire to be buried alongside the elite?" He ignored Katsuhito's comment, a small smirk came to his lips as he continued to prý

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito remained stoic, almost as if he was certain and sure.

[Saiky]: "I do not desire to be along the elite when I already am one. It is someone like you who should strive to attempt to even get a grave there."

[!] "Jim" Yasushi stared at katsuhito before chuckling this time, he rose a hand to his mouth as an attempt to hide it perhaps.

[Yasushi]: "Ah.. aha, right, of course. How could I assume differently? my priorities are surely elsewhere, i have no need to strive for such."

[!] "Jim" paused to collect himself, a smirk stayed on his face. "Tell me more about this 'curse’, Saiky. The one that lingers out there that has made it all haunted"

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito shut his eyes as Yasushi was practically torturing him. "Each of Tsugumi's children spoke against her, and with that, she hopped into the World of the Dead to curse them all."

[Yasushi]: "So now what resides in the path? Tsumugi herself? Or something she brought there?"

[Saiky]: "Something she brought upon it. "It probably has something to do with the well." He stated casually.

[Saiky]: "Though, I haven't dug into all the scrolls we recently received."

[Yasushi]: "Well, elaborate He leaned backed, "Why the well? And
what scrolls? Hm?"

[Saiky]: “Scrolls are texts of information and nothing all. They belong to Shinsei Seinaru and down the lines of Itsbyoshi” He paused before continuing

[Saiky]: “As for the well, i read a story that the well is cursed in one of the scrolls, though I didn't pry.”

[!] Someone yelling for help took place.. er.. "Jim" Yasushi ignored the yells of someone in need of help, not his problem.

[Yasushi]: "You ready a story about it? Tell me about that, the story, i mean."

[Saiky]: "You ask a lot." He gritted his teeth. "Well, once did a Masuo decide to fall into a well-" Katsuhito came to a pause and halted any more words. He remained silent."

[Yasushi]: "Its half my job too, Katsuhito. The point of an interview if for me to ask, and receive answers. Quite frankly, you suck at the answering part."

[!] His eye twitched as the younger male stopped his words. “..... well? Go on. Continue."

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito raised a hand to indicate halting. Now that is what many call a regal move. He shut his eyes and looked away, almost as if he himself had seen.. something.

[Saiky]: "If you do not have any questions in regards to the Saiky clan themselves, then I am ending this."

[Yasushi]: What?" He stared at Katsuhito with an annoyed question,

[Yasushi]: "I told you specifically downstairs this was going to be about the old estate and the haunting lore stuff, yet now its an issue?" He asked yet another question, a smirk returned,

[Yasushi]: "I must say. You, yourself, look like you've just seen a ghost with that dramatic pause!”

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito uttered his answers with stern. "End it."

[!] "Jim" Yasushi leaned forward more, he looked ar Katsuhito was a more amused expression, 'Someone standing behind me now, hm?" he taunted before raising his hand dismissively, leaning back up

[Yasushi]: “very well, ill move on. Tell me about the old estate, what was it like compared too the new one? what was the overall damages done too it during the natural disaster?”

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito hadn't answered the new question either, not immediately, at least. He took a minute to recover himself before opening his eyes open back to Yasushi.

[Saiky]: "The entire estate was gone, all but the huts that were in the mountain. As for comparisons, both estates were glamorous if you're asking me which is better. All suited their time."

[Yasushi]: "That wasn't what I was asking, but the input is nice. I was looking more of.. Comparisons. Perhaps something the old had the new doesnt, and vice versa."

[Saiky]: "Well, the new has more than the old in terms of facilities. A library, a ballroom, a wondrous gazebo, a frontal courtyard, and others."

[Yasushi]: "The Saiky family is quite large, isn't it? The new one has enough space for everyone, or those who reside there? I've been told and shown that the new estate had to expand into the mountain in some spots to host enough people."

[Saiky]: Well, back when we were next to the beach, most Saiky's were younger and lived in the same house. As we grew older and had our own families, it is only logical to expand. Do not forget that due to several other circumstances, those who did not live in the estate returned to it."

[Yasushi]: "True, I've met a few in the family who were elsewhere for quite some time now back." He paused at the thought wanting to mention something but figured now wasn't the time, or place.

[Yasushi]: "How does the family feel about the path? And the new estate?"

[Saiky]: "None care since they all spend their days lavishing in the luxuries of the current one to care about the old one. - Well, perhaps a few do care.”

[Yasushi]: "What are the luxuries? I've spoken too quite a few who don't speak as highly as yourself about it all."

[Saiky]: “I refrain from answering” he stated sternly.

[Yasushi]: "Why? Luxuries are surely nothing to hide.. Unless illegal or problematic, hm?"

[!] Katsuhito remained silent.. “Jim” smirked,

[Yasushi]: "Im not recording, you know. You could say it and have no punishment. I may be a detective but no longer on a law level.”

[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito perked a brow. "The audacity for you to believe I'd
commit a crime is far beyond my scope of understanding.”

[Yasushi]: “Did I say I believe that? Cant I make a general statement, Mr. Saiky? I must say, you're quite defensive..”

[!] Katsuhito narrowed his eyes back. "You're prying deep into Saiky territory."

[Saiky]: "One phrase, and one phrase only: What occurs behind Saiky doors, remains behind Saiky doors."

[Yasushi]: "I suppose I!! have to walk through that door then myself. Wouldn't be hard too, anyway." He smirked, he spoke confidently as well. I can't say I blame you for not speaking, I surely can't speak on too much as well" He chuckled, placing a hand flat onto the table to help boost himself up.

[Yasushi]: "Congratulations on paramedic, by the way. Getting a PHD using the paranormal as your project, then going into healthcare soon after? Impressive." 'Jim' adjusted his trench coat, he was ready to leave.
[!] Katsuhito Saiky-Akihito hovered toward the door to open it, glaring down at Jim as he waited for him to fade through it. . .

After that .. More research was attempted to be done. An attempt to reach out to Koizumi Saiky, former judge and member of the house of knowledge who was remarkably stand-offish .. yet did allow Yasushi into the estate. However the interview regarding information seemingly went no where..

From classic apartments to low security .. and from the beautiful nature Karakura provides to the dark curses and spiritual phenomenons that haunt the Itsbyoshi trail ..

This was Jim Yasushi, signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487, Drop a message at the news station in our anonymous reporting box, or message us on Onrain @KaNews
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