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KARAKURA NEWS | Deputy-Mayor Elections: Who's your vote?


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April 25, 2023. - 13.33C | 56.0F - Cloudy with chance of rain - SPRING

It is time! The week of voting has officially begun! However, do you know who you’re voting for? Below will be a large, detailed, overview and summary of everything you need to know about all of the running candidates.

As voters, we want those who we believe stand the issues of Karakura. Below will be a list of what each candidate running is representing, and why they believe they are qualified to combat it. Most of everything mentioned here, will be visited later on when we go in-depth about specifically what each has done.

Riko Derevo
Working to lower crime rates

Crime, something Karakura is beyond known for. Karakura currently is nicknamed the crime capital of Japan, due to its association with the Black Market, Gang Affiliation, Yakuza Affiliation, and its bad track record with those the public have deemed corrupt, Such as former commissioners .. School officials, even political influences.
Riko Derevo, the General Attorney of Karakura has prosecuted some of Karakura’s biggest criminals right down to the smallest. She knows the legal system like the back of her hand. With her knowledge of criminology, the social network of Karakura and its citizens along with her background with law as a whole, no one seems to be a better candidate to fight this issue other then Riko Derevo, herself.

Yui Tsu
Solving the housing crisis
Lack of housing, it’s been an issue seen time and time again. Now commonly called the ‘Housing Crisis’ after a popular article was released by prominent reporter Jim Yasushi of the topic.
Yui Tsu, both a wife and mother, is an advocate for students not being able to come home to an apartment or house. She believes that her passion is quite the drive to push for more housing in Karakura. That said, she's already got blueprints and construction planned for new blocks. Additionally she believes she's someone more than qualified to make change due to the fact that she successfully developed and refined all judicial trials that are present today which was no simple feat.

Malachi Moralez
Unifying the city,
Unified people from various career backgrounds feels like something Karakura hasn't seen since 1999 .. which is correct. Last time both the news, police, hospital and more were truly united was during the funeral of a murder victim, not a fun way to get unified, right?
In modern day, there’s apparent rivalries throughout the air. However, Malachi Moralez believes he can fix that. As someone who has a background in various opportunities such as from KPD now being a governor, it’s clear hes experienced both ends of the double edged sword.

Akira Hatake
Raising mental health awareness
Mental health is one of the biggest silent killers not only in our town but nationwide - says governor Akira Hatake. As someone who’s been through mental health struggles himself, he’s seen both sides of the effects it has on people. From those keeping silent to those seen having to visit the Karakura hospital for it.
And for that reason, is one of the main reasons why he believes he can help make not a change - but to spread awareness and help for those who need it. Mental health isn't something that can be forced to change like the other issues mentioned, however is something that with the right resources, can be helped.

With every goal, theres its flaws. Below will be a summary of what the public believes is each candidates issues so far with their campaign, along with what the public seems to disagree with. This by no means is meant to defame, but instead simply show the argument some have made.

Riko Derevo
Working to lower crime rates
Though Riko has made plenty of speeches, as shown support for the Shrine and has the background to understand and try to help the crime rates .. thats what people are worried about, that she can only try. Many in the past have tried to fix the crime rate issue, but stopping crime isnt an easy feat. At most, it can be moved .. but stopped? The public has their doubts.

Yui Tsu
Solving the housing crisis
From what was told and gathered, the biggest complaint the public has is .. yes, Tsu has hosted the most events so far from a blocked out street event all the way to a ball for government workers; but what does that have to do with the housing crisis ..? As qualified as she claims she is, some people just don't see it. Yes its great, public events! Interacting with the people! But some say despite all the fun, she hasn't proven her point at all .. Some even say, it seems like false promises.

Malachi Moralez
Unifying the city
Similarly as those concerned with the Attorney General’s claims, it is no easy feat. it cant and wont be an over night thing to suddenly have city workers suddenly be on good terms, especially ones who through media standpoint constantly are on each others toes. And what the public is worried about is ‘how long will it take?’ or .. ‘will it happen?’.

Akira Hatake
Raising mental health awareness
The biggest issue people have said collectively is: “who?”. From what’s been collected through surveys, most didn't even know Hatake was running. Many stating they haven’t seen or heard much word of their campaign and never seen a single event really catered to their cause or running for deputy mayor.

Below will go over each candidates events, some will be summarized due to preexisting articles which will be respectfully linked along with events that’ll be summarized here as it’ll be the first report speaking of such.

Riko Derevo
Riko has had a few known events, below they’ll be talked about.
Starting off strong, Riko’s first public campaign appearance was during a speech hosted at town hall in which both her’s and Yui Tsu’s campaign! Below will be the speech she gave during such:

“Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, all residents of Karakura.. As you may or may not know, my name is Riko Derevo. It’s my honour to announce today that I will be joining the elections for this position as Deputy Mayor. As of right now, I was Attorney General for the city. A good deal of my w1682630116299.pngork involves working closet, and often directly, with the citizens of Karakura. As Attorney General, I’ve seen both sides of the coin, I know the struggles of the average citizen and work day to day sympathizing with the public along with constructing elaborate arguments to bring justice to our society. While I do not publicize myself as a governor at the current moment, I guarantee that I work day and night in the town hall, whether it'll be in my office or in the courtroom, I work towards the common good of Karakura. I hope you all will consider me as a well-rounded candidate, as well as keep your eyes and ears peeled for upcoming events relating to my campaign. I look forward to seeing you all over the course of this election, and hope that over time you will consider voting for me in the upcoming polls. Thank you all for your attention, and have a great rest of your afternoons!”

After her speech, she notably gave a large speech at the shrine in which she showered her support of the people there along with reinstating her beliefs of what will be done as deputy mayor.

Below will be a transcript of what took place..

[!] Riko Derevo adjusted her microphone to an appropriate height, a welcoming grin on her face aimed to bring everyone’s attention to the podium.

[Derevo]: ”Good evening all, thank you for taking your time to come up and visit the shrine today. I ask for some of your time to deliver a speech.”

[!] Now speaking at a slightly louder volume, Riko continued.

[Derevo]: ”You might all be asking.. Who is this? Why choose to make your speech here of all places. Firstly, I’ll introduce myself. My name is Riko Derevo. Let this be announced as the first event of my campaign for Deputy-Mayor.”

[!] She gestured a hand out towards the scenery.

[Derevo]: ”Now, I’m more than aware that this area is a bit out of the way, tucked into a far corner of the city.”

[!] She paused br1682630116321.pngiefly, perhaps in dramatic effect,

[Derevo]: ”And that fact is precisely the reason I chose this location. It’s a fact that the monastery is neglected by our citizens, one of the reasons being how isolated it is from the rest of the developed housing, school, and other more modern structures. The Shinsei Seinaru Monastery was built long ago, around 762 to be precise, from which it experienced much of Karakura’s history.. Before civilization, during westernization, and up to the modern day. Did you all know this?”

[!] The rhetorical question paved way for the rest of her speech,

[Derevo]: ”The monastery stands as one of the founding buildings of Karakura, an important aspect of our culture and history. What was originally a popular area to visit now exhibits some of the lowest activity I’ve personally seen in our city.”

[!] Riko cleared her throat. Sheesh, that was a mouthful..

[Derevo]: ”I, Riko Derevo, as a part of my campaign for Deputy-Mayor, would love to bring many topics into light.. Much like the lack of awareness of this shrine, there are many aspects of this city that require deeper thought.”

[!] The Attorney General then lifted her comically large book of Karakura’s Laws and Constitution.

[Derevo]: ”As Attorney General, I’ve come across many cases of injustice, and am aware of the concern that lies in the safety of our city. I believe that my experience working with you all directly as a public attorney demonstrates my ability to understand, sympathize with, and most importantly, &olisten &f your concerns. Regardless of whether or not I am honoured with the privilege of serving as Deputy-Mayor, I promise to bring a greater connection between all areas of our city and its citizens and listen to everyone’s voices, establishing1682630116358.png
a safer and more connected Karakura. I hope you will all vote for me, Riko Derevo, as deputy mayor.”

[!] The beauty of the shrine really came through in the night, the delicate lantern lights reflected on the pebbles scattered along the well-trodden path.

[Derevo]: “To conclude my speech, I encourage you all to take a look around and soak in the scenery, especially if it’s been a while since you last visited.”

[!] Riko cleared her throat once more. That was a hell of a long speech.

[Derevo]: “I’ve paid beforehand for you all to receive a small snack and omamori as a tribute to the shrine for graciously allowing me here, so don’t worry about that. Above all, I encourage you all to explore the area.”

[!] She gestured to each area mentioned.

[Derevo]: Please take the time to browse the Ema or hang one of your own, visit the dojo, or make an offering to the temple.. And please, don’t be afraid to visit in the future. The shrine staff are lovely and provide many services.. Maybe one day you’ll even host your wedding here!”

[!] The Deputy Mayor Candidate made one last comment before stepping back.

[Derevo]: “And of course, I’ll be walking around for any questions and concerns regarding my running. Don’t hesitate to come up and ask away. With that, please enjoy the rest of your night. Now I present Inari Kyohanashima, who will be introducing the concept for a lovely program created to promote the shrine’s activity….”

[!] End

Yui Tsu
Yui Tsu has done most notably three main events for her campaign, some already mentioned above briefly before.
For starters, the first event in which Yui Tsu was seen running was actually her announcement speech hosted at town hall where both her and Riko Derevo announced their campaign. Below will be her speech:

“Thank you, Mayor Sturm. I will do my best to make this short, I don’t want to keep you all standing here for too long! Anywho! Good afternoon Citizens of Karakura! As you know, my name is Yui Tsu, and I am the chief judge of the town hall. For a bit of background, I specialize in upholding justice within the city via court proceedings and determining verdicts for every case. I, as a judge, am absolutely ecstatic to announce that I will be running for Deputy Mayor! I can promise that upon voting for me, I will do my best to better the quality of life within the city of Karakura for not only its citizens, but for structure and wildlife as well. I have plans. Plans in which I can bring to life with the help of not only my fellow government workers, but YOU as the citizens as well. After all, I wouldn’t be running for this position if I didn’t have YOU in mind. The city has always been my first priority, and I take my job very considerately. I look forward to the campaign, and hope to bring nothing but proper reform and quality of life to the city. Vote Yui Tsu for Deputy Mayor, for a cleaner, brighter future!”

After the speech, her first real plan of action was handing out electoral pins! But to where? Around karakura, though the place that accepted them the quickest and had to most .. curious, reaction, was karakura’s police department. Working at the front desk at the time, Officer Kazuichi Sada was the one who originally collected a few pins after seeing not many other officers around. However, after radioing in just to tell others that Judge Tsu was there, one officer in particular was quick excited. That officer being the one .. and only, Valentinus Vasylenko who darted out from the back and practically1682630603578.png
begged the judge for an autograph. Eye witnessed claim it was a ‘sight to see’ and ‘amusing’. Also while passing out pins in plaza, the pins managed to get some wildlife attention too! Most known being a fox by the name of Garfield taking a hold of one.

Another event which took place was one where a street was blocked off! This event included several shops who attended with booths, music, a speech, and even a cooking competition which was judged by former Mayor Kyoko Akai!

Another event and most recent event she has hosted was at the public library, and was a Ball for government officials only - only one non government official was there and that was the reporter who wrote the article: Antoinette Yogihama. Some KPD officials report that they are glad that a new reporter was the one who came .. some stating that they were even scared to say the name “Jim Yasushi” as they thought it would, and I quote, “Summon him”..

Malachi Moralez
Malachi took part of a smaller event, though was also one which blocked off the road.

Taking place near plaza and across the street for Karakura Highschool & college was a small booth set up with a certain governor placed 1682630604204.jpeginside, Malachi Moralez. There a sign was placed which read “ask me any question regarding my campaign!”, and so .. people did! Taking a hands on approach, Malachi Moralez allowed the public to carve out his words rather then himself. Instead of making a large speech, he allowed the citizens to ask what they wanted to know .. and he answered!

Though being a small pop-up event, the public did enjoy it! It gathered a large enough crowd matter of fact, that KPD had to come in order to block off the road and to also stand guard at the event to ensure the governors safety.

Akira Hatake
Though not having many events, Below will be a transcript of governor Akira Hataka’s Campaign speech along with a link to an article which revolved around such.

Taking place at the pier, Karakura’s well known Govenor and also Veteran took the stand to announce some words regarding his campaign:

[Hatake]: “Now before the real fun begins, I wanted to say a few words about what this event is all about. Let me just say, it is always an honor speaking to you all and I am very glad to be hosting this course! But I just wanted to explain to you what the true reason is behind this cool event. Mental health is one of the biggest silent killers not only in our town but nationwide. I know that many people here if not most, have suffered due to this silent killer. As an army man, my service caused me great trouble after I left. The stuff I saw over there was… Inhumane.”

[!] he paused to sigh,

[Hatake]: “Sometimes it’s easy to forget the things that haunt you until it all comes flooding back. I thought I had gotten rid of them for good, but something happened and they just came back. Despite that, I am working day after day to cope, thanks to our incredible Psychiatrists. Mental health is a big problem, people are scared to open up because they are scared of being shut down, thus they bottle it up. All it does is build up anger, sadness, and depression until it just comes out and hurts the people around you.”

[Hatake]: “Bottling it up is the worst thing anyone could possibly do. So I urge any of you who are currently suffering from this, to reach out. Reach out to a friend, family member, or anyone you can trust. Do not suffer in silence. Now, exiting that note. During and after the obstacle course I will have a booth where you can come to me and ask any questions you want to be answered. The obstacle course is a symbol of my service, and I hope it can bring you a bit of release from your own worried minds. Thank you for your time and enjoy the course!”

On April 16, 2023 at townhall courtroom, a debate was heald in which all four Deputy-Mayor candidates sat up on the podium and were asked questions by a line of people. Below will be covered as much of the event that was possible .. seeing as a disturbance that will be later mentioned took place. For most of this article, itll be in a Question and answer format. You’ll see the question being asked, the response to said question made by our candidates.

Starting this off, we have an excerpt made by a decently new reporter named Norio Watanabe who focused on the responses from governor Malachi Moralez.

[!] a slip of article written in a slightly different format was placed, giving it its own grand section [!]

Malachi Moralez

Good day Karakura! I know we’re a bit late on the report from when the candidates for the Deputy Mayor questionnairy. If you missed it, thats okay! This will cover what Malachi Moralez was asked and how he answered them.

[!] A transcript would be seen below. [!]

Era: “Hello, I am Era. An up coming journalist in Karakura. What are you planning to do with the amount of delinquents and crime in Karakura? Have any steps been taking to stop those issues? Underaged drinking, gang affiliation, etc? What can you say about the current progress with building? And will you set off new programs to try to change the students?”

Moralez: “Well for the school, I wanted to host more assemblies that pertain to the issues that effect students the most, underage drinking- gang affliation and such. Now the direct changes that effect the students directly I want t try and push for student dorming rather than student housing in public streets because there has been many reports of gangs targeting sports groups. Placing students more at the school will give them better protection from these groups and lastly for the raising of funds, we can always host fundraisers to help the students and school raise money for future equipment. The last fundraiser I hosted, raised 800k, so they are effective and cost-efficent.”

During this, Judge Yui Tsu got into the conversation.

Tsu: “Governor Moralez, you’re aware that we have zero jurisdiction over the school’s educational system, correct? The school is a private system, separate from Karakura’s main government. How do you plan on combating that, and convincing ALL the senior leadership to go through with your plans?”

Moralez: “I do understand that, which is why I said I want to ‘host’ not force. I’ve talked to Aoi the Vice-Principal to promote these changes. I understand I have no control but I do have the ability to promote change. Obviously I’ll have to run these changes with all the senior leadership but one is a start, compared to others effort on student’s quality of life.”

After this was over, Former Mayor, Kiyoko Akai stepped up to the podium and asked Governor Moralez some questions.

Akai: “Former Mayor here- Ah Malachi.. Running again I see. Regardless- I’m here to ask a specific question for you, setting up some context first however. I’m referring back to your previous campaign, you were incredibly against officers having glocks to defend themselves. Which quite frankly is worrisome to me, especially considering your behavior in the past, hiding away from the public eye and me practically having to force you to make speeches. The hospital’s been operating better than ever, going through an entire re-form. I’m here to ask- why should the public believe in someone to represent them if you’re too shy to represent the issues you’ve brought up in the past?”

Moralez: “I never wanted glocks gone. That was just a misconception that was promoted. Hiroto gave glocks to CPL and SGT, which I did not support because those were officers that had lack of training and hiding from the public eye? If you’re referring to my anxiety to speeches then I believe thats a normal thing that anyways can have but if you’re not, I have never shined away from the public eye. When I was detective I talked with students and citizens of the town- and obviously the officers, promoting policies and regulations that would help them when I was a higher-up and now as a governor. I have not shined away from the public eye, I talk to the officers, I talk to the EMS, and I talk to the citizens which, from what I’ve gotten in the general consensus from, a lot of other candidates don’t do. Nevertheless, I’ll answer your last question. The public should trust me because not only have I seen the WORST of Karakura, but also the best- I understand what the citizens want and not because I talk to them a few times, not because I judge cases or defended clients- or perhaps just another governor but because of the experience I have gathered has made me understand what citizens NEED and WANT, and the underlying issues this city has that cannot be solved with a bandaid.”

This is Norio Watanabe reporting from Karakura News.

Moving onto our other candidates, this was what was said for the most part. Again due to the events in which was followed, some transcripts and sections may be missing or not fully there.

Riko Derevo

[“Era”]: "Hello, I am Era. An upcoming Journalist in Karakura. What are you planning to do with the amount of delinquents and crime in Karakura? Have any steps been taken to stop those issues? Underaged drinking, gang affiliation, etc.? What can you say about the current progress with building? And will you set off new programs to try to change the students?"


[Mayor Sturm]: "Riko, you start us off!"

[Derevo]: "Great question. It might have been better to narrow it down to a couple of these issues, as the amount of time here is limited and I must give the other candidates a chance to speak. I'll address each of these topics briefly.' "Delinquents, crime, gang affiliation... These are all things actively being worked on. Our police force works hard to combat crime, but for activities like underaged drinking, it's awfully tough to prevent.”

[Derevo]: "Things like these partially rely on citizens to report, which is why I'd like to promote community involvement and address the importance of working with law enforcement, rather than feeling entirely separated."

[Derevo]: "I can't speak for the progress on building and housing, since that is Tui's domain, but what I can say about programs for students is the continued promotion of internships, informational speeches regarding safety, and regulation."

[“Era”]: "That's what I was looking for... Thank you for your time."

Yui Tsu

[Cove]: "Ahem."

[Cove]: "This one's for.. Yui Tsu. You've recently mentioned in an interview that you'd like to, quote 'Solve the housing little by little until the homeless rate is close to zero. Which I honestly think is quite literally impossible. Countries that are much more developed than ours continue to deal with this issue, so it isn't just something you can slap a bandaid on. Most would say that the easy solution is to simply build more apartment buildings, do you agree with that? These spaces must cost money, right? How will you ensure these prices are affordable for the hundreds of students who lack jobs or have no one to depend on economically?”

[Tsu]: "If I had My construction plans with me, I've already been working with a team to bring new complexes and other available commodities to Karakura. Not only have I pledged to make change, I have already started. That is something that makes me stand out from other competitors. Anyways- I have several events planned to help fundraise for such things, as well as utilizing government resources to make this happen. You're correct, it's not something that I can... slap a bandaid on. I've already been in the works with this, and taken careful consideration throughout the process of finances and construction costs. Lastly, I stand by my statement. I will work tirelessly until the housing crisis is near zero."

[!] Malachi Moralez replied here .. however the transcript have seen to be lost.

[Tsu]: “Governor Moralez, you’re aware that we have zero jurisdiction over the school’s educational system, correct? The school is a private system, separate from Karakura’s main government. How do you plan on combating that, and convincing ALL the senior leadership to go through with your plans?”

[Moralez]: “I do understand that, which is why I said I want to ‘host’ not force. I’ve talked to Aoi the Vice-Principal to promote these changes. I understand I have no control but I do have the ability to promote change. Obviously I’ll have to run these changes with all the senior leadership but one is a start, compared to others effort on student’s quality of life.”

Akira Hatake

[!] . . . transcripts lost or cannot be found.
. . .


Well, seeing as some writings, recordings and information was lost at the debate, it is only fair to give a quick summary of what happened, yes? As the debate was such a big deal, many police went off duty for it .. and ontop of that, many legal officials, government officials, and citizens alike all gathered at town hall to watch and or be apart of the proceedings .. which gave a chance to some of Karakura’s criminals to gaggle up and create a explosions at a tunnel near decommissioned power plant which cut the debate short. Due to ground shaking, mass chaos and other domino effect occurrences, it caused damaged audio, transcripts and so on. Soon, expect a full report on this event as a whole.


This was Jim Yasushi .. and, Nori Watanabe, signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487 or message us on Onrain @KaNews!
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Level 57
Community Team
Lore Team
gonna burn that bridge for you- riko derevo

ok thanks- akihisa hakasada


Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator
Make sure you guys vote using /election! Wonderful report allen :D

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