Ghosts are real, Karakura Hospital confirms.
After many rumours and suspected sightings of spiritual activity within the confines of Karakura’s home to wildlife, Ochiba forest, a late confrontation involving multiple police officers and a cave suggests fables turn to facts. On the 9th of May, three officers were allegedly lured into a cave by a man, and returned with graphic and disturbing hallucinations. The man in question was described to have skin as grey as rock, and eyes without pupils. The officers were admitted into hospital following their experience, and after extensive treatment, Dr. Petit, Doctor at Karakura Hospital, informs KA News that the cause of these callous hallucinations was due to black mould in the lungs.
After many rumours and suspected sightings of spiritual activity within the confines of Karakura’s home to wildlife, Ochiba forest, a late confrontation involving multiple police officers and a cave suggests fables turn to facts. On the 9th of May, three officers were allegedly lured into a cave by a man, and returned with graphic and disturbing hallucinations. The man in question was described to have skin as grey as rock, and eyes without pupils. The officers were admitted into hospital following their experience, and after extensive treatment, Dr. Petit, Doctor at Karakura Hospital, informs KA News that the cause of these callous hallucinations was due to black mould in the lungs.

Transcript of Interview with Dr. Llorenc Petit from Karakura Hospital
Interviewer: Pippa Heddo
Interviewee: Llorenc Petit
List of Acronyms: LP = Llorenc Petit, IN = Interviewer
IN: Could you take me through your specific experience?
LP: Of course. A while ago, the Karakura Police Department stumbled upon a cave of some sorts. It all started when the commissioner was brought in [to the hospital] unconscious and bleeding head wound. The officers that brought him in told me he was messing with ghosts. All of the officers seemed pretty shocked when waiting in the lobby.
IN: Messing with ghosts, they said?
LP: Yes, however I didn’t question it. I’m only a doctor, and not quite qualified to deal with those things.
IN: I see. Please, do go on.
LP: Whilst I was treating the commissioner’s wounds, I noticed some sort of fuzzy black substance on his uniform. I removed it carefully and sealed it into a biohazard bag to dispose of later. After the commissioner woke up, he was released. Later on, more officers were brought into the hospital, and they all seemed rather strange. It was like they were seeing something. Something that terrified them. They all had the same fuzzy black substance on their uniforms too, which we later found out was black mould. Whatever this black mould stuff was, when inhaled, it caused the officers to have hallucinations, terrifying ones at that.
IN: Did the officers ever go into detail of what they saw during these hallucinations?
LP: From what I’ve heard, no.
IN: Please, go on.
LP: The officers tried to reject treatment, but it was necessary. One case in particular was with someone I will not name for the sake of their privacy; but they were screaming and shaking at the thought of anyone getting close to them. It got to a point where they had backed themselves into a corner and managed to push a gurney to block the entry way. It was at this time that everything seemed to hit the fan. The gurney began spinning around the room, the sink turned on with no one near it, then the heart monitor started to beep inhumanely fast. Then the TV turned on and it created an ungodly noise.
IN: So, lots of spiritual activity has been detected in the hospital then?
LP: Correct. I would say otherwise, but with the gurney spinning around the room without anyone touching it, it is hard to defend.
IN: Would you say the spiritual activity in the hospital has decreased since then?
LP: Yes, it only happened for a few moments in small sparks of activity - but since then? It’s been as silent as can be.
IN: Thank you for your time, this has been very informative.
End of Transcript

Black mould is often found in damp or cold houses, and can cause asthma, infections and occasionally even be fatal to those who touch or inhale the air spores surrounding it. The mould growing in a damp cave isn’t necessarily the mystery here, but how and why these officers were exposed to such harmful fungus in the first place. Officers tell KA News that the man responsible for the mould exposure has been detained and is rumoured to have been evaluated by Karakura Hospital psychiatrists. The unknown man was also reported to have ingested the same black mould that caused severe hallucinations for all three officers. Forensic scientists suggest this could be an explanation for his malicious behaviour and unique appearance.

Black mould is often found in damp or cold houses, and can cause asthma, infections and occasionally even be fatal to those who touch or inhale the air spores surrounding it. The mould growing in a damp cave isn’t necessarily the mystery here, but how and why these officers were exposed to such harmful fungus in the first place. Officers tell KA News that the man responsible for the mould exposure has been detained and is rumoured to have been evaluated by Karakura Hospital psychiatrists. The unknown man was also reported to have ingested the same black mould that caused severe hallucinations for all three officers. Forensic scientists suggest this could be an explanation for his malicious behaviour and unique appearance.

Transcript of Interview with Dr. Naomi Inoue from Karakura Hospital
Interviewer: Pippa Heddo
Interviewee: Naomi Inoue
List of Acronyms: NI = Naomi Inoue, IN = Interviewer
IN: What do you specialise in at Karakura Hospital?
NI: I’m a psychiatrist. I specialise, specifically, in forensic psychiatry. Study of criminal minds, in short.
IN: Would you say you’ve ever had a disturbing or even horrific experience when it comes to patients you’ve treated?
NI: Yeah. I have had one or two.
IN: If you’re comfortable with sharing, could you elaborate on these occasions?
NI: There was an incident with black mould a few months back. Hallucinations are a [REDACTED].
IN: Are you saying this black mould caused you to hallucinate?
NI: I wasn’t exposed. Patients were.
IN: I see. How horrific that must’ve been for those involved. Has the black mould issue been resolved since then?
NI: Like I said, it was a few months back. Still freaky though.
End of Transcript

Despite what Dr. Petit claims, rumours have spread of spiritual activity following the hospital staff back to their place of work. Late last year there was a report of multiple ghost sightings within the hospital. Encounters of malicious intent have become somewhat of a bonding experience for the doctors of Karakura, who claim that they have experienced lights flickering, doors locking on their own accord, and the most extreme, possession. Patients have also claimed to have heard the wailing of an unknown person in the wards. This entity has allegedly made multiple brief appearances in the hospital, and due to its violent nature, multiple hospital staff have ended up becoming patients themselves. The identity of this spirit remains unknown to this day, however recent patterns lead KA News to believe the unwelcome guest in the hospital has made a reappearance this month. This violent string of coincidences leads KA News to question, is the hospital really safe? Are these spiritual attacks connected or separate beings? Can we really expect to receive the best medical care we can with spirits attacking our doctors? Karakura News will continue to report on the latest updates surrounding this story.

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