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KARAKURA NEWS | Karakura Flea Market


Level 86

October 22nd, 2023 - 17C | 64F - chilly - AUTUMN

7:00 AM, Saturday, 2023, quite the stir was taking place at the Shopping District.. Once arriving it appears a pop-up flea market took place for the citizens of Karakura to enjoy! Shops from around the city got involved along with citizens who got the chance to have a booth of their own as well.

Full of people and mini events inside the large one itself, the Karakura flea market was the place to be last weekend! Here is the general information was what took place, who was there and perhaps some of the smaller details who might not have noticed!

Starting off with the inside events.. What else took place inside the market that wasn't the buying and selling of goods? Well, starting off the Highschool Cheer Team made their appearance during a small music routine for those early birds who arrived at the flea market. Here they were seen wearing matching outfits and straw hats! The girls also had their own small market booth as well that sold simple accessories and some makeup items such as straw hats with red ribbons and glossier!

Another notable scene that caused quite the crowd was of course the Police Trivia Contest where officer’s appeared and tested the citizens of Karakura!

As shown, quite a few in-uniform and out of uniform officers took time out of their day to arrive and entertain civilians.

We were actually lucky enough to be able to interview a present officer to learn more about what specifically the trivia entailed and how it was done!

[Ziháo]: "Well, for when I was there, from what I saw - officers yelled out multiple questions. You had 2.. 3 options. Either red or green. For example, they'd ask a
question like, 'What is the percentage of drunk you must be to be fined? And you'd either get the option red or green. Red for 50k, green for 30k. The inbetween was the option both, which only occured for other questions I don't recall..”

[!] he was then asked about his favourite booth at the Flea Market..

[!] Ziháo made an attempt to blow that single strand out of his face. It just landed straight back where it was.. "Hmmh.. truely, it was amusing to watch people run between red and green for trivia- but I found amusement in the fortune teller one! .. Which was of course, as it's name. You paid 5k and got your fortune told!"

[!] Zĭháo cleared his throat. Now speaking about the ones that .. actually offered a product "Oouh, the ones that sold things.. Well, I have to say Okinasa. I didn't actually go up to many of the booths and found no interest in the cheer booth.. I was actually asked to go up.. but what's the point? All they really sold was accessories, but I don't find myself fond of accessories. Anyhow, Okinasa- I like that booth because they had some really good oreo milkshakes.. and wine."

Deputy Mayor Tsu also made an appearance around halfway through the event to speak a bit about the shopkeepers of Karakura. As you can also see
in the front row, the highschool cheer team were eager to listen .. Here the Deputy Mayor announced how districts of Karakura continue to be updated, most recently the district near the main right beach entrance by the docks and notable shops such as Daisuki Yohin and Karakura’s only Drive through were updated. An article about such is soon to come as well..

[!] Yui Tsu took the stage with a bright smile on her face, She'd give an enthusiastic wave to the groud before tapping the microphone and speaking.

[Tsu]: "Hello citizens of Karakura! I, Deputy Mayor Yui Tsu formally welcome you to Karakura's annual flea market!"

[!] Yui Tsu she'd pause for a moment, then continue on: "Businesses in
Karakura, big or small, play a big impact in the every day life of the citizens in this city. Whether it be purchasing furniture for your new home, or gifts for your friends, it's always been and always will be a necessity."

[Tsu]: "I'd like to thank all of today's vendors for coming out and showcasing their stock and what their businesses are about! As we continue to update districts within our city we plan on helping the local shops feel more comfortable in their respective locations."

[Tsu]: "There are plenty of vendors around so feel free to walk around and purchase whatever you want! Vendors vary from restaurants like Okinasa with their famous green tea to Igen'noaru that specializes in regal accessories! Alongside that there will be performances and other commodities available to see!"

[!] Yui Tsu finished her speech off with "I won't keep you all too long,
please enjoy the event!" She'd say, stepping away from the microphone and bowing before exiting the stage.

Last, but not least .. something we see appear at many of Karakura’s events, the fortune teller!
The fortune teller consistently had a long line throughout the entire event, one that wrapped around at all times.

Now, who attended? What stands were created for the Flea Market? And which were the most popular? We went around interviewing some people during the event, and in order these were the booths rated in popularity (not including the KPD trivia and fortune teller)

#1 The Bobcat Cheer Team
#2 Daisuki Yohin
#3 Yeobo
#4 Shrine’s Booth
#5 Igen'noaru
#6 Rotasu Music
#7 ‘Ramen Booth’
#8 Okinasa
#9 Mai-Yume
#10 Umisachi!

It was.. Highly requested that the ‘Ramen Guy’ got his own feature in this article, so here he is .. looking over his shoulder in a near scary fashion and him at his booth:

Lastly, the little details. Heres every graffiti and extra little writing details that you may not paid attention too, or took the time to read!

This was Jim Yasushi, signing out.

Have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487, Drop a message at the news station in our anonymous reporting box, or message us on Onrain @KaNews

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