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Karakura News | Karakura Snowstorms


Level 79


Tomochin Taikan

Good afternoon, Karakura. This is Tomochin Taikan, coming to you with the urgent news of earlier today.

Today, on the 19th of December - the snow was reported to be a lot heavier. . And meteorologists predicted intense snowstorms. The citizens of Karakura were instructed to stay warm and safe but the public school and community college remained open nonetheless.
Updates were scarce for the next few hours, with the warning of possible snow storms still standing. It was well over half into the school day by the time that serious threat had been identified

At around 12PM, the wind grew much feistier and maybe were caught off balance by it’s sheer force. This carried on, and small amounts of snow began piling up around the city, including by the school gates. Vice Principal, Kimitsu Koji, immediately instructed and advised all students to seek refuge within the school building as the storm raged on.
Both the school’s front and back gates began to snow in, being blocked up with moderate piles of snow. Students were still expected to stay within the building thanks to health and safety, and emergency services were called to the scene in order to help potential victims and remove the blockage.

Entrances in the school building and tunnels travelling to the courtyard were snowed in, with students being stuck entirely in the building - as far as the gym doors being blocked off by the unfortunate weather. The snow was piling, and the students that were not able to enter the building climbed the mountains of snow in a panic - most unsuccessful due to the mounds collapsing. No one was hurt in the process.

Authorities and first responders were quick to arrive at the school, digging through the snow at the front gate with professional equipment. They were aided by the students not in the building, who helped them dig through and enter the school. Meanwhile, on the inside of the building - something similar was happening. A crowd of students pushed away the snow from the front doors, successfully freeing themselves of being snowed in. Due to extreme weather, school was dismissed for the rest of the day and we have no casualties, nor injuries. .

The current forecast shows no future snowstorms, though it’s important to stay prepared and have a safety plan if any unexpected weather occurs. Stay safe, Karakura.


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