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Actually beautiful![]()
[!]The camera would pan to what seemed to be an injured Darius. His outfit was bloody and cut up a bit, his face covered in bruises and gashes. His upper body seemed to be tied up, restricted by an old rope. He seemed scared, his breath heavy and inconsistent. His hands were shaky as he sat there, holding a piece of paper.[!]
“Go-Good Evening Karakura, My name is Darius Ikemori and today I’m bringing you a special and e-exclusive news report regarding our very own Commissioner, Ernesto Martinez..”
[!] A set of muffled whispers could be heard, the reporter flinching as the masked figure was urging him to read off the paper. Darius visibly gulped as he kept his gaze either towards the camera or the paper, but never the figure. His mouth opened as he began to read from the paper. [!]
“Today is March 18th, 2024, and last m-month our very own Commissioner, Ernesto Martinez, committed an act of cor-corruption to protect Y-Yaban Heddo, his girlfriend, from the wanted Criminal known as the Mechanic..”
[!] Darius paused for a moment, his eyes darting toward the figure that loomed over him like a shadow. He whispered something, though as he did the figure brought the katana down and slashed it across his cheek. Darius winced in pain, his eyes slamming shut, his body tensing up like a statue, as blood dripped down onto the desk below him. As he opened his eyes he stared at the paper, shakily continuing to read it [!]
“Last month… Ernesto Martinez willingly let the man known as the Mechanic go to pro-protect his girlfriend from being harmed or hunted down by him... This act of corruption led to the assaults, kidnappings, and torturing of man-m- I-I can’t say th-this.. Are you trying to get me su-”
[!] Before Darius could even finish his sentence, the hilt of the katana slammed into Ikemori’s skull. The blade then snaked to his neck, gently pressing against his Adam’s apple. Darius looked down at the katana before looking toward the figure [!]
“Read it, Ikemori.”
[!] Darius nodded as he looked into the eyes of the masked figure. Taking another shaky inhale, he turned his attention back to the paper and continued to read from where he last left off [!]
“Many.. Ernesto knew the id-identity of the Mechanic, and intentionally allowed him to walk away under the premise that the wanted Criminal would not go after him, or his girlfriend, Yaban Heddo.”
[!] He paused but as soon as he did the katana pressed more into his neck, making it so every time he spoke, his Adam's apple glazed against the sharpened blade. [!]
“This is the city's Commissioner, the corrupt political figure who allowed the same person who kidnapped four government officials to walk away. The Commissioner willingly allowed him to roam the streets of Karakura City, disregarding the safety of his officers and the hospital workers alike for the sake of protecting Yaban Heddo and himself..."
[!] The katana shifted away from his neck ever so slightly, the camera slightly catching what seemed to be the masked figure turning away from Darius. Ikemori paused. He was going against his old job and his old bosses. What he was doing was going to potentially ruin his reputation with KPD forever.. He angrily tried to escape the ropes, shaking his body up and down attempting to loosen them. As the ropes began to loosen suddenly Darius’s look in his eyes shifted from anger to fear [!]
“W-wait wait I-I-It’s not what it looks li-!”
[!] A bat was seen flying into the back of Ikemori’s head, a loud metallic THUD echoed gently through the room as the bat made contact with his already bruised skull. Darius’s eyes shut as his head thrust forward, then… the footage cut out for a moment.. [!]
[!] As the camera turned back on, it showed Darius tied up, but this time he looked even more bruised and beaten than before. His head was tilted forward as his broken nose dripped blood onto the table. His mouth was opened as he shakily breathed from it, blood dripping from it too as the blood pooled onto the desk. One eye was opened, while the other seemed to have a cut across it, blood dripping and staining down his bruised and beaten face. The masked figure had a katana’s blade piercing into the back of his neck execution style.[!]
“Go on Ikemori, didn’t you want to report on something like this when we first talked? Well.. don’t waste your chance now! Go on, tell the world the truth like the good little reporter you are.”
[!] Darius nodded, his head still pointed downwards. He coughed a little, blood splattering across the desk even more as it left his mouth. His mouth closed as he gulped the remaining blood and saliva down. His one working eye slowly looked towards the paper as he began to read off of it again [!]
“E-E-Ernesto Martinez is a selfish, pathetic man who puts himself and his girlfriend in front of h-his own officers, government, and city... H-H-He implemented a law that protects himself, the mayor, and the di-director after he let his officer Yong g-get assaulted, kidnapped, and tortured by the Mechanic… He knew that the Mechanic was beh-behind the attacks with EMS and his officers.. An-and he willingly let the man get away with it for hi-his own selfish benefit.”
[!] He paused to cough up more blood on the table. His nose was still leaking blood like a leaky faucet that couldn’t be turned off. The desk at this point was covered in Ikemori’s blood. Darius began to read again [!]
“Ernesto Martinez is a man who should not be trusted as our commissioner.. H-he is selfish and c-corrupt and to this day th-the mechanic still roams the streets free… a-all because of Ernesto’s selfish behavior..”
[!] As soon as Ikemori finished speaking, a katana suddenly pierced through his upper right side, a hand quickly wrapped around Darius’s mouth muffling his screams of agony as the katana sliced through his lung. His eyes slammed shut as he squirmed in pain, It was here where The Mechanic pulled the blade out and moved his hand off his mouth. As he did Darius audibly gasped for air and coughed up an insane amount of blood, the blood now pooling into the floor in front and behind him. The Mechanic slowly moved himself in front of the desk, putting himself as the main center of attention. He finally spoke, his voice muffled by the mask but it was clear what he was saying [!]
“Because of YOUR negligence Ernesto, you allowed me to collect another victim, Darius Ikemori, your ex-SGT. You did this, You, a selfish man, allowed me to roam free and escape and hurt your co-workers because of your corrupt choices. And now, I want the entire city to know about your corruption. Good luck to the entirety of the Karakura Police Department, I can’t wait to watch the backlash because of your corrupt commissioner's foolish and neglectful choices. And, Yong-sun Seong, do not pretend like you were not a part of the corruption.”
[!] The Mechanic looked down at the dying Ikemori, his gloved hand holding onto the hilt of the katana. [!]
“You did well Ikemori, hopefully, they can save you in time.”
[!] The camera cuts then and there. [!]
I am glad you guys are enjoying this. Me, Zach, and Aania worked hard towards making it work out!
Nu uh nu uhFiling the lawsuit as we speak
STAY AWAY FROM MY MACHINE DAWGI'm surprised there was no Michael sada corruption mention
Anyway I say we fire Darius for his safety and I steal the arcade machine out of his office