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Karakura News | Mami's Debut Advice Segment


Level 12
2 January 2022
Mami Mio

Good, good, good, good afternoon Karakura. This is, of course, Mami Mio, debuting my brand new advice segment.

Of course, it would be awfully rude of me to not introduce myself, Mami Mio. Former runway model and pop singer, age 52, I am a beacon of experience and talent. No one in Karakura is more qualified than myself to offer advice to my fellow citizens of Karakura.

Do you need advice? Send me a text at (030)-212-9751. Calls will be ignored, I simply do not have the time.

“After visiting my closest friend’s house, I realized I left my pair of Gucci slides in her room. I have asked for them back sixty, maybe seventy, times, and she always deflects. Any advice? Sincerely, Trina.”
Designer shoes are no joke. It seems, for whatever reason, your friend is planning on holding your poor, poor shoes captive indefinitely. I would personally suggest you press harder, do not let her deflect, do what you can to get your slides back. However, seeing as she is already holding your prized goods captive, I strongly recommend you leave them, drop them, say goodbye.

“Dear Ms. Mio. A close family member of mine has been involved in some scandals, mostly relating to their treatment of other citizens of Karakura who are from outside of Japan. How do I get them to stop? Sincerely, Texter3046.”
The best possible way to get your family member to learn about their wrongdoings, Texter3046, is to speak in a forward, but still respectful manner. Let them know of three things: The behaviour in question, how it is wrong, and how they can fix it. Clear, proper communication is the best way to encourage repairing negative behaviour.

“I feel like my friends think I’m totally crazy because of how erratic I am! I think it’s part of my personality but they act like it’s an issue. How do I get them to treat me normally? Sincerely, Meow.”
First thing you should know is that you should never feel insecure because of your personality quirks. Last thing you want is to be a boring person, so keep yourself interesting! The best way to tackle this simple situation is to directly let them know how you feel. Do it politely, of course, but make sure you get your point across. If they are not going to make a change, say it with me, leave them, drop them, say goodbye.

I suppose it is time to wrap up today’s article. If you need any advice from myself, Mami Mio, please text (030)-212-9751. Calls will be ignored, I simply do not have the time.

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