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KARAKURA NEWS | Midnight Runners


Level 84
The Midnight Runners
January 7th, 2024
Chapter 1: Introduction
Hey Karakura, Volante here, on my last News Report we talked about Cars and why a decent amount of Karakura Citizens love to invest in them. Today we’ll talk about Vehicles in General and the type of people attracted to them, specifically… Street Racers.

Now before we go further, It would be nice to elaborate further on what a Street Racer is… and essentially, Street Racers are individuals who are frequently partaking in an Illegal Unsanctioned Race on Public Roads, I’m explaining this because Apparently some people still considers Professional Legal Racers as ‘Street Racers’ even though they’re an entirely different type of Racers.
Now that we covered what Street Racers are, let’s talk about their existence in Karakura. Karakura as a town features a decent amount of kinds of roads, from long open roads to narrow and sharp city streets and corners makes it in a way… similar to that of Monaco City… Somewhat.

The Combination of Urban Environment and Challenging Corners and narrow roads to race in, not to mention the lack of a Police High Pursuit Division makes the town suitable for Street Racers, although drivers tend to say that the road quality can be better.

Chapter 2: Street Racing in Citizen’s eyes
The Citizen’s opinion on Street Racing in karakura as of currently is rather mixed, some say that Street Racing is a nuisance, while some are a fan of watching Street Races, which asks a question: Why do people Street Race? And Why are Street Racing Crews are becoming a common sight in Karakura?

Street Racing
in Karakura has always been in a weird position, they’re misconducts that's for sure, but they haven’t claimed or caused any incidents, at least to my knowledge and also the knowledge of people I’ve interviewed such as one of EMS’s Paramedic, Dr. Inoue, who stated that there has only been a few instances of car related incidents and none of them are related to Street Racing.
The Average citizens believe that Street Racing is an annoying activity and dangerous to pedestrian and drivers alike, but to the Street Racers It’s their escape from reality, their way to feel freedom and also to appreciate their hard work, I managed to interview someone who’s an actual Professional Legal Racer for one of Japan’s most famous Car Manufacturer which is Nismo, Nissan’s racing division, in the interview he gave me his insight and his opinion on Street Racing from a Professional Legal Racer viewpoint, his following answer is down below:

[Leo Volante]: “What are your thoughts on well… Street Racing from a Professional Legal Racer viewpoint?”

[???]: “Racing is Racing, regardless if it’s Street Racing or Professional.. Some people street race as it’s an easier entry towards the motorsport.”

[!] A Drone Photo of one of the cars being showcased by the interviewed racer. [!]

Honda Civic Hatchback (1992)

Chapter 3: Similarities and References
So now that we found out that Legal Racers themselves still empathize with Street Racers for their itch to enter the world of Racing without the hassle of getting into an Official Legal one, which is apparently a big problem and is sometimes really shady.

According to the man I interviewed, he’s an avid spectator of Street Racing activities, and believed that while yes they can be a nuisance to citizens, Karakuran Street Racers and Racing Crews tend to be more considerate to pedestrians and bystanders, this is similar to that of one of Japan’s infamous Street Racing crew called the ‘Midnight Club’ in the 1990s, the crew was disbanded after a Local Bosozoku Gang challenged them in the famous Japan’s Expressway that ended up with 6 bikers killed and 1 being hospitalized, but the Midnight Club have a rule in their code of conduct that states that ‘Members of their club should not at all cost, Endanger other Motorists.' which is something that seemingly been widely adopted by Racing Crews in Karakura.

Another thing that has been widely adopted by Street Racers in Karakura is that they mostly conduct their activities at night to ensure the least amount of motorists present and potential obstacles.

The Midnight Club Racing Crew

Chapter 4: What are examples of Racing Crews or Biker Gangs in Karakura that frequently partake in Street Racing activities?

With recent events pertaining Street Racing Crews such as the no-longer active Crew “Rakkiyatsu” crashing a Governor’s speech event, It got many wondering, just how many of these Street Racing Crews are there in Karakura? The Results are… surprising.

I took a look around town, looking for signs of existence from these Racing Crews and found out that there is a heavy presence of sprays from a Crew naming themselves ‘The Blue Boys’ over at the Ushi no Koya and Daisuki-Yohin parking lot by the Karakura Beach.

Ushi no Koya Parking Lot, Karakura Beach (West Side)
While on the other end of the Karakura Beach at the Toge Tunnel by the Itsbyoshi Dealership, formerly known to be Rakkiyatsu’s den, I’ve found sprays indicating heavy presence of a Street Crew named ‘Zeros’, and I’m pretty sure they swooped in on Toge Tunnel after Rakkiyatsu’s fall, as I’ve seen their sprays around before they were gone.

Toge Tunnel, Itsbyoshi Station.
There’s supposed to be more but they don’t show themselves on these sprays around town, and It’s fairly hard to find information about them, but I managed gain information on one of these Elusive Street Racing Crew, from a good friend of mine Alan Jackson, the owner of Nirmala who happens to be a semi-professional racer in his past live, and also a reformed street racer after his arrest for the misconduct quite a time ago, and he told me there has been less-known Racing Crew that supposedly has been dominating the Racing Scene in Karakura named ‘-̄̄’ and have said that prior to his Arrest for street racing, He had raced a few of them… or soon to be members of them, and quoted that ‘He had a rather hard time trying to beat them during the race.’ to me this is another indication that these street racing crews, may also consist of… well… ex-professional racers or semi-pros which means they really have no other goal but to race and race to the top and also for fun.
This is similar to another lesser-known crew that appeared in Karakura for a little bit, named ‘Streamliner Group’ who is rumored to be filled with racing enthusiasts, mechanics and proper-racers, but they disappeared as quickly as they appeared.

Among these racing crews, there’s of course been individuals making moves in the Street Racing Scene, and long time ago, I snapped this photo:

BMW M3 GT-R, National Wanted Racer in America.
For most this just… looks like another race car but… to Street Racers, they remember this car as the car with a million bounty in America, I don’t know why It’s here.. And I don’t know who owns it or drives it, but it could also just be a Replica.

Chapter 5: Solution

While interviewing the citizens of Karakura regarding Street Racing and the Racing Crews that appeared because of it, many had come up with potential ‘Solutions’ to the rising of these individuals… Most Commonly:

  • Building a Closed-off track somewhere… I guess? In Karakura, despite the lack of Lands or well.. Existing space for one.

  • Hosting an Official Legal Race in Karakura to promote Legal Racing more than Street Racing, hoping to catch more street racers into taking interests in Legal Racing more than Illegal Street Races. (This is a solution I’m quite leaning towards)

  • Designating a High-Speed Pursuit division in the KPD (I don’t think this will help personally, It just gives Racers more reason to risk it all for adrenaline.)

However these solutions are met with some skepticism of course, I interviewed some Government figures such as one of the City’s Judge Ms. Yuko Goto who agreed that doing any of the solution above will not be a total solution to get rid of Street Racers, and even Citizens I’ve interviewed agreed that we wouldn’t be able to get rid of Street Racing and that they should really not be considered public threat number one, considering Karakura’s reputation with Crime other than street racing. I’ve managed to interview the Mayor of Karakura about this matter, here are the answers and opinion from the Mayor about Street Racing and the Street Racing Crews’s mixed public opinion:
[Ezri Akai]: “I can understand both sides, I have an interest in cars, however I don’t race my cars though.” She paused. “When it comes to there not being an incident or death relating to cars that’s not really a valid justification that nothing can or would happen. So I can completely understand the fears in that, and I do share those same fears.”

[Leo Volante]: “I see… do you consider car culture to be a major or minor aspect of Karakura?"
[Ezri Akai]: “I’d certainly consider it apart of the culture of the city, I mean have you seen some of the cars people drive? People clearly care a lot about their vehicles.”

Mayor Ezri Akai’s opinion on one of the solutions to reduce street racing by hosting Official Legal Racing Events

[Ezri Akai]: “I’ve been asked this before, and while I think It’s an Idea, I’d like to point out that there is no difference between quote “Legal Racing” and “Street Racing”, they’re both illegal.”

A very bold statement, I’m not sure what the Car Community would say about it, we did talk more about it, and we agreed that the Idea has more flaws than it does have benefits.

Mayor Ezri Akai’s opinion on the amount of racing crews in town be it big or small, secretive or not.

[Ezri Akai]: “I mean, if that’s their thing then fair enough, I just wish that they’re mindful and they don’t break the law, If laws are broken and people are unsafe, then it’s a problem.”

[Leo Volante]: “Some of them do exhibit violence tendencies, but what is your thoughts on the crews that specifically only does street racing?”

[Ezri Akai]: “At the end of the day, whether you’re a violent gang that street races, or you’re just street racing you’re still breaking the law regardless.”

Ezri Akai’s final opinion on whether or not street racing crews are just Petty Criminals or Misguided (Lost) souls.

[Ezri Akai]: “Yes.”

Huh… Right… Interesting final opinion, but that’s it about the interview with the Mayor of Karakura.

Interviewing Mayor Ezri Akai.

The following is the interview I’ve conducted with one of KPD’s Police Officers, Michael H. Sada.. who at some point in his life… was deeply tied with Street Racing and Street Racing Crews in General:

[Leo Volante]: “Street Crews are Rising once again, and not just delinquents, but also Racing Crews, Bikers Gangs, all that lots, There’s presence of Bikers over at the Toge Tunnel, Presumably swooped in after Rakkiyatsu’s Downfall, and there’s a new one named ‘Blueboys’ over at the Beach, has the KPD noticed the rise of these street crews? And What is your personal opinion on them?”

[Michael H. Sada]: “Oh, Of Course, most are delinquents regardless of what’s the crew really about. If I’m bein’ honest? I’m biased, I mean… not in the sense I’ll let them get away with it but in the sense I know how they think, act… and so on.. Soft Spot maybe? Hell as I said, I still do mechanic stuff for many, most are good kids just… Mischievous n’ want adrenaline rush. And I’m grateful to have connection well enough with these people that I can chill with ‘em, They know they if I catch ‘em doing the illegal bits I’m lockin’ them up, and when I do I ain’t like… Disrespectful either. They know what they did, and I think They’d rather me arrest em rather than others. As for KPD, ya’ we take notice after they do donuts’ n meets in our parking lot here or out by Daisuki-Yohin Parkin’ lot. We know they’re here, just uhh…. Ya know, we only go afta’ it when the fights and racin’ happens. Which I think is… Fair ya?”

Michael Sada’s Opinion on the standing of Street Racing compared to regular Crime in Karakura

[Michael H. Sada]: “Hm… Well, Honestly? It’s harder to go after, Let’s be honest.. Car Chases suck ass, It’s annoying for both parties. It’s not that It’s second priority just.. Harder to go after. Usually we use CCTV and just catch people that way and arrest them outside of the car.. Ya? Plus it’s not as common as fights or… Other stuff. If we see it happenin’ we react. Or if it’s reported, we check CCTV. we don’t ignore it.. Just, can be pain in the ass to look into sometimes.”

Michael Sada’s Opinion on Public’s opinion about Street Racing and Street Racing Crews (Not typed, too long)

Michael Sada’s Opinion on the Solutions brought up by others to reduce Street Racing

[Michael H. Sada]: “Oh that would be awesome, Honestly. And if the track got little garages near by for people to rent out? Forget about it, that would be great, amazing in my opinion. And the High-Speed Pursuit Division? Shit, count me in if that’s the thing. May cause for extra training for both of those ideas. Not sure er… where they’d put the track though.. Likely may gotta travel through the toge tunnel or something for it.”

Michael Sada’s Personal opinion on his own Idea for a solution

[Michael H. Sada]: “It’s a trend, an addicting one. There ain’t a way to limit it. Think of it as… when Americans banned alcohol, what did they do? Drink even more and make it an Underground business. It’ll be the same thing. A Law can change, but People’s hearts and minds can’t be forced to follow suit. Knowing these guys? A Higher charge legally would make them more determined to get faster, better vehicles that may get them hurt or too ****y. Honestly… I don’t know how to lower it.. I just know how to make it safer, but I don’t know how to stop it.”

Michael Sada’s Message to the Street Racers and Street Racing Crews

[Michael H. Sada]: “My Message? Shit I already feel like half of what I said was targetted for ‘em… Er, as someone who knows the system and been ‘round it since college ah… just fuckin’ stay safe. Wear a damn helmet, not some dingy ass ballistic, that ballistic will not save your ass like a helmet will. If you’re gonna upgrade your car, or bike, get a damn mechanic to double check it… nearly had some kids car blow cause they ain’t know what to do properly. And Lastly, don’t be a dick if caught. You know what you’re doin’.”

Interview with Michael H. Sada, KPD Parking Lot.

So now that we understand and learned more about these Street Racers and Street Crews, this begs the question for you readers, What are your opinions on them and their activities?

Do you have something you'd like to report or be reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020) 980-4487 or message us on Onrain @KaNews

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