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KARAKURA NEWS | Minako Property LTD & The Karakura Housing Crisis


Level 86

Jim Kaede Yasushi - December 4, 2022. - 5.3C | 41.5F

Real Estate in Karakura has been something that surely many struggle with. It's one of the issues that both Students and Adults ali
ke seem to have trouble finding more, or new of. However, Now there's a new place that may make the process of finding your new home .. a little bit easier.
Placed on the ground floor of apartment complex D which has its beach front view and close vicinity to KPD, Minako Property LTD ran by Estate-Agent Kaya Minako, lists all unowned properties that are up for grabs all over the city of Karakura. Below I’ll go into more detail of what this process looks like, and what the business looks like as well.

It's easy to get started, and it's even easier to see the list of properties. Similar to how our beloved Post office and Yuasa Auction works, t2022-12-04_13.52.39.pnghe employees show us a screen on a mobile device of all listed wares that we can buy. For Minako Property LTD, it looks a little something like this. Nonetheless, when one is available it will show up in one of the corresponding boxes. If any houses are listed at the time of checking the screen, you can hover over the options or click the options to see where it is, how much it costs and what type of house it is! It's a fairly simple format, and tells the basic information that you'd need to know specifically before making your investment. As you see to the left here, it follows the following format:
2022-12-04_13.54.09.pngAvailable property: #??
House #???
-Location: [Coordinates]
-Rent: N/A

The only thing it doesn't specifically state is what the building or residence looks like, but you can always figure that out upon checking out the home for yourself. Which is actually.. What Miss Minako tells you to do! That's right, Compared to many of the other business workers around karakura .. She actually is willing to speak to you! Her main responses seem to be upon picking out a residence you're interested in is the following:


“Great choice! You'll love this property, pop these coordinates into your GPS…”

“I heard that the neighborhood is great, head over and check it out yourself…”
“That’s a spacious place, nice choice! Head to these coordinates using your GPS…”
“Gosh I wish I could afford such a beautiful home.. Find it at ..”

As for when no properties are listed, it will say the following:

Now let’s go into how the business looks. On the outside, we are greeted by a sign and a nice outerior. The sign reads as “Find the perfect home today!” and welcomes you with an open stained white glass door and windows. As for the inside, it's actually one of the more welcoming or cozy interiors, which is fitting as it's meant to also welcome you to a new home. 2022-12-04_09.48.32.png

The inside of the business has Miss Minakos counter towards the back where she will help you check out any available residents. Off to the side, we have a few comfy couches to sit and chat on with coffee tables that have newspapers and coasters scattered on. To your left when entering, you can see several colourful banners hanging up to add colour to the room. To the right, there's again the sitting areas and several book shelves with a genre of books you can select to read. Above, we have a fully done ceiling with a few hanging light fixtures and several shelves holding up greenery, which resembles awfully similar to the ones in the post office. Lastly, we see a lot of contrast in the walls and floors. The two walls to the left and right are a simple white while the back accent wall is split down the middle, half being a red brick while the other is an off whitish or pale yellow. The floor following another split pattern is black
to one side and a birch colour to the other. I can assume this decoration decision was to hint at the veracity of different types of housing aspects we’d see in offered residences.

While on the topic of properties, I decided to do my own little investigation of how easy it is or isn't to buy a property in Karakura. I went around asking students and adults on a scale 1 - 10 how easily they feel it is to get a home .. 1 being extremely easy and 10 being extremely difficult. I asked 10 students and 10 adults to it was an equal amount. Below I have a graph of who said what.

Here we see a big divide between age groups. We see those 24 and older who are no longer in college or are above college age claim it's bet2022-12-04.pngween 1 - 5 majority on the scale, which falls under the easy section with the exception of 3 out of the 10 claiming it's harder to find residency. Meanwhile, those ages 13-23, nearly all answered a 7 and above on the hardness scale with the exception of one who answered 5 which still is in the middle and not necessarily on the east side. I think even with such a small survey it's easy to say that the issue to finding a warm place to call home falls onto the children of Karakura more than the adults.

I also chose to interview two people, one being a student and another being an adult so I get both points of views from the youth and the grown-ups. Below I'll start with an interview I did with Marilyn Tominaga, Who expresses concern about the so called housing crisis in Karakura and the difficulty to get a residence ..

[Tominaga:] “Hello again, Mr. Journalist.”

[Yasushi:] “Right .. Hello. I'll just be asking a few questions regarding Karakura housing here today, will that be alright?”

[Tominaga:] “Of course!’

[Yasushi:] “Great.. So for starters, why did you pick a 7 - 10 on the difficulty survey?”

[Tominaga:] “I’ve lived in Karakura for about two and a half years now.. And since I’ve moved here I have realized that Karakura isn’t necessarily a bad place, but it is not a good place either. Gang violence runs rampant in our community and the KPD rarely steps in to help, rather Karakura relies on ‘street justice’ to solve its problems.”

[!] part of the clip seemed to be cut out for time reasons and possible legal & Safety issues ..

[Tominaga:] I think KPD’s gross incompetence, mixed with the fact well over half the population is homeless, Makes Karakura a difficult place to live in.”

[Yasushi:] “I understand, do you believe there's an overpopulation issue or simply a lack of housing issue that has helped cause that high percentage to be homeless?”

[Tominaga:] “I believe it's both, sir. I believe that Karakura has decently sufficient space, yet it's beginning to run dry. This is due to many owners of apartments that have other places to live in extorting the price of property.. Which they don't own. They charged double, maybe even triple the price that they had originally paid for it.. Hand over the keys, and the landlord is none the wiser. A friend of mine had recently converted his penthouse apartment into a homeless shelter for the homeless.. Yet no one has come. Sadly, people in the lowest social class are afraid to even interact with those above them. Which is why I believe nobody showed up.” 2022-12-04_12.08.29.png

[Yasushi:] “I see, thank you. Would you, from a student or young adult point of view, say that finding a place to reside is harder than someone who's out of college?”

[Tominaga:] “ I believe so. It took me nearly 200,000 Yen to find myself a place to live in this town.. And in the end I scored myself a fairly small apartment space. I get to listen to the KPD train every morning and wonder what it must be like to live at the top of the city.”

[Yasushi:] “Interesting, now out of all your friends, what would you say is the ratio of those impacted by the housing crisis to those who are not?”

[Tominaga:] “Only those at the top don't feel the burn of crisis. Those who either had everything handed to them by being someone higher up the ladder, or someone who found a way out of it .. that being either by rooming with friends, working themselves into the dirt, or by participating in some .. more shady dealings to bring themselves out of it. I was incredibly lucky to get where I was, with a few friends of mine I made along of the way .. They’re not really around anymore, but I am still grateful for what they did to me.”

[Yasushi:] “I understand, thank you. I dont have much more to ask since you had quite detailed responses as is .. But I'll ask you this, do you have any last statements you'd like to say before I end this?”

[Tominaga:] “statements? Everyone in this city clings to dim hope.. We all come from the same origin, yet along the way many forget who they are in pursuit of the ‘swagger’ or ‘clout’ or money. I want Karakura to know that we can escape the torment ..

[!] seems like a clip was cut out of the interview .. likely due to offtopic-ness and to save time. The clip came back in with Jim giving an annoyed interrupting cough with wide eyes.. Then a loud-

[Yasushi:]AHEM.. Thank you for your statements Tominaga but i WILL be ending this here. You've certainly been .. enlightening. Have a good day, stay safe.”

[Tominaga:] “Of course, Mr. Journalist. Thank you!”

Besides the .. odd sections I had to cut out of the interview due to it going offtopic or too much, Student Marilyn Tominaga did bring up a few very valid and interesting points regarding the housing issue in Karakura. Some of which being how the top stay on top, and the bottom stay on the bottom unless given help. She also brought up some crime and society issues that also make it a bit difficult to live in Karakura.

Going back to Minako Property LTD. that was allegedly created to help make it easier to get Karakura citizens a place to call home .. Is it really doing its job? I did a poll asking others if they think the new system and business helped with their issues .. the responses surely shouldn't surprise you.

23 | 7

A total 23 out of 30 people voted that Minako Property did NOT do .. anything to help fix any issues, instead, some claimed it actually made them more annoyed to see and hear Kaya Minako tell them what they already know .. that being that there's nothing available. And if something is, its claimed act of immediately.
Some claimed, such as Michelle O’Ryan that “It’s nice seeing all the new businesses in town that we’d expect to see, such as a post office or real estate agency, But right now both seem to be a bit .. Lame? We can't use the post office ourselves to ship anything, instead it's just Yuasa Auction using it to give us stuff! Like some sorta capitalism thing .. and! With Minako Property, it's even more out of the way to get too.. And just
a disappointment when you reach there. Imagine going across the city just to see a blank screen! At least at the post office we KNOW there's something there waiting ..”
Others also mention Minako’s odd location in the city, as it's not even close to any of the apartment entrances where it's located, but instead is further down out the way where you can only really find it, if you were told specifically where it was. Looking at the photo to the right, can you spot where Minako Property LTD is? Likely not. IF you were told to go to apartment complex D to find the business without really any idea where it is, it would be quite hard to find .. wouldn't it be? Wouldn't it make more sense to place it near the Plaza or in the tower district of Karakura that has that constant flow of people to view and check up on properties?

Regarding some of the topics just mentioned, and some of the topics I discussed with Miss Tominaga, I asked an adult now by the name of Michael Lovincsky questions relating to said topics to see if the answers vary here.

[Yasushi:] “Thank you for .. eavesdropping into my other interview and offering yourself for this, Lovincsky.”

[Lovincsky:] “Of course! SO whats first?”

[Yasushi:] “Why did you choose a 4 out of 10 on the difficulty survey?”

[Lovincsky:] “Well, personally I just didn’t have any issues? I was able to find a place pretty easily.. I just waited til’ a person's rent was up and they didn't pay and BOOM i moved in!”

[Yasushi:] “I understand. Do you believe there's an overpopulation issue in Karakura or an under housing issue that's leaving so many homeless?”

[Lovincsky:] “Oh uhh.. There seems like a lot of homes so I don't think that's the issue? MY question is why the hell there's all these kids running around causing the population issue?! Like . . . THERE'S SO MANY! How did they even get here?! WHERE are their parents?! WHY aren't they living with their parents?!”

[Yasushi:] “Right .. so you believe it's an overpopulation issue, got it. Moving on, Do you as an adult feel it's easier to get a place to live compared to the younger generation of Karakura?”

[Lovincsky:] “Oh absolutely! Obviously! We are grown ups! Of COURSE we have the funds and knowledge to easily get a place to stay ..”

[Yasushi:] “Do you think Minako Property LTD will perhaps help the youth find open places to live?”

[Lovincsky:] “Uh . . . Maybe! That or it’ll remind them of the lack of places there are to call home .. ?”

[Yasushi:] “I understand, thank you. How many, if any, people do you know are affected by the Karakura housing crisis?”

[Lovincsky:] “uhh me and my buddies are fine? The kids seem to be the issue .. why are kids allowed to live here without parents again ??”

[Yasushi:] “Ahem, thank you Mr. Lovincsky but I believe we are done here, your input was well .. spoken”

[Lovincsky:] “Don't I get asked now for any final statements ?!”

[Yasushi:] “Usually yes, but I believe your competence level isn't high enough for that. Have a good day, Mr. Lovincsky.”

[Lovincsky:] “wait what does competence mean-”

[!] Interview ended there.

Well, as painful and energetic the interview was to maintain, I did get a few responses from Lovincsky that helped prove a point that attributes accurately to the survey mentioned earlier regarding adults finding it easier to buy a place to call home compared to students.

Overall, the new Minako Property LTD has its pros and cons surely, as much as some hoped it could help the apparent housing crisis striking Karakura .. It seems it'll cause little difference. Nonetheless we have to look at some of the new additions to Karakura in a positive light, as all these new businesses have room to change and likely will change as time continues.
Between Yuasa Auction, Karakura Post-Office and now Minako Property LTD, us citizens will surely see future plans, changes, renovations and more in the future. And what the future exactly holds and how these new additions will change said future is hard to predict.. But we must try to understand that these are all very new.. And anything new has its issues and bugs.

Minako Property LTD, The oddly out of sight, out of mind new real-estate business of Karakura city that .. doesn't seem to bring much to the table. Instead, it brought so little that all it did was prove people's points regarding the housing crisis of Karakura. I will leave the public with these final things to think about .. What do you think will occur housing wise in Karakura? Do you believe these new businesses may help the youth or others get their hands on a warm home for the winter? What do you think we’ll see in the future regarding this new business and others?
This was Jim Yasushi, Signing out

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