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Karakura News | Myriad's Symphony


Level 111
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
Myriad's Symphony.gif


Good day citizens of Karakura. Jin Kuroki here. Today, we have a report about the recent raid of judge Yui Tsu and her daughter, Fei Tsu’s home. A mysterious group broke into the home of the judge, and completely desecrated the interior. The two were then assumed to be physically assaulted and abducted from their home. Afterwards, they were recorded in an undisclosed location. This part is where it gets gruesome. Viewer discretion is advised.
Fei Tsu was then tied down and flattened against the road, where she was then run over by who we can only assume to be a member of the mysterious group.

I was able to make contact with the group that organized this raid, and set up a meeting to get to the bottom of the events that occurred. I was also able to record the meeting, and it will be attached to the post. I will also share the transcript of the interview.

Before I show off the contents of the interview, I will go over the events that happened before the interview. I got a text and call from an unknown number, telling me to meet at the entrance of a sewer. I went to the meeting location, and as soon as I arrived, I felt a rag cover my nose and mouth and I was then rendered unconscious. When I came to, I found myself in a chair surrounded by three people dressed in cloaks. The one I can only assume to be the leader, and spoke with the most during, was dressed in all black. I was allowed to ask questions, but only had 30 minutes to do so. As soon as the timer began, I pressed record and asked any questions that came to mind.

Below is a picture with the texts attached.



Here is the recording of the conversation held between myself and the organization.


[!] - A beep would be heard, signaling the start of a recording - [!]
[!] - There would be a song playing. A symphony of some kind - [!]

JK | “Okay.. My first question is who are you and your organization, and what is your motive?”

Kaelego | “I go by Kaelego, I am the deranged cult known as Myriad’s current acting leader. Our motive is to use the most cutting-edge methods to restore complete peace to the town of Karakura. Isn’t that ambiguous?”

JK | “Myriad.. You do seem to have quite the motive.. So why did you decide to raid Judge Yui Tsu’s home?”

Kaelego | “It wasn't a choice; rather, it was an obligation. We are very enamored with her. Not because of who she is, but rather due to her actions and well-known reputation. We love seeing people shocked, but an entire town? Beautiful.”

JK | “Her actions.. You kidnapped them to shock the town? To spread chaos? Where did you take them after the raid?”

Kaelego | “No, our beloved Jin. Are you aware of the amounts of people that are against the government regulations? That are against the filthy corruption that unfolds in Karakura’s system. Where we took them ought to be kept confidential. Though rest assured, they are safe. Ah.. and to add on top of that, her head is valuable.”

JK | “Then.. What happened to Fei Tsu? You say they are safe, but the video showed otherwise. Is she really okay, or is she.. Dead..?” His voice seemed to tremble as he uttered the last word

Kaelego | The voice would let out a giggle, then spoke with somewhat of an angelic tone, as well as echoing “Fei Tsu is alive.”

JK | A sigh of relief could be heard “Then why record it? Why fake the murder of an innocent child?”

[!] - The song would skip ahead - [!]

Kaelego | “We are Myriad. This way our motive was presented in its fullest form.. What? Did you think killing her just like that would do any good for us? No! Verily, it does not even benefit us.”

JK | “So.. the reason you recorded and published the video was to spread mass chaos and panic?”

Kaelego | “And to spread our name. We haven't killed her, yet.”

JK | His voice seemed to weaken “So you are planning on killing the child? For what reason? To prove what? She is just an innocent child!”

Kaelego | “Making sacrifices in order to repay the Karakura Government!”

JK | “How would sacrificing the girl repay any sort of injustice the government did to you?”

Kaelego | “Idola.. Take it over. Perhaps, Idola can answer your question.”

Idola | “Fei Tsu’s death will be added into the series of crimes Mike Akihito was involved in. We think Mike is a criminal, and corrupt. This could be perhaps not the first time you will see a Myriad-related rebel action in town.. Because we are leaving his town with unrest, and reveal his darkness.”

Kaelego | “Mike Akihito’s involvement in a variety of criminal events was disregarded. We ran a background check in Yui Tsu and her daughter; It led us to the Akihito Clan.”

JK | “What does the mayor have to do with anything..? The Akihito Clan? They help the town, do they not?”

[!] - The song would end - [!]

Kaelego | “Time is up, thank you for your cooperation, Jin”

JK | “And thank you for yours..”

[!] - The recording would end - [!]


I was rendered unconscious one again by the strange rag, and awoke in the sewers with a book left by the Myriad members. These are the contents of the message.

[!] - Images of the pages would be inserted - [!]

Kaelego to Jin

We are Myriad, and Yui Tsu, a Karakura City judge, and her daughter, Fei Tsu, have been raided and taken. False arrests have been made, lives have been ruined, and the government is suppressing us. All due to Karakura, the Japanese government.

According to the tape you produced, Jin. Mike Akihito’s participation in a number of criminal activities was disregarded. In this way, the government and the Akihito Clan will hear our cries and demands.


That is all for this report. I will keep you all up to date on current events. Lets pray for the safety of these two members of our community
Until Next Time
Jin Kuroki



Level 18
I haven't been on at all today, so when I saw the announcement for this report, I audibly gasped. This was such an amazing read, keep it up!!

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