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Karakura News | Onrain: Connecting


Level 79
Community Team
Media Team

December 5, 2022
Barbatos Archon

Wanted to connect to others without leaving the comforts of your own home? Well you’re in luck because the long-awaited social media platform for our town was just released a few weeks ago! Now people can connect with one another through posts, messaging, and just meet others through the platform.

From keeping updated on the latest happenings, to events that you might have missed, Onrain can now keep you in touch with the town even if you’re far away. Onrain is just one click away as you only need to make an account before posting! And once you do, share your personal account with others or even promote your businesses if you wanted as to help you grow!

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Ever since the release of Onrain, people have already posted multiple things that happen in their daily lives, from everyday fashion to even just simple status updates! To even QotDs from the official Karakura News Account, Onrain has been the talk of the town since its creation. It allows its users to have the chance to find people that have something in common with them, have friendly debates, or even speak about their own opinions regarding certain topics.

It also allows companies/clubs/stores to use the Social platform to their advantage and benefit from it, like with Sayonara, they have been using it to promote their new items like the TV Mask! So be sure to buy from them as they have new cool items waiting to be released soon. Or like Sir Ryuu Tashiro’s personal account, you can ask inquiries regarding the Akihito Clan, Karakura Shinto Preservation Foundation, and Miyata Enterprises Karakura.

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Though besides daily updates, posts, etc. People can also now also make group chats in Onrain! Now you don't need to text multiple people just to give out party invites, with a click of a button, you can chat with multiple people at once now!

Make Club GCs, Work GCs, or even friend group GCs, anything can be done in Onrain to keep yourself connected with people that you know without having to worry about asking them for their number. With a simple follow, you can add an unlimited amount of people to a chat and start talking with one another. But if groups aren’t your thing, be like Walter White and DM multiple people if they know about ‘chemistry’.

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Though of course Onrain still isn’t the most perfect website and still has quite a few bugs, for what it is right now, it lives up to its expectations still! As the updates will roll more frequently, more and more features will be added in time. Remember to follow the official Karakura News account @KaNews for daily QotD, Fun Facts, and tea!

Come join Onrain now at! The In-Character Social Media of SchoolRP, for the guide on how to use it, be sure to read Tippie’s guide on the SchoolRP forums

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