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Karakura News | Shared Housing


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Umeda Kame

Y’ello citizens!! Are you interested in sharing homes and finding new friends… but don't have an apartment or friends to room with, or just plain poor? Well, with new arrivals to Karakura Real Estate, they introduced shared housing! Now you don't have to worry about needing friends to room with anymore, nor having a good-sized home or apartment when broke!

With 12 brand new houses, the same model as the others to fit with the Karakura core, fully furnished and customizable rooms. Each house has 2-4 rooms in each, a small section for storage and other basic necessities! Each room costs ¥25,000 every 30 days, and the whole house is shared per tenant!

I, myself, have toured a few of these houses. The backyards are all different, depending on the model, and furnished to fit your outdoor activities! The kitchen is big enough for meal cooking for the whole household as well!

These are mainly targeted towards the lower class and homeless citizens of Karakura, to ensure they have a lovely spot to rest in each night! This is also why they are cheap for their pricing. With these new additions, we are hoping the homeless citizen rate declines, making people feel safer in Karakura.

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