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KARAKURA NEWS | The fall of Hiroto Akihito


Level 185
News Lead

Good afternoon Karakura! Kazuo DeLuca here with a follow-up for those who missed the action this past week.

There were some highs and some lows. And many shocking events made people look at each other, and the government with question marks written across their faces. The big question being.

"What is going on?"

I got answers to some of those questions!

You all heard the news being broadcasted: Governor Malachi Moralez wanted by the police with a bounty of 500,000¥ for treason. I think that had had us all turning heads, hell. Getting that request from the KPD? It was more of a shock than anything else.

But what lead up to it all? What caused a city-wide chase on a Governor? Well. He found Hiroto out.
For the past months, Governor Malachi Moralez had been collecting sufficient evidence with other officers, showing that Hiroto Akihito, our very own Commissioner, was misusing the power the city had entrusted him with. So, in what led to a heated argument, Moralez pulled his joker card - which led to it all crashing down.
Moralez barely escaped the police station, bleeding from his gut, unaware of who he could trust. Akihito soon after announced the manhunt, where he failed to find the Governor's location.

Days after, the silence finally broke. Mayor and Deputy-Mayor were working alongside a detective to figure out the truth, while the Commissioner was on the brink of a complete mental breakdown.
After the eventful funeral of Mike Akihito, Mayor Kiyoko and Detective Valentinus Vasylenko went to confront Hiroto Akihito and holding the arrest warrant, with his name written in large bold letters. Hiroto escaped the situation, locking the two in his office and placing the whole station down. The only words being yelled across the emergency channels by the Mayor were:


Chasing after the Commissioner led to Detective Sasha Vasylenko being shot by his higher-up, enviably leading to him escaping the KPD's grasp.

And while this all happened, the flash drive that had all the proof they needed got into the Deputy Mayor's hands, finally securing the fact. That it wasn't some psychotic break, that this was truly who had been running the KPD. A series of events unfolded after, chaotic to even say without someone doubting the credibility. So I'll attempt to summarize.

Commissioner Hiroto Akihito reached the powerplant, where he was then tackled by DSI Pavel Popovich, who seemed to have gone insane himself. As the Commissioner passed out, he hit Akihito repeatedly before other officers finally arrived. Words were spoken, even yelled. Officers were tasing officers, and family members watched in awe as Hiroto Akihito layed flat on the floor. Chaos. Even a College kid getting hold of a Glock?

Finally, the Mayor and Deputy Mayor Sturm took hold of the situation. Ordering for the officers to act and cuff both the Commissioner and Popovich. Splitting up, Sturm went with Detective Valentinus to the station, cuffing the Commissioner herself. At the same time, the Mayor ventured back to the town hall with Malachi Moralez. Where the court case of Karkura v. Akihito was planned, with enough evidence, even a blind man could agree.

The proof given. . . the evidence witnessed by all was irrefutable. He was guilty.

On the 6th of November, 2022. Now, Ex-Commissioner Hiroto Akihito was sentenced to life in prison for:
Six known counts of first-degree murder, one count of attempted capital murder, one count of unlawful firearm discharge, one of assault with a deadly weapon on a Government Official, and one count of gross malpractice.

Really wracking up the count there, Akihito.​

What’s going to happen to the KPD? How has this affected the citizens and their trust in the government and its officials? Could this be the downfall of Akihito? Only time will tell. .

Stay safe Karakura, Kaz out! ~

Have something you'd like reported on? Call the Reporter Hotline at (020)-980-4487!
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Level 105
i loved this event. the only loose end left is mister Cassian Underwood (im about to add another engraving to his glock probably)


Level 3
Getting locked up with the dozens of killers he sent to prison…
Doesn't sound like its gonna end well for him.

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