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KARAKURA NEWS | "Under the Radar: Are There Still Traces of Yakuzas in Karakura?"


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Under the Radar: Are There Still Traces of Yakuzas in Karakura?
By: Sky H.E. Volante

Yakuza, a familiar word to those in Karakura, especially with the now disbanded Akihito Clan. Despite their disappearance from the public few years back, whispers about various yakuza clans still continue to circulate around the town. The question on everyone's lips still remains, do the yakuza still exist in Karakura?

To uncover more, I went to great lengths to find clues about who might still be operating. One person I found was ‘SEA’, a former member of the infamous Akihito Clan. I also spoke with Officer Shoji Kosuki about the yakuza's presence in town.

[!] It was just a simple video, ‘SEA’ voice was distorted, and their face was not shown [!]

Sky: "’SEA’, thank you for speaking with us today…” Sky's demeanor seemed calm, almost as if she was close to the other person. “As a former member of the Akihito Clan, you have a… ‘Unique’ perspective on the current state of the yakuza in Karakura, is that correct? Can you tell us if they still exist?"

‘SEA’: Tapping their fingers on their knees, it took them a few moments to answer, "Well, I haven’t been up to date in the ‘crime underworld’ in quite some time, but yes, the yakuza still exist. But of course, their presence is not as prominent as it once was. Only a few remain, and they operate much more discreetly now. The only active yakuza clan in Karakura today is identified by a flower logo."

Sky: "Can you tell us more about this clan with the flower logo? What kind of activities are they involved in now?"

‘SEA’: "From what I heard they focus on business ventures now that doesn’t attract too much attention. Though like many yakuzas, most likely they still do loan sharking, and some control over local establishments like Akihito Clan."

Sky: Raising a brow at that, she continued, "How has the presence of the yakuza changed over the years?"

‘SEA’: "Back in the day, the yakuza were more visible and influential. We all heard the stories of Akihito, especially with the Kishi war… They had a strong hold on many aspects of daily life in Karakura. Nowadays, they have become more like shadows I suppose."

Sky: "What led to this change?"

‘SEA’: "Several factors, really. The old ways isn’t exactly allowed anymore, the changes in laws and such, so they had to change or just, dissapear. The remaining yakuzas here all hide behind something now."

Sky: "...Do you think the yakuza will ever completely disappear from Karakura?"

‘SEA’: "It's… It’s hard to say. The yakuza of course have a deep history in Japan, and completely erasing them? It won’t be possible at all. However, their influence will likely continue to diminish as things changes."

[!] The interview would end there [!]

[!] The video would start showing Sky and Shoji, though it seems the video seemed, cut? [!]

Sky: "-As the presence of different yakuza clans has slowly disappear, from the KPD standpoint, have there been any recent activities or incidents involving these groups?" Looking at him curiously, she placed her chin on her palm.

Shoji: Settling down, he patted the wooden table, creating three echoing knocks. "Though my information may seem rather restrictive or limited, Yakuza clans from my viewpoint have started to burn away through-out Karakura, As such through-out Japan itself, The Yakuza lifestyle has started to fade into the history books."

Sky: "With the yakuza adapting to more discreet operations, what challenges does the KPD face monitoring or identifying their activities in Karakura?"

Shoji: "Yakuza's that may remain in our current period have certainly adapted from the 1980's, Nowadays some could call it more calm and collected compared to it's past counterpart, Yakuza follow a oath, rules set by their forefathers which upon a break results in punishment, often quite severe.”

Shoji: “It takes intensive investigating to riddle it down to prove it was Yakuza as many street and delinquent groups have sprouted out through the cracks with-in society, though the one thing of Yakuza is their crimes aren't severe unless it is called on, often in the past used Money-laundering, Loans and Blackmailing to raise throughout the streets and those that had crossed them would beat them to a bloody pulp, rarely needing more than a beating."

Sky: Letting out a small hum, she asked the last question. "Given the current situation of ALL organized crime in Karakura, does KPD plan to address the remaining yakuza influence?"

Shoji: Once more knocked his knuckles upon the wood as he then leaned his body forward. "As every Police department with-in the world, It is our duty to protect and serve. This answer is limited to what I can say As I do not speak for my commissioner, But I myself believe with-in due time peace will rain once more with-in Karakura."

[!] The interview ended, a very short interview… [!]

While the yakuza's influence may have lessened compared to their prime, their presence in Karakura cannot be entirely be dismissed or forgotten. From my interviews, it is evident that their activities have ONLY changed, focusing more on secret businesses and less on public display unlike during the times of early yakuza here in Karakura. The yakuza may be a shadow of their former selves, but they are far from extinct, it remind us that some legacies are harder to erase than others… Especially those who still wishes to return to the spotlight once more.

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Level 73
Well, well, if it isn't the last Yakuza lead within Karakura making a news article about Yakuza clans. Sounds unbiased, yeah?
Haha, nice report :)


Level 89
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heh. hey guys.
Akihito Clan got a special mention
Well, well, if it isn't the last Yakuza lead within Karakura making a news article about Yakuza clans. Sounds unbiased, yeah?
Haha, nice report :)
"Flower Logo" i wonder what that is
Totally not cough coughHANAZONOCLANcough

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