Level 10

“Ohh areas of the city... All so beautiful and so.... FORGOTTEN”
Tell me dear reader, how long has it been since you last visited these places? Well, yours truly Tenorio is here to remind you!
Did you forget what that place looked like? Do you remember the last time you went there? How about the last date that- you know? I guess that date wasn't the best, otherwise, why would you have forgotten the place where you met your beloved... held hands and-
I'm getting off topic, where was I?... Oh yeah, Unused areas of the city! Let’s get to them. .

GYMNASIUM | (X: 1358/Y: 17/Z: 1160)
“Hey! it's the neighbors pf the station! And the ones that for some reason Zachery looks out his window I mean... he literally has a view of the machi- HMPH!!!” “I DO NOT! MISINFORMATION IS ILEGA-”
Full of training equipment and a swimming pool. Have you even set foot in here?
I guess not, it's like a desert....
The gym has all kinds of training equipment, such as climbing walls, weights, boxing bags, treadmills and a pool for those who prefer water. It seems that it is not so common to train here, many opt for training at home or just... not training at all…

ARCADE | (X: 1264/Y: 17/Z: 1111)
Do you think a man dressed as a rabbit did something wrong here? I mean, who would have seen him? There's a door suspiciously placed inside.
This arcade has dust on all the machines... I mean, who would notice if nobody knows there are machines!? The arcade is right behind the business tower, which doesn't make it visible since there is only an alley... people passing by just go on their way or even notice it's open which it is, always.
There is not much to say about this place, just like all arcades are to entertain the public and have a good time with friends but, it seems that teenagers prefer to do other things like I don't know... their homework? Who am I even kidding? Teenagers don't do homework they probably prefer to play on their phones instead of coming to a place with machines full of dust.

CINEMA | (X: 1241/Y: 17/ Z: 842)
This place gives me the creeps...
The... cinema... To be honest, I didn't know we had one...
I'm not sure if it's in operation but it looks like it is... there are lights on even though... there never seems to be a movie. Maybe it's just me but has anyone else come to this place? If so... at some point there was a movie on the air. I don't know... a date you had? Think back!
Let's be honest, many people now prefer to watch their favorite movie on their couch, and I mean... I don't blame them.

BEACH PIER ATTRACTIONS | (X: 1334/Y: 20/Z: 1412)
I love this place, it's a shame it's on this list. I mean sure, the pier is visited but it looks like the attractions are just for show. There is a nice carousel, a Ferris wheel, one of those tea rides and other things that scare me but are just as good!
It seems that it's not such an attractive place, maybe there are other more interesting things around the city like... I don't know... planting trees? I don't know what teenagers like anymore but hey, dear reader, I recommend this place for a date!
I guess this is it, there are many great but forgotten places in Karakura, tell me dear reader....
What places do you consider unused in Karakura?
I know you have great ideas, share them with the world!
Kaede Out