Good day to all Karakura! I hope you all liked my previous report, and if you didn’t that’s alright. Today’s topic is quite interesting perhaps making you all stir up this thought: Are Psychopaths scary or are sociopaths dangerous? Probably at the end of this report, you’ll have an answer. Let’s dive in!
We’ll first start with the topic of psychopaths. What are they really? Well, a psychopath is a personality disorder that an individual may suffer from. Which is commonly referred to as a psychopath. The disorder has many characteristics with specific traits and behaviors that make an individual different from the public. Did you know that the term psychopath is used very commonly to describe those individuals with these traits? Now you probably don’t know what those traits are and that is fine, I’ll provide a few examples.
Individuals who suffer from the personality disorder usually lack empathy. They tend to not understand others' feelings and emotions and sometimes their own. Usually, those who do suffer from this don’t know how to fix their problems because of what they’ve caused to the other individual. This usually leaves the psychopath in distress or seems to act indifferent when it comes to the suffering of others.
Another common trait is the charming and charismatic trait! With this personality disorder, the individual who is suffering from it appears to be very charming toward others. If you didn’t know these individuals are easily known for manipulating and deceiving others easily due to this trait and for the disorder in general. They do this to get personal gain for whatever they desire.
The last example I’ll give of a trait within this disorder is irresponsibility. Now, if you spot someone being irresponsible that does not mean they’re a psychopath, never assume that. However, individuals who do suffer from personality disorder sometimes have a difficult time maintaining responsibilities, stable relationships, and employment. This usually leads to failure of the individual since it's difficult for them.
When most people think of the term of a psychopath they think that person is a criminal. What if I told you that those who do suffer from this disorder doesn’t mean they’re a criminal? It is true, yes some people may be involved with criminal activity and be a psychopath, but there are other individuals out there suffering from this disorder who are not involved with criminal activity. The disorder can make the individual violent but not always, in fact, people who do have this disorder still have a chance at being successful in life.
If you are someone who may think they might have this disorder seek help. Don’t delay it, there are professionals out there willing to help you. For example, you can always head to the Hospital and get a Psychiatrist to set up an appointment for you to try to get a diagnosis. It’s always safe to make sure.
That’s all I have for that topic! Next up we have the sociopaths. What are they? The term sociopath is another personality disorder. It is usually referred to as ASPD also known as antisocial personality disorder. This disorder is characterized by a pattern of violation and disregard for the rights of others. The term sociopath is usually defined as an individual who displays ASPD and or engages in harmful actions toward others.
Individuals who do have ASPD have indifferent traits from the public. The most common trait is lacking empathy. Just like a psychopath, sociopaths tend to not understand the emotions and feelings of others. Another trait is impulsivity, the individual usually impulses others without thinking of the consequences or considering them.
Sociopaths may be seen engaging in actions that go against society of rules and laws. This is another trait known as a persistent violation of social norms.
Do note that the term sociopath is not a clinical definition for those who do suffer from ASPD. The clinical term for a sociopath would be ASPD. However, not everyone who suffers from ASPD is a sociopath. You can get diagnosed if you believe you have ASPD at the Hospital by a psychiatrist.
Now that both terms have been explained to you all. What seems more scarier or dangerous to you? Are psychopaths more dangerous than sociopaths or are sociopaths more dangerous than psychopaths? I’ll leave that to you all. Do keep in mind if you do come across anyone showing these traits never assume that they are one of these terms. Leave it to the professionals to decide on that. Stay safe Karakura.
This is Oda Watanabe from Karakura News.
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