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Karakura News | Wildlife Report


Level 108
Lore Coordinator
Teacher Lead
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Good day, Karakura! I hope you’re all having an amazing day!
Today’s report is about the wildlife around Karakura.


To begin, with the summer season being in full swing, people have begun to go outdoors more — heading to the forest more often. As nice of a place it is, there are dangerous animals — such as foxes and bears — that may not be as friendly as you think. For example, there has been an increase in bear attacks due to individuals having not-so-pleasant interactions with them.

However, on the opposite side, there have been various animals lurking the town! Some of these animals — such as raccoons, foxes, various species of birds — appear to be rather domesticated & friendly with citizens. Some of them behave in manners similar to a pet dog or cat despite being considered ‘wild animals’. As a funny little note, some citizens like to give the animals money while others teach the birds how to say certain words!

The increase in animals could be due to our presence in their habitat. As the population grows, more residences and businesses are built. This often leads to us taking more land from the forest, causing the animals to either hide in smaller areas of the forest, or to leave the forest entirely and live amongst us.

To end this off, it’s important to make sure you’re respecting these animals and not harassing or provoking them. They have feelings just like we humans do and deserve to be left alone — or alternatively, cared for — if they wish to be.


That is all for this article! Stay tuned for the next one!
Until next time!
Jin Kuroki


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