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Accepted Kauwalsky's Professor Application


Level 5
What is your Minecraft username?:


What is your time zone?:
Central European Summer Time (Nantes, France)​

What is your discord username? (eg @muffincats)

Link all previous applications you made on the server:
2x Professor/Teacher applications : ACCEPTED
Numerous language applications : ACCEPTED
BMD application : DENIED
EMS application : DENIED
4x Ban Appeals : ACCEPTED (not proud of it, but I learnt from them.)

* Most of these applications dates from a few years back, exception to the professor one that dates back from around a year ago. Meaning I probably lost some of the links or forgot about some. (especially on my old forum account named Ciscada)

Describe your activity on SchoolRP:
I engage in numerous types of RP, not limiting myself to just one. However, I tend to lean more towards FamilyRP, GangRP, and ProfessorRP. These days, I don't participate in GangRP as often because being a gangrper doesn't interest me much; I prefer the peaceful side of GangRP, focusing on making a profit instead. My primary interests are FamilyRP and ProfessorRP because I love educating others. I seek out as many opportunities as possible to share my knowledge on various subjects.​
Describe your roleplay experience with SchoolRP and other roleplay networks in general:
I have extensive roleplaying experience. On SRP alone, I've been active since 2019-2020. I've taken on roles as a professor, teacher, shop employee, security guard, mob boss, simple criminal/gangster and businessman (I am still a businessman on my main, Kowaulsky).​
Outside of SRP, I've invested thousands of hours in roleplaying games like Garry's Mod MilitaryRP. My most notable achievement was becoming Commander of the Blue Rangers on one of Garry's Mod's biggest MilitaryRP networks, GarnetGaming, where I spent about 12,000 hours. I've also played a significant amount of Arma 3, focusing more on criminal activities, including being a member of the Black Market and various gangs.​

What are your current roles on SchoolRP:
Kowaulsky (main) : adult
Kauwalsky (alt) : adult

What is the subject you want to teach?:
IT / Computer Science​

What is your motivation for becoming a professor?:

As I mentioned, I love educating others about the subjects I master, and this is a great opportunity to do just that.​
Furthermore, professors interact directly with players who are either new or looking to advance (EMS, KPD, etc.). This allows me to show them how to roleplay properly, which is also a great motivation for me. So, in addition to teaching my in-character subject, I would be teaching proper roleplaying techniques to players who need an example or a guide.​
Finally, I will be able to participate as a roleplayer myself. While I have a lot of experience in roleplaying, I recognize that I'm not perfect and believe there's always more to learn.​
Work out two interactive classes you will host if accepted:
1. "Privacy on Internet" : This class would cover the importance of privacy on the internet, particularly with the widespread use of social media among young people. It would delve into the various risks associated with exposing yourself online, such as identity theft and blackmail, and provide practical ways to protect yourself. The course would also emphasize the importance of setting an example for future generations by practicing good online privacy habits.​
2. "Diversity within Computer Systems" : This class would leverage the recent update to SRP that introduces computers, examining how computer systems can be customized for specific needs. For instance, we would explore how the KPD uses these systems to enhance public safety and how the EMS utilizes them to track patient data and predict medical conditions or illnesses. Through this, students would gain a comprehensive understanding of the versatile applications of computer systems in different sectors.​

Work out a field trip (meaning a class outside school grounds) you will host if accepted:
As part of the "Diversity within Computer Systems" class, I would organize a trip to the KPD, EMS, and a local shop to showcase their computer systems. This would provide students with an opportunity to study these systems in detail and take notes for further discussion in class.​
The aim of the trip would be to demonstrate the vast benefits of technology, highlighting how it can be used for everything from saving lives to calculating the best prices for items. I want to show the students that technology is the backbone of our modern society.​
I want to convey that if they are willing to learn about technology, they can achieve anything they desire in life.​

My character will always act professionally in any situation and would never engage in a verbal or physical fight with a student. Instead, he will prioritize the well-being of other students, ensuring they are not disturbed if an offender is unwilling to cooperate. He may raise his voice only to prevent the offender from disturbing the rest. This approach applies to all situations, maintaining a calm and respectful demeanor at all times.

Your character would encounter a group of college jocks surrounding a bobcat jock, what would your character do?
My character's first priority would be to assess if anyone is in danger, whether it's physical or mental. If someone is indeed in danger, he would intervene and remind them of the importance of unity within the school community. He would emphasize that regardless of differences in year or team, everyone is part of the same institution and should act like a family. He would reiterate the importance of following rules to maintain harmony within the school environment.​
However, if there's no immediate danger and it's just light-hearted joking and everyone is clearly enjoying themselves, my character would likely join in the banter and/or leave them be.​

Your character would be supervising detention, one of the students constantly disturbs by asking stupid questions, what would your character do?
My character would first determine if the questions being asked are genuinely reasonable. If they are, he would answer them but remind the student that silence is required during detention, especially if other students are present.​
If the questions are indeed disruptive and intended to disturb the detention, my character would warn the student about the consequences of such actions. He would remind them of the purpose of detention and why they are there. If the student continues their behavior, a supervisor would be called for further disciplinary action, potentially including expulsion. The disruptive student would then be escorted out to prevent further disturbances to other students serving their detention.​
Your character would be hosting a class, and a group of cheerleaders keeps on playing songs on the phone and calling out other students in the class, what would your character do?
My character would remind the students of the school rules about using phones during lessons, especially if it disturbs the rest of the class, and inform them of the potential consequences. Specifically, they could be removed from their school team if they continue to break the rules.​
If this reminder isn't enough to stop them, my character would confiscate their phones and assign detentions to the offenders, as well as remove them from the classroom to prevent further disruptions.​

Your character would be walking on the school perimeter and encounter a fight between a couple of students, your character tried to break it up but it didn't help, what would your character do?
If breaking up the fight hasn't worked, it's logical to assume that detention or a warning wouldn't help either. My character would call in the KPD to try and control the situation, as they're competent in that sort of thing.​
While waiting for the KPD to arrive, my character would continue to physically separate the students, prioritizing their safety and well-being even at the risk of getting hurt. He wouldn't stop trying because, to him, the students' safety is the top priority.​
Meanwhile, as he works to stop the fight, he would also try to understand what caused it to break out. Fights often conceal underlying issues like bullying, which are serious and require the immediate attention of the school's team of professors or possibly even a psychiatrist from EMS.​

Tell us everything you know about the character you will be playing in a few paragraphs. What does they look like? What makes them unique and different? What is their outlook on Students? What about the other teachers? What is their personality like? What is their plan for the future?

Yankov is a 34-year-old former professor of computer science who taught at two different institutes. Known for his friendly demeanor and sense of humor, he enjoys making jokes in class to create a comfortable and enjoyable learning environment. Yankov believes that education should be fun, interesting, and tailored to each student's unique needs and learning styles. He takes his role as an educator seriously, dedicating himself to not only teaching his subject but also fostering a love of learning in his students. For Yankov, the key to success is a passion for learning, and he goes to great lengths to help his students achieve their goals. He invests time in getting to know his students both academically and personally to understand how best to teach them. As for his colleagues, Yankov is very open to meeting new people. He is always ready to assist them both in school and outside of it. Friendly and approachable, he is eager to make new friends and help others whenever needed.​
In terms of appearance, Yankov can initially seem intimidating. He has wavy blonde hair, heterochromatic eyes, one blue and one cool red and, an athletic build. He's always impeccably dressed, whether in a suit or a shirt and tie, and he never parts with his precious watch. Adding to his striking appearance is a scar over one eye that has left him partially blind. Despite this, people quickly discover that Yankov is a kind-hearted individual who is deeply committed to helping his students succeed. He's willing to sacrifice his own time and well-being to ensure others achieve their goals.​
While Yankov is caring and supportive, he can also be strict when necessary. He does not tolerate disruptive or harmful behavior in his classroom, as he believes it hinders the learning of others. If a student is causing trouble, he will take action to stop them, always within the bounds of school rules.​
Yankov's blend of seriousness and humor has made him a popular professor. Even students who aren't particularly interested in technology find his lessons engaging and enjoyable.​
Looking ahead, Yankov plans to continue focusing on his family and his students. Though he is open to finding a wife and mother for his family one day, his current priority is the youth and the lessons he imparts to them.​

Describe how your character ended up becoming a teacher and their previous life. It is optional to include earlier life but recommended.
Make sure this is over 100 words.

Yankov was born and raised in Moscow, Russia. Though he was never particularly interested in literature, his passion ignited when he discovered the emerging world of technology. He knew from that moment he wanted to become an expert in the field.​
Determined to learn everything about computers, from coding to networks and security, Yankov began reading extensively. His initial steps into the world of technology were entirely self-taught, driven by his curiosity and dedication.​
At 18, Yankov enrolled at the prestigious Bauman Moscow State Technical University, specializing in software engineering. His natural aptitude for technology quickly shone through, and he earned a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering. There, he was introduced to the latest technologies and programming languages, which further fueled his passion. Yankov realized he wanted to contribute to the future of technology, even if he wasn't sure how yet.​
Unwilling to stop there, Yankov pursued a Master of Science in Computer Science at the Higher School of Economics in Moscow, focusing on distributed systems and network security. He excelled in his studies, and his fascination with technology only deepened. He discovered the works and theses of other skilled experts, inspiring him to aspire to create his own groundbreaking research.​
Yankov set his sights on a PhD, knowing it was essential for recognition in the scientific community. At 30, he completed his PhD in computer science at St. Petersburg State University, writing a thesis that made significant contributions to artificial intelligence and machine learning. His work was well received by experts and paved the way for further research and development in the field.​
Following his doctorate, Yankov accepted a position as a computer science professor at the University of Karakura in Japan, where he taught for two years. He left for personal reasons but returned two years later to work as a college professor at Karakura High School. After a few months, he had to return to Russia due to personal matters. However, his heart remained in Karakura, where his family and daughter Maddie lived.​
Determined to reunite with his loved ones and resume his teaching career, Yankov returned to Karakura. He applied for the college professor position he once held and cherished, eager to continue his mission of educating and inspiring students after impacting the world of modern technology.​


Full Name: Yankov Ivankov​
Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr, Mister​
Given Name(s): Yankov​
Preferred Name: Yaki​
Age: 35 years old​
Gender & pronouns: Male & he/him​
Religious Denomination: Pantheist​
Marital Status: Single​
Nationality: Russian​
Current Location: Karakura, Japan​

2 - Academic Details
Teaching Experience (# of years): 2,5​
Working Experience (# of years): 2,5​
Academic Degree: Bachelor, Master & PhD​
Year of Graduation:
  1. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
    • 2011
  2. Master of Science in Computer Science
    • 2013
  3. Doctorate (PhD) in Computer Science
    • 2019
  1. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
    • Software Engineering
  2. Master of Science in Computer Science
    • Distributed Systems and Network Security
  3. Doctorate (PhD) in Computer Science
    • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  1. Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and Engineering
    • Programming Data Structures
  2. Master of Science in Computer Science
    • Advanced Algorithms & Operating Systems
  3. Doctorate (PhD) in Computer Science
    • Artificial Intelligence subfields (neural networks, natural language processing etc...)
Native Languages: Russian​
Other Languages: Russian, Swedish, Japanese​
Preferred Teaching Subject: IT / Computer Science​
Additional notes about your application (if any):

One of my advantages is that I've been a professor before, so I'm experienced and I know what I'm doing, especially when it comes to classes, I've actually taken notes before of the classes that were most popular with the students, based on the behaviour of the class and the feedback I've gotten from the students ICly and OOCly, so I know how to make the RP interesting but also actually teach people stuff about technology.

Another perk, is that I'm a student of Computer Engineering & Science at Polytech (a French engineering school), so of course what I teach is real and I know my subject to some extent. It allows me to teach this subject like a real professor (to some extent obviously...) which increases the RP immersion even more.


Level 99
Professor Lead
Authorization Team
Congratulations, please make sure you're in the Karakura Academics discord, and ping me in #help (@muffincats) to receive your role. You can request your role in game by making a ticket. If you are not in the discord please make sure to join

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