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Kayla Jane Blankwood | Snowflakr


Level 20
First Name: Kayla Jane
Surname: Blankwood

Preferred Name:
"KJ" or "KFC".

Aliases: KFC, which was given to her by a friend as they were figuring out who's going to have what codename. KJ, which she prefers for some reason.

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5"5

Weight: undecided.

Build: Hourglass

Hair Style: Her hair is often loose. It's often waist length or just neck length with bangs.

Hair Color: Reddish Brown

Fashion: She often wears a woolen Red sweater and then brown pants that are too big, and covers half of her loafers. Sometimes though, she does wear a bit of childcore clothes with a big planet on it.

Abnormalities: A Canadian flag tattooed on her right cheek. Kinda unusual.

Place of Birth: Edmonton, Alberta.

Nationality: Canadian

Race: Brown

Sexual Orientation: Female

Religious Beliefs: Christian.

Political Beliefs: Nationalist, and wants a united Canada.

General Appearance

Appearance: Kayla is a 5"5 Canadian female with a Canadian flag tattooed on her right cheek.

Personality: She's mostly nice, and then would participate in fights if others told her to, or if she wants revenge.

Mental Disorder: Autism

Character Voice: Soft and monotone voice.

Equipment: Kayla often makes use of her noise cancelling headphones, only stuffing them in her pockets or in her backpack.

Clothes: Red sweater, and brown pants.

Hobbies: Spars and talking to friends.

Issues: Kayla loves fighting and that made someone say it was Sadism.

Skills: Fighting.

Family: The Blankwoods.

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