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Accepted KayLoon | HS Council Application


Level 23

. . .


What is your Minecraft Username?:


Past warns/kicks/bans?:
Warnings: Most of my warnings are either a year old or 5+ months ago.
Kicks: The only kick I had if I’m correct was throwing a cosmetic item, which is still a year ago due to the fact it was the Halloween event.
Bans: I have no bans. And I’m planning to keep it that way

What is your timezone?:
BST or British Summer Time, UTC +1, I’ll also update it if my timezone changes again

Do you have Discord (if so, what is your Discord tag)?: My discord tag is KayLoon#5255

Link(s) to all past and present applications on the server? (Approved, Denied & Pending):
Accepted: 4rd Attempt Sign Lanuage (My character died thats why I did a new one) | SchoolRP
Language application | SchoolRP
Accepted - JUDGE | KayLoon's Application | SchoolRP
Accepted - Akihitoes | Caretaker Application | SchoolRP

Denied: Language request | SchoolRP Sign Language | SchoolRP Sign Language 3rd attempt (I hope this is the correct place) | SchoolRP 4rd Attempt Sign Lanuage (My character died thats why I did a new one) | SchoolRP Korean language application | SchoolRP 2nd Attempt | SchoolRP

Unsure whether or not rank requests are also considered as applications but here are them:
Rank request | SchoolRP Rank request | SchoolRP Barophobia, age request | SchoolRP

Describe your activity on the server?:
Bobcats Swim Team;


During my time swim team, I’ll often interact with members of other teams, and with the swim team, I would often participate in practice and improve my writing style in terms of detail-roleplay and roleplay in general whether using other words or making an action longer, I’ve learned quite a lot during the Swim-Team, I’ve learned how to communicate with other people with different kinds of personality in SchoolRP.
In terms of attending practices I’ve only managed to not attend 3 or 2 practices due to family issues, but other than that I’ve managed to attend 99% of my practices for 3-4 months if I'm correct.

Government Faction;


During my time in the Government Faction, I was a judge and during my time as a judge, we had to follow certain policies and rules to make sure there was professional roleplay during the job. Due to some rules, etc, I won’t be detailing everything about the faction but during the trials, we had to make sure everything went through smoothly. We had to make sure that nobody decides to lie or anything. We couldn't think RP, we couldn't do anything like that.
During the trial, it’s the serious mode! Which I love! I’ve managed to attend most of the trials as a jury…I was in the faction for 5 months, which means I attended either 6-9 trials not sure if there might be more or less.

School Employee Faction:


During my time in the School Employee Faction which was 1-2 months, I had to quickly learn things since the students didn’t give breaks to the caretaker…But that also made my roleplay experience fun, I’ve learned what the average student of Karakura acts like.
While I haven’t been long enough in that faction it was very nice.

List your accounts and roles on this server?:
Main Account: KayLoon [Grade-12]
Alt Account: _McHottie [Grade-12]
Alt Account: Akihitoes [Rabbit]

Are you aware that inactivity for more than 15 days without an inactivity log will result in removal from the council?:
Yes, I’m aware that if I don’t show any sort of inactivity over half a month I’ll be removed, which is why I’ll make sure to be online at least once or twice per day


What is student council and what do they do?:

A student council is a group of multiple students that were accepted by the school SLT to help students and employees of the school [Teachers/Professors included].
The student council is supposed to patrol the school to find if there's a student fighting or causing trouble and quickly defuse the situation, also the student council is supposed to gather event ideas for the school, such as holding events, school parties/dances, or just field trips with the permission of the SLT to present the event and make the school fun.
The student council also has to maintain a certain attitude and not be too stuck-up nor to be too relaxed they have to be in the middle, and they also have to be calm and patient with the students and the School Employees even if they annoy you

What motivated you to apply for council? (e.g. Interests, friends, etc.):
The reason for my application not only comes from my friends, such as Frankie, Honua, and more, but it also comes from the fact that I’m interested in the school council;
One of the many reasons why I’m Interested is due to the fact on how the student council presents themselves even during the assembly, detention, or anything, they’re calm, and nothing really can’t phases them it made me interested in the school council

Are you aware that you’ll be having to use your creativity and teamwork ethic within the student council? (e.g. Coming up and helping with events):
Yes, I’m aware that I’ll be helping and coming up with events ideas for the school and the council

Can you list the roles in the council along with other roles that might be important to the council?:

The School Faculty [Teachers and Professors Included];
The school faculty are required to help or assist the student council in terms of events, problems such as detentions, and students fighting or causing problems, with the student. To further explain the event part, the school faculty are allowed to be the seller in certain events such as dances where they can sell food/drinks, they also have roles such as Caretakers that allow them to patrol the school if a councilor member is not at the school.
While the teachers and professors do the same thing as the school faculty, they also teach you to pass the exams to be a college student where you can apply for the college-council​

The SLT;
The SLTs are the most important adults for the student council, they manage the school budget with the council, and they accept or decline the school events, they can make rules and remove them at any time, and they can remove members of the student body council. If there's any sort of punishment that goes further from the Council group, such as suspensions, expulsions and much more the SLT will deal with it​

The Councilors;
Councilors are the normal student of the Council group, they often patrol the school, and help students or teachers if they need help such as in detention or the student's case, someone that they can listen to or help to depend on the situation, they hold the communication between the students and the school staff.
The councilors also can hold events, help events, and more for the school, events like the school assembly, easter festival, pep rally, and much more!​

The Council Secretary and Treasurer;
Council Secretary are mostly there to help to prepare the council agenda such as events and more, they’re also supposed to be there to record the meeting that happens in the council team, they have an agenda, a list of the members that attend the meetings, they also have another list that explains everything that will be covered in the meeting​

Council Treasurer has the responsibility of keeping track of the budget of the school, they either have a monthly or yearly budget to prepare and they have to show the budget and track money usage in every single meeting. They also have to remind the other council members about the budget in case there's an event that abuses it​

The Council Vice-President and President;
The Council Vice-President usually appears when the President is either absent or unable to be reached, they usually do the same thing as the President and the Council members, patrol the school, help students, there’s also represent the student body at the school, and they usually take charge when the president is not at the council meeting
The Council President is THE role of the Council members, they’re the example of how a student should act, they often work with students to resolve problems between the school and the people in it, and they inform the SLT of event ideas and problems within the school, they can lead the meeting in the council meeting, they also can remove a council member if they do something wrong

You’re patrolling the school and you walk by two girls verbally harassing each other, but they didn't pay mind to you. What do you think is the correct way to go about this?

I would simply walk towards them, I’ll be a bit confused if they are roasting each other as a joke or harassing each other, so I’ll simply tap one of their shoulders to see if that does get a response, if in case that does get a response I’ll ask them to calm down a bit, to not insult each other and instead talk about the reason of the conflict, if it does not work, I’ll tell them to avoid each other and not fight
And in case they do ignore me, I’ll simply pull one a bit away, not too hard, not too soft, just pull one away, I’ll tell them to calm down by breathing, and I’ll say to the both, to really just talk it out or simply not talk to each other. I know that really wouldn't work due to the fact students love drama, but if they do continue I’ll simply either 1 call for assistance or 2 warn them once again…Then a detention threat, if that doesn’t work, I’ll hand them a detention

A student refuses to take their mask off after you’ve brought up detention and they’ve run away! What do you do?
Honestly, the first thing I would’ve done is simply use the radio that the councilors have and tell them that a student is using a certain type of attire and mask running around the school, and I would’ve also added the fact that I’ve given them the detention threat than I’ll simply continue my patrol if I do encounter people such as the school staff or other councilors I’ll tell them more about the situation, and if I do find the person again I would simply tell them to remove their mask and give them detention if I’m lucky enough.
Chasing students with masks or delinquents will give them a rush of joy and that will make them want to do that again.

There seems to be a councilor abusing their powers! They’re being exceptionally mean to a student, causing the student to be defensive or scared. How would you step in?
I’ll slowly walk towards the situation making sure I hear everything, I’ll then tap the counselor's shoulder trying to get their attention, instead of saying anything to the counselor about their attitude or anything, I’ll tell them that I have to talk with the student about something they’ve done, in case the councilor wants to be added to the conversation I’ll tell them that another student wants to talk to the student has scared or defensive privately, and I’ll walk away with the student, I’ll first try to calm them down by saying that the councilor abusing their power will be revoked from the council, I’ll bring the student to the SLT or the council president or vice-president for the student to explain the situation, I’ll then be a witness and explain that the student is telling the truth.
I don’t see the point in confronting the councilor abusing their power, it would honestly make the student more scared that two councilors are arguing with each other.

You seemed to miss a few pieces of information during a meeting, how would you go about getting that information?
If I did miss a piece of information, I would walk up to members to see and ask them about everything that we went through that is in order to check if I did miss something, I’ll then gather up all the information needed then go to the president or the vice-president and ask them to elaborate on the parts that the other council members talked about.

A teacher/receptionist has told you or doing something that goes against what you were trained by your higher-ups. How would you react to this?
While the school rules do change it’s something that can pose confusion between old members and new members, I would simply tell the teacher or the receptionist that I’ve been trained by the SLT to follow something in that certain way, not the way that the teacher/receptionist is doing, then I’ll tell them to check out the rules/information that the SLT gave us, normally that would’ve been enough for me but in case they do continue something I would walk away, there is no point in continuing after I’ve told them what they did was wrong. I’ll just bring what the teacher/receptionist has done with the SLT.

Please provide a detailed event that a club or council can use as a future event to showcase your creativity! (Must be 300 words or more):
NOTE: (1. Not sure if this type of event was shown but based on the Official - SCHOOL | Event Calendar, Information & More | SchoolRP it hasn’t been used, 2 I've decided to change up my idea )

KHS Encounter/ KHS Food Fight

The general idea of the KHS Encounter is the chance for people to meet the SLT, Club leaders, Council, and Teams, while of course people won't be going up to them, instead, the SLT, Clubs, Council, or Teams gets to choose a candidate that will go up to the stand where they'll get a bunch of questions asked and they'll have to answer it, but they also have opportunity to choose the person that will be asking the questions. Which will the candidate will choose whether or not to answer them.

But there is something off about this event, while the student is allowed to ask questions...A few students, actually any students are allowed to secretly or just throw eggs or food or anything as long as it's not lethal at the person who is talking, so in case the person is rambling or saying something that the student hates, they can simply throw eggs at them, not only that they'll also be allowed to throw eggs or food at each other...Creating a food fight at the school gym, not only that everyone is allowed to throw food at each other, a teacher hates a caretaker they can throw eggs at them.

Not only does this create the idea of more scandals at the school, but it will also deepen someone's anger at someone else creating more roleplay situations, while of course in character the SLT will have no idea what's going on, one moment everything is going fine and the next moment everything is going in chaos, the teams are also of course allowed to throw each other food, and insults for the chance of more rivalry between the teams...

The event will also slowly turn into doing whatever you want as the students and the school staff, but at the end, the SLT will be ending the event trying to stop all the students... Also in case you are worried about where the food comes from, the student will be given to them. Either by another student telling them to throw at the person or at someone else.

This event is to create more roleplay situations in the school, such as an increase in fights, scandals, or simply hateful activity each other.


Character Name:

Nelida Moura

Character Gender:

Character Age:
Grade 12, 18 years old

Character phone-number:

Brief summary of how they act/ your character’s personality:
“Hmm, if I would say I’m someone who is direct, I have no problems talking about issues or asking questions about things I’m confused about or missed” the female scratched her neck before continuing “Even so, I have no problems being stern or nice depending on the situation, but some of my friends call me a good listener if you want to talk about issues of course” the female spoke out it looked like she was looking away…A bit embarrassed “I’m not so sure what to add…But I suppose this will be enough” The clip ended.

Character appearance/attire (Please provide a picture):

What separates you from other applicants seeking your position?:
“Why I’m separated from the other applicants? Simple, I’m not really afraid to voice my opinions to the council, if the event was bad I would tell them it’s bad and tell them what’s wrong with it. I also have no problem talking to people of this school” the female paused herself and looked towards the camera as she continued “While I’m sure the applicants repeat the same words I’m using I’m not trying to fake it or anything. I want to be a part of the council” the clip ended.

Why do you want this position?:
A clip slowly started, and you’ll see Nelida in front of you she scratched her cheek as she started to speak “The reason why I want the position is to have the ability to help students in this school, people often fight each other without even coming up a reason why to, students don’t try to talk it out.” the female paused herself as she soon enough pulled out a bottle of water and took a drink, as she soon enough continued “I hope the council accepts me as a member of the council” the clip soon enough ended.

What interests you the most about student council?:
The clip slowly started as the camera seems to glitch a bit, but the room in front was more decorated than before, there was a poster about the Bobcats and the Spartans, on the other side there were plants, and you could suddenly hear steps as a person appeared and sat on the chair in front it was Nelida.
“Hello everyone, I’ll be answering the next question” the female paused herself as she continued “One of many reasons why I’m interested in the council group is the way that presents itself makes me truly want to join this group, the way that council walks, acts, it makes me want to be like them” the female the looked away she was embarrassed from the fact she was idolizing the council.

What could you contribute to make the school a safe and fun environment?:
The video slowly started and there was Nelida sitting, while the video camera still maintain the same type of video quality but she was at her seat as she slowly spoke out “Simple, I can benefit the school by doing patrols every day, I have the ability the help and hear out the problems of students or people that want to talk about their situation and I’ll help with any sort of event that will happen in the school to make fun.” the female spoke out with being direct and clear as she continued “I hope that you’ll accept my application. Have a nice day”
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Level 139
School Clubs Lead
Media Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply for the student council!

Welcome to council, Please ping Customable#1590 in the academics discord #help channel to receive your roles


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