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Kazumi C. Sanbuono | Biography


Level 1

[Kazumi C. Sanbuono]




Intelligence: 6/10
Strength: 5/10
Speed: 9/10
Stamina: 8/10
Agility: 9/10
Durability: 8/10
Luck: 3/10


Basic Information

First Name: Kazumi
Surname: Sanbuono

Aliases: Kaz, Kazu, Umi Zumi, CAPTAINNNNN!

Gender: Male

Age: 20

Height: 5'7 (170 cm)

Weight: 133lbs

Build: Ectomorph

Skin Color: White skin toned

Eye Color: Light brown

Hair Style: Messy, unruly hair

Hair Color: Light brown

Fashion: Soft boy/Casual

Abnormalities: Over-the-top level of energy. Often feels like he's "invincible" and sometimes seen as sleep deprived.

Date of Birth: March 12th 2001

Place of Birth: Maebashi, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Caucasian

Sexuality: Straight

Religious Beliefs: Agnostic


General Appearance

Appearance: He would be a short and rather thin male with freckles on the bridge of his nose that spread to both of his cheeks. His height combined with his small arms and body structure, he would often be compared to a small boy.

Personality: Kazumi would be super outgoing, spreading joy to everyone he interacts with. Kazumi is seen as a childish yet loving and compassionate man. Often with over-the-top levels of energy and joy. Kazumi is forgetful and gets distracted abnormally easily, making it hard for him to focus on one thing for a long time.

Diseases/Illnesses: Mania Disorder, ADHD

Voice Claim: 0:00 to 1:00

Equipment: Bun Bun Hat

Serious Problems/Flaws: Lack of self care

Skills: Making friends, Volleyball,

Strengths: Curious, Enthusiastic, Honest, Never give up attitude.

Weaknesses: Unfocused, Disorganized, Overly Optimistic, Restless, Clumsy.



Conrad Chizuru (Brother) - Dead

Brylie Chizuru (Sister) - Alive

Leah Chizuru (Sister) - Alive

Lance Chizuru (Brother) - Alive

Zen Chizuru (Brother) - Alive

Aurelio Chizuru (Brother) - Unknown

St. Vito Sanbuono (Father) - Alive

Kayliana S. Sanbuono (Sister) - Alive

Juliette C. Sanbuono (Sister) - Alive

Ashura S. Sanbuono (Brother) - Dead

Arisu M. Sanbuono (Sister) - Dead

Miami Sanbuono (Brother) - Alive

Katanaco Sanbuono (Cousin) - Alive


Close Friends/Relationships

Lyric Hunter (Wife) - Alive

Ishiki Ōtsutsuki (Best Friend) - Alive

Izumi Tatsuo (Best Friend) - Alive

Lunar Vieux (Close Friend) - Alive

Eden Vieux (Close Friend) - Alive

Chris V. Cain (Close Friend) - Alive

Laurel Takahara (Good Friend) - Alive



W.I.P <3

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