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Keegan_Russ | KPD Application


Level 8
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name): Keegan_Russ

Discord Name & Tag: Keegan

Which timezone are you in?: GMT + 3

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
I have not applied for any other faction up until this point apart from being on the football team since the summer of 2023 until the spring of 2024, having joined Sayonara since the autumn of 2023 and still continuing to be part of the staff team as the only secretary and right hand of the shopkeeper and being on the volleyball team since the start-mid of summer in 2024.

Describe your activity on the server:
Ever since I had first "set foot" on the server, from the creation of my SchoolRP forums account which dates all the way back on the 1st of April 2021, I had maintained a consistent and convenient activity where I could take both part in a copious amount of roleplaying scenarios and events whilst also maintaining and making time for my IRL activities and studies.

On a regular basis, I am online every day from four to up to even eight hours a day ( if needed ). Even during my senior high school year which heavily determined my future based on just how well I could control my schedule, I still remained an active player within the SchoolRP community while providing fun and enjoyable scenarios while jock or rivalryRP'ing, not to mention the difficult transition I had to commit myself to from having my character transition from being on the college male football team to joining the college male volleyball team while I was still a mere "rookie" at plugin itself, while obviously my final exams were right around the corner.

Overall I would say that my activity is the most solid 9.8/10 and I don't see it dropping anytime soon as it remained quite literally the same for a three year time period.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Police work and law enforcement as a whole fascinated me ever since I was in middle school, specifically 5th grade. And even after being dealt with a lot difficult scenarios where I had to choose a very specific department that I would want to apply for in the future, my passion still remained the same. Despite the fact that I've included myself on the GangRP side of server itself since the first week I had ever joined, I wished for my character to become a police officer, though, despite that wish I had never found the knowledge, motivation or will to do so up until now, back then I was a mere newbie who used the fishing plugin as their main source of income and rocked a NameMC skin. Though, as I spent more time on the server I became more distracted with other things that it had to offer such as teams and the sports plugins.

The very first time where I was genuinely intrigued and wished to learn more by how the KPD handled their situations and roleplay scenarios was back when the Akihito Clan was "blossoming". While there weren't too many situations where my character would be face-to-face with a KPD officer on bad terms ( despite the event where Mike Akihito died ), I still remained intrigued by how exactly a KPD officer did their job, what kind of code they had to follow, the kind of radio communication they would have with their colleagues, how they would handle themselves in stressful situations etc.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?:

While I may not be an expert at just how exactly the KPD works as a whole, I do have plenty of knowledge on how a real-life police officer handles themselves on the job. Although I'm sure that the differences between the KPD and real police work aren't like day and night, as far as I'm concerned the KPD has to offer a wide variety of opportunities for it's officers to excel at, whether it's patrol, detective work, being at the front desk to help answer somebody's questions or responding to emergency calls. Despite all those great opportunities, rookies as a whole must be aware that even one small mistake could easily escalate a situation, resulting in either severe punishment from higher-ups or potentially being heavily injured on the line of duty. This kind of faction isn't necessarily for everybody as from my own perspective it requires a lot of patience, dedication and overall a bit of knowledge of the work your character is committing themselves to and would also require the player OOCLY to have the capacity to take knowledge of and also remember all the rules and policy in terms of GangRP, CombatRP and Karakura's law as a whole.

Meanwhile, from my own research, a police officer must always remain vigilant but also remain calm and professional. Being organized, civil and respectful towards their colleagues, higher-ups and civilians is a must as they are quite literally the barrier which prevents crime from ever taking place from the get go or escalates further than it already has. Police officers must also have the ability to memorize the law itself like it's the bible in order to obviously enforce it and to avoid potential law suits. Their dedication to their job extraordinary despite the fact that it constantly put to the test, whether they have to answer hard calls or take part in a shift where nothing really happens for the day and most of the times they do not really get a saying when it comes down to taking orders. I strongly believe that an officer's greatest weapon isn't their handgun, or taser, or pepper spray or even cuffs as a whole, I believe that it's their "eyes" and also their capability to "defuse" a situation before it gets worse, being able to detect crime before it even happens by using the experience they have accumulated over the years on the job.

Besides all that, I've taken my time to research the ranking system of the KPD while also writing down notes of what each role potentially does in the department ( including the detective side too ) :

Civilian -> Cadet -> Patrol Officer -> Corporal - > Sergeant - > Lieutenant - > Captain - > Commissioner​

Detective Constable - > Detective Inspector - > Chief Detective Inspector - > Detective Superintendent

Main Division

Also seen as the "head" of the KPD. The commissioner is the highest ranking member within the police force, being in charge of it all. They make sure that everything runs smoothly and watches over the rest of the staff while confirming whether or not the officers are eligible for their jobs and tasks. The dedication they have shown and contribution to this town is something to be proud of, a remarkable thing at that to be standing in their position as a whole.

A high ranking officer that goes over both applications and possible changes within the department, whether it's their staff or something else. Besides that, they usually ensure that the rest of the officers are performing accordingly.

Much like every other ranking, the lieutenant is one that shouldn't be taken lightly of due to the commitment they had shown for reaching this far in the official ranking system. Often seen as the very first rank to welcome them into the section of "higher-ups", usually being up to three within the KPD.

Sergeants are the ones who are given the task to supervise the corporals, patrol officers and cadets above all else, making sure that the three ranks "below them" are on their best behavior and are doing their job accordingly.

A somewhat common rank within the police force. Corporals hold themselves at a decently high standard, remaining on their best behavior while discussing and cooperating with their higher-ups to best order around the officers that rank lower than them. Though they could sometimes be seen as a bit more lenient.

Patrol Officer:
The rank of a patrol officer that is granted for the cadet for passing their training exam. Despite still being somewhat low-ranking, I personally consider them to be the "back bone" of the KPD despite the fact that they still carry out somewhat "small" tasks. Much like the name implies, they will most likely be found patrolling the streets.

The cadet is often considered the rookie, or often nicknamed "boot" as they are fresh on the job and do not have much experience if any either. They are often supervised by their higher-ups and can be easily cut off from their training program if need be. In most cases they are "taken under the wing" by a fellow T.O., a training officer which is tasked to show the ropes of the job they signed up for while the cadets can also be given tasks at the station.

Detective Division

Detective Superintendent:
Often seen as the "head" of the detective division. They are in charge of all major crimes happening all around the city, usually taking the cases which are hard to crack, taking days, weeks, perhaps months to solve based on their difficulty and the people involved. The skills they have accumulated across the years on their job are something to take pride in.

Detective Chief Inspector:
Usually being up to two detective chief inspectors, they are the ones in charge to handle the rest of the detectives, making sure that they are doing their job correctly and are up to standard. Often seen giving out a hand or two to help on pending investigations/cases. They are also in charge of managing their operational teams besides monitoring policing operations as a whole.

Detective Inspector:
The detective inspector usually takes the lead with pending investigations, gaining all the possible information and evidence they can against the alleged criminals they were tasked to find guilty of certain crimes.

Detective Sergeant:
Much like the main division sergeants, it wouldn't be a surprise if this rank required the capability to watch over the "fresher" detectives. Much like the rest, they also take part in investigations and use their skillset to crack cases.

Detective Constable:
The detective constables are usually "fresh" within handling investigations and crime as a whole but do have far more experience than cadets. They often have a much better understanding on how to exactly gain evidence for the crimes that people commit and take part on investigations.

Standard issue equipment:

Breathalyzer: A tool used for measuring breath alcohol content. Commonly used whenever officers initiate traffic stops or suspect an underage individual of drinking illegally.

Pepper spray: A lachrymator, or better known as tear gas, used to temporarily obscure one's vision. It is stored in a little can which usually has an expiration date, must be rattled before usage and has the "ejector" right at the top.

Police radio: The only means of communicating with your fellow colleagues on a private channel to best carry out your pending investigation, case or patrol. It is one of the most important tools which is used the most often during a shift.

Taser guns: Due to the sheer lethality of the 9x19mm Glock 17's, KPD had resorted to only using the tasers as their guns after various protests or rants online. One of the three means of a police officer to defend themselves or take down a suspect to detain them and later on process them. It is mainly used as a "last resort" if the situation calls for it.

Tranquilizer: A ranged, non-lethal weapon which takes after the model of a what appears to be like a marksman rifle or a paintball gun. It's barrel provides medium to long range efficiency. Being loaded with a dart that disables the ability of a person to walk, ensuring a successful arrest in most scenarios over the suspect(s).

Handcuffs: One of the most important tools which is used to secure, detain or prevent an individual from using their hands up to a certain extent. Often used to arrest somebody and make sure that they aren't going to be causing harm to somebody or reaching out for a potential tool/weapon to harm anybody.

Baton: Another means of a police officer defending themselves in potentially extreme situations. The material in which the baton is made out of is solid enough to leave a heavy impact on any fellow suspects or armed individuals.

Police badge: The main form of identifying yourself as a police officer, showing your rank, badge number and the department you work in.

Body camera: One of the greatest tools to capture and replay the available recording of a patrol officer's shift. The video which the camera has to offer opens a wide variety of possibilities in which it could be used for. Whether it is used as concrete evidence that an officer was assaulted, took part in a patrol, apprehended a potential suspect, or it could simply used as some sort of saved training video for the patrol officers from another's past occurrence.

Riot gear: A set of protective gear and wear which is used when conducting raids or attending scenes where the suspect(s) are confirmed to be armed and/or dangerous. The riot gear not only provides the concealment of it's user's face and body but it is made out thick and protective layers to ensure one's safety in terms of survivability. Depending on the situation, riot shields are also given out to the officers to increase their chances of success, whether it is to defend themselves from violent protests or criminals who threaten their safety and well being.

Why is Police important to schoolRP?:

The police force of the server is the only thing that separates the community of hard working civilians, high school and college students from crime. They are not only the "shield" that Karakura's people depend on to keep them safe, but they are also the people who saw an opportunity to dedicate their time to ensure the safety of other individuals. The KPD offers the playerbase a much needed fresh breath of air which is often yearned for especially if you are an older player.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?:
I fully acknowledge and understand that I will be punished if I do not attend training despite the fact that I am online during that time.

In-Character (IC ) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Kōdō Senjutsu

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:


What languages does your character know besides Japanese?: Spanish and Italian

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?:

Kōdō Senjutsu is a man who is currently standing at the height of 6'1 and weighs 194 lbs (88 kg). His most "redeemable" features being his naturally dark blue eyes and delicate skin with little to no blemishes, donning beautiful illustrations of what appeared to be irezumis. You could tell at first glance that he had taken a huge liking towards military wear, often being seen in either G3 combat uniforms or simple and casual wear. He's the epitome of being a hothead but is extremely passionate about justice and doing what in his eyes is "the right thing". If the situation calls, at the flip of a switch Kōdō abandons all the envy he feels towards those who live much easier lives than him, focusing on the main task at hand which makes it feel almost as if he was born to carry out stressful situations in which many would quit their position due to how mentally demanding they are.


How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?:
Kōdō Senjutsu was never one to act rash or out of the ordinary unless pushed to the very edge, and even then his own stubbornness wouldn't allow him to take any form of drastic measure against anybody. When given the opportunity to take part in a situation where it required his full attention and/or professional side, his main "procedure" would be to always follow protocol, remain silent and only speak when spoken to. Knowing when not to speak is slowly becoming a skill in today's time as he believes, using the patience he was forced to extend and hone during his time on the college football team while putting up with childish plays such as rivalry while also using the knowledge that he learned across the years of his R.A.S.P. training regime back in the states, being fond and open to discussing room clearing drills and overall CQB.

As for casual situations, Kōdō enjoys taking a more comical approach at things, he always wishes to bond with people that he is fond of, cracking jokes and giving them a sense of reassurance that he has their backs and at often times does his best to relate to them, no matter the situation, good or bad. He's friendly, honest and just has a certain way with words, like he plays and bends them to his will to better express his opinion and ideas across the room.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?:
Ever since he was in middle school Kōdō wished to surround himself with people who shared similar ideals and aspirations. Whether it was during class, football training, the two tournaments he participated in ( summer of 2023 and winter of 2024 ), volleyball or even working as a higher-up in the Sayonara Gift Shop or as an ex-employee for the Okinasa shop. Kōdō always found himself enjoying the company of people who he shared interests and passions with, forming strong bonds with the people he deemed reliable and social. That was when he came to the realization that he aspires to be something more than just a sports team player, he wished to be part of a workplace that contained mature co-workers who would put his skills to the test, mainly to have them acknowledge his capabilities and will to work alongside other people who all want the same thing. To serve the city.

What's your character's backstory?:
Born in the state of Illionis, Chicago, Kōdō was nothing else but an average kid from the suburbs. Due to his lack of social skills at a young age, he was often picked upon by his classmates, often seeing him as nothing else but a silent loser who never stood out in anything. His grades were average, his looks were average, hell, he was just "the average kid", dull, boring and silent. Despite dreaming to be some sort of main character like from the comics he read back at home, he never dared to step up against his bullies and the situation only got worse until his parents were called to the school. Worried about his well being only after having the councilor bring up his issues, Kōdō's father took the pleasure in getting him up in tip top shape as his stubborn will could never allow himself to have given birth to "a wimp in men's clothing". His mother was the one who taught Kōdō how to indulge in empathy, how to better take care of himself and accumulate all the experiences he went through at school to get a better understanding of how the society was going to shape itself in the future, being gifted a rather solid state of emotional intelligence from her.

But despite all his mother's teachings, mama's boy quickly fell victim to the crude and harsh reality that his father presented him to. Being a sergeant in the US army, his father had the opportunity to set Kōdō up for the R.A.S.P. training regime just as he turned 18 in 2021. Being "stationed" momentarily for his boot camp in Fort Moore, Georgia, Kōdō found himself surrounded by other teenagers who he deemed as if "he was looking in the mirror". Quickly finding similar topics to discuss with them due to his fear of being dejected once more, he didn't take long before befriending most of the candidates there which helped his morale to better perform at training. Despite the fact that his training instructors kept reminding him that he wasn't there for a get together, he kept a fine balance between strengthening the bond he had with the fellow candidates while also trying to make it out alive from the training regime.

In there he was taught discipline above all else, basic drills on how to clear out a room, "tunneling", F.I.L.O., how to disassemble and reassemble a Colt M4A1 5.56x45mm
under three minutes flat, how to treat himself if wounded up to a certain extent, etc. And while showing great determination and resilience, as soon as he graduated after the 8-week course, the career which he aspired to approach was cut short after his parents had an unforgiveable clash of ideas. While his father claimed that he knew what was best for him, his mother wished for Kōdō to pursue higher education by attending college and even going as far as getting a master's degree. After half a day of arguing, his father had lost the battle of will and bad mouthing to his mom, cutting some sort of deal between the two where his father would indeed "discharge" Kōdō from any form of military activity and career until he would get his master's degree in order to pursue higher education, with the twist being that his father would be the one choosing the educational institution where his son would be studying.

As a form of revenge for not siding with him when needed, his father sent him as far as he saw was fit enough to truly put Kōdō's capabilities to the test, Japan, Karakura. Forced to live with just 150,000 yen from the start, he had no other choice but to comply with his father's demands as he quickly fell victim to a complex of taking orders due to his R.A.S.P. training back in Georgia. Struggling at first to make a living, he rented an apartment over at Complex I back when it had first opened it's "arms" to the public to live in, doing his very best to accommodate himself with the new environment, language, monetary system, the locals, the institutions and the role he wanted to dedicate himself to. A month after his arrival in town he had received a "stress-relief" package from his father. An allowance of 100,000 more yen and a neighbor from the states which he never really felt close to in his childhood. The teen's name was Hayden Maxwell, a fellow classmate of Kōdō's which he too wanted to pursue higher education in a foreign country, his parents having heard that Kōdō went on this "extraordinary" trip abroad got Hayden's parents hook on the fake illusion that it would be the best choice if he tagged along.

Having no other choice, Kōdō befriended Hayden but unexpectedly, he took a genuine liking to him rather quickly, looking at him like the little brother he always wished to have at birth. Their bond only grew stronger as they struggled with the "pathetic" lives of a low-income household, and despite that, they found each other's company to be the only thing worthwhile as the two's past related to one another more and more during their years in middle school. Hayden was never one to enjoy school, often picking fights with those who opposed his ideals, getting the two in trouble meanwhile Kōdō remained focused on his task to continue his pursue of gaining knowledge and a higher degree.

Upon reaching a certain level of maturity, the two of them were like the sun and moon, polar opposites, two sides of the same coin, magnets with ideologies that clashed against each other with the Kōdō's deal breaker reaching it's peak upon hearing that Hayden wished to become a criminal to make an even bigger profit. He was sick and tired of living with
Kōdō under conditions he deemed to be too poor for his liking and unjust for himself, believing that harming the people who came in his path was justifiable for as long as they were dumb enough to never catch him. Whereas Kōdō believed that through the hard work and dedication they both could've poured in their school years that it would lead them to an even better success in the long game. In the end, the two went on separate ways with the sudden urge of Kōdō's to join Karakura's police force and put an end to their rivalry, proving to Hayden that being a criminal was a short-term game.

But right before he could even turn in his files, Hayden was found dead on the beach, stabbed by what his "friends" believed to be his own weapon. Devastated by the loss of his "little brother", Kōdō quickly fell victim to an inferior complex, one where he envied everybody else who lived easier lives than him, believing that the people, the gods, the fate that took away his "little brother" were unjust, starving for justice to be brought down upon those who took away his one and only kin. But that day never came. He continued attending school like normal, demoralized, unmotivated to make a change as he was offered to take Hayden's place in the gang he was in, refusing with a look of disgust and moving on with his life.

As years passed, as a coping mechanism, Kōdō ironized his life at the thought of himself being in some sort of cheesy and dramatic action movie, putting a stop to his toxic mindset upon joining the college football team as a mere distraction and hobby, which later on turned into a passion for teamwork and cooperation as he learned to be grateful of the little things in life despite him often being mistreated due to him opening up about his "military" background back when he graduated from the R.A.S.P. training regime.

From taking part in dramas against the bobcats to helping his teammates get out of sticky situations, Kōdō learned how to form close and strong bonds with those who always found themselves in a pickle or down in the dumps, taking advantage of the skillset he learned across the eight weeks he spent in Fort Moore, his mother's emotional intelligence and his father's old school way of thinking, Senjutsu was a force to be reckoned with in the sports teams community.

Feeling like he was beating the dead horse around, he left the football team soon after the 2024 winter tournaments and joined the volleyball team, despite being treated so kindly by his new teammates which he still was, and still is extremely fond of, Kōdō still wanted to make a difference and live up to his father's expectations in his very own way, despite all the harsh treatment, loss and sorrow that was forced upon him.

General Knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?:
"No, you can't possibly own a pocket knife without risking yourself to be arrested by the cops with the charge obviously being of "Possession of Illegal Weaponry". It doesn't matter whether you use it or not, whether it's for "self-defense" or to inflict critical wounds on other people, if you're caught with it you're done as it is considered by law to be an illegal weapon."

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription:
Birth Control
Cough Syrup
Iron supplements

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?:
"Depending on the sheer severity of the situation, I would have to first call in a supervisor- a higher-up if possible to come to the scene as soon as possible. If god forbid, I find myself in the situation where a higher-up is either not present, busy or my co-worker is injuring the inmate to a certain extent where I wouldn't even have the time to call it out on the radio, I would be forced to rush to the scene immediately but only after making sure that my body cam is turned on to capture as much evidence as I possibly could on the wrongdoing of my fellow colleague. I would do my best to talk my co-worker out of the situation, making an attempt to get them to stop, once more, depending on the severity of the situation. If I see them critically injuring the inmate, I'd be left no choice but to make an attempt to apprehend my own co-worker, placing them under cuffs and having their own body be placed up against the wall as I make sure that I disarm them of any possible weapon that could potentially be used against me or anyone else, items such as their baton, pepper spray, taser, and even the keys to same cuffs I placed them under etc. And right after that I would either call it on the radio that I have them under control and am waiting for a higher-up or, if already called, I'd make sure to watch over them like my life depended on it whilst making sure that the inmate isn't critically wounded. Whether they are cuffed or not, they could still pose a threat as not just any regular person can just join the KPD."

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?:
"Before I even dare to comprehend the terrible idea of charging into the scene with little to no thoughts in my head, I would calm myself down in an instant use my radio to call in for immediate backup at my location, doing my absolute best to describe the situation at hand so that my own colleagues on the other end of the transmission could prepare themselves for that one specific scenario to the best of their ability before I go in and make an attempt to ensure my co-worker's safety once again. I personally do not think that it matters whether or not it's just one person or two assaulting my co-worker as things can always escalate faster than one might believe, I'd rather be safe and make sure that my colleague gets out alive with six cops surrounding just two mere third-rate gangsters than suffer the potential insufferable loss of a fellow co-worker."

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?:
"The situation heavily depends on what rank the officer is. Cops as a whole, cadets or not are rightfully smart for going as far as just merely wearing the uniform. Depending on the rank that the officer is in, my very first attempt at exposing them within the department would be by handling out the situation with a higher-up who could potentially get them arrested and fired. While it is difficult to choose whether or not I should tell my other colleagues of the same rank, say, cadets for example and the corrupt co-worker is a sergeant, I strongly believe that I would only be risking and jeopardizing the lives of other innocent people if I were to run my mouth that early. I'll say it again, cops are far more intelligent than criminals while criminals mostly take pride in their ruthlessness, a combination of the two is almost a frightening thing to think about, hence why this subject is extremely iffy and delicate. But despite all the odds? I would still keep my composure and play along until I could fully ensure their potential termination with somebody that is above them unless if I find another and much faster solution, like telling a co-worker of the same ranking or slightly above as me if they find themselves in the situation of being far closer with another higher-up than me, therefore being able to get in touch with them much faster."

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
"While some may think about ridiculing them at first. I would remain calm and not allow someone to blow away my composure with any form of payment or wealth, no matter the amount. I would also the take the time to explain to them how bribing a police officer is obviously against the law be fining them for such an offence to attempt to jeopardize my career. If the suspect does not have the necessary money on them I'd be forced to detain them until further order."

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Level 343
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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