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"Keeping up with the times." | xcqu Reporter Application


Level 16

OOC (Out-Of-Character) Information:

What is your In-Game-Name (IGN)? Please include ALL your alternative accounts:
xcqu (My main account, No alterative accounts).

Do you have Discord and a microphone? If so, what is your username?:
My discord account is xcqu, and I do have a useable microphone.

List your timezone and country:
BST (British Standard Time), United Kingdom.

Describe your activity:
IRL Schedule
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
Free all day.
5pm till 10pm.
Family day.
Due to summer break and due to finishing college, my current timetable of activity looks free on all of the weekdays as well as the Saturday, Sunday is the only day where my activity is halted by me being involved with family for most of if not all of that day. I try and keep a constant schedule to make sure that I keep a presence on the server as well as reach demand of activity from many of the players I roleplay with. I consistently try and preserve this timetable, unless something serious comes up such as family related or emergency matters. I regularly play around 5 to 8 hours at a time, unless I have plans or if its eventful enough and this is near daily activity.

IN GAME Schedule

In roleplay, I usually socialise with people I've either never met and create new experiences with them to consistently make my time on SRP enjoyable for both me and others, I consistently maintain DetailRP with most of the players when interacting and create situations that create openings to storylines and develop lore. I consistently maintain these relationships and friendships and make sure to keep interactions fresh with new ideas. My day to day consists of going to either plaza or auction to view my items and others before having an interaction with somebody around the time I leave, though either F message or though seeing them OOCly and ICly. I would say I've preserved a reputation for being active with others and never leave anyone out no matter their standing or relation with me, everyone gets the same amount of time to RP with me. I'm not saying I'm popular, however I'd like to believe that I keep my head up high and do what I plan to do.

Link any significant applications (e.g., Roles/Teams, exclude languages):

Denied - xcqu | Receptionist Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
"When the dust settles" | xcqu's BMD Application | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server
KPD application | xcqu | SchoolRP | Minecraft Roleplay Server


What is your motivation to apply for reporter?:
I'm inspired by the process of documenting situations that effect the world around me. I've spend countless hours creating my own interpretations of stuff that has happened both in the real word and within SchoolRP. I'm directly driven by the ambition to document situations that both happen on the server and outside of it to keep a catalogue of each moment that transpires to be able to tell others the big picture in complete detail. Although not my first application, Reporter strikes me as more of my style of play as I'm one with documenting anything and everything that happens in roleplay whether it being for lore purposes or for expressing situations that happened in the past to friends of mine which we can reminisce on. With the role as Reporter, I wish to expand my SRP status as someone who writes, documents and shares accounts of other peoples stories as if I was a historian. Writing as a whole is something I do often as a way of expressing myself, presenting a story, or an account of events that relate to both me and others in my long list of documentation and lore driven motivation.

Do you have any experience with writing? What is your relationship with writing?:
Writing is a forte of mine, I've spend countless hours writing down accounts of events that have happened in my time on SRP. Ranging from Family gatherings to Family Lore and Gang Related Events, each of which display my love for writing as a whole and furthering my interest in documenting the many different situations that happen within SRP. Speaking from real life experience, I'm quite educated on creating Questionnaires, interviews and pitching from the college I used to attend, understanding the fundamentals on what it means to make a well written report that incorporates realism to events that transpire in game.

Are you aware of - and will follow - the set of rules provided to you?:
I have taken the time to become accustomed to the rules that are set by the faction lead, Aania and vow to follow each one of them without failure. If in the case I don't follow the rules, I acknowledge that I would be removed from the faction promptly and understand as to why I was removed without causing a scene.

Why should we accept you over others?:
I strive to making detailed applications that give more insight into my motivations, my experiences and my willingness to roleplay. Of course, that doesn't defer me from trying my best with every single application I put though, allowing for detailed reasons and explanations as to why I would be a good fit for the role. As stated in previous applications, I believe in fair play and if anyone with more experience in the role applies with a good application, I would completely understand and even agree that they would be a better pick over me. Being picked for someone more experienced is just the cycle of life on SRP, some people will always have a better application and more detail or experience but it wont stop me from trying my hardest to achieve a role I am completely comfortable with putting my all into ensuring that It can reach a good enough reputation as being a hard earned, well respected faction member for both myself and to others who wish to apply for the faction after me. It is a competition yes, and I do want to give it my all no matter who applies next but I trust that my experience in roleplaying detailed actions, events and interactions as well as my some what known image coming from people who have roleplayed with me and witnessed the effort I put into roleplaying out every situation to the fullest, no matter whom they may be, I don't exclude anyone.

Do you understand you have to stay completely neutral with all reports? (Your report can't have any OOC or IC bias towards a specific group.)
I acknowledge that I must remain unbiased and completely neutral when discussing topics that refer to organisations, people or city activity in both an OOC and IC sense.

Do you trust that you will be able to stay active and complete the monthly quota?:
I trust myself with keeping up with the monthly quota workload and can guarantee that I will be active for a very long while after posting, becoming or not becoming a reporter.

Summarise what you imagine work as a reporter is:
I know a couple faces on SRP that either currently or have worked as a reporter that I gain much of my knowledge from based on what I have witnessed in roleplay with these people. The basis of the Reporter role is the broadcasting and documentation of events such as scandals, gangs activity and organisation lore that happen ICly. I personally think of the faction as being a 'Intel gatherer', taking their interviews from one faction to the next and finding out suitable information that can be documented in the paper, exactly how real news anchors or reporters operate in a realistic sense. The workload when being a reporter is based on the amount of information gathered from collection and the writing and distribution of that information to the public, focusing more on world building, lore and detailed writing.

IC (In-Character) Information:

Full Name:
"My full name is Madara Volkonsky. You might know me from the prestigiously acclaimed Volkonsky family, but I wouldn't put it past you if you did some more digging on me."

Preferred Name/Nickname and Title (e.g., Ms, Mr)
"I prefer Mr. Volkonsky when I'm working, but I have been called Mad, Big M and others from my brothers and sisters, but that's strictly family nicknames."

Current Age (25+):
"I turned 25 years old on march 1st this year, having been born in 1999."

Past job/work experience:
"I have experience with managing and running my families business, Volkonsky Holdings. I picked up my experience from managing customers, allocating stock and pricing and supporting in sales with advertisements of my own."

"I left college at the age of 21, receiving my bachelors in Human sciences, phycology and philosophy, also learning journalism from my late father Dmitri Volkonksy when I was younger, sparking my imagination and writing prowess."

Nationality and born location:
"I was conceived in a small town called Novgorod, located in the vast and picturesque landscape of Russia, making me born of Russian Nationality."

Phone Number:
My phone number is (030)-636_9494, pretty odd sequence of numbers aye?"

How would you describe yourself in under 150 words?:
"My name is Madara Volkonsky and I would describe myself as being someone who is thirsty for knowledge, someone who delves into things for answers and uncovers secrets long forgotten by fewer and fewer people. I would say I'm driven by passion, others would say curiosity and motivation in my works, but nothing undermines the sheer tenacity that it takes to for me to achieve such a mindset based on things of the past. I'm unpredictable. I can pull a façade that makes its way into the minds of others just to gain some knowledge on something I want to be fully educated in. That's roughly who the man sitting in front of you is, a delver into the known and unknown by any means necessary."

What are you interested in writing about? How will you achieve this, and would you consider going out of your comfort zone?:
"I have taken an interest in writing ever since I was 6 years of age, taking writing lessons and journalism advice from my father before his untimely passing. He taught me what it mean to be someone who takes pride in educating myself on topics without a clear answer or delving into thing that would be considered unsolved or mysterious. I feel that is enough to say that I am both comfortable with going out of my comfort zone for the latest scoop as well as achieving it no matter the cost, Information is in high regard no matter where you look and some information takes a little more digging until you're able to strike gold and fully conclude your search for answers."

What are your expectations for the job?:
"I expect nothing less than what I am already achieving in my day to day life, The job would bring more people in and create new leads and opportunities for communication and information gathering but that is expected from a role such as this. I hope to bring more connections from organisations big and small to the job, exploring territories I once had no reason for exploring and delving into the secrets that everyone had locked behind their door of a mind."

Do you have a criminal record? If so, list the crimes below:
"I'm completely clean, despite others opinions of me, some of which depicting me as a criminal.. but I only see myself as someone who does the right thing, without sinning."

Fluent Languages (Underline your native):
"I speak a plethora of languages fluently, Russian being my native language of course, However I've had education in learning Spanish, Korean, English and Japanese fluently by the age of 22."



*A Newspaper article from 2023 by the Karakura Times. It was made and published by Madara Volkonsky as his first steps into journalism, tackling a gang sighting at plaza alongside the scene at Ochiba Forest. It would be aged with time.*


*A more modern newspaper article by the Karakura Times. It was made and published by Madara Volkonsky, showcasing the current day issues with Karakura and addressing them with a formal approach tailored towards locals.



*The sound of a chair being adjusted and moved could be heard ringing into the quite elegant room, The sound of a tape recorder being turned on opened up the silence alongside a paper being flipped from a notebook in sequence with a pen click.*

Madara: "Thank you for allowing me to arrange this interview, Governor Wolfaert."

Ms. Wolfaert: "Of course, I'm always happy to be part of the public opinion."

Madara: "It is a pleasure, Now for the remainder of this interview I will be addressing issues that have been brought up by the public, that have been awaiting a response from a governing figure. Please take your time answering each one with as much detail as you can."

Ms. Wolfaert: "Thank you, I believe I'm ready now so let's begin."

Madara: "Very well, Now a comman topic that has been plaguing the town has been the large amount of recorded criminal activity, but I would like to hear it from you. What do you think is the biggest challenge facing Karakura's community right now?"

Ms. Wolfaert: "Well, I think one of the biggest challenges is the decline of the local industry. Many of the local businesses are opening less frequently, some of which used to be the backbone of our economy, now having less interaction from the public, leaving many people unable to access their services and struggling to make ends meet from the workers perspective. We need to find ways to revitalize our economy and create new job opportunities for our residents while accommodating the current workers with stable business."

Madara: "Thank you, now onto the cultural aspect of Karakura, How do you think the town's cultural heritage has influenced your daily life?"

Ms. Wolfaert: "Growing up in this town, I've always been surrounded by our rich cultural heritage. From the traditional festivals to the historic shrine, our culture is an integral part of our daily lives. For example, every New Year's Eve, we gather at the shrine to pray for good luck and health, and it's a time for family bonding and community coming together."

Madara: "Now, moving onto aspects of living here in Karakura, What do you think are some of the best things about living in this town?

Ms. Wolfaert: "One of the best things is the sense of community. Everyone knows each other, and we look out for each other. We have a strong sense of camaraderie and neighborliness that's hard to find in big cities. Plus, we're surrounded by nature, with mountains and lakes nearby, so there are plenty of opportunities for outdoor activities and exploration."

Madara: "Onto a more economic question, How do you think tourism can help boost the local economy?"

Ms. Wolfaert: "Tourism can bring in new revenue streams and create jobs for our residents. We have many hidden gems here, such as our traditional crafts and local specialties, that could be showcased to attract more visitors. With some investment and promotion, I think we could become a popular destination for tourists looking for a unique cultural experience."

Madara: "Very good, Now I ask you another serious question. What are some initiatives you think the town should implement to address environmental concerns?"

Ms. Wolfaert: "We need to prioritize sustainability and reduce our carbon footprint. We could implement more recycling programs, encourage eco-friendly transportation options, and promote renewable energy sources like solar panels. We should also work with local businesses to reduce waste and promote environmentally-friendly practices."

Madara: "I couldn't agree more, now How do you think education can be improved in this town?"

Ms. Wolfaert: "I think we need to invest in more resources for our schools, including modernizing facilities and hiring more qualified teachers. We should also provide more opportunities for vocational training and apprenticeships to prepare students for the workforce."

Madara: "Now only another opinion question. What do you think are some of the town's greatest strengths?"

Ms. Wolfaert: "Our strong sense of community is one of our greatest strengths. We also have a rich history and cultural heritage that sets us apart from other towns. Additionally, we have a strong development sector that produces high-quality items and accessories, which could be promoted more effectively to attract visitors and generate revenue."

Madara: "Tell me, How do you think local businesses can adapt to changing consumer trends?

Ms. Wolfaert: "Businesses should focus on adapting their products or services to meet changing consumer demands while still staying true to our local culture and traditions. For example, we have many family-run shops that offer traditional accessories with a modern twist – they're doing well because they're able to appeal to both locals and tourists."

Madara: This is a question based on the older readers of the news, What do you think is the most important issue facing this town's youth?

Ms. Wolfaert: "I think many young people are struggling to find job opportunities after graduating from high school and college. We need to provide more career counseling and support services to help them prepare for their future careers. We also need to create more internships and apprenticeships that allow them to gain practical work experience."

Madara: And final question, How do you think this town can maintain its unique character while still embracing change?

Ms. Wolfaert: "We need to strike a balance between preserving our traditional ways of life while also embracing innovation and progress. By promoting our unique culture and heritage while also investing in new technologies and industries, we can create a vibrant community that attracts visitors while still being true to ourselves."

Madara: "That would be the end of my question today Ms. Wolfaert. You can now take a sigh of relief."

Ms. Wolfaert: "Thank you dear, It's my honor to be helping the town I was raised in, and Im grateful for this interview."

Madara: "Of course, Its what im here for, thank you for your time today."

*The sound of the tape recorder being turned off could be heard, indicating the end of the recording.*
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Level 177
News Lead

We appreciate the time and effort you put into applying - however, you have not been accepted this time around.
Please DM @ aania on Discord if you have any queries about the application

You may re-apply whenever!

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