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Kenji Akiyama Biography


Level 6
[Biography Format Credit: @Gamma Rose ]

Kenji Akiyama

Frequent Quote:

Kenji Ahiyama (1).jpg

63B2C18C-93AF-4EF0-9C60-A23F0280D898_1_201_a.jpeg Screen Shot 2022-09-27 at 7.11.08 PM.png
(Creds to RadicalRainbow)

♫♪ C L I C K F O R S O U N D T R A C K ♫♪


Basic Information



"This is normal. I respond to it."

"Love it."

"Sounds cool, wish people would call me this."

"Nope, no, uh-uh, never."

"Why must you torture me with that foul name?"

G E N D E R | Female

A G E | Eighteen
H E I G H T | 5'5 or 166 centimeters
W E I G H T | 140 lbs or 63.5 kgs
B I R T H D A T E | November 18th
P L A C E • O F • B I R T H | Karakura, Japan
R A C E | White - Canadian/Japanese
M A R I T I A L • S T A T U S | Single
L A N G U A G E S | Japanese (Default) and Russian
M O R T A L • S I N S | Wrath
"It's all because I lost my stupid temper that the last few years of my life have been the way they are."
A L I G N M E N T | Neutral Good
S E X U A L I T Y | Heterosexual
O C C U P A T I O N S | Student

Fun Fact:

Japanese people, in fact, do not have middle names! Why does Kenji, you ask? Her mother was fully Canadian, her father was Japanese. Mifuyu grew up in Karakura, but her parents made the decision when naming her that Kaito (Her father) would pick her first name, therefore it having been Mifuyu, and Ayaka (Her mother) would pick her middle name, as Kaito had no clue what that was.

Kenji's middle name was picked from Ayaka's list of favorite names, and it matches rather well with her original name, Mifuyu. Her middle name is Lark.
Mifuyu is a girl's name that means "Winter", and a lark is a bird that you (at least i do) often see in the snow! So together, her names mean Winter Lark. Since Mifuyu changed her name to Kenji, it's now quite funny; her name now means Strong Lark.


The quick brown fox jumped over a lazy dog..png

P H Y S I C A L • H E A L T H

Undiagnosed- Asthma (That's clickable)
One of her lungs doesn't function as well as the other due to a gunshot wound! This affects her ability to do anything physically strenuous without breaks, ex: running, swimming, volleyball. In severe cases, her vision may go dark for a few moments, or she may pass out. Who knows? Kenji may also start coughing or wheezing after having been yelling for a while, or having held her breath for more than 30 seconds and letting it out quickly. She will need a moment or two after to recover her breath.

Asthma is the closest thing I could find that matches the description of Kenji's problem without it being a pneumothorax.

It's not always fatal... (Click that)

M E N T A L • H E A L T H

Kenji's alright most of the time, but sometimes she struggles with feelings of guilt for leaving Aki alone for so many years. You can read more about that in the backstory.

Character Descriptions

Physical Description

Kenji is a 5'6 woman, weighing somewhere around one hundred forty pounds. She has long brown hair that goes down to her stomach, and cautious brown eyes that match. A long, clean scar goes diagonally across her left cheek, starting by her chin and ending above and in front of her ear. She is normally seen in a red flannel and a white undershirt, as well as some nice jeans, with her hair gathered to one side and spilling over her right shoulder.
She's also quite muscular, following a workout routine that consists of many core, arm, and leg strengthening workouts. She does these despite basically having asthma, taking multiple breaks and keeping her rep count small, but a minimum of ten sets. She's not so muscular as to be bursting the seams on the arms of her shirts, but when she flexes you will definitely see muscle.
When you confront her whether as a stranger, or an angry friend, she will match your energy. If she's not sure about a situation, she'll take a defensive stance and will take in her surroundings. She's quite the cautious person, but once you get to know her, she becomes a marshmallow.

O V E R A L L: 80 / 130
Credit: @Totoro_sam

S T R E N G T H – 7

P E R C E P T I O N – 6

E N D U R A N C E- 5

C H A R I S M A - 4

I N T E L L I G E N C E - 6

A G I L I T Y - 5

L U C K - 4

H E A L T H - 7

M O R A L I T Y - 9

P R I V I L E D G E - 4

O B J E C T I V I T Y - 6

S A N I T Y - 9

S O C I A L - 3

Character Voice

Kenji sometimes randomly says things in Russian, mostly because she had been speaking that language non-stop for a grand total of three years.

^Best thing I could find^


In Karakura:

[Very Positive, Younger Sister] Aki Akiyama [Alive] [Physical Contact!]
"She can be a pain in the butt, but I love her."

[Very Positive, Younger Brother] Haruo 'Ruo' Akiyama [Alive] [Physical Contact!]
"He's always there for me when I need him."

[Very Positive, Concerned, Best Friend] Kahili 'Lei' Ginger [Alive..?] [Physical Contact!]
"Ruo told me you're home, I'm sorry I haven't had the energy to come say hi.."

[Very Positive, Deeply Saddened, Best Friend] Emma Fox [Deceased] [Physical Contact!]
"I'm just sad we never got decent photos of her.."

[Very Positive, Friend] Arisu Mishimi [Alive] [Physical Contact!]
"She has amnesia? Who am I killing?"

[Positive, Friend] Kiku Hoshino [Alive]
"I love how happy she is. It really brightens up the room." <3

[Positive, Friend] Judah Theodore Smith [Alive] [Physical Contact?]
"Miss the pink."

[Positive, Friend] Hana 'Carmen' Song [Alive] [Eh]
"She still in jail?"

[Positive, Friend] Taylin McLovin [Alive] [Eh]
"I wish you well. Keep in touch!"

[Positive, Friend] Rohan H. Something [Alive] [Physical Contact?]
"He's quiet..But I guess it's a comforting presence?"

[Positive, Acquaintance] Lilu H. Something [Alive] [Ehhh]
"I don't think she even recognizes me haha."

[Very Positive, Best Friend] Torisu Moshide [Alive] [Physical Contact!]
"We should meet up again."

[Positive, Friend-ish] Xeno Kataguri [Alive, somehow got unbanned] [Don't Touch Me]
"He's changed..I don't know how to feel about him anymore."

[Neutral, Oldest Sister] Natsu Akiyama [Alive] [No]
"Even though she's changed- something I never thought I would say- I can't make myself trust her. But I can wish her well."

[Very Positive, Best Friend/Crush?] Nicolai 'Volt' Volkov [Alive] [Physical Contact!]
"He's been through so much with me, even if he wasn't physically there. If I start spiraling, I trust he would pull me out of it."

Outside Karakura:

[Very Positive, Best Friend] Ren Matsumura [Alive] [Kyoto] [Physical Contact!]
"Hope you enjoy being back home!"

[Positive, Friend] Nicolai 'Volt' Volkov [Alive] [Tokyo] [Eh, not needed]
"Спасибо, что научил меня так многому, Вольт."

[Positive, Friend] Isabella Trivers [Basically Dead, Offline Permanently] [Kyoto] [Physical Contact!]
"Miss you! Be safe!"

[Positive, Mother] Ayaka Akiyama [Deceased] [Buried in Canada] [Physical Contact!]
"I miss you..I'm sorry I left."

[Positive, Father] Kaito Akiyama [Deceased] [Buried in Karakura] [Physical Contact!]
"I tried, Dad.. I messed things up so bad, though.."


This is also being turned into a book on Quotev, if interested in reading "Strong" please {Click Me!}
Updates are slow due to me having a life, but I still exist. <3

When Mifuyu was nearly fifteen, Natsu drunk drove with their father, Kaito, and crashed into a semi. The impact killed Kaito instantly, and Natsu feels no regrets.
When the funeral for Kaito came around, Natsu blew it off and went to a bar with her friends. She had also since moved to Tokyo, living with her boyfriend.

Mifuyu went into a rage, shutting off contact with Aki. She kept company with questionable people to keep track of where Natsu was. Deciding to change her name to not be associated with Natsu, she became Kenji, which means "Strong." She learned how to fight and who to trust. She also learned how to speak Russian from a guy named Nicolai, using various methods of learning such as flashcards, books, and frequent practice.

(Kenji is now 16)

With Aki finally talking her out of her rage, her and Kenji became close again.
Kenji remained as Kenji, and kept tabs on Natsu without Aki knowing.

A year later, when Kenji turned 17, her mother died due to cancer. This caused her to remember her pain, and her anger at Natsu become enflamed once more. She again cut off ties with her family, going back to Tokyo. It was here that she met her brother, Haruo. She had built a bond with him, not realizing yet that they were related. Once they finally introduced themselves, he deadpanned when she said her last name. He asked if she knew a "Natsu, Mifuyu, or Aki Akiyama." Kenji stopped breathing when he said her old name, and she instantly backed up, distrustful. Then he explained how he knew them, and that his Mother had left him a note saying that these were his siblings.

Fast forward a few hours, Haruo had agreed to help Kenji find Natsu and persuade her to apologize.

That's not how it happened.

Natsu had refused to apologize, a look of surprise on her face when Kenji asked her to. This had happened on a bridge over a river.
Kenji slammed Natsu down, anger taking hold of her, only to end up on the bottom of the tussle, with Natsu having a knife held high. Kenji pulled out her own, the one she kept in a holster by her waist, and plunged it into Natsu's shoulder and stomach. Natsu had just been bringing down the knife to slice Kenji's throat when a gunshot went off from who-knows-where, and it entered Kenji's lung. Natsu screamed, thinking she had been shot herself, and sliced upwards with the knife, scoring Kenji's cheek.
Kenji took advantage of Natsu's confusion, and kicked Natsu off of her. Natsu went tumbling into the river, screaming and bleeding out. It had stormed earlier that day, and the currents were raging and the water was brown. Natsu was sucked under, and to Kenji's knowledge, drowned.

And then she blacked out.

She woke up with Ruo standing over her, in an unfamiliar home, with it very hard and painful to breath, and a stinging line down her face.

Ruo then told her what happened, and she nearly passed out again.

Eventually, she went back to Karakura, reuniting with Aki. All together, she spent about a year in Tokyo this time. Her wounds had healed, and she was mostly past the death of her sister.



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Level 6
Thread starter
I've edited stuff~ For my small amount of formatting skills, (Small? Let's not lie here, I suck at making things pretty. Function, however, I'm better at) I'm quite proud of myself.

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