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Accepted KHS Tailoring Club (KHSTC) | Oceantism


Level 11

IGN of Club Leader (In-Game Name):


RPName of Club Leader:

Benoît S. Preciado

Discord Tag (Discord#0000#):


Permanent Discord invite to the club discord:


Why should you become a club leader over other applicants, what abilities or ideas do you have that could benefit the club you'll be in charge of?

Now although I don't like comparing myself overall I think I should become a club leader due to the amount of dedication and willpower I have for applying and being in charge of this club as well as the time and patience I am looking forward to putting towards this. I think my variety of skills and ideas will deem helpful and exciting to potential club members or anyone just simply willing to participate within the club. I am usually deemed a hard and independent worker with a broad set of skills that can help strengthen such a club as well as the many ideas I have planned if accepted and am hoping to have planned in the near future. So generally I think the reason I should become a club leader over other applicants is my experience and like mentioned before the ideas I am hoping that may come to life in this club. Such as participating in a long range of events that the school may host that require outfits or accessories, I also find this to be another way to involve tailors in our community into a deeper aspect. Not only are my ideas for this club beneficial for tailors but the overall SRP community as of course tailoring is a big thing for School-RP and has been for a while now so I believe my ideas and future ideas that I'm willing to bring to the table to better stabilize this club is what makes me a good club leader over other applicants. Now I would like to mention along with the whole tailoring clothes aspect I am hoping to incorporate other "Skin making" factors into this. Such as hair styling, Like dyeing hair, Curling/Straightening hair, Etc. So its not just overall outfits and clothing that needs to be made into this club. I am hoping to have this club participate in many school events and small charity work, As listed in the events I am planning and have planned below.


What is the official title of the Club:
KHS Tailoring Club (Abbr. KHSTC)

Your current members RPName & IGN:


Zaylen T. Casellati | Blossom789


Tsumugi “Sumi” Yoshino | whans_whale
Kōraru Sang-eo | Quartztism
Vicki Katz | girlf1qnd
Archeon S. Iszae | 5SHU

The club supervisor's RPName & IGN:


What is your motivation for creating this club:

My motivation for creating this club is the amount of benefits it can bring to Karakura High School as I have realized the need that some tailors may have when it comes to roleplaying and bringing their creations IC as well. So I would say my main motivation is to bring tailoring to life In-Character as well as bringing more detail-RPing into this club. I do enjoy tailoring to a certain extent and have many friends who tailor and enjoy it as well, So once I seen and noticed the opportunity is when my motivation for starting a club grew. I hope for this club to bring acknowledgement to the young tailors of Karakura, This includes OOCly as well. But overall, My motivation for starting this club ranges and continues to grow on a daily basis. The overall need for something like this and the fun memories I believe this club can make and bestow onto the people of Karakura High-school is what truly inspired me and motivated me into creating this club.

What activities and events will your club do?:
(Work out at least one club members only event & two school-wide club event)
SECRET SANTA (Tailoring non Christmas edition.)

For the first clubs member event it would be a simple get together on creating an assortment of outfits, Testing each members skills and abilities to the max. This includes various outfit trades, Accessory trades (ITEM-RP Unless its something that can be made on a character.) and so on and so fourth. This is hoping to include style swaps such as if one member prefers wearing more colorful, bright colors and the other dark and more edgy colors they would both make fits that they themselves would wear. This can include a Secret Santa type of event but via clothing options, A fun, new and welcoming first starter event for club members only as it will also be something to show and expand the future club members skills and dedication towards this by hosting such an event first. I am hoping by this event it can give people an overall look on what is to come in the near future for the club members, This can also help the future club members feel more comfortable and get to know more of their fellow members in a fun and engaging way. While also increasing their thought process throughout this entire thing, Allowing each and every member to participate,​


As for the first school-wide club event I am hoping possibly with the help of the photography team to create a fashion show type event that involves a selected group of students to try on a different parade of clothing made by our members. The photography club and even other clubs such as the performing arts club can participate by photographing the event, and modeling the clothing as they wish. I think this would be a fantastic idea to promote specific tailors, the tailoring club, and other clubs that may need extra members. This can also include faculty staff, sport teams and so on with hand-made clothing options that are tailored to them. Such as specific bobcat color outfits, and Spartan outfits to be showcased on the main gym stage for all to view and behold. Along with this fashion show like stated before if the performing arts club would like to participate this can be deeply involved into a overall club community event. Such as fun performances for all to witness, Like singing, dancing, and just overall performing with the clothes and accessories the Tailoring Club can provide. So not only does this give people a clear idea on what to expect within the club but it also allows for the members of the tailoring club to get there work out there more.​

For another school-wide club event this back tracks to previous events such as the recent valentines dance and the last year Halloween party that was hosted. I mentioned this previously in my application but I shall go into further detail here. As an event the KHS Tailoring club members can be separated into two groups during specific times of the year for example Halloween there can be similar voting type esc that happened previously on last Halloween but this time around each group has matching clothing that was hand crafted individual by each member of the separate groups (The groups would be split into two, And there would be a voting process like previously, But the only difference is the outfits are being crafted by the tailoring club themselves. This can also include roleplay scenarios for those who wish to participate, The models of the clothing will be either students of Karakura or even school faculty. The roleplaying scenarios before the event could involve clothes fitting, Such as sewing the actual outfits on the contestants as well as communicating with the contestant you are to tailor for.) And of course the voting that will commence at the end.​

How could your club benefit the School?:

I think my club would benefit well within the school both OOCly and ICly due to the main factor of tailoring being very surrounded within the SRP server, And I have realized that there's not a lot going on ICly with tailoring. I think this club would be very beneficial to those who like to tailor and wish to bring it upon their characters, It would also be deemed useful to those who love to roleplay, especially detailing rp. IC wise I think there's a wide range of events and places where the KHS tailoring club can be useful, As there are many events planned in the school that may require outfits to be made and tailors to be present. An example of these events would be the school dance, I noticed during this dance a lot of people did not have a lot of dresses. As well as during last Halloween there were many costumes created but I recognize that having such a club within the community will bring more roleplay scenarios that surround tailoring and its duties. Followed by this is the participation that this club can have with other clubs, I do see that a lot of clubs may have uniforms. Which are usually provided by the Club Leader or Vice leader ordering from trusted tailors in the SRP community. But this can also be done by ordering from the Tailoring club, This provides more roleplay experiences and a more interactive social environment that surroundings tailoring and its people. I think this club will allow many to tailor and also have their roleplay experiences put in-between, Allowing for a fun and different kind of tailoring experience for others to experience. It can also allow for new players to get a better close up look at tailoring especially in-game, Overall this club would benefit the school both IC and OOCly greatly.

How would your club use the club room the club will be assigned?

Well the club room will be used for a numerous amount of purposes, Just simply keeping some of the tailors sewing essentials, pre-made outfits and so on. It will greatly be used in detail-RPing sewing clothing and of course the basics of a club room such as future meetings, and just a calming hangout spot for those to work on outfits (Either AFK or actively roleplaying out your making of the outfit.) But the main thing I am hoping it will be used for is of course what I mentioned previously the detail-RPing. So for example like I said stitching clothes for specific people, With using (ITEM-RP) a measuring tape as well as a stool, and etc. Hoping for future uses it can also be used for tailoring hair, so generally just trimming hair, dyeing hair and so on if deemed allowed. (This mostly surrounds big Item-RP and detail RP.)

What will be the requirements for future members, if any?:

The main requirements for future and now club members is to have a good outlook on things and be willing to overcome certain possibilities. As there are many obstacles that may arise with this type of club. Some may think this club requires only skilled tailors but this club welcomes all and new welcoming tailors into the community, Whether your just starting out or have been tailoring for a while. The main requirement is to have dedication and will-power for such a club as I have stated previously. As well as seeing there is always room for improvement and to grow. I want my future club members to have a clear outlook on tailoring, And understand it can be difficult at times. For more in depth requirements I am hoping to have future members that won't bring any toxicity into the community. And have at least a clear thought on what tailoring is, And have been tailoring for at least a week or a few days with a decent amount of portfolio pics. Along with this also includes the general activity within the club that needs to be met, I am hoping to receive active members that are willing to spend their time in the club gracefully.

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Level 148
School Clubs Lead
Content Team

Thank you for taking the time to apply, we have decided to accept your application:

- As long as this club walks the path of fashion and stays within this boundaries, its sure to draw engagement, especially with how popular tailoring is on the server.

- You might consider naming your club "Fashion" club to give people a better idea of what this club is, a suggestion, not a requirement.

If you have any questions, please contact @Customable on discord​

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