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Kim " Jojo " Gray/ Biography


Level 1
First Name: Kim " Jojo "
Surname: Gray

Preferred Name: Kim

Gender: Female

Age: 18

Height: 5'0

Weight: 115

Build: Average

Skin Color: Porcelain

Eye Color: Brown

Hair Style: Straight

Hair Color: Dark Brown

Date of Birth: August 30

Place of Birth: Osaka, Japan

Nationality: Japanese

Race: Japanese

Sexual Orientation: Straight

Religious Beliefs: N/A

General Appearance

: When passing by her, her Porcelain skin would light up her face with her straight dark brown hair go down her back as well as covering her face a little.

Personality: She is pretty shy at first but when you get to know her, she comes around.

Equipment: She always carries her purse, her phone.

Clothes: She only likes dark colors more then anything, Light colors don't look good on her.

Hobbies: She has passion for art blossomed

Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Not being able to make friends due to her shyness

Backstory: Kim " Jojo " Gray, an imaginative and determined teenager, hails from the bustling city of Osaka, Japan. Growing up in a supportive and encouraging family, Mei was exposed to a diverse range of interests, which nurtured her love for both art and science. From a young age, she found solace and inspiration in the beauty of nature and the intricacies of the human body.

Screenshot 2023-06-30 121839.png

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