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Kitsune Mask "Hinokami" Copy Request


Level 2
Username: Kaisuu

What is your Minecraft username? BokuWaKaisu

Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes

What was your Transaction ID? tbx-43513023a73555-a70762

What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Kitsune Mask "Hinokami"

What type of item are you requesting? Plastic Masks / Helmets (10,000)

How many copies are you requesting? 1

Attach a screenshot of you paying for these copies image_2023-05-23_175530728.png

Yes Yes


Level 2
Thread starter
Username: Kaisuu

What is your Minecraft username? BokuWaKaisu

Was your custom model completed after April 2023? Yes

What was your Transaction ID? tbx-43513023a73555-a70762

What is the name of the item you're requesting a copy of? Kitsune Mask "Hinokami"

What type of item are you requesting? Plastic Masks / Helmets (10,000)

How many copies are you requesting? 4

Attach a screenshot of you paying for these copies View attachment 46194

Yes Yes


Level 328
Your copy request has been accepted!


Remember that you may not re-sell your item's ownership
nor any of the copies you are / have requested for profit, as
doing so could result in your item's becoming public for shop
owners to publicly sell.

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (Yonio#5112) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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