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kittyp4wz | KPD application


Level 14

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Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):
[MAIN] kittyp4wz {applying}
[ALT] kittycl4wz

Discord Name & Tag:
hiro | kittyp4wzz2

Which timezone are you in?
EST (Eastern Standard Time)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

All applications are linked to their respective text below.

Lawyer Application - [ACCEPTED]

Maiden Application - [DENIED]
Reporter Application - [DENIED]
Librarian Application - [DENIED]

Describe your activity on the server:

After a much-needed break from the server, I’m back and feel better than ever, so I expect my activity rate to rise. I've been jumping at every opportunity to become something great; practicing tailoring, creating new OCs, brainstorming, participating in SRP events, etc. I couldn't be happier to have made so many friends along the way. I spend, on average, around 3-6 hours on SRP daily, which tends to go up during the weekends because I have the most freedom and time to hop onto the server during that period! Not to mention me being kittyp4wz; my OCs are a large staple in many people's roleplays, so I see myself online more often than not talking to people and running around. Now, because I’m a student, I don’t have much time when summer comes to a close; but that doesn’t mean I go MIA and stop playing entirely. I always make time after school, and you’ll usually see me online until 1 am at the least. I enjoy playing on the server, and it relieves so, so much stress for me. SRP is somewhere I go to have fun, and I have more than enough reason to continue playing. If it makes me happy, I don’t see my activity ever going below a 7 on a scale from 1–10.

If you were to ask me where I see myself in a few months, I’d easily say that I see myself continuing to play on the server; especially increasing my playtime, as again, I am just now getting off of a three-week hiatus.

What is your motivation for applying?:

My motivations for applying lay in many places, so it’s difficult to name only a select few. Aside from adoring the faction as a whole, I want new experiences, and I am sure that applying for this faction will open up a myriad of new doors for me. I’m eager to broaden my roleplay knowledge and interact with new users, and this will give me that opportunity, if not more. My characters are more than just creations to me; they’re forms of self-expression, and being able to share that with other people means the world to me. After having been in the Government faction, I crave the feeling of community. Not to mention the bonds that have sprouted since then; friend groups, acquaintances, etc.
I’ve also had my fair share of GangRP, meaning many run-ins with KPD. I’ve always been interested in what they do, setting amusement aside. I would love to see what being on the other side of things is like, especially after I’ve taken such a large break from the crime aspect of the server. I still dabble in it now and then, but not as much as I used to. I’d also like to expand on my OC's canonical lore, though that isn’t even half the reason I’m applying. As much as I love staying true to lore and quirks, I have the drive to learn and understand this faction and how it works, so I’m applying and putting my time towards this as a whole. I've also been interested in joining the faction since my days as a lawyer, mostly because of the detailed work that comes with being an officer. It's always been something on my list of things to try, and I believe that I'm finally ready to give myself that kick start. I fully believe that I'm ready to start this chapter in my SRP / roleplay career. Nothing excites me more than new experiences and new faces, so the thought of learning something new is incredibly exciting.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

In all honesty, my knowledge of Police Work is lacking, but that is partly why I am applying for the faction. I want to learn more and expand my horizons apart from just studying and watching from afar! From what I've read, police work generally has many responsibilities that people have to keep track of to do their job correctly and safely. They do their best to prevent crime from spreading across Karakura, along with assisting the Karakuran Government and EMS. Their jobs consist of many different things, too. Whether you catch them arresting criminals, searching people, raiding houses, or patrolling, they manage to do it efficiently and safely. Karakura without officers would be an incredibly dangerous place; more than it already is as of when I'm writing this.

Here’s what I’ve learned from what I’ve researched; all ranks going from highest to lowest.
Detective ranks aren’t mentioned here but are still acknowledged as a part of the KPD!

They are responsible for ensuring the highest standards of performance and professionalism, as well as overseeing the day-to-day operations of a police department! This is who you’d consider the top man; the highest rank.

A police captain is, by definition, a high-ranking public officer who manages a police department, district, or precinct. They are second in command and report to the commissioner, taking over many of their duties if they are absent. The police captain is someone you would consider your boss, I’d imagine.

Lieutenants act as supervisors. Enforcing rules, they make sure everything falls into line and nothing goes wrong; the student council of the police department, if you will. As ordered by the captain, they’ll supervise plans and procedures, as well as look into complaints.

A police sergeant is, by definition, a law enforcement professional who supervises officers and manages daily operations at a police station. Typically being the highest ranking officer before moving to any administrative roles, they take on their role with pride just as anybody else would.

A police corporal is an incredibly common rank in law enforcement. This is usually the first supervisory role an officer holds, and it oftentimes helps people learn the ropes without added pressure.

A patrol officer is a law enforcement professional who watches over a specific area; one that they are usually assigned to, ensuring order and security. They respond to calls for service, and their duties usually span out to many different things.

The cadet is the lowest rank of law enforcement. A cadet, by definition, is a young adult who participates in a training program to learn the ropes and understand law enforcement, preparing for a career in the field. They often work underneath someone and aren’t sent out to any serious calls, instead focused on studying and working towards being their best selves.

This is of course aside from all the different tools and tactics officers use to stop criminals from roaming the streets in Karakura. Those tools are only to be used by KPD, and sometimes EMS depending on the item.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

With criminal activity on the rise, the Karakura Police Department is here to bring peace to alarmed citizens. They maintain the safety of your average Karakuran and patrol the streets keeping an eye out for suspicious activity. I'm sure that Karakura would fall down a rabbit hole without its police department, so it's a good thing that laws are in place to prevent chaos from unfolding. There could easily be a stabbing at any time - not to mention theft and evasion, so why not consider a space on the police force? Keeping Karakura a crime-free town is already difficult, so imagine your life without officers. With nearly half the server participating in gangRP, the KPD is a perfect way to keep everything in order.
Karakura, on average, has at least 300+ people roaming the streets every day — so why risk more injury and work for EMS when the Police Department is just a call away? I’m sure we’re all sick of the missing limbs… not to mention the recent uptick in gang activity!

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I acknowledge that if training is held whilst I am online, I am required to attend, or I will be punished.

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In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

“The names' Viktoriya MacAlasdair.”

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

“43 years old, and I have yet to crack despite it all.”

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

“Female, and I use she/her. Props to you for asking so politely.”

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

“I currently hold a Bachelor's in Psychology. I didn't find the need for a Master's, as I found myself set quite early on in my career.”

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

“Aside from Japanese, I know Russian and JSL.”

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

“I mean - I'm standing right in front of you, am I not?”

Viktoriya MacAlasdair was a looming presence, her tall stature assisting her in towering over most of her peers. At 6'4, she had a powerful presence that matched her physical strength. Her ginger hair was to her chest, swooping to the right with a perfectly tame side bang. Her scent was distinct, an earthy fragrance of cedar wood that added to her air of regality.
A scar lined the woman’s left cheekbone, and her jawline was as sharp as one's blade. Her voice had rough undertones; often yelling at her relatives, shaking her head out of displeasure. She typically rocked a rather blank or ticked-off expression.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

“I would describe myself to be professional at all times, though that is up to your better judgment.”

Viktoriya does rather well in professional settings compared to her relatives. Having learned from the best; her mother, a Police Captain. Though always respectful, she is sure to watch her words, especially around those she must look up to; her boss, co-workers, elders, etc. Usually calm, cool, and collected, you'll never see her acting a fool when in a public or professional setting. She appears to have a very strong and authoritative outlook on life. Given her no-nonsense attitude, she's often respected by many of her colleagues or those she speaks to daily.

Viktoriya tries her best to fit in when subjected to a casual setting. She often finds herself a touch uncomfortable, unsure of what to do with herself without a task she must carry out. That doesn't usually prevent her from getting out there, though she acts sternly when her younger relatives are around. When she is not in work mode, Viktoriya has a softer side, and those close to her get to see a more relaxed and fun-loving side of her character! She may be strict with her children, but she is also enjoyable to be around.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

“You can't get anything done if you weigh an entire workload on just one person.”

MacAlasdair is incredibly fond of the idea of working as a team. As much as she tries to do things on her own, she finds she's at quite a loss when things are left to simmer and she realizes she truly can't handle everything on her own. That's why she looks to her twin for help; Mechislav MacAlasdair. He helps whenever possible, and a wave of relief washes over her when she's able to balance her workload. If you don't divide work between multiple people, that person will eventually break down and freeze when they realize they can't get everything done, especially if the task has to be done before a certain deadline. Teamwork has always been something she looks forward to. Not just because it takes the pressure off of her, but because she's noticed that working with a group makes her happier.

What's your character's backstory?

Viktoriya, just like her brother, didn't remember much of her upbringing off the top of her head.
Bringing forth pictures, documents, videos, etc. — she attempted to remember just what had happened, eventually landing on the fact she would need to ring up her parents.

Dollfaced Viktoriya — I

Born in 1980 alongside her twin brother Mechislav, she and her brother were raised by their parents, as most children their age would be.
Being taught everything they had to know — life and its qualities; that sort of thing. Not long after that, their father had gotten a job that would later lead to Viktoriya’s current position and drive to be something great.
Spending the first four years of the twins’ lives within a residency, a new life had been brought into the family shortly after his release. That would be their younger brother, Dostoevsky. He was the youngest of the three, and remained as such, as their parents did not have another child after that.
The woman was raised alongside her brothers - the youngest being somebody the twins eventually helped raise.

Eloquent Girl — II

Viktoriya was a rather smart girl from the very second she could walk on her own two feet. Oftentimes handed off to her aunt, alongside her brother, she kept to herself and instead directed her time towards reading — looking up to her mother.
Her aunt was a teacher at a nearby school, so even though they had a minor move, it didn't affect her whatsoever. They still went to the same school, and with her aunt's help; she was taught more. From learning new languages to learning how to just act right in the world, this woman made sure she was taught well.
This eventually led to Viktoriya becoming multilingual, along with her new knowledge adding onto her confidence, boosting her ego. While she was in primary school, she ended up following her mother around as Mechislav did the opposite and followed their father. She had the opportunity quite often, and finding out what she did for work left her in a state of awe. She wanted to be just like her mother — someone who fought for the better of the people, and someone who knew that justice was what the world needed.

Eventually the twins went into their secondary school, which was not that far from the primary one they just graduated from. Viktoriya took up courses such as Criminal Justice as soon as she was able, and studied restlessly. Her work clearly paid off, leading her to be top of her class nearly every year. Her sights were set on getting an internship once she got into college, as well, and that was what she was going to work towards until she graduated. Burnout slowly followed, leading to disappointment and dismay — though with the support of her brother, aunt, and parents, she persisted. Remaining the top of her class, she graduated secondary school alongside her brother, and went straight into University.

Interesting Internship — III

Viktoriya studied harder than she ever had before. Keeping close contact with her brother during this time, he stood as a pillar to keep her from falling into a hole as she worked herself to the core. Not all of her work went unnoticed, however, because an internship was quick to arise. She took up the offer as soon as it came around, as that meant she'd be ready for any future employment, and she was overjoyed to have that opportunity. Involving herself with her supposed “colleagues,” she found herself constantly up for new challenges and never took no for an answer, truly solidifying her place in society so early on.
This was something that would absolutely make both herself and her mother proud despite whatever outcome came from it.

Her close contact with her brother remained over the years — especially when he got his first residency confirmed, and she was able to visit from time to time whenever she was able. I mean; she refused to cut contact with him, not after what the two had been through together to get to this point. They were inseparable despite being so far from each other, and that would soon carry to who they are today. He was what kept her sane, and he was half the reason she continued doing what she did. She wanted to see a change, and she wanted to be able to protect him if all else went wrong.

Untimely Explosion — IIII

Shortly after she graduated University, she found herself a comfortable job not far from her current place of residency. She was glad to have such an opportunity, as many didn't have such luck when finding a job like her own. Oftentimes having to drive hours just to get to work; she was grateful she wasn't one of those people. The people she surrounded herself with were some of her favorite people, and she truly couldn't be happier with her current situation.

That was until a few months had passed, and her station was just weeks away from uncovering the truth about a local gang; one that traveled silently, and usually went undetected. They often caused trouble, and led to many, many people being admitted into the hospital just 30 minutes out from her station, and 20 away from her place of residency. She found it hard to sleep at night, knowing they were so close to uncovering the truth, and maybe her curiosity was what saved her. I mean, curiosity typically killed the cat, but maybe this time it was different. She didn't deserve her colleagues' fate — it wasn't her time. That being said, she found herself in her office reading over files when the building around her shook.

That was the last thing she remembered before everything went black, and she woke up in a different place than she had been knocked unconscious. It was a white room, smelling strongly of alcohol, with bright overhead lighting. It didn't take long to realize that she was reating soundly in a hospital bed, and her brother was bouncing his leg up and down while in a chair just beside her bed. She didn't know how much time had passed, or how she got here, but she was just grateful that she was okay.

That wouldn't last long, though, as she realized she was the only one that was as lucky as she was.

New Beginnings — IIIII

After everything had died down, Viktoriya came out as a new woman. She was far more stern than before, and certainly a lot more cautious when it came to her surroundings. The explosion left a scar across the left side of her face; including some of her body and slight hearing loss in her left ear. That was enough to worry her, yet not enough to knock her off her feet. She was only convinced that she had to work harder, as life had given her a second chance, and she wasn't going to waste it on giving up. Her contact with her brother only increased as she found it in herself to pack her bags and move away, though did she have it in herself to follow him?

She took her time looking for a new job, and finding out her brother had managed to land a job in Karakura had her shift gears. She knew a lot of her family had settled there, and her brother moving there for his own start changed her mind about the place. She figured she could bring good to the town, and support her brother in closer proximity, as well as being able to help with their nieces and nephews. They were a lot of work, surely, and she didn't want to leave them all to just one adult. That's how Viktoriya managed to make her way into town, applying for a job, and standing strongly at her brother's side.

Maybe Karakura was the place for her, and the place she'd find herself happiest.

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General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

“No. According to Karakura’s laws, you cannot legally carry or own a pocket knife. If you are caught with one, you will be charged with possession of illegal weaponry and face your respected jail time.”

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

“This question didn’t take much research, but I’ve looked into each item. Limiting myself to five, I’d say; Eyepatch, Unbranded Bandages, a Wooden Cane, Iron Supplements, and Multivitamins.”

An eyepatch is a wrappable bandage used to cover the eye, protecting/concealing it for it to heal properly. You can buy two at a time, and the price per pack is ¥5,000.

Unbranded bandages are used to stop minor bleeding and conceal minor injuries such as cuts or sc****s, preventing infection. You can buy five at a time, and the price per pack is ¥1,000.

A wooden cane is used to assist those with mobility issues. These are used long-term, unlike crutches. You can buy two at a time, and the price per pack is ¥7,000.

Iron Supplements are a medication used to treat iron deficiency or certain types of anemia. You can buy three at a time, and the price per pack is ¥2,500.

A medication consisting of many different vitamins. It is used to treat or prevent vitamin deficiencies that occur as a result of poor diet, digestive disorders, or certain illnesses. Although it cannot fully substitute for dietary fibers, they surely help kickstart a patient's path to success. You can buy five at a time, and the price per pack is ¥3,500.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

“Colleague or not — this would still be an act of assault, and I would make sure the situation was handled quickly and safely. To start, I would pull my co-worker aside, guiding them to a nearby wall. Assuming they complied, I would handcuff them as an extra safety measure, then radio others for backup if this colleague, in particular, were to grow violent once more. I would then make my way to the inmate, assessing them for injuries before guiding them to a safer place; keeping my eye on the rogue worker if someone else hadn’t already arrived on scene. Now, assuming my colleague attempted to fight back, I would defend myself. I would rather protect both myself and the inmate; tasing my co-worker if need be. Once an EMT arrived, however, I would inform them of the inmate's injuries and hand them off. Then, I would tell my higher-ups about the situation, and it would hopefully be handled from there. This is what I assume I would do, but in a situation like that, you don’t think; you just act.”

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

“If I see my co-worker being assaulted?
Assuming this is on duty, I would spring into action immediately. I wouldn’t want my colleague getting injured too badly; again, assuming they’ve already been hurt. Rushing in to stop such acts, I would place a hand on my taser, threatening the one injuring my co-worker that if they were not to back up and listen, they’d be tased immediately.
If they weren’t to listen, they would of course be tased. Assuming they did comply, I would pull the assaulter aside and hold them against a nearby wall, cuffing them immediately and calling for backup on my radio just in case I needed it. If an ambulance wasn’t needed, I’d simply check them for injuries and try to figure out the next course of action.
Figuring I’d rather stay on the safe side of things, I’d escort both my colleague and the citizen to the hospital to check for any hidden or internal injuries; waiting until the citizen got released to bring them down to the station for questioning, and hopefully an eventual lockup. Again, this is what I assume I would do, but in a situation like that, you don’t think; you just act.”

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

“What do I do if I find out that my co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations…?
This is an odd question, but I suppose an answer is needed. Once catching wind of this, I would immediately spring into action, preparing to catch them in the act — or at least catch them admitting to such things. There’s little time to dwell on such things when confidential information could be getting out as I speak, so assuming I knew which co-worker it was, I would keep the enemy close. As the saying goes, keep your friends close, and your enemies closer…
Ah – my apologies. That aside, I would use anything I could against them. Bodycam footage, CCTV footage, documents, texts; anything I’d need to prove that they are working with the wrong side. Of course, acting like everything was all fine and dandy, I would eventually hand all evidence in, communicating with my higher-ups as we slowly figured everything out. Now assuming it has all been handled, this officer would end up in cuffs for Government Corruption, Government Negligence, Gang Affiliation; that sort of thing.”

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

“Oh gods, a criminal attempting to bribe me? This has happened once or twice, and every time it’s the same ‘ol thing. I’ve made up a routine by now, in all honesty. I’d fine them for bribery, first off, then I would remind them to not do this type of thing in the future. Your punishment could always be worse, so I don’t suggest pushing any buttons. Then, I would simply walk away; I wouldn’t want to stay any longer than is needed.”
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Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team
has decided to give you a chance at becoming part of our faction!

What now?
In order to proceed, you will need to join the discord server that house
the faction you have applied for. To find it, go to the SchoolRP discord
server (CLICK HERE) and search for our discord server!

We will also need you to be online to receive your introductions and
the necessary equipment to carry out your duties as part of the faction!

If you need further assistance, you can privately message
me (@Hirathex) or any other available Admin+ via Discord
so that we can solve any other inquiries you may have

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