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Kokoro T. Fumiko | Biography !!

meow sir

Level 17
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Basic Information

Full Name:
Kokoro Touma Fumiko

Red head



170cm (5'7)


Curvy and Slenderised

Eye Color:
Light brown

Hair Style:

Kokoro's hair would normally have the edges of his hair pointing outwards, giving him a more friendly look

Hair Color:
Kokoro's naterual hair color is brown, yet he continues to dye it a semi dark crimson red


A pircing would be on Kokoro's nose bridge. On his right leg there would be a large scar going downwards on the inside of his thigh.

Date of Birth:
March 23rd ####

Place of Birth:

아타미 매화원 (Atami plum garden)

Sexual Orientation:

Religious Beliefs:

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General Appearance

Kokoro would always seem to have a rather calm expression on, but some other times he is mainly seen with his eyebrows curved like hes nervous or sad. His skin would look almost perfect as he had large scars that go underneth his chest. His top lip would always seem to cover his top row of teeth, leaving his bottom row more visiable and giving Kokoro this somewhat "cute" look


Kokoro is almost never seen as mean or scary as he always tends to stay away from drama and to not invole himself in fights or anything too problamatic. He's shy but always seems to try his hardest to interact with people he doesint know, sometimes he gets very nervous to the point of straight emberessment

Character Voice:
Kokoro would have a rather calm toen of voice, how ever it changes depending on who he's talking to. If he's talking to a close friend he seems to not care as much about his words as he sometimes messes up the pronounciation, but if he's talking to someone he hasent really speaken too he seems to be more quiet and nervous.

Voice claim:


Lighting electronics laptop, Heart sunglasses, water gun

Kokoro's clothes are on the more warm side, with the colors mostly consisting of brown or a brownish yellow or brownish red


He spends his free time typing away on his laptop or just runs around plaza. Whenever hes alone he tends to dance to his playlist!

Kokoro is very well at writing, being able to write a short storie in only seconds! He also has a very sturdy hand so hes very good at painting others nails. He'd always make some type of object, weather it be from fabric or from clay he would always put his up most effort into things.

Whenever Kokoro is nervous he is often seen going up and down on his tippy toes

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Dislike - Choon Hee Fumiko [Alive]
"I had to go through so much pain just so I could have a place to live. I was always being harassed and put down by you and Beom, and I was so tired it- I'm so greatful that I was able to move away from you and that hell hole you call a home."
Dislike - Beom-Seok Fumiko [Alive]
"You were always mothers favorite, getting special treatment like her cooking your favorite meals, getting your own room with anything you could want. You always stole my money I was saving up for top surgery, then you'd always say horrible things about me.."
Unknown - Kang-Mi Fumiko [Deceased]
"Your dead yet I still don't know to feel sad about you or not. Maybe if you were alive Beom would act better and Mom would be happier but.. I'm glad you aren't alive, otherwise I wouldn't have grown as much as I had, going threw the tortcher from Mom and beom, and then moving, learning new talents and meeting the greatest people alive."


❥❥❥▸Boyfriend - Yunru 'Kyoto' Shi****mi
"I love you so much baby- I cherish ever moment we spend together.. I'm so glad I got accepted into Yeobo or I would have never met you- Whenever I'm with you I feel so calm, so relaxed. I don't think I could have asked for anyone better then you.. If I were to spend a life time with someone I would choose you, I love you so much- I don't know how to explain it.. but- Just never leave- please.."

❥▸ Best friend - Vegas W. Nishikawa
"HOW ARE YOU SO STUPID TO JUST WALK IN ON SOMEONE SHOWERING?? LIKE DID YOU NOT HEAR THE SHOWER GOING?? AND YOU EVEN PULLED OUT MY IV JUST STRAIGHT OUT, NOT EVEN BEING CAREFUL- Just- My god your so stupid.. But your still my friend, and your nice to me so that kinda makes up for your stupidity."

❥▸ Best friend - Isaac L. Green
"I love you, I'll always love you and stay on your side. I think Yama can go rot in hell. I never liked him to begin with, I hope you find someone who is right for you and doesn't throw away all your trust so easily just like that.. You, Vegas, Asahi, you all mean the world to me and I can't express my thanks to you guys, but especially you Isaac. Your so kind and nice it's painful to see you so heartbroken.."

❥▸ Best friend - Asahi S. Goro
"Your always so nice and kind to me.. I always love coming to your room to hangout, or to hear you play the base.. heh, you always look so cool while playing it. Honestly I wish I could be like you, tall, you don't get shy easily, and your brave, and.. Your just so cool- Seriously.. Thank you for helping me all those times."

Friend - Hibiki 'Giovanni' Watson
"Your really fun to hang out with! Glad I met you man, still kinda embarrassing that you saw me naked when Vegas just opened the door without even knocking- Sorry you had to see me in that state, y'know with that IV and everything.. But hope we can do those other things more often- Aheh.."

Friend - Tobias Green
"Thank you for helping me with that whole pills accident- I know i'm dumb for basically almost chugging the whole thing and I'm sorry for makin' you worry.. but thank you.. Also if you ever get stuck with an IV in you don't ever let Vegas near it."

Neutral - Theodore Bird
"When I saw you on the street I was so exited to see you! But then you had to go, probably to Vegas.. But it's fine, I know you guys are like in love 'nd stuff.."

Neutral - Nero Smith
"You always go to America for a really long time, it's starting to get sad Y'know! Waiting for you to come back.. then we can paint our nails again!"

Enemy - Yamaro K. Hamilton
"I wish I never thought of you as someone I'd actually enjoy hanging out with, your a lair. How could you do something so cruel to Isaac? Didn't you love him?! Tch.. Prick.. I hope nothing but hell comes for you, and I hope you die alone just like you've always meant to be, alone."

(DM me if you wanna be added!)
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Last edited:


Level 91

Burning wild burning low
Rising and falling
Remain Silent and Strong

Yamaro K. Hamilton [Baseball] [Grade-12] Alive
Shunta 'Shun' Dai [Tutor] Alive
Flamenco [Bird] Dead

meow sir

Level 17
Thread starter
Re-did the colors and font
Added family members and Hibiki to relationships
Added some more Info
Changed thoughts on quote on basically everyone and changed thoughts on both Theodore and Nero


Level 17
❥▸ Best friend - Vegas W. Nishikawa
"HOW ARE YOU SO STUPID TO JUST WALK IN ON SOMEONE SHOWERING?? LIKE DID YOU NOT HEAR THE SHOWER GOING?? AND YOU EVEN PULLED OUT MY IV JUST STRIAGHT OUT, NOT EVEN BEING CAREFUL- Just- My god your so stupid.. But your still my friend, and your nice to me so that kinda makes up for your stupidity."

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