Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section
IGN (In-Game Name):
Jalhadeff (Main)
OAlho (Alt)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
UTC-3 Brazil, SP
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that in a scale of 1-10 I am about 8/10 active in the server, and what I do in here is that I have some characters and this is what I use them for:
Character that I am applying with (Kaiser Yuhi Aoyama): With this character I mostly hang out with the people from Mikage as they are some friends of mine and I am a higher up in the family, but I do hang out with them using my other character Ijin as well so I don’t use this character very often right now but I will use him more if this application gets accepted.
College Character I am applying for council with (Jalhadeff Blair Ariya): With my College character I manage two families, those being the Ariya family and the Blair family where I am the head of Ariya and second lead of Blair, I also go to some college classes in school time but as the families are not that active I don’t have much to do as him so I applied for council because I don’t want to stop playing as him.
Swim Team Character (Ijin Finch Akamine): With my character that's in the high school Swim team I do a lot of DetailRP for all the dives and swims I have to have, most being set up beforehand and having like 2 full appends or more, I also am the third head of the Akamine family in this character and help a friend of mine that doesn’t have that much experience making family’s or making servers in discord with most things, I JockRP a lot meeting lots of other sports team members and befriending them, as well as when I have free time (which is incredibly rare with this character but if I change to most others I have all time free) I go to the beach and try to play some volleyball with people.
Greenie Character (Kollan Tsui): I just made a greenie character for me but what i’ve done with him yet is that I played volleyball with some people pretending to be a normal greenie but then playing as best I can, I went around the city asking people for candy and I asked some adults as a child things like “what is a PDA?” or “how can I get a PDA” and its funny seeing the person not knowing what to answer to the child, as well as I interact with part of the HS female volleyball team and play vb with them some times.
(All times referred bellow are in UTC-3)
Mondays: Usually at mondays I get home from school at about 1:30P.M. and play SRP for a bit until 3:30P.M. when I have to leave and go to therapy (I am not crazy I swear :] trust) then I have soccer practice and get back home at about 7:30P.M. where I play until about 10:30P.M. or more before going to sleep.
Tuesdays: On Tuesdays I have longer school than normal and I only get back home at about 7:00P.M. then I start playing until about 10:30P.M. or more.
Wednesdays: On the wednesdays I have school until 1:30P.M. then I start playing until about 5:30P.M. when I leave once again for soccer practice and only come back at 7:30P.M. but I go to my fathers house, so I do play until 10:30P.M. or more but i'm a bit laggier than normal.
Thursdays: On the Thursdays it's pretty much just like the Tuesdays as on that day I also have school for a longer period than normal, only getting home at 7:00P.M. and playing until 10:30P.M. or more
Fridays: On the Fridays, I get home from school at 1:30P.M. but then I have D&D sessions until about 5:00P.M. then I play the rest of the day, I have SRP hs swim practice at 9:00P.M. and it ends normally like 1 hour later or so then I go back to playing until about 1:00A.M. of the next day or more.
Saturdays: On Saturdays in the times I don't travel, I play pretty much from when I wake up until 1A.M. of the next day with some lunch breaks and some other pauses, but when I travel it's pretty random as well as I have swim practice at 9:00P.M. that lasts about an hour.
Sundays: And finally, on Sundays when I am home and not travelling I play from about the time I wake up until like 10:30P.M. or more then I go to sleep.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My out of character motivations for applying are that I have been wanting to test out new roleplay types this last few days so I’ve been trying to join some factions such as the student council and I tried being a governor but the position was full, so I chose to try to get into the KPD, they look pretty cool and it’s something I would like to get into, meeting new people would be nice as well as I want to get deeper into the SRP community and I think that by joining the KPD I could get a step higher in that goal
My character Kaiser’s motivations are that lorewise his actual parents and little sister were killed by gang members, he got adopted by some people that also died fighting gang members, so Kaiser grew hatred towards gangs and crime in general and he wants to stop them at any cost, a good method that he thought about to do that was joining the government, and as he got training since a young age, he decided to try to become part of the Karakura Police Department, hoping to make a difference so children don’t need to grow without parental figures like he did, wanting to make the city a safe place for everyone to live in without worrying about suddenly getting jumped by gang members.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I know a bit about police work, including various responsibilities and challenges of theirs, those include but are not restricted to: knowledge of the law and its procedures, strategies to prevent crime, policing the community, techniques of investigation, as well as the large amount of documenting of crimes and criminals, I also recognize the importance of their ethics, public image and public trust in effectively policing.
They enforce the laws upon the people and imprison the ones who oppose those laws, effectively protecting the town from imminent danger.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Karakura Police Department is important to SchoolRP as they are the ones making the streets safe and protecting everyone’s characters from being mugged or killed.
Some reasons for that is that they play one of the most important roles of maintaining public safety, enforcing the laws within the city. They prevent crimes and deal with their outcomes protecting people and the society ensuring the justice to be served. The police build a sense of security to the citizens by dealing with criminal activity and maintaining order within the city, and that security is crucial to the well being and stability of the community. The police serve as a method of communication between the public and the legal system, making so the laws are applied fairly and consistently.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do acknowledge that if a training session is happening while I am online I will be required to attend it and I intend on attending it, if not I will face the punishments without complaint.
Jalhadeff (Main)
OAlho (Alt)
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
UTC-3 Brazil, SP
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
Describe your activity on the server:
I would say that in a scale of 1-10 I am about 8/10 active in the server, and what I do in here is that I have some characters and this is what I use them for:
Character that I am applying with (Kaiser Yuhi Aoyama): With this character I mostly hang out with the people from Mikage as they are some friends of mine and I am a higher up in the family, but I do hang out with them using my other character Ijin as well so I don’t use this character very often right now but I will use him more if this application gets accepted.
College Character I am applying for council with (Jalhadeff Blair Ariya): With my College character I manage two families, those being the Ariya family and the Blair family where I am the head of Ariya and second lead of Blair, I also go to some college classes in school time but as the families are not that active I don’t have much to do as him so I applied for council because I don’t want to stop playing as him.
Swim Team Character (Ijin Finch Akamine): With my character that's in the high school Swim team I do a lot of DetailRP for all the dives and swims I have to have, most being set up beforehand and having like 2 full appends or more, I also am the third head of the Akamine family in this character and help a friend of mine that doesn’t have that much experience making family’s or making servers in discord with most things, I JockRP a lot meeting lots of other sports team members and befriending them, as well as when I have free time (which is incredibly rare with this character but if I change to most others I have all time free) I go to the beach and try to play some volleyball with people.
Greenie Character (Kollan Tsui): I just made a greenie character for me but what i’ve done with him yet is that I played volleyball with some people pretending to be a normal greenie but then playing as best I can, I went around the city asking people for candy and I asked some adults as a child things like “what is a PDA?” or “how can I get a PDA” and its funny seeing the person not knowing what to answer to the child, as well as I interact with part of the HS female volleyball team and play vb with them some times.
(All times referred bellow are in UTC-3)
Mondays: Usually at mondays I get home from school at about 1:30P.M. and play SRP for a bit until 3:30P.M. when I have to leave and go to therapy (I am not crazy I swear :] trust) then I have soccer practice and get back home at about 7:30P.M. where I play until about 10:30P.M. or more before going to sleep.
Tuesdays: On Tuesdays I have longer school than normal and I only get back home at about 7:00P.M. then I start playing until about 10:30P.M. or more.
Wednesdays: On the wednesdays I have school until 1:30P.M. then I start playing until about 5:30P.M. when I leave once again for soccer practice and only come back at 7:30P.M. but I go to my fathers house, so I do play until 10:30P.M. or more but i'm a bit laggier than normal.
Thursdays: On the Thursdays it's pretty much just like the Tuesdays as on that day I also have school for a longer period than normal, only getting home at 7:00P.M. and playing until 10:30P.M. or more
Fridays: On the Fridays, I get home from school at 1:30P.M. but then I have D&D sessions until about 5:00P.M. then I play the rest of the day, I have SRP hs swim practice at 9:00P.M. and it ends normally like 1 hour later or so then I go back to playing until about 1:00A.M. of the next day or more.
Saturdays: On Saturdays in the times I don't travel, I play pretty much from when I wake up until 1A.M. of the next day with some lunch breaks and some other pauses, but when I travel it's pretty random as well as I have swim practice at 9:00P.M. that lasts about an hour.
Sundays: And finally, on Sundays when I am home and not travelling I play from about the time I wake up until like 10:30P.M. or more then I go to sleep.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My out of character motivations for applying are that I have been wanting to test out new roleplay types this last few days so I’ve been trying to join some factions such as the student council and I tried being a governor but the position was full, so I chose to try to get into the KPD, they look pretty cool and it’s something I would like to get into, meeting new people would be nice as well as I want to get deeper into the SRP community and I think that by joining the KPD I could get a step higher in that goal
My character Kaiser’s motivations are that lorewise his actual parents and little sister were killed by gang members, he got adopted by some people that also died fighting gang members, so Kaiser grew hatred towards gangs and crime in general and he wants to stop them at any cost, a good method that he thought about to do that was joining the government, and as he got training since a young age, he decided to try to become part of the Karakura Police Department, hoping to make a difference so children don’t need to grow without parental figures like he did, wanting to make the city a safe place for everyone to live in without worrying about suddenly getting jumped by gang members.
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
I know a bit about police work, including various responsibilities and challenges of theirs, those include but are not restricted to: knowledge of the law and its procedures, strategies to prevent crime, policing the community, techniques of investigation, as well as the large amount of documenting of crimes and criminals, I also recognize the importance of their ethics, public image and public trust in effectively policing.
They enforce the laws upon the people and imprison the ones who oppose those laws, effectively protecting the town from imminent danger.
Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
The Karakura Police Department is important to SchoolRP as they are the ones making the streets safe and protecting everyone’s characters from being mugged or killed.
Some reasons for that is that they play one of the most important roles of maintaining public safety, enforcing the laws within the city. They prevent crimes and deal with their outcomes protecting people and the society ensuring the justice to be served. The police build a sense of security to the citizens by dealing with criminal activity and maintaining order within the city, and that security is crucial to the well being and stability of the community. The police serve as a method of communication between the public and the legal system, making so the laws are applied fairly and consistently.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes, I do acknowledge that if a training session is happening while I am online I will be required to attend it and I intend on attending it, if not I will face the punishments without complaint.
In-Character (IC) Section
What's your character's full name?:
Kaiser Yuhi Aoyama
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, he/him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Bachelors in another character, but Grade-12 in this one at the moment.
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Aside from Japanese my character also knows how to speak in:
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Kaiser, a Half-Korean Half-German male with pitch black hair, his eyes were glowing and dark gray colored, he walked around always with a calm but serious expression, he had a rather fit and muscular build standing at 6’2” tall.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Casual Situation:
In a casual situation Kaiser normally doesn’t talk much, only talking when talked to, he just stands there in a corner with a sort of emotionless face, most times calm and composed, he keeps his things to himself and barely ever laughs.
Professional Situation:
In a professional situation, Kaiser acts serious and composed, listening to all and every orders given by his higher ups carefully, taking notes of them if necessary, he is always on high alert and takes even the easiest task with high importance making sure everything goes just as planned.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Kaiser doesn’t really likes teamwork and would rather working alone as he likes planning his actions and following this plan carefully what doesn’t really happens when he is working in teams, but if told to work with others he will accept no questions asked and do his best for it to work out with not many differences than his original plan.
What's your character's backstory?
Raised in times of war, his house was located in the middle of the battlefield, Kaiser had a poor family with an abusive father, a negligent mother and Lily, his little sister that meant the world to him.
Every time his father came back drunk and tried to hit them he would protect Lily until the end, even if he got knocked out, he would always protect her, while Lily was crying one day Kaiser approached her and promised to protect her forever.
But one day the war got to them. Kaiser was coming back from school when he saw two men in blackouts and flags from the opposing country attached to them getting out of his house so he quickly hid and took cover.
He was scared for his life but a few seconds later he realized… Lily was in the house, even being scared Kaiser needed to check on his little sister so he ran to the house as fast as he could.
The scene was horrific, everything in his house was broken down, as he walked in further he saw the bodies of his father and his mother, laying on the ground with holes going through their skulls.
But he didn’t care, there was only one person in that place that mattered for him, and he found her, Lily was crying on the ground scared hugging her BMO plushie.
As he spotted her, Kaiser ran towards her and hugged her, he said:
Kaiser: “It’s ok Lily, everything will be fine, don’t worry, Kai-Kai is here” - trying to calm the crying child.
Lily: “Kai-Kai, I don’t want to die” - she said while crying
The boy was really happy that his sister was fine, but as he put the BMO plushie aside it revealed that her clothes were all red, she had been shot.
He froze in place, this couldn’t be happening, not to Lily, not his little sister, he couldn’t let this happen, as he came back to his senses Kaiser instantly tried to carry Lily to the family truck.
But he couldn’t, he was just a 8 year old boy, he was too weak to carry her, as he tried to carry her he fell to the ground but still made sure she wouldn’t get hurt
Looking to her eyes he couldn’t do anything but hear his little sister mumble in the middle of all the crying:
Lily: “Kai-Kai you promised me…” - as she passed out and stopped breathing.
Kaiser was devastated, his little sister died in his arms, all because he wasn’t strong enough to save her…
His mind stopped working, he wasn’t able to process what had just happened, his family, his sister, they were gone now?
He got back to reality but he lost something on his way back, he didn’t feel, he couldn’t feel, no hate, no sadness, he had lost all of his emotions, with the dead body of his sister in his arms all he could feel was… nothing.
Some moments later he heard some people talking and the door got broken down, full blackout men holding rifles entered the house.
With a nonchalant expression and eyes wide open, Kaiser, filled with noradrenaline, dashed towards them, with an inhuman speed he just appeared in front of each man and either with a punch or a kick he knocked them out one per one.
He was beating all of the men when suddenly he felt dizzy and approaching the last man he couldn’t help but to pass out from extreme exhaustion.
Kaiser woke up still dizzy, he was in what seemed like a hospital bed, he saw a man he didn’t know standing right next to him, so his instincts kicked in, he grabbed the first sharp object he could find, those being scissors and backed out entering combat mode.
The man just calmly told him:
Doctor: “calm down kid if I wanted to kill you I would have already done so, and if I wanted to do something to you you would be tied down, why would have I save you if I wanted to harm you, now sit down and rest”
Kaiser still didn’t trust the man completely but given the situation there was not much more he could do than to follow what he said, the man continued by saying:
Doctor: “you did some pretty good damage to our men in that house kid, do you fight?”
Kaiser nodded negatively as the man continued to say:
Doctor: “You are probably confused to who I am and where you are, so basically what happened was that after you took down 3 of our men by pure adrenaline you passed out from exhaustion and I carried you back here, we treated you but I couldn’t save the other people in the house… I also retrieved and cleaned this robot plushie because it seemed really important for the little girl there”
He said that as he pulled Lily’s BMO plushie out, Kaiser got confused as his eyes teared but he couldn’t feel anything so he just hugged the plushie and stared at the ground still with his eyes wide open.
With a surprised look the doctor asked:
Doctor: “oh is that something important to you?”
Amidst sobs and confusion all Kaiser could do was to mumble:
Kaiser: “Lily” - with a weak voice
As the doctor was going to talk again someone opened the door, he was big and tough he seemed to be really strong. The man said:
???: “Oh so the kid finally woke up? Nice, so kid, what’s your name”
Kaiser: “Kaiser” - replied the kid in a nonchalant voice and straight face while facing the man in the eyes and showing no expression at all.
???: “Ok Kaiser here is what’s happening, I am the leader of this place, call me Bulldog, here is a mercenary facility and if you don’t want us to throw you out and leave you behind you’ll need to train and act as one of us understood?” - the man said trying to scare Kaiser
Kaiser: “ok” - Kaiser said with the most uncaring voice ever
Bulldog: “After all I just told you all you have to say is a simple ‘ok’?” - replied bulldog
He waited a bit expecting an answer or at least a reaction but Kaiser just stood there not moving an inch and didn’t answer him.
Bulldog: “You seem tough kid, I have a good feeling about you, I think you will fit just right here!”
After a few years and really hard training, at age 16 Kaiser had already become the most capable mercenary there was in the facility but Bulldog knew he couldn’t be there for any longer.
Kaiser had already lost his childhood, they couldn’t take his adolescence away as well, so after two more years of missions but taking classes of “how to be a normal and functional human being” Kaiser was ready to live a normal life.
After searching for some place they could leave Kaiser they found the “Mikage” Family, a family of other orphans who had all lost their family’s as well so got together to become one.
This family was located next to a known high school going in the city by the name of Karakura, so they decided to send Kaiser there.
Without telling him even tho he already knew what was going on they left Kaiser on the airport with nothing more than:
Lily’s BMO plushie as something for him to remember about his real family;
A bit of money and some clothes;
A cellphone without the organization’s number so he couldn’t find them;
And a note that said “Kaiser, you were the best agent we had but we can’t keep you trapped here like that, you need to live a normal life with other highschoolers so take this as a chance to start a new life! A proper one that all teenagers deserve, you won’t be alone tho, find the Mikage family, they will be by your side on this journey, we will miss you - Bulldog”
As the plane landed Kaiser finished reading the note and as always with no emotion at all he grabbed his things and left the plane.
The first thing he did was look for a map and memorized it as if it was one of his missions, he studied the place and went off all by himself to explore the city of Karakura and find his new family.
All along his life people didn’t blame him for not being able to save his family, but he did. So now he won’t waste this second chance to have a family he got. He will protect them.
Kaiser Yuhi Aoyama
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male, he/him
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Bachelors in another character, but Grade-12 in this one at the moment.
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Aside from Japanese my character also knows how to speak in:
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Kaiser, a Half-Korean Half-German male with pitch black hair, his eyes were glowing and dark gray colored, he walked around always with a calm but serious expression, he had a rather fit and muscular build standing at 6’2” tall.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
Casual Situation:
In a casual situation Kaiser normally doesn’t talk much, only talking when talked to, he just stands there in a corner with a sort of emotionless face, most times calm and composed, he keeps his things to himself and barely ever laughs.
Professional Situation:
In a professional situation, Kaiser acts serious and composed, listening to all and every orders given by his higher ups carefully, taking notes of them if necessary, he is always on high alert and takes even the easiest task with high importance making sure everything goes just as planned.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Kaiser doesn’t really likes teamwork and would rather working alone as he likes planning his actions and following this plan carefully what doesn’t really happens when he is working in teams, but if told to work with others he will accept no questions asked and do his best for it to work out with not many differences than his original plan.
What's your character's backstory?
Raised in times of war, his house was located in the middle of the battlefield, Kaiser had a poor family with an abusive father, a negligent mother and Lily, his little sister that meant the world to him.
Every time his father came back drunk and tried to hit them he would protect Lily until the end, even if he got knocked out, he would always protect her, while Lily was crying one day Kaiser approached her and promised to protect her forever.
But one day the war got to them. Kaiser was coming back from school when he saw two men in blackouts and flags from the opposing country attached to them getting out of his house so he quickly hid and took cover.
He was scared for his life but a few seconds later he realized… Lily was in the house, even being scared Kaiser needed to check on his little sister so he ran to the house as fast as he could.
The scene was horrific, everything in his house was broken down, as he walked in further he saw the bodies of his father and his mother, laying on the ground with holes going through their skulls.
But he didn’t care, there was only one person in that place that mattered for him, and he found her, Lily was crying on the ground scared hugging her BMO plushie.
As he spotted her, Kaiser ran towards her and hugged her, he said:
Kaiser: “It’s ok Lily, everything will be fine, don’t worry, Kai-Kai is here” - trying to calm the crying child.
Lily: “Kai-Kai, I don’t want to die” - she said while crying
The boy was really happy that his sister was fine, but as he put the BMO plushie aside it revealed that her clothes were all red, she had been shot.
He froze in place, this couldn’t be happening, not to Lily, not his little sister, he couldn’t let this happen, as he came back to his senses Kaiser instantly tried to carry Lily to the family truck.
But he couldn’t, he was just a 8 year old boy, he was too weak to carry her, as he tried to carry her he fell to the ground but still made sure she wouldn’t get hurt
Looking to her eyes he couldn’t do anything but hear his little sister mumble in the middle of all the crying:
Lily: “Kai-Kai you promised me…” - as she passed out and stopped breathing.
Kaiser was devastated, his little sister died in his arms, all because he wasn’t strong enough to save her…
His mind stopped working, he wasn’t able to process what had just happened, his family, his sister, they were gone now?
He got back to reality but he lost something on his way back, he didn’t feel, he couldn’t feel, no hate, no sadness, he had lost all of his emotions, with the dead body of his sister in his arms all he could feel was… nothing.
Some moments later he heard some people talking and the door got broken down, full blackout men holding rifles entered the house.
With a nonchalant expression and eyes wide open, Kaiser, filled with noradrenaline, dashed towards them, with an inhuman speed he just appeared in front of each man and either with a punch or a kick he knocked them out one per one.
He was beating all of the men when suddenly he felt dizzy and approaching the last man he couldn’t help but to pass out from extreme exhaustion.
Kaiser woke up still dizzy, he was in what seemed like a hospital bed, he saw a man he didn’t know standing right next to him, so his instincts kicked in, he grabbed the first sharp object he could find, those being scissors and backed out entering combat mode.
The man just calmly told him:
Doctor: “calm down kid if I wanted to kill you I would have already done so, and if I wanted to do something to you you would be tied down, why would have I save you if I wanted to harm you, now sit down and rest”
Kaiser still didn’t trust the man completely but given the situation there was not much more he could do than to follow what he said, the man continued by saying:
Doctor: “you did some pretty good damage to our men in that house kid, do you fight?”
Kaiser nodded negatively as the man continued to say:
Doctor: “You are probably confused to who I am and where you are, so basically what happened was that after you took down 3 of our men by pure adrenaline you passed out from exhaustion and I carried you back here, we treated you but I couldn’t save the other people in the house… I also retrieved and cleaned this robot plushie because it seemed really important for the little girl there”
He said that as he pulled Lily’s BMO plushie out, Kaiser got confused as his eyes teared but he couldn’t feel anything so he just hugged the plushie and stared at the ground still with his eyes wide open.
With a surprised look the doctor asked:
Doctor: “oh is that something important to you?”
Amidst sobs and confusion all Kaiser could do was to mumble:
Kaiser: “Lily” - with a weak voice
As the doctor was going to talk again someone opened the door, he was big and tough he seemed to be really strong. The man said:
???: “Oh so the kid finally woke up? Nice, so kid, what’s your name”
Kaiser: “Kaiser” - replied the kid in a nonchalant voice and straight face while facing the man in the eyes and showing no expression at all.
???: “Ok Kaiser here is what’s happening, I am the leader of this place, call me Bulldog, here is a mercenary facility and if you don’t want us to throw you out and leave you behind you’ll need to train and act as one of us understood?” - the man said trying to scare Kaiser
Kaiser: “ok” - Kaiser said with the most uncaring voice ever
Bulldog: “After all I just told you all you have to say is a simple ‘ok’?” - replied bulldog
He waited a bit expecting an answer or at least a reaction but Kaiser just stood there not moving an inch and didn’t answer him.
Bulldog: “You seem tough kid, I have a good feeling about you, I think you will fit just right here!”
After a few years and really hard training, at age 16 Kaiser had already become the most capable mercenary there was in the facility but Bulldog knew he couldn’t be there for any longer.
Kaiser had already lost his childhood, they couldn’t take his adolescence away as well, so after two more years of missions but taking classes of “how to be a normal and functional human being” Kaiser was ready to live a normal life.
After searching for some place they could leave Kaiser they found the “Mikage” Family, a family of other orphans who had all lost their family’s as well so got together to become one.
This family was located next to a known high school going in the city by the name of Karakura, so they decided to send Kaiser there.
Without telling him even tho he already knew what was going on they left Kaiser on the airport with nothing more than:
Lily’s BMO plushie as something for him to remember about his real family;
A bit of money and some clothes;
A cellphone without the organization’s number so he couldn’t find them;
And a note that said “Kaiser, you were the best agent we had but we can’t keep you trapped here like that, you need to live a normal life with other highschoolers so take this as a chance to start a new life! A proper one that all teenagers deserve, you won’t be alone tho, find the Mikage family, they will be by your side on this journey, we will miss you - Bulldog”
As the plane landed Kaiser finished reading the note and as always with no emotion at all he grabbed his things and left the plane.
The first thing he did was look for a map and memorized it as if it was one of his missions, he studied the place and went off all by himself to explore the city of Karakura and find his new family.
All along his life people didn’t blame him for not being able to save his family, but he did. So now he won’t waste this second chance to have a family he got. He will protect them.
General knowledge
Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
No, it is not legal to own a pocket knife under the laws of karakura and if you own one and you get caught by an officer, you can get fined and arrested by it.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Some medical Items that do not require a prescription are:
- Paracetamol;
- Multivitamins;
- Iron Supplements;
- Melatonin;
- Cough Syrup;
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
I would stop my co-worker with the use of my hands or with a riot shield if I have the time to pull it out, and warn him that he can’t purposefully harm the inmates as that would be considered Government Misconduct which is a Felony and can get him to jail for 6 months, as well as Government Negligence that's considered a misdemeanor. If even so my co-worker fails to comply with my request I would need to stun him and arrest him, explaining the situation to a higher up quickly afterwards, getting the CCTV or body camera footage as proof
Crimes my co-worker would have commited:
[F] Government Misconduct - 6 Months
The intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties that result in someone's being harmed.
[M] Government Negligence - No Jailtime
The unintentional / intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties
[M] Assault - 2 Months
The crime of actively starting a fight against someone unconsentedly.
[F] Assault with a Weapon - 6 Months
The usage of a non-lethal blunt weapon on another civilian with intent to cause harm
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
If I saw a coworker of mine getting assaulted I would quickly rush over to the scene and help my coworker by most likely stunning the person with my stun blaster if the person doesn't comply to my demand of him facing a wall, and arrest the person who assaulted my coworker charging him with the crimes:
Disrespect Toward a Government Official [Fineable offense]
The act of acting unlawfully disrespecting an on-duty government official.
[M] Obstruction of Justice - 2 Months
The crime of interfering in police duties by physically or verbally obstructing police work.
(If my coworker is on duty)
[F] Assault on a Government Official - 6 Months
The intentional assault on a Government Official (KPD, EMS, KT) during the line of duty
[M] Assault - 2 Months
The crime of actively starting a fight against someone unconsentedly.
And if he tries to resist
[M] Resisting Arrest - 1 Month
The act of an individual obstructing, resisting or delaying a law enforcement confrontation during the performance of their duty.
Using as evidence mine’s or my coworker’s footage from our body camera as well as close by CCTV footage.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
I would immediately tell my higher ups without him knowing and if needed secretly getting evidence on him committing that actions from my body camera or from further investigation as those actions are considered a crime and I would press charges against him with:
[F] Government Corruption - 20 Months
Any sort of unauthorized affiliation between a government official and a member of a criminal organization.
[M] Government Negligence - No Jailtime
The unintentional / intentional failure to follow government guidelines, training or duties
And in an extreme case
[F] Gang Affiliation - 16 Months
The act of being apart of a group of people in which commit illegal services/crimes that has been contributed to.
Putting him in jail.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
If a criminal tries to bribe me I would politely refuse the offer (telling him to go to hell) or just ignore him in general, later on I would get the footage from my body camera to add to his criminal record the act of:
The crime of an individual attempting to prevent the work of an officer through bribery.
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