players online



Level 51

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Discord Name & Tag:

Which timezone are you in?:

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:



Describe your activity on the server:
My activity on the SchoolRP server is moderate. I try my best to log onto the server to initiate roleplay and lore with others; however, my personal life has become rather busy with Culinary, School and Work. But, I do have a solution to this problem. I plan to have a few hours of school work on the days that I am off of my job, then log onto SRP to increase my activity. I will use this strategy effectively to gain my quota in the KPD if I am to be accepted.

At last, to simplify my activity, I will give it a 7/10.

What is your motivation for applying?:
Over the months I have seen many changes to the KPD faction, such as their building being changed, the glocks being replaced with tranquilizers, etc. However, not much is seen behind the scenes, which intrigues me to figure that out. Thus, my motivation for applying is to experience this rebranded faction for myself, as well find out what new has been implemented into this wonderful community. In addition, I miss the people who I've met and had to depart within the faction, and I want to reunite with them and become police partners once more. I’ve also noticed one of my old friends, who was a part of the original KPD trio, has joined the faction once more. This reminded me of all the memories us three have gotten together, and I truly started to miss it. Thus, that has driven me to start writing this application. However, there is another reason why I want to join this faction once more; I want to train people, as a corporal, so they can become a great officer. I’ve always had a passion to teach people, so getting the opportunity to do that myself in this faction is astounding.

Therefore, that concludes my motivation for this question.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
During my previous times as a KPD officer, I have gained a lot of knowledge to know how to properly roleplay an Officer ICly. Below, there will be categories from one experience to the next. However, if there are any new things that have changed over the past months, I will be more than happy to learn that too.

City Emergency Levels
Basic Info

The city emergency level displays the threat within the city to officers. The purpose of this is to show officers how big of troops they should have while patrolling around the city safely. In total, there are four levels, which will be listed below and shortly elaborated on.

Level 2 is known to be the safest out of all of the other levels. You’re permitted to patrol alone with the permission of a Higher-up; however, it is not recommended and is usually denied. The preferred amount of patrolling in a Level 2 City Emergency is Two to Three Officers, Including you. However, there are also situational calls that are mandatory to have at least two cops with you.

Level 3 is when Karakura’s crime rate is starting to rise and becoming dangerous. Patrolling alone isn’t permitted whatsoever. You will have to have another officer with you. In regards to situational calls, you will need to have three officers with you and four to five officers for calls involving weaponry. Two officers are recommended to have two tranquilizers with them (R.I.P glocks.)

Level 4 is the dangerous level out of all of the other two levels. This means you will have to have three cops to patrol and four cops for situational calls. If the situational calls have weapons involved, you will need around Five to Six officers with you, two armed with tranquilizers.

At last, that concludes the city emergency levels. We will now move onto Police Training.

Basic Info

Upon being accepted into the KPD as a cadet, you will have to go over two types of training: Physical and Informational. Physical training and information is easy if you study correctly. After you have done Physical training and Informational training after a few weeks, you will do the evaluation. You will need to score 11/11 on the Physical eval to pass, or a score of 9/11. More information on the two will be below in their respective categories.

During physical training, you will go over eleven courses in the training room to prepare you for situations in the life of an officer. Things you will go over include: Patting someone down, assisting an unconscious or stabbed officer, what to do when you see armed criminals, etc.

Informational training is one of the most important things in the KPD. You need to know your info, trust me. Every other day your informational trainer will ping you and ask you to join a voice channel. You will meet up with them in the classroom ICly, and they will go over the cadet textbook. The cadet textbook includes everything you need to know that is on the Informational eval.

Now that we have the informational training explained, this concludes this part. We will now move onto Police Equipment.


8 Block range - Tasers are a defensive weapon that is commonly used by officers. The taser can stun the offender for 60 seconds. However, you’re required to do a /me to tase a person if they’re not moving. But, if they’re moving or running, that bypasses the rule and you can tase them with no action. Remember, you do not need to roll for a tase.

Baton - Batons are used if officers lose their taser, or if they’re in water where they cannot use a taser for safety reasons. The range for a baton is two blocks and can be mugged with proper mug permissions.

Pepper Spray - Pepper spray is carried by all officers while they’re off duty for safety. The range of pepper spray is two blocks, and cannot be taken from the hand. In order to use the pepper spray, you will need to take action. No roll is required. Moreover, pepper spray only has three uses. The spray will effectively blind a person for 60 seconds. Similar to a taser, but it won't electrocute you.

Cuffs - Cuffs are used to restrain criminals from running away or fighting back with an officer. The player has the option to restrain the cuffing, which will be mentioned in LOOC by the arresting officer. If the player does not respond within 5-10 seconds, the officer is allowed to continue with the arrest command to avoid stalling.

Radio - The radio is primarily used to communicate with other officers, to either contact them about investigations or other matters, or to call them to a situation involving a fight or weapons. Additionally, the radio has a button for a code-0. This will do a broadcast to all of the other officers. You only use a code-0 if absolutely necessary. For example, getting stabbed or another cop gets stabbed.

Body-cam - A body-cam is placed on every cop's uniform, located on the chest. The body-cam is a live footage of the officers POV. The body-cam can be broken with two hits via fists and one hit with a sharp weapon.

Breathalyzer - The breathalyzer is carried by all officers and primarily used to find out the drunk percentage of a person. In order to use a breathalyzer, you need to have an IC motive.

Riot Shield; 1 block range - A riot shield is used for protection against weapons and other weapons. A riot shield is accessible to all officers. When the riot shield is used defensively, an officer is not able to use any offensive items. When the riot shield is in offensive mode, there are no defensive properties. The riot shield can be stolen if the officer is KO’ed and they have proper mug permissions.

Gas Mask - The gas mask is accessible to all officers that are on-duty. The gas mask is used to protect officers from biological threats. The mask can be stolen with proper permissions by hand.

Crowbar; 2 block range - Accessible to mainly officers, the crowbar is used to pry open doors and chests. The crowbar can be mugged with proper permissions by hand.

Luminol Spray - Luminol spray is accessible to all officers. The luminol spray will expose any blood stains on a weapon or mask. The luminol spray will also expose any dents.

Fingerprint Scanner - The fingerprint scanner is accessible to all officers. The fingerprint scanner can match fingerprints of a suspect with the fingerprints on a weapon or another thing for an investigation.

First-aid Kit - The First-aid kit is accessible to all officers. The first-aid kit is used to save officers that are bleeding out, and give them 5 more minutes to stay alive until they’re treated by EMS.

Tranquilizer; 30 block range - A tranquilizer is a plastic device used for primary protection against armed criminals. The tranquilizer can make someone unconscious for 2 minutes. Once two darts are used, you will need to action to reload and roll if in range. If not, you can just reload with no action. Additionally, the Tranquilizer cannot be stolen.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?
Police are important to SchoolRP for many reasons, including a faction for people to apply for to have a different roleplay experience and have fun. However, for IC purposes, Police are here to protect Karakura Civilians from the threats that lurk below. KPD are the main guardians of the town, and have saved lives of thousands. Without the KPD, the town would be in ruins indefinitely… unless we get batman or something.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
Yes. However, if I am not able to attend, I'll inform the trainer with my OOC reason and an apology. Moreover, I'll discuss if we can do a private session to make up for the training I missed.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:
Aleksei Obolensky

How old is your character (if accepted)?:

What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
Male | He/him

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
Masters degree in Criminology and Criminal Justice.

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
Aleksei Obolensky; A russian male who stands at the height of 6ft. Aleksei had an apparent muscular physique, hinted by the fact that it stretched out his uniform. In addition, Aleksei had messy black hair that covered half of his forehead. However, this would accompany his round facial structure, as well as his gleaming ocean blue eyes. Upon talking to Aleksei, he had a thick russian accent, that was baritone in pitch. If you were to weigh Aleksei, it would come out as 195 lbs.

Now onto the question, what makes Aleksei unique? What simply makes Aleksei unique is his driven passion and will to accomplish his fathers mission to cleanse this world of the criminals that inhabit it. Although this may seem impossible; he believes that anything can and will be possible, all you have to do is add a little motivation and influence, and you can accomplish anything.

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

In a professional situation, Aleksei acts mature and self centered throughout his duties. During a crime investigation or just a normal patrol, his communication shines out from others, and his boldness makes him a formidable officer. In addition, he is straight to the point and cold during his duties and expects everyone to be in their A game. However, if someone is new to this field, he will guide them with open arms, so they can live up to being a great colleague. As for a casual situation, Aleksei will act like himself; humorous and kind. He always greets people with a smile, and always starts the conversation, unless someone starts it with him first. Aleksei loves to converse with his co-workers while off-duty and learn more about them. Thus, to summarize the answers, Aleksei is bold, straight to the point, communicative and cold during his shift, but while in a casual situation, Aleksei is a kind, humorous and outgoing individual.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
Aleksei’s outlook on his coworkers are like family. He cares and helps his co-workers along the way, so they can be successful. For example, Aleksei will guide his co-workers in a situation if they’re stumped and do not know what to do correctly in a situation, so they can get it right next time and teach others if they do not know the same thing.
In relation to team-work, Aleksei likes to enforce communication throughout the team to have a hold over a situation involving criminals, so it can be more effective in getting them out of the streets but to also keep themselves informed and safe.

What's your character's backstory?

DECEASED - [FATHER] Nikolai Obolensky
“Nikolai Oblensky, the Father of Aleksei. Nikolai was a great father to Aleksei when he could; however, he wasn’t there much for his family due to his professional life as a politsiya. Sadly, Nikolai died in a tragic shooting when Aleksei was only ten years old.”
“I wish you could have seen how much I've grown. In your honor, father, I will follow your path as an officer and complete your mission to cleanse this world of criminals. I promise you that.”

ALIVE - [MOTHER] Elizaveta Obolensky
“Elizaveta Obolensky, the mother of Aleksei. Elizaveta was left to raise Aleksei her whole life. Elizaveta tried her best to raise Aleksei on her own, which Aleksei is grateful for.”
“I am forever in your debt, mother. Я тебя люблю.”

ALIVE - [PROTAGONIST] Aleksei Obolensky
“Aleksei Oblensky, the son of Nikolai and Elizaveta. Aleksei is a prideful and matured individual. He has his family to thank for that. Additionally, Aleksei has a passion driven mission to live on his fathers legacy as an officer.”

“Uh… yeah, that's me. I'm cool, right?”

February 2nd, 1993, a baby was born in the land of Moscow. "It's a boy!" The doctor said in glee, handing the baby over to the mother, Elizaveta Oblensky. She smiled at the child as a tear of happiness left her eyes. She said the words, "My baby boy.." In a matter of seconds, Elizaveta widened her eyes as she looked up at the doctor. Elizaveta opened her mouth, about to speak, before being interrupted by a door swinging open. It was Nikolai Obolensky, the father of the child. He looked exhausted. The child started to let out a weeping cry due to the loud noise. In reaction, Elizaveta comforted the baby as much as she could. "Shh, shh... It's okay." The mother looked over at the door with an angry expression. "You scared hi-" Elizaveta cut her sentence short, her angry expression turning into a sad one. "You're late." Nikolai, in response, walked over to Elizaveta, getting onto his knees. He grabbed one of her hands, apologizing. "I'm so sorry, Eliza. I really am. I wish I could have gotten here sooner, but it was just so busy at work!" Elizaveta rolled her eyes, muttering, "Whatever." The doctor cleared his throat, interrupting the two. "So, what would you like to name the boy?" Nikolai stood up, patting down his clothes. He stood tall, looking over at the doctor. "Aleksei. We'll name him Aleksei Oblensky." The doctor nodded, "Very well. I'll get the paperwork, and we can get that finalized." Nikolai nodded back at the officer, giving them a polite smile. The doctor walked outside of the room, closing the door. Nikolai looked over to Elizaveta, "I want you to know I meant it. I'm sorry." Elizaveta looked in the opposite direction, avoiding eye contact. She responded in an annoyed tone, which eventually turned into a sad tone, "You never mean it. You're always busy, Nikolai. You never have time for me. You weren't even here for my birth!" Nikolai's expression turned into a frown. Once again, he kneeled down over to Elizaveta, placing his hand on her arm. "You're right. I never am, and there is no excuse for that. But from now on, I will spend time with you and our new baby boy." Elizaveta looked over at Nikolai, a smile appearing on her face, "Okay, fine. I forgive you. But you better keep your word!" Nikolai smiled back, "I will. Now, can I see my son?" Elizaveta nodded, turning the baby over to Nikolai's direction. Nikolai's eyes widened as he saw his son, Aleksei. There was one apparent feature that Nikolai noticed: he had blue eyes, just like him. Nikolai's smile widened; he couldn't help himself. "OH MY GOD!! He's so beautiful! Although, it's my kid, so I wouldn't be surprised." He said with pride. Elizaveta side-eyed Nikolai. "Sure.." In response, Nikolai's head snapped over to face Elizaveta. "What do you mean by that," He said with a humorous tone. Before Eliza could respond, the doctor walked back into the room with papers in hand. The doctor looked over at Nikolai. "I'm going to need you to finish signing these papers, then you guys are good to go." Nikolai looked back at the doctor, nodding as he stood up. He looked over at Elizaveta. "I'll be right back." He said, leaving the room with the doctor. It only took around 5 minutes until Nikolai returned to see that Elizaveta was already dressed and ready to go. Nikolai looked at Eliza with a smile. "Seems you're already ready to leave. Let's go back home, shall we?" Elizaveta stood from the bed, having the baby held in her arms. She walked outside of the room to the hospital elevator as Nikolai followed behind. Once inside, Nikolai clicked the button for the parking lot. The doors to the elevator closed as they ascended down. Nikolai looked over to Elizaveta, "I'm so happy we're a family now!" Elizaveta looked back over to Nikolai, laughing. "I know you are. You've always wanted to have a family of your own. You talked about it to me for ages…" Nikolai laughed with Elizaveta, responding in an amused tone, "Yeah, I have, haven't I?" Just as Elizaveta was about to respond, the doors to the elevator opened, and they were met with the parking lot. Nikolai placed his hand on her back, "Let's get going to the car. I don't want you standing for too long; you need to rest." Elizaveta smiled at Nikolai's kindness, walking out of the elevator. Luckily, the car wasn't too far, so they reached it in a matter of 2 minutes. Using his keyfob, Nikolai unlocked the door to the car, opening the backseat to where the Infant car seat was. Nikolai reached his hands out, "Here, I'll take Aleksei and put him in the car. You go sit in the passenger seat. I'll be in the car in a second." Elizaveta gave him the child, walking over to the passenger seat, opening the door and sitting down, letting out a sigh while closing the door. Meanwhile, Nikolai was securely placing Aleksei into his seat. Once that was finished, Nikolai closed the door to the backseat, making sure not to slam it in order not to scare the child. Nikolai walked to the front seat, opening the door and sitting inside, making sure to close the door. Nikolai pushed his key into the ignition and turned, making the car emit a revving noise, which stopped after the car successfully turned on. Nikolai looked over to Elizaveta, saying with a smile. "Finally ready to go home? I sure am." In response, Elizaveta looked back over to Nikolai, replying in a humorous tone, "Yes, obviously! Get to driving please, I'm tired.." Nikolai rolled his eyes, still keeping his smile, "Yeah, yeah. I'm going." He said, while backing out of the parking spot, driving out of the hospital's parking lot. The ride home was quiet; in fact, it was quiet enough for Elizaveta to fall asleep. Thus, that is what she did. Nikolai didn't even notice she fell asleep until they got home. He was too distracted with driving. He glanced to his right, where Elizaveta was sleeping, noticing she was sleeping. He laughed to himself, softly nudging her to wake her up, "Wake up, Eliza. We're home!" Nikolai said, turning off the car and opening the door, exiting the car. Elizaveta woke up from the nudge, looking at her surroundings. She yawned, stretching out her arms, "About time.. I missed my bed." she said, opening the door to exit the car. Eliza looked over at Nikolai, who was already getting the child out of the car. "Thanks hun, I'll be inside in our room. I need to sleep; I'm exhausted!" Elizaveta said with a chuckle. Nikolai responded with, "No problem, Eliza. Go get some rest, and I'll put the baby in its crib. I'll be in bed afterwards!" He said, already having the baby in his hands, walking towards the door. Once inside, Nikolai walked towards Aleksei's room, opening the door and walking towards the crib. Nikolai placed Aleksei into his crib, changing his clothes into his PJs. After doing so, Nikolai turned on the Musical mobile above the crib, looking down at the child with a smile. "Goodnight, my little Aleksei." Nikolai said with a smile, leaning down and giving him a kiss on the forehead. Nikolai stood back up tall, dimming the lights of the room to a comfortable level. He then walked out of the room, closing the door quietly. Nikolai let out an exciting noise while heading to his room. He was very enthusiastic about being a father. Once reaching the door of his room, he quietly opened the door and peered inside. He noticed someone in the bed, it was Elizaveta. She was already fast asleep. Nikolai quietly entered the room, getting undressed and ready for bed. He lay down, looking at the ceiling of his room. He thought to himself, "I'm going to make sure that Aleksei has a great life. No matter what." Nikolai closed his eyes, going into a slumber.

February 2nd, 2003: Aleksei's 10th birthday. Aleksei was playing with toys in his room until he was interrupted by his mother opening the door. "Aleksei, come out into the living room. We have something to show you." Aleksei turned around, nodding at his mother, using his hands to help him off of the floor. He wasn't aware that it was his birthday, thus he was confused on why his mother wanted to show him something. Aleksei walked outside of the door, heading towards the living room. Once he gazed upon the room, he saw balloons, confetti, and out of everything one thing stood out; His presents. Aleksei noticed that there was one bag, then a big box covered in wrapping paper. Aleksei gasped as his parents yelled, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ALEKSEI!!" Nikolai and Elizaveta lowered their tone, pointing towards his presents with smiles on their faces, "Here's your birthday presents! I think you'll really like them!" Aleksei's face lit up, he became excited! "Oh my god!!" he shouted, running towards the present. He started with the bag first, which had a police costume fitted with a radio. Aleksei jumped up and down, holding the costume in his hand. Aleksei always wanted to be a police officer because of his dad; he always made the job seem so cool. The point of protecting the city from criminals reminded Aleksei of a hero! He wanted to be one as well! Nikolai smiled at Aleksei's joy, kneeling down to him and placing his hand onto his head. "Now you can be an officer, just like your father." Nikolai's hand moved down to Aleksei's shoulder; a smile remained on both of their faces. "How about you open your big present? I think you'll like it even more." Aleksei nodded rapidly, putting down his costume and pulling out his big present. "It's heavy!" Aleksei thought. He was quick to rip all of the paper off of the present, revealing a ride on a toy police car. Once again, Aleksei screamed in excitement. He was so joyous he kept jumping up and down. He looked at his family, speaking very fast. "CAN I RIDE IT?!?! PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE!" Nikolai looked at Elizaveta, they both laughed. Nikolai was the first one to speak, saying: "Calm down, buddy! But, yes. We can. Go put your costume on; I'll unbox the car." Aleksei, not even a second after, grabbed the bag and ran to his room. Nikolai laughed at the scene, kneeling down to the box holding the car. Just before Nikolai was going to open up the box, Elizaveta interrupted him. "Honey, do you think this is a good idea to get him attached to such a job? I'm worried he'll get hurt if he actually becomes one… I'm already stressed enough as it is." she said. Nikolai, in reaction, stopped opening the box, sighing to Elizaveta's comment. He stood up, turning around to face her. Grabbing her hand, Nikolai said, "Don't worry about it, hun. He'll be fine! Our kid has real potential and passion for this. I think he'll be a great officer, don't you?" Elizaveta looked down, frowning. "Yes, I think so as well... I just don't want to lose him. He's the only child we have! And... and, being a police officer is so dangerous…" Nikolai shook his head, moving his other hand to the back of her head, "You don't need to worry. He'll be fine. You won't lose him, nor me. Now, this is his birthday! Let's be happy so we can make his special day memorable." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead. Elizaveta's frown turned into a smile as she nodded. "You're right! Now, open the box before he gets back. I made sure it was charged before we wrapped it. I had a feeling he would want to play with it immediately." Nikolai laughed, "Thanks, hun. You're the best." He said, kneeling back down and opening the box, taking out the car. Aleksei came running in with his police outfit, just in time! Nikolai looked over at Aleksei, getting up from his kneeled position. "You look great, Aleksei! I never doubted you'd look great as a police officer. As you can see, though, I have the car out. Whaddya say we go outside and play with this? Matter a fact, to make it even more fun, let me get on my police uniform." he said, looking over to Elizaveta. "Hun, could you take the car outside for him? I'll be out in a second." Elizaveta nodded, picking up the police car. "Let's go, Aleksei!" she uttered, walking towards the front door. Aleksei followed close behind, and before they even knew it, they were outside! It was a beautiful sunny day, but rather cold. Nothing they couldn't handle, though. Elizaveta placed down the car, looking over at Aleksei. "Come on, Aleksei! Get in the car." Aleksei jumped at the opportunity, running over to the car and getting inside. Aleksei immediately pressed on the gas pedal of the car, which made the car start to move at a medium pace. "Wee woo, wee woo!" Aleksei yelled, turning the car around and seeing his father at the front door steps. Alexei's eyes sparkled at the sight of Nikolai in his police uniform, causing him to drive to him. "Hello, officer!" Aleksei proclaimed. Nikolai looked down at Aleksei, a smile appearing over his face. "Hello, Officer Obolensky." Nikolai said, hopping down from the front door steps. However, Nikolai's attention was diverted from his son to his mother. Nikolai pointed, shouting, "Look, a criminal, go get em' officer!" Elizaveta's head shot over to them with an eyebrow-raising. "What?!?!" Elizaveta said. Aleksei looked over to his mother, reversing the car, then driving towards her. "Stop in the name of the law!" Aleksei shouted at the 'criminal' who was his mother. Elizaveta's hands raised up in reaction, "I'm stopped!" She responded. Nikolai laughed at the scene; however, being shortly interrupted by his police radio. "Shots fired! Need back-up, now!" Nikolai looked down at the radio, sighing. He looked over to Elizaveta, "I'm sorry, hun. But I gotta help them." Elizaveta looked back over to him, frowning. "Really? It's your son's birthday! Can't you just… Stay?" Nikolai shook his head, "Sadly not. I can't just leave them! I have to have their backs. I can't waste any time honey, I'll be home later. And before you say it, I'll be safe. Don't worry about me." Nikolai pronounced, running over to the garage and typing in the pin. Not even seconds later, the garage door opened up. Once it was fully opened, Nikolai unlocked his police car, hopping in and turning the ignition. Before driving off, he said over the radio, "Officer Obolensky, on the way." Nikolai placed the car in drive, driving out of the driveway, waving goodbye to his family. Elizavita sighed in distress, looking at Aleksei, who was confused about the situation. She cracked a smile for him, "Catch me if you can, officer." she said, running away. Aleksei followed her movements with his eyes, yelling, "Nuh-uh! You stop right there!" following her in his toy car.
It has been approximately four hours since Nikolai left. Elizaveta is worried sick. However, a knock was heard at the front door. Elizaveta jumped up at the sound, running over to the door. She hoped it was Nikolai, but she was wrong. It was another officer. "Are you Mrs. Obolensky?" the officer said. In response, Elizaveta slowly nodded, "Yes... I am? What happened? Is my husband okay!!?" She said, in a panic. The officer took off his hat, placing it near his chest. They looked down, "It's my deepest regret to inform you that your husband, Nikolai Obolensky, has passed away. He was killed during a shoot-out with a criminal organization. I'm sorry for your loss, ma'am." Elizaveta's eyes widened as she collapsed to the floor. She cupped her face, balling her eyes out. Aleksei overheard the conversation, standing in shock. His father, dead? No way. He thought. He too started to tear up, running over to his mom to comfort her. "I'll leave you two alone to process this upsetting news." The officer said, walking away from the door. Elizaveta and Aleksei were left heartbroken.

A funeral was arranged for Nikolai. All of his relatives and friends gathered at the spot. His wife, Elizaveta was holding herself together in order not to start crying again. Aleksei, standing right next to her, wrapped his arms around her in order to comfort her. Eulogists began to talk about Nikolai, telling stories about how they met, what they've experienced together, etc. Aleksei was the last to speak about his father, walking up to the stand, letting out a distressed sigh before speaking into the microphone. "My father was the best. He supported my dreams and even bought me my own ride on a toy police car. You see, I looked up to my father. I wanted to be like him; I wanted to protect this city and especially my mother. I wish he could have seen me grow up in person, but I know he'll be looking down at me from heaven. And one thing he'll for sure see is me become a police officer like him and live on the legacy of an Obolensky." Aleksei said with pride. Everyone clapped after his speech, including his mom who still had tears streaming down her face, but a visible smile. Aleksei smiled back at his mother, looking up at the sky, thinking about his father looking down back at him with a proud smile.

May 24th, 2011; Aleksei’s graduation. He walked up to the stand, in front of everyone at his highschool. However, only one person stood out to him the most, his mother. Aleksei smiled up at her, before speaking into the microphone. “I just want to thank everyone who was with me along my journey. Especially my mother. Ever since my father passed away, I know it hasn’t been easy for her. However, she tried her best and I am more than thankful for that. Thank you for listening to my speech.” Alexei said, looking over to the personnel and taking his diploma. He walked off the stage, heading over to his mother. Once he reached her, he gave her a tight hug. “I made it mother. I finally graduated!” he said with delight. A tear streamed down Elizaveta’s face out of joy, “I'm so proud of you Aleksei! I bet your father would have been as well.” Aleksei’s face turned sad thinking about the death of his father, but it quickly returned to a joyous one. This is supposed to be a happy day, he thought. “Welp, time to move onto university! My journey isn’t completely over yet.” Aleksei said. Even though he graduated, he wasn’t done with his education. He wanted to learn more about the police force. It was apparent he was going to keep his word about living on his father’s legacy. “Are you sure you really want to do this? Become a police officer?” His mother said, looking up at her son with a worried face. She didn’t want her only son to die in the line of duty just as her husband did. “Yes, mom! I’ve come too far to quit already. Plus, I made a promise to dad. I can’t break it.” Aleksei said, noticing his mothers worried face. Thus, he got onto her level and looked into her eyes. “You don’t have to worry about me mom, I'll be fine! Now, can we head home? I need to start filling out my university papers!!” Elizaveta smiled, Aleksei reminded her so much of Nikolai. “Finnee, let's get going.” Elizaveta stood, heading down the stairs and towards the parking lot. She knew she couldn’t convince her son. They headed to the car, sitting inside. The ride home was quiet, mostly due to the fact Aleksei was distracted on his phone. Once they arrived at the house, though, Aleksei put his phone down immediately, running to the door and unlocking it with a key. His mother laughed at his eagerness to get the university application filled out. By the time she got into the house, Aleksei was already upstairs on his computer, gifted to him on his 15th birthday. He looked up one specific university in specific; The Moscow State University. Mostly because it was the biggest university, but also because his father attended that same university. Man… this kid wasn’t kidding when he said he was going to follow in his fathers footsteps. Once Aleksei saw the link for the university website, he immediately clicked it, then filled out the application for the university. The process wasn’t very complicated for him, so he got it done in a matter of 10 minutes. Now the wait has begun…

It was a normal day for the Obolensky family. Until Elizaveta checked the mail, that is. Most of the envelopes were bills.. Until one stood out. The Moscow State University. Elizaveta’s eyes widened, realizing this could be a letter involving Aleksei’s application. Thus, she quickly rushed inside, shouting Aleksei’s name. In reaction, Aleksei came down the stairs in a matter of a minute, “Yes mom?” Aleksei said, with one eyebrow raised. He was curious about what she could have needed, until he saw that she had an envelope in her hand. “It couldn’t be,” he thought. Elizaveta smirked, lifting up the envelope to expose the name “Moscow State University.” Aleksei’s eyes lit up when he saw the name, running over to his mom and snatching the envelope out of her hands. He ripped open the envelope without a second to spare, unfolding the paper and reading it rapidly. However, his face turned from happy to sad. “Rejected…” Aleksei said in a depressed tone. “Are you serious!!?” Elizaveta shouted, covering her mouth with her hand. Aleksei looked his Elizaveta in the eyes, his sad face turning to a smirk. “HAH! I GOT YOU! IT SAID ACCEPTED DUMMY.” Elizaveta rolled her eyes, letting out a dramatic sigh “Don’t joke around like that, Aleksei!!” Aleksei let out a laugh, tearing up. “Ok, ok. I'm sorry, that was just hilarious! Your reaction! HAAAH.” Aleksei wheezed, lifting his hands up, breathing in and out slowly to calm himself. “Alright, I'm done. But anyways, the letter says I have to leave tomorrow for university. I need to get all my stuff packed.” Aleksei said, turning around and running up the stairs. Meanwhile, his mother looked up at him running up the stairs, crossing her arms and letting out another sigh. “I really hope he’s making the right decision,” she thought.

The morning of August 25th, 2011, was a beautiful sunny morning. Aleksei was quick to get out of his bed and rush to the bathroom to take a shower and brush his teeth. He rushed back into his room to get dressed, immediately getting his packed things and going downstairs. "Mom!!" Aleksei yelled in excitement. His mother was already downstairs, though. Saying, "I'm right here, Aleksei…" In reaction, Aleksei snapped his head to his right, seeing his mother standing there with her hands on her hips. It seemed she was already ready to go. "Oh… I didn't see you. I guess I was too excited!" he said, laughing. "Mhmm.. I already packed your breakfast; let's get into the car before you're late for your first day!" Elizaveta said, walking towards the front door of the house and opening it. "Okay, Mom! Thanks!" Aleksei replied, walking towards the door of the house and exiting the residence. He walked towards the car, with his mother following close behind. Aleksei opened the front passenger of the car, sitting inside and closing the door afterwards. Elizaveta was the second one to enter the car, but instead, the driver seat. She turned the car on, pulling out of the driveway and heading down the road. It took them approximately 15 minutes to get to the school. Once they did, Elizaveta waved off Aleksei, driving away from the school. She was going to miss her son, definitely; due to the fact Aleksei was going to stay at the school until the semester ended. Aleksei watched his mother drive off, waving goodbye to her with a wave. He turned to look behind him, gazing upon the large university building. Aleksei cracked a smile at the beautiful building, starting to walk towards the entrance. He opened the doors to the university, gasping at the interior of the building. It's beautiful! Aleksei thought. He held his suitcase firmly, wheeling it across the concrete floors of the school to the reception desk. “Hey, I’m Aleksei Obolensky. I'm here for my first day; where am I supposed to go?" He said, in curiosity. The receptionist looked up at Aleksei, greeting him with a smile. "Hello, Aleksei. You'll be going to your dorm room and putting away your things. Afterward, you'll go to your classroom. Your schedule should be in your dorm room as well. Just give me a moment to look at the listings to see which dorm is yours…" The receptionist said, pulling out a folder and looking under the "A" names. "Ah, I see. Dorm room 151, the code is 07159. I'd write that down so you don't forget it. Oh, and there is an elevator over there you can take." They pointed to the right of Aleksei, showing the line of elevators, to which Aleksei looked over in that direction, nodding. "Okay! Thank you!" He said, walking towards the elevators. "Mhm. Have a nice day, Aleksei!" The receptionist shouted. Aleksei was already at the elevators. Man, he walks fast! Aleksei called for the elevators, one to the right of the first one opening first. Thus, he walked inside the elevator, pressing the button listed for the dorm rooms. The doors slowly closed to the elevator, eventually closing all the way. It slowly raised up, taking about a minute to reach his destination. The doors opened, revealing the line of dorm rooms. Aleksei stepped out of the elevator, still having the suitcase in his hand. He looked left and right, realizing that room 151 is to the left, due to the numbers counting up. Therefore, he started walking to the left. It felt like forever until he reached his dorm room! Once he did, though, he punched in the code 07159, and the keypad glowed green. The door was unlocked! He thought, twisting the door knob and opening the door to see his room. It was rather bland, to be blunt. But one thing stood out from the rest: a person? His dorm mate, possibly? Aleksei spoke out to the person, "Hello?" This caused the person in the room to turn around towards the door. It was a female with long black hair and shining brown eyes. "Umm, who are you?!" She said, looking confused. Aleksei placed his hand on his chest, "This is my dorm room.. Are you my roommate?" he said. The female looked him up and down, crossing her arms. "I guess so. I thought I was going to be alone in this room. But I guess that also explains the two rooms." Aleksei nodded, walking into the room. He placed down his suitcase, giving a smile to the girl. "Well, might as well introduce ourselves if we're going to be living together! My name is Aleksei. What about yours?" She stared for a second, hesitant to answer at first. However, he seemed nice. "My name is Mariya." Aleksei bowed, "It's a pleasure to meet you, Mariya. I need to put my stuff away, though. So, imma go do that." Aleksei said, scurrying away to the room. Although, Mariya shouted at Aleksei that stopped him in his tracks. "WAIT! That's my room, Aleksei. The other one is yours…" Aleksei turned around to the shout, nodding slowly. "Righttt… I should have asked. Oops!" He said, going into the CORRECT room. Aleksei exhaled nervously; he clearly wasn't good at talking to women.

Ten minutes have passed since Aleksei entered his room, but finally he has come out, with his backpack resting on his shoulder. It seemed he was holding a piece of paper that had his schedule. He looked around the room; it looked like the girl wasn't in the dorm anymore. "She must have gone to her class, he thought." Aleksei sighed, looking at the papers once more. "Alright, so it looks like my first class is Mr. Kuznetsov. Ah, this is the criminology class!" Aleksei said to himself, smiling in joy. He was excited! More of learning about the subject, not meeting others. Aleksei folded the piece of paper until it could fit into his pocket, walking to the door after. He opened the door, walking outside and heading towards the elevators. Once he reached them, he walked inside and pressed the button for the classes. It took around a minute until he reached the classrooms, walking out into the hallway. There were students walking down the hallways, some in the direction of Aleksei and some in the opposite; however, he ignored the fact they were there and headed to his class. Upon arriving at the classroom, Aleksei opened the door and saw a room, filled with chairs and half of them occupied. "Good Morning! Who might you be?" A voice said to the right of Aleksei. He peered over, noticing it was Mr. Kuznetsov himself! Aleksei gave the teacher a smile, introducing himself. "Oh, hello! My name is Aleksei Obolensky; I believe this is my first class for the day…" The teacher nodded, pulling out a folder of students that were in this class. "Let me see… Ah yes, Aleksei. You're in the front middle seat. Please sit; we'll do orientation once everyone is present." Aleksei nodded, heading towards his seat and placing his backpack down on the floor.
Ten Minutes had passed, and the classroom was almost full, but one person was missing. The teacher was about to start their lesson, assuming the person was absent for the day. However, a knock was heard from the door. "Ah, that might be them!" The teacher said, walking towards the door and opening it. Aleksei looked over at the door in curiosity, not making out what the teacher was saying to the expected student. However, once they walked in, Aleksei's eyes widened. It was Mariya! Although, she looked different, as if she just got jumped. Aleksei's eyes followed Mariya's movement, not realizing he was literally STARING at her. He was too trapped in his thoughts until she sat next to him. "A hello would be preferred, y'know? Staring is rude." Aleksei shook his head, holding up his hands and laughing awkwardly, "Ah! I'm sorry. I couldn't help but notice you look different… did something happen while you were out of class?" Aleksei said, tilting his head. Mariya paused, looking down and avoiding eye contact. "It's none of your business." She said bluntly. Aleksei's eyebrow rose, "curious…" he thought. However, he wasn't going to pry, so he just nodded, looking forward to listening to his instructor. "Good Morning, class! I am so happy to see you all here for your first day at university. Today, we're just going to be getting adjusted to the school and obviously have orientation." Mr. Kuznetsov said with a loud and stern voice. He looked across the classroom, deciding who to pick first for orientation. Yes, he could just go from the first row down, but that's too easy! Thus, he pointed at Aleksei; I guess he's just the chosen one. "Aleksei, please stand up and introduce yourself to the class." Aleksei's eyes widened. He didn't think he'd be the first person to be picked! He gulped in anxiety; the pressure was on! Aleksei stood up, clearing his voice for the class to hear. "Hello! I am Aleksei, you can just call me that, I don't have a preferred name. I am attending criminology and criminal justice because I want to follow the footsteps of my father. Sadly, he passed away when I was 10 years old due to an accident during duty. So I'm doing all of this in his honor and to hopefully make him proud. That's all about me, though." Aleksei said, sitting down and exhaling. Mariya side-eyed Aleksei, "Interesting," she thought. Mr. Kuznetsov nodded at Aleksei's introduction, smiling. "Great introduction, Aleksei! I'm sorry to hear about your father, but I bet he's extremely proud of what you're doing." Aleksei couldn't help but crack a smile back; he hoped the teacher was right. Aleksei blanked in his thoughts for a while, everything being blurred out by consciousness. Before he knew it, orientation was already over, and it was break time. Mariya was the first to get up and leave the classroom. Aleksei followed her movements, curious of where she was in a rush to go. Thus, he picked up his backpack and followed her. He made sure she didn't see him, though. Sounds like stalker activity.. But that wasn't his intention; he wanted to find out where she went and hopefully find out why she looked so disheveled. After a few minutes of following, she turned the corner, and Aleksei peeked. Mariya was stopped in her tracks by two females; they were smiling and laughing. Aleksei raised a brow, "Bullies…" he whispered to himself. Aleksei never liked bullies, especially because of how they would make others feel about themselves. The two females then pushed Mariya over to the ground; Aleksei couldn't bear to watch anymore. He exposed himself around the corner, yelling at the two, "HEY! LEAVE HER ALONE." he said, running over to the group and helping Mariya up. "You guys should be ashamed of yourself. I bet your parents are disappointed in you two. Now fuck off, will you?" Aleksei said with an annoyed tone, looking over at Mariya, grabbing her arm to move them away from the group. Once they were alone, he looked at her, sighing. "Y'know, you gotta stand up for yourself sometimes. They're going to keep bothering you unless you don't." Mariya looked down, slightly nodding. She was visibly embarrassed but also distressed. Aleksei noticed this, frowning. "Listen, I know we just met literally.. Today, but i'm here for you. I think you're a pretty cool person, actually." Mariya looked up at Aleksei, smiling at them. "Thanks… I really appreciate that." Aleksei gave them a thumbs up "No problem! Let's get back to class, though. I think the break is almost over." Mariya nodded, heading back to class with Aleksei. He didn't know he'd actually make a friend while at his university due to the fact that wasn't his concern while in university. All he cared about was his education; perhaps that was something wrong about him. Minutes later, they finally reached their classroom. They waited for their classmates to come back, and they moved on with their day. The teacher showed the classroom around the university, showing them where everything was, where each classroom is, etc. Before they knew it, the day was over, and they headed back to their dorm rooms to chill out for the rest of the day. Aleksei and Mariya would talk for hours; they grew to have a strong friendship. However, the bullies weren't done with their harassment against Mariya. Again, they tried to make fun of her, rip apart her self esteem. But, she remembered what Aleksei told her to do, stand up for herself. Thus, that is what she did. "Can you guys just leave me alone??! How lonely and useless does your life have to be to harass others just for fun? Now, I can definitely see what Aleksei meant by your parents not loving you. Just leave me alone. This is your last warning." She said to them, walking away. This seemed to work. The bullies left her alone; they didn't see her as an easy target, and they also didn't want to find out what would happen if they did it again.

As the weeks and months went by, Aleksei learned a bunch more information about criminology and criminal justice. He also grew to be more social with others and got a bunch of new friends at his university. He has Mariya to thank for that. Overall, he thought this experience was something that he will never forget. Now, it's just time for the final chapter, his goal: to live on his father's legacy.

September 15th, 2018. After years of being in university and other colleges, Aleksei has finally decided that he has enough experience. However, he wanted to return home and see his mother before taking any career-making steps. After all, he hasn't seen her in years… Thus, Aleksei made the decision that he would visit his mother before finding a place where he would want to be an officer.

Meanwhile, over at Obolensky's residence, Elizaveta was tidying up the house, organizing cabinets, and cleaning shelves. While cleaning the table, she heard a knock on the front door. Her brow raised; she wasn't expecting any company. Elizaveta cautiously walked towards the door, making sure to be quiet. She was always a paranoid mother, so she checked the peephole before opening the door. Behind the glass would be a male, but she couldn't make out who. Elizaveta squinted her eyes to get a better look, realizing it was her son! Aleksei Obolensky. She gasped, opening up the door immediately and hugging Aleksei. "Oh my god, Aleksei, I missed you so much!" She said, beginning to tear up from sheer joy. Aleksei laughed awkwardly, hugging his mother back. "I missed you too, Mom." He said. Elizaveta disconnected the hug, looking up at her son with a smile. "Come in, come in! You need to tell me all about your journey while you were gone." Aleksei nodded, entering the home. He looked around the house, having childhood memories. He saw that there were pictures hung up on the wall, but one picture stood out. It was the photo of his father. Aleksei exhaled sadly; he still missed his father. However, he didn't let his feelings get the best of him, shaking it off and walking further into the home, wandering into the living room. He sat on the couch, sighing. His mother sat next to him, and they started chatting. Aleksei mentioned he met a girl with whom he became close friends and made more friends in the university, mainly because of her and the information he learned about criminology and criminal justice. "And yeah, that's basically it." Aleksei said, concluding on what he has been through over the years. "I see. I'm so proud of you, son! But why did you come back here? Not that it's a bad thing; I'm really happy you did. But why now?" Elizaveta said, and she was met with a stare from Aleksei for a few seconds. "Well, I wanted to spend a little more time with you before I depart from this place. The thing is, There's not much criminal activity here anymore; it's been rather peaceful. I want to find a place that has a lot of criminal activity so I can assist in getting them off the streets." Elizaveta slowly nodded her head. She seemed sad, accompanied by her looking down and avoiding eye contact. "I see… I thought you said you'd never leave me alone." Aleksei paused, frowning at his mother's distress. He never liked seeing his mother sad. "I know what I said, and I just cannot keep the promise… I need to pursue my career! I need to live on my father's legacy. But I will still visit you every now and then! I won't leave you alone forever. You're still my mother, and I love you." He said, with a smile forming over his face. Elizaveta looked up at her son, a smile going over her face as well. This clearly cheered her up, knowing that her son won't leave her forever. "Okay. It's fine with me then. If you're going to try and find somewhere else that has a lot of criminal activity, I might as well help you… I've actually heard about a town that has a lot of criminal activity… Karakura is the name I think." Aleksei tilted his head, intrigued by the town that had just been mentioned. "Karakura, huh? I see. Well, then that's where I'll head!" Elizaveta held her hand up, interrupting Aleksei. "Yeah, about that. Karakura is in Japan, which means you'll need to learn Japanese!" Aleksei's eyes widened. Maaaaan, all those years in college and he just had to find this out now?!?! He could have learned Japanese ages ago! "Awh, are you serious!? Man, if I had known about this town sooner, I would have taken Japanese classes. oh well, I guess I'll have to take Japanese classes before heading over to Karakura. Man, this sucks!" He said, crossing his arms. Elizaveta laughed, placing her hand on his back. "I'm sure you'll learn the language in no time!" Aleksei side-eyed his mother, letting out a smirk. "Yeah, a few years won't hurt. It gives me more time to prepare anyway! Plus, that means I'll be staying here for a while, which means you won't be alone!" Elizaveta didn't realize this until he just mentioned it. She was ecstatic! "OH MY GOD!! I DIDN'T REALIZE THAT! AH, I'M SO HAPPY!" she said in an excited tone. Aleksei laughed; his mother really missed having company. I wouldn't blame her, though. "Alright, alright. Calm down, Mom. I'm going to go up to my room, though. I still need to unpack anyway. Then onto the Japanese, I go!" Elizaveta gave him a thumbs up, "Mhm! Go right ahead; I left everything where it was when you left. So it shouldn't be too difficult to unpack anything." Aleksei clapped with a smile, "AH! You're the best!" he said, getting up from the couch and heading outside to get his things from his car. While he was away, he saved up enough ruble to get a used one; he didn't care much about brand-new ones. If it drives, then it's good enough! Once he got all of his stuff from his car, though, he brought it up to his room and unpacked his stuff. He sighed, placing his fists onto his waists. "Woo, done. Now it's time to get into Japanese. This is definitely going to be a challenge. But I'll get past it in no time." Aleksei said, sitting at his old desk and opening up his laptop. He looked up classes for learning Japanese and found a website. They did online courses and actual classes! This sounded like great news to him, although the price was rather expensive. Nothing he couldn't afford, though! He had a stable income job either way. Thus, he bought the membership for the classes and then started learning Japanese. Although, this was exceedingly difficult. Learning a different language can be a very hard challenge for anyone. But due to the fact there were classes that were hosted in calls, it would hopefully make it a bit easier. Conveniently, there was a class being hosted today for new members. He joined the call, learning the name of his teacher and other information that wasn't really important. He also met other students who were learning the language as well. They started off the day by learning the common words in Japanese and what they meant, the Japanese Alphabet, etc. During this lesson, Aleksei wrote down notes to study. After each lesson with his teacher, he'd start doing the online courses as well and take quizzes. Some he would fail, some he would pass. Over the weeks, months, and years, Aleksei would learn more about the Japanese language and their culture because why not? It took over 6 Years until Aleksei became fluent in the language, which was his end-term goal: to be fluent in the language before taking a career in Japan.

January 16th, 2024. Aleksei was finally ready to fly over to Karakura. He packed his things from his room, saying goodbye to his mother for the last time. With that being done, he left the Obolensky residence, placing his belongings into his vehicle and heading over the Airport of Moscow. Aleksei already had a flight booked weeks before leaving, so there wasn't any worry on that part. Luckily, Aleksei arrived just on time, boarding the plane to Karakura. The flight was a long one indeed. It took over 9 hours to reach Karakura, but it was going to be worth it. Nine hours had passed, and the plane started to descend down to the airport of Karakura. Aleksei looked outside of the window, gazing upon the criminal-ridden town. A smile appeared on his face; he was excited! Once they landed on the ground, he was quick to get up and exit the plane. Although he would love to apply for the KPD immediately, he needed to find a place to stay. He brought his savings from his homeland, but he needed to exchange the currency for yen. Thus, that is what he did. Upon exchanging currency, he had around 300k. Not too bad, he thought. Now, the search began. He looked all over the town, but it was hard to find a place. It's like EVERY. SINGLE. APARTMENT. Was owned. However, after an hour of searching, he finally found an apartment that was for sale! He bought it within seconds, settling down in his new residence. He unpacked his things, organizing them around the house and, of course, placing them into his room. Additionally, he placed portraits and pictures of his childhood memories, his mother and of course, his father. Now that he had settled down and unpacked, it was time to go to the KPD. On foot, it took him around 10 minutes to reach the station. He didn't live too far from it. Upon reaching the station, he greeted the officer at the reception. "Hello! My name is Aleksei Obolensky. I was wondering if I could have an application?" Aleksei said with a warm smile directed at the person. The officer nodded, "Of course. Let me get the paperwork; then you can fill it out over there." They said, walking away momentarily and grabbing the application form. Once they got the papers, they handed it over to Aleksei. "Thank you so much!" He said, with a bit of noticeable excitement in his voice. He was finally doing it! Living on his father's legacy and becoming a police officer… or well, at least following the steps to become one. He wasn't guaranteed to be accepted, but he had hope that he would. Thus, Aleksei sat in the waiting room of the Police station, filling out the paperwork. In a matter of 20 minutes, he finished the paperwork, handing it back to the officer. The officer took the paperwork, saying, "Alright. If you're accepted, we'll reach out to you. Thank you for applying, and stay safe out there." Aleksei smiled at the officer, nodding. "Will do! Thanks for your time." He said, walking out of the station. Now, the wait has begun…

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Absolutely not. Owning a pocket knife in Karakura is illegal and punishable to up to three months in prison for Possession of illegal weaponry.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
Paracetamol, Cough Syrup, Eyepatches, Bandaids and wooden canes.

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
Firstly, I would gather evidence to use against him and report to the higher-ups. Ways I could gather evidence is take a picture or video with my phone of him abusing the inmate. Once I have gathered enough evidence, I will report him to the proper authorities.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
I would observe if the suspects have any weapons, such as a katana. If they do, I will use my own code-0 for my colleague, and give information over the radio to other officers. My second step would be to escalate the situation by using my taser to stun the main culprit attacking the officer, then run back and gain a safe distance until back-up arrives. If the officer has any injuries, a med-kit will be administered and they will be transferred to the hospital.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?
There are two things I can do to solve this problem. 1. Try to befriend the cop and slowly get close to him to the point where he would trust me with secrets, or option 2: Spy on the officer and gather information. Once I gather information from either tactics, I will collect it all into a folder and provide it to the higher-ups.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
Due to the fact that bribing an officer is illegal, I would fine the individual immediately.

Additional notes?
If I am to be accepted, could the roles please be transferred to another /character? I’d like to keep my adult roles on my current main character for roleplay purposes.

Last edited:


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