IGN (In-Game Name):
[ALT] wyldwinds (applying!)
[MAIN] windswake
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
[⬤] Professor Application
[⬤] Psychiatrist Application
[⬤] Lore Team Application
[⬤] Teacher Application
Describe your activity on the server:
I’d personally say my activity on SRP is pretty good. I’m on for upwards of four hours on the days I get on, usually more, especially if it’s a weekend, or my day off. On most weekdays (excluding Wednesdays) I’m at college, so I aim to get online from around 6:30PM-7:00PM (sometimes earlier, since I don’t really have any extracurriculars anymore) and stay on until around 11:00PM. On the days I have off, which are Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, I’m usually on from after I eat my lunch until around 11:00PM, sometimes later, unless I’m busy (which I’d say is pretty rare).
I’m only part of one faction on SRP at the moment – EMS – as a psychiatrist! Most of my time is spent on that character profile, wandering around the hospital tending to patients and interacting with co-workers. On occasion, I hop on my alt profile – my college tag – to do some smaller roleplay scenes with my close friends. I’m not the biggest fan of StudentRP, so that’s usually during non-school hours. As for my alt, it’s been sort of shelved since I haven’t particularly found much motivation to play on my high school characters. I’m hoping that if I’m accepted, I’ll finally have that motivation to play on that account again!
What is your motivation for applying?:
KPD has been a faction that I’ve always been drawn to for one reason or another. I mean, you see the guys scurrying around everywhere, so they’re always catching your attention, right?
But on a more serious note, let’s start with the real-life-experience reasoning! Police work has always been interesting to me, and so have criminals as a whole. I’m a Criminology student IRL; it’s one of my best subjects because of how enthusiastic I am about most things related to crime. I’d like to think that not only would parts of my knowledge of the subject translate over into KPD, but also my enthusiasm for the topic as a whole! From an SRP POV, as I stated earlier, KPD has been a faction I’ve always been drawn to. With my closer connection with them through EMS, I think that initial fascination has increased quite a bit, and I’ve found myself contemplating joining more and more often. I’d like to see exactly how they function, and how they deal with certain situations that I’ve had to deal with as a member of EMS! Plus, it seems like a very fun and fast-paced faction to be in; a nice change from where I’m currently at, and a new yet familiar experience to partake in. After all, I’m not really one for big changes.
In a lesser sense of motivation, but one that still exists, I’ve found myself growing bored of SRP at times. With the rule changes regarding permissions, less and less people have been coming into the hospital (at least during the times I’m most active) and I’d like something else to dedicate my time to. I tried faculty (for a second time), but it didn’t work out for me at all, so I’m shooting my shot with KPD! I’m hoping this one will go a tad better, as I’m genuinely enthusiastic about the work that KPD does and have heard/experienced pretty good things from members of KPD! Additionally, I’m familiar with some members of KPD, and would love the opportunity to know them better in both a roleplay sense and OOCly!
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
From my experience of watching KPD in action, and from being in EMS, I’d say I know an alright amount about KPD.
Ranks & Equipment
I’m not 100% sure what the ranks of KPD entail, but I’m assuming they’re similar to EMS ranks! I’ve used assumptions, and what I’ve seen about, to give a brief description of what I believe the varying responsibilities/roles that each rank takes.
[ALT] wyldwinds (applying!)
[MAIN] windswake
Discord Name & Tag:
Which timezone are you in?
List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:
[⬤] Professor Application
[⬤] Psychiatrist Application
[⬤] Lore Team Application
[⬤] Teacher Application
Describe your activity on the server:
I’d personally say my activity on SRP is pretty good. I’m on for upwards of four hours on the days I get on, usually more, especially if it’s a weekend, or my day off. On most weekdays (excluding Wednesdays) I’m at college, so I aim to get online from around 6:30PM-7:00PM (sometimes earlier, since I don’t really have any extracurriculars anymore) and stay on until around 11:00PM. On the days I have off, which are Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays, I’m usually on from after I eat my lunch until around 11:00PM, sometimes later, unless I’m busy (which I’d say is pretty rare).
I’m only part of one faction on SRP at the moment – EMS – as a psychiatrist! Most of my time is spent on that character profile, wandering around the hospital tending to patients and interacting with co-workers. On occasion, I hop on my alt profile – my college tag – to do some smaller roleplay scenes with my close friends. I’m not the biggest fan of StudentRP, so that’s usually during non-school hours. As for my alt, it’s been sort of shelved since I haven’t particularly found much motivation to play on my high school characters. I’m hoping that if I’m accepted, I’ll finally have that motivation to play on that account again!
What is your motivation for applying?:
KPD has been a faction that I’ve always been drawn to for one reason or another. I mean, you see the guys scurrying around everywhere, so they’re always catching your attention, right?
But on a more serious note, let’s start with the real-life-experience reasoning! Police work has always been interesting to me, and so have criminals as a whole. I’m a Criminology student IRL; it’s one of my best subjects because of how enthusiastic I am about most things related to crime. I’d like to think that not only would parts of my knowledge of the subject translate over into KPD, but also my enthusiasm for the topic as a whole! From an SRP POV, as I stated earlier, KPD has been a faction I’ve always been drawn to. With my closer connection with them through EMS, I think that initial fascination has increased quite a bit, and I’ve found myself contemplating joining more and more often. I’d like to see exactly how they function, and how they deal with certain situations that I’ve had to deal with as a member of EMS! Plus, it seems like a very fun and fast-paced faction to be in; a nice change from where I’m currently at, and a new yet familiar experience to partake in. After all, I’m not really one for big changes.
In a lesser sense of motivation, but one that still exists, I’ve found myself growing bored of SRP at times. With the rule changes regarding permissions, less and less people have been coming into the hospital (at least during the times I’m most active) and I’d like something else to dedicate my time to. I tried faculty (for a second time), but it didn’t work out for me at all, so I’m shooting my shot with KPD! I’m hoping this one will go a tad better, as I’m genuinely enthusiastic about the work that KPD does and have heard/experienced pretty good things from members of KPD! Additionally, I’m familiar with some members of KPD, and would love the opportunity to know them better in both a roleplay sense and OOCly!
What knowledge do you have of Police Work?
From my experience of watching KPD in action, and from being in EMS, I’d say I know an alright amount about KPD.
First of all, the use of radio codes is pretty prevalent in KPD. Often characterised by 10-##, KPD uses these codes as a quicker way to communicate with their fellow officers. The following are ones that I’m familiar with:
10-4 = Understood
10-8 = In service/Responding
10-10 = Off-duty
10-19(H) = Returning (to hospital)
10-20 = Location?
10-45(A-B-C-D) = Condition (of patient)? (Good-Serious-Critical-Dead)
Obviously, I am assuming there are quite a few more that will need to be memorised! Those are just the ones that I’ve seen used regularly over the radio. On the topic of radio – there are two types used within KPD! The Police Radio (KPD only) and the Emergency Radio (KPD & EMS). Finally, KPD are able to press a ‘Code Zero’ on their radios when they’re unable to communicate properly and are in need of immediate backup – sort of like a panic button. As for the radio item itself, it’s a small box-like model that sits on an officer’s shoulder! It’s waterproof and can’t be stolen, but can be destroyed, unfortunately. All officers will have one! I am also familiar with both sets of commands used for the radio.
When there is a situation where an officer needs backup, or a member of EMS to be online, they can use the broadcast channel in order to communicate effectively. This is found in the Emergency Discord, and is treated as an IC broadcast system so people can log on when they’re needed. This could be for something as small as needing more officers for a raid, needing a doctor for a blood test, or something as big as responding to someone’s Code Zero!
Desk Work – Assuming this is the same as what EMS do, KPD have the ability to sit at the front desk of the station, waiting for citizens to approach them and interact. This can range from people wanting to file reports, to asking how long is left on someone’s bail, answering any questions people have, and so on!
Patrols – One of the main duties as an officer is to patrol the town of Karakura, looking for any crime. They’ll typically patrol areas where crime is prevalent, such as back alleys and around power plant, as well as focusing on plaza and surrounding areas that have a large amount of people! You never know where crime will strike!
Filing Reports – On occasion, citizens will come into the station in order to file a report on someone for a crime they’ve committed. Whether this is vandalism, assault, or worse – as long as they have sufficient evidence (i.e. video recordings, photo evidence, etc.), they can file a report against the individual! This does not include restraining orders, as these are handled by Town Hall.
Responding to 110 Calls – What is an emergency service without an emergency helpline? KPD (along with EMS) have access to see calls that come in when someone called 110 – Karakura’s emergency number! Calls can range from reports of assault, to break-ins, and more, and they typically get responded to by KPD.
Warrants/Raids – When a criminal has been arrested/detained, depending on their crime, their property may be raided for any illegal weaponry. I believe KPD must go to Town Hall to receive a warrant before conducting a raid on the property in order to take out anything illegal.
Patting Down – You can pat someone down if you have reasonable suspicion. This can be when a citizen walks through a metal detector and beeps, if they’re seen running around in blackout attire/a mask obscuring their face, if you request to pat them down and they decline, if they have been fighting/in an area where a fight has been, or if they’ve been in an area where there were reports of masked individuals. Patting down consists of examining their belongings and ensuring they don’t have any illegal weapons on them, or that items they do have haven’t been used illegally (e.g. spraying down a bat with luminol spray to check for blood and checking for any dents).
Arrests – Obviously, as a police officer, you’ll have to arrest people! This process is pretty straightforward, unless the criminal resists the arrest. When arresting, you have to state what they’re being arrested or detained for.
Court – During trials or Q&A sessions hosted by the government, a few officers are required to attend to make sure the criminal doesn’t act out, and that everyone watching the trial behaves in an appropriate and mature manner (if the trial is public). Additionally, in a criminal trial, the arresting officer will be required to appear before the court to provide testimonial evidence regarding the case.
Psychiatric Evaluations
As a police officer, you’re expected to attend two mandatory sessions with an official psychiatrist on a bi-monthly basis (typically one per month, but it depends on your psychiatrist). These are used as a nice check in, and a time for the officer to discuss any concerns they have with their psychiatrist, as well as a time for the officer to be professionally evaluated in order to see if they’re fit to work. If there are any signs of instability or anything indicating they aren’t well enough to be working, they’ll be put on medical leave for a set amount of time, with sessions taking place during this time to help them improve or overcome what was affecting them. These are not directly tied to police work, but they are important nonetheless.
First of all, the use of radio codes is pretty prevalent in KPD. Often characterised by 10-##, KPD uses these codes as a quicker way to communicate with their fellow officers. The following are ones that I’m familiar with:
10-4 = Understood
10-8 = In service/Responding
10-10 = Off-duty
10-19(H) = Returning (to hospital)
10-20 = Location?
10-45(A-B-C-D) = Condition (of patient)? (Good-Serious-Critical-Dead)
Obviously, I am assuming there are quite a few more that will need to be memorised! Those are just the ones that I’ve seen used regularly over the radio. On the topic of radio – there are two types used within KPD! The Police Radio (KPD only) and the Emergency Radio (KPD & EMS). Finally, KPD are able to press a ‘Code Zero’ on their radios when they’re unable to communicate properly and are in need of immediate backup – sort of like a panic button. As for the radio item itself, it’s a small box-like model that sits on an officer’s shoulder! It’s waterproof and can’t be stolen, but can be destroyed, unfortunately. All officers will have one! I am also familiar with both sets of commands used for the radio.
When there is a situation where an officer needs backup, or a member of EMS to be online, they can use the broadcast channel in order to communicate effectively. This is found in the Emergency Discord, and is treated as an IC broadcast system so people can log on when they’re needed. This could be for something as small as needing more officers for a raid, needing a doctor for a blood test, or something as big as responding to someone’s Code Zero!
Desk Work – Assuming this is the same as what EMS do, KPD have the ability to sit at the front desk of the station, waiting for citizens to approach them and interact. This can range from people wanting to file reports, to asking how long is left on someone’s bail, answering any questions people have, and so on!
Patrols – One of the main duties as an officer is to patrol the town of Karakura, looking for any crime. They’ll typically patrol areas where crime is prevalent, such as back alleys and around power plant, as well as focusing on plaza and surrounding areas that have a large amount of people! You never know where crime will strike!
Filing Reports – On occasion, citizens will come into the station in order to file a report on someone for a crime they’ve committed. Whether this is vandalism, assault, or worse – as long as they have sufficient evidence (i.e. video recordings, photo evidence, etc.), they can file a report against the individual! This does not include restraining orders, as these are handled by Town Hall.
Responding to 110 Calls – What is an emergency service without an emergency helpline? KPD (along with EMS) have access to see calls that come in when someone called 110 – Karakura’s emergency number! Calls can range from reports of assault, to break-ins, and more, and they typically get responded to by KPD.
Warrants/Raids – When a criminal has been arrested/detained, depending on their crime, their property may be raided for any illegal weaponry. I believe KPD must go to Town Hall to receive a warrant before conducting a raid on the property in order to take out anything illegal.
Patting Down – You can pat someone down if you have reasonable suspicion. This can be when a citizen walks through a metal detector and beeps, if they’re seen running around in blackout attire/a mask obscuring their face, if you request to pat them down and they decline, if they have been fighting/in an area where a fight has been, or if they’ve been in an area where there were reports of masked individuals. Patting down consists of examining their belongings and ensuring they don’t have any illegal weapons on them, or that items they do have haven’t been used illegally (e.g. spraying down a bat with luminol spray to check for blood and checking for any dents).
Arrests – Obviously, as a police officer, you’ll have to arrest people! This process is pretty straightforward, unless the criminal resists the arrest. When arresting, you have to state what they’re being arrested or detained for.
Court – During trials or Q&A sessions hosted by the government, a few officers are required to attend to make sure the criminal doesn’t act out, and that everyone watching the trial behaves in an appropriate and mature manner (if the trial is public). Additionally, in a criminal trial, the arresting officer will be required to appear before the court to provide testimonial evidence regarding the case.
Psychiatric Evaluations
As a police officer, you’re expected to attend two mandatory sessions with an official psychiatrist on a bi-monthly basis (typically one per month, but it depends on your psychiatrist). These are used as a nice check in, and a time for the officer to discuss any concerns they have with their psychiatrist, as well as a time for the officer to be professionally evaluated in order to see if they’re fit to work. If there are any signs of instability or anything indicating they aren’t well enough to be working, they’ll be put on medical leave for a set amount of time, with sessions taking place during this time to help them improve or overcome what was affecting them. These are not directly tied to police work, but they are important nonetheless.
Ranks & Equipment
I’m not 100% sure what the ranks of KPD entail, but I’m assuming they’re similar to EMS ranks! I’ve used assumptions, and what I’ve seen about, to give a brief description of what I believe the varying responsibilities/roles that each rank takes.
Rank | Division | Description |
Commissioner | Main | The big boss of the force! This guy (currently YonioTheNacho) makes sure everything happening ICly and OOCly in regards to KPD goes smoothly! |
Captain | Main | There’s only one captain of the police force. They’re the second highest higher-up in the faction, and ensure that everyone else is acting as they should, while dealing with any bad behaviour or reporting it to the Commissioner. Additionally, I’d assume they have a lot more duties OOCly (such as figuring out training, etc.) much like CLs. |
Lieutenant | Main | The promotion to a police HU! Lieutenants are the first wave of higher-ups for the police force (much like HDs). I believe they gain a lot more duties OOCly, as well as the ability to check through KPD applications. |
Sergeant | Main | The second promotion in KPD. Assuming these are like the Senior promotion, they just get a new badge and are considered to be more knowledgeable/experienced within the faction. They also get access to the tranquiliser item. |
Corporal | Main | The first official promotion in KPD! These people are now able to participate in training the cadets, and they also get a bike and a crowbar! |
Patrol Officer | Main | Individuals who have passed their training period and exams, and are now able to go off-duty and leave the station! |
Cadet | Main | The newbies to the faction, stuck in the station (unless on patrol) for their training period (two weeks, give or take)! During this time they can only perform a select few duties such as front desk work, etc. |
Truthfully, I’m not entirely sure what the Detective Division entails. If I had to guess, I’d assume they work quite closely with the Town faction and look into serious cases (kidnappings, etc.) while trying to find the offenders in order to bring them to justice. I do know that there are two HU roles within the division: the Detective Superintendent and the Detective Chief Inspectors!
Item Name | Accessible to | Description |
Police Baton | All officers | This item is used to apprehend criminals! It can be used to knock them out, only taking two hits to the head to completely KO an individual. |
Handcuffs | All officers | These are used to arrest criminals, and restrain them! They can be resisted against, but cannot be stolen by anyone. |
Stun Blaster | All officers | This item can stun an individual for sixty seconds! They can’t be stolen, and are a long-range tool that is made use of by KPD quite regularly. |
Riot Shield | All officers | The riot shields are items that KPD can take out of a designated storage area during important events. It is a tempered glass shield that is used mainly for protection of the officer, but can be used offensively (to push someone out of range). |
Breathalyser | All officers (+ EMS!) | A breathalyser is an item that citizens who appear intoxicated are asked to breath into! It’ll tell the emergency worker what their levels of intoxication (or ‘drunk’ levels) are. The legal limit for intoxication is 50%, and the level for alcohol poisoning is 75% (meaning they’d have to be taken to the hospital). This can also be used to identify underage drinkers, as the minimum drinking age in Karakura is 20 years old. |
Pepper Spray | All officers (+ EMS!) | Pepper spray is an item used to temporarily blind a citizen who isn’t wearing a mask of any type. This could be used to get out of a situation, but should be used sparingly as the cans only have three uses! |
Tranquilizer | Police Sergeants + Detective Inspectors | Similar to EMS midazolam (or ‘mido’), or an extended version of the stun-blaster, tranquilisers allow an officer to put a criminal to sleep for two minutes (OOCly). This stops any aggressive behaviour almost instantly, while also giving KPD the opportunity to detain an individual without any resistance. |
Other equipment that KPD have access to are gas masks, crowbars, luminol spray, latex gloves, fingerprint scanners, first-aid kits and body cameras! They’re all important for an officer’s job to go smoothly.
The spoiler kept breaking and I didn't want to have a breakdown over it.
Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?
What is a city without a police force?
With crime being a pretty big part of SRP (through GangRP and CrimeRP), there has to be an opposing force to both deter and bring retribution to those who break the law, or Karakura would simply fall into disarray. Nobody will enjoy a city of crime and, realistically, it would be very unlikely that people would constantly be moving into a city with such a high crime rate! KPD acts as this deterrent – a group of specially trained individuals who swear an oath to protect the city from these criminals that are strangely prevalent.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do understand that I will be punished if I don’t attend training.
Why is the Police important to SchoolRP?
What is a city without a police force?
With crime being a pretty big part of SRP (through GangRP and CrimeRP), there has to be an opposing force to both deter and bring retribution to those who break the law, or Karakura would simply fall into disarray. Nobody will enjoy a city of crime and, realistically, it would be very unlikely that people would constantly be moving into a city with such a high crime rate! KPD acts as this deterrent – a group of specially trained individuals who swear an oath to protect the city from these criminals that are strangely prevalent.
Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?
I do understand that I will be punished if I don’t attend training.

What's your character's full name?:
The man straightens his tie – always one to look formal for the right occasions!
“My full name is Adão Avila.”
Adão, meaning ‘the earth’, ‘made from the earth’, or ‘man’. It would match this aspiring police officer’s hobbies quite nicely, considering he very much enjoys spending time surrounded by nature. Karakura’s forest is his favourite place! (Aside from the bears, of course.) Avila is a toponymic surname, after a city found in central Spain. However, it can also mean ‘from a town or village’.
His parents are both Portuguese, but ended up moving to Russia for.. some reason or another.
How old is your character (if accepted)?:
He lets out a small chuckle.
“I’m currently twenty-six years old!”
Adão was born on October 31st, 1997, making him a Scorpio.
What are your character's gender and pronouns?:
A gesture is made in the direction of the transgender pin on his tie.
“I’m a male! Transgender, only recently got the surgery.. I go by he/they.”
Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:
He pulls out a stack of papers from his little file, sliding it over – a painted nail pressing down on the page next to one of the words.
“I have a Bachelor's Degree in Criminology! It helped quite a bit with my first admission at a police force based in Kyoto.”
What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:
Adão smiles once more.
“I’m fluent in Russian, as it’s my native language. Additionally, I know how to speak Portuguese, and I know JSL.”
Having lived in Russia for the first twenty-one years of his life, Adão would consider himself to be quite fluent in the national language. His parents spoke it, and as such he learned it. After graduating university at twenty-one, he moved in with his best friend, who discussed the origins of his name with him, and ultimately persuaded him to learn Portuguese – his parent’s native language. Moving in with his best friend also meant moving to Japan, so he learned Japanese with them during university so he was mostly fluent before they graduated. And then, Adão moved to Karakura and studied JSL out of pure curiosity for a language purely spoken using hand movements.
Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?
A little song that reminds me of him… I’m a sucker for Mom Rock, okay?
till one of us stops lying - Mom Rock
Physical Appearance
Adão stands and does a little spin!
“I’m not the most interesting-looking person out there…”
The only tattoo our aspiring Karakura Officer has would be a pair of black angel wings on his back, representing a fallen angel… There is a reason he has those, but it’s not one that’ll be spoken about. Only his mother knows the real reason behind it existing. Other than that, he has no other tattoos – he hates the process. It hurts him far too much.
Adão typically enjoys wearing tight-fitting thermal shirts under baggier t-shirts and button-downs in casual situations. He likes to be warm, you can’t exactly blame the guy..! Of course, he values looking nice, so in a more formal situation, he wears suits and bowties – looking very dapper and professional. On his suits he has cherry cufflinks, and usually has a plethora of different items hidden in his pockets – ranging from tissues, to gum, to.. a can opener? Weird.
As for accessories, he has a stunning silver necklace clasped around his neck with a small, intricately designed leaf pendant. He has a simple shining stud earring in each ear, but nothing more than that. If needed, he’d take them out for work. Outside of that, he doesn’t wear much other jewellery! Claims it's too flashy and ‘identifiable’.. Whatever that means. Maybe he’s just paranoid..
✎ Intelligence ★★★☆☆
✎ Loyalty ★★★★★
✎ Strength ★★☆☆☆
✎ Dexterity ★★★★☆
✎ Constitution ★★☆☆☆
✎ Wisdom ★★★☆☆
✎ Charisma ★☆☆☆☆
How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?
In a professional situation, Adão acts just that: professional. He knows that being a police officer is a very important and serious job – and one that you’re never truly free from, once you get into the force – and so he ensures to act as he should. Unfortunately, the guy has gotten into one too many messy situations in the past due to his unprofessional behaviour, but has since learned from that. We do love character development! As such, in these situations, he makes sure to listen to his higher-ups, not interfere where he isn’t supposed to, and not run off whenever he feels like it. He sticks close to his co-workers and doesn’t muck about. He’s a near-perfect.. soldier-like individual to the point where it could be considered a tad worrying.. But he still manages to crack a few jokes where sort-of appropriate. (I never said he was fully perfect!)
In a more casual situation, in the station, Adão finds himself to feel a lot more laid back. He still keeps up his professionalism, especially when dealing with reports and front desk work, but he’s definitely more of a person outside of strictly professional situations. Less harsh on himself, less like that blank slate that took his place before. I mean, come on, that guy has zero personality! Casual on-duty Adão has a lot more character and.. pizzazz. He’s a lot more bubbly, making an effort to talk to the people around him regardless of their rank. He likes to feel included, and wants to make others feel included too!
Off duty, though?
Unapproachable, but not in a scary or threatening way. Adão doesn’t like to make himself known when he’s off duty. He hides away, straying from people who he knows and flat out avoiding those he doesn’t. Almost like a recluse, he hides away in his apartment, far from any prying eyes. He reflects. You may be wondering — On what?
Truthfully, he doesn’t know himself.
What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?
The man itches the back of his neck.
“I do enjoy working as a team. It makes me feel included.”
Adão understands the importance of co-workers and teamwork in many settings. In university, there were times where he would have to work in groups to complete projects, and during his initial training in a police force in Kyoto, he had to work together with them too. He’s open to working with others – in fact, he’s quite enthusiastic about it! Maybe a tad too enthusiastic, honestly… He sometimes finds himself unable to work at times unless he has someone there with him. A mixture of simply enjoying his co-workers' company, his unfortunate anxiety relating to being alone in Karakura, and his medical condition all prevent him from working alone – albeit rarely. It’s a flaw that he’s always trying to work on, but some things can’t be prevented.
What's your character's backstory?
Chapter One: Childhood Tragedies
The life of Adão Avila starts in a quaint apartment, on the night of October 31st, 1997. Lúcia Avila had given birth to her beautiful baby girl, ███, who will be referred to with he/they pronouns, and the name ‘Adão’ for the remainder of this little story.
Adão was born and raised in Russia, as his parents had moved there for some reason or another from Portugal before he was born. His mother, Lúcia, worked in an ice cream parlour in the city. The woman often stayed in a company-owned hotel during the week, as the trip there and back every day was both exhausting and dangerous. His father, Sabion, was a manager at a large company, often having to go on business trips throughout the year in order to keep his job and to keep the company running smoothly. This left Adão in the care of his ‘aunt’ (his mother’s closest friend, Lena) during the times that his parents weren’t home, and he grew to love her like the mother that she wasn’t.
Lúcia and Sabion took no issue with this. They were just glad their child had someone to look out for him, and to care for him.
On March 4th, 2002, tragedy struck.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Where’s Auntie Lena, Mama?”
“She’s gone to sleep, meu anjo. To sleep for a very long time.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Obviously, Lena’s death didn’t magically halt how busy Lúcia and Sabion were, so Adão was instead left in the care of their neighbours. When he was old enough, he was left in the care of various schooling programs up until his teens. And, on the topic of school, he made a few friends, thankfully. He wasn’t the best in school, at first, with going through grief and experiencing the effects of parental neglect, but still managed.
Chapter Two: Teenage Breakdown
Grief doesn’t disappear. It sticks with you; never letting go.. And that was the case with Adão – he still felt the grief of losing his aunt, even well into his teen years. Still, he did alright in school, for the most part…
At around fourteen years old, he found himself becoming fast friends with a group of boys who were a few years older than him. Too fast. This group was a terrible group of people, attempting to pressure Adão into doing all sorts of things – mainly illegal! He told his neighbours about this, always one to tell them everything that happened to him, and within the next few days, his group of friends had been arrested! This sparked a strong interest within the young boy for police work, seeing the officers in action as they marched into his school to arrest the boys.
Of course, childlike idolisation wears off quickly, and Adão focused his efforts on ballet, as his neighbour ran a ballet class! He wanted to participate and become a ballet dancer in her honour – something that he tried and tried with, but never could get a grasp on. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the right skillset for such graceful movements, but still practised until his neighbour unfortunately passed when he was fifteen, and she was seventy-six.
Over the final three years of his ‘childhood’, through the new set of grief he felt, he eventually went back to police work, and the criminal justice system, after a series of presentations that occurred in his later school years. It was around his eighteenth birthday that he finally decided on criminology as his university degree, and was also when his father found himself with a lot more free time on his hands.
The two spend the weeks of summer waiting for a response from Adão’s chosen universities while rebuilding and developing their relationship together to be something more than just passers-by. Eventually, they considered each other family once more, and Adão almost felt whole again.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Papa! The post came with their decisions!”
“Open them up, Adão, don’t keep Mama and I waiting.”
“I got in one!”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
And the boy only got in one out of his three choices. His final choice, which he was a tad upset about, but he was still happy. His parents were proud, and he was proud. That’s all that mattered at the end of the day.
(It was also around this time that he came out to his parents as transgender, and finally started officially going by Adão. Luckily, they were very, very supportive of their little boy, showering him with love and awkward parental support!)
Chapter Three: My Fallen Angel
Ah, yes! University… A time for adulthood, love, further education and.. occasionally, falling into the wrong crowd much too quickly.
Not even a week after starting his course, Adão Avila had already fallen victim to the less-than-desirable groups within the university social circle, and did things he isn’t proud of at all. A friend of his, Fuji, managed to pull him out of that dark place before he fell too far, but damage had already been done.
His mother found out first, however.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Oh, Adão… It’s okay.”
“Mama, I’m sorry—”
“I know. I know. We will fix this, meu anjo caído.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
The guilt that consumed him was too much to bear, and he sought a way to punish himself, almost. He wasn’t one for handling his pain very well, but had always wanted a tattoo, and so he decided to kill two birds with one stone. The pain of that guilt was quickly compared to the pain of the tattoo gun against his skin, and the shape permanently drawn on his skin representing angel wings, with dark blue and black ink staining the otherwise white feathers.
His mother’s fallen angel, acting as a constant reminder of his mistakes.
Through the remainder of his time at university, his father was the main supporter of whatever he did. Any projects, extracurriculars, anything! Sabion was there at his beck and call. Additionally, during this time, he made a close friend, previously mentioned, called Fuji! Fuji was a Japanese student who was studying abroad in Russia. The poor guy didn’t know Russian very well, so Adão dedicated part of his time to teaching him, while Fuji taught him parts of Japanese. After a long, restless night talking to one another, Fuji also managed to convince Adão to learn Portuguese, to surprise his parents when he returned home!
Their friendship grew to the point where they wanted to become police officers together, back in Fuji’s home city: Kyoto.
Chapter Four: Kyoto
And so, after some tearful goodbyes from his parents, Adão moved to Kyoto with Fuji to join the local police force! The pair went through vigorous police training, but it all paid off when they became police partners! However, Adão’s previous friend groups had an influence on his behaviour subconsciously, and he misbehaved quite often, whether it was not listening to his superiors, not following when he was told to, or even running off in high-stress situations.
He was punished for these actions by his higher-ups, as expected of a police force, and soon recognised where his behaviour stemmed from and made an active effort to better himself! But certain members of the force, specifically ones who weren’t the fondest of him, taught him different lessons – harsher, more physical punishments. Despite them having no clearance or authority to treat Adão in that way, he still took all of their messed up lessons to heart and became a shell of his former self. A soldier.
The only person to bring out who he was before the abuse was Fuji, and he left the force after two years to support his grandparents. After that, he was a well-behaved, near-perfect officer. You wouldn’t think he’d be removed, would you?
You’d be wrong. But it isn’t for the reasons you’re thinking.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Fuji? I.. don’t feel too good.”
“You’re probably getting that cold everyone else is gett—wait, wait, hold on. Adão?—Shit, Adão!”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
It happened when he turned twenty-three, or around that time. Adão began experiencing some rather worrying symptoms. What started as the odd headache or dizzy spell quickly worsened into fevers and fatigue, paired with an irregular heartbeat and frequent nosebleeds. Unsurprisingly, it was Fuji who forced Adão to see a doctor, and the man was diagnosed with idiopathic aplastic anaemia, and subsequently removed from the force as he couldn’t function properly, and they didn’t want to take a risk with him having a potentially fatal blood disease.
Adão got steady treatment for a year, with his condition slowly improving. When he was deemed well enough by both his doctor and Fuji, he was allowed to move away from the bustling energy of Kyoto. He decided to move to the small island city of Karakura, instead!
Chapter Five: Hopeful Beginnings
Moving to an unknown city alone was a big step for Adão… especially with his condition, but Fuji accompanied him and stayed until the man got everything set up. Things such as healthcare, a doctor who was willing to see him to check on his condition, and a job – as well as groceries. God knows Adão would’ve completely forgotten about them if it weren’t for Fuji setting up weekly reminders for him.
After about a month, Adão was deemed fine to live alone, living in an apartment outside the main city of Karakura and working online, translating Criminology textbooks from one language to another he knew! It made pretty good money, all things considered. His condition eventually improved too; only getting the occasional nosebleed and dizzy spell. He is always tired, but that has improved since he was first diagnosed, and he only gets fevers around winter time.
He was content for a time. Occasionally, he’d go out into the main city of Karakura (mainly for the shop openings..) and look around. It was during one of these infrequent visits that he saw a group of masked individuals crowding around a young boy. Everything else happened in a flash! Officers arrived and tased the criminals, effectively and efficiently arresting them! This sparked something inside Adão – that same spark that he felt all those years ago.
He wanted to be part of that… part of a police force once more. He hadn’t realised how much he’d missed it until now. Of course, he waited until he was well enough before looking into applying… And eventually did.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Fuji, you have to promise me you won’t be pissed.”
“What have you done now?”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
The life of Adão Avila starts in a quaint apartment, on the night of October 31st, 1997. Lúcia Avila had given birth to her beautiful baby girl, ███, who will be referred to with he/they pronouns, and the name ‘Adão’ for the remainder of this little story.
Adão was born and raised in Russia, as his parents had moved there for some reason or another from Portugal before he was born. His mother, Lúcia, worked in an ice cream parlour in the city. The woman often stayed in a company-owned hotel during the week, as the trip there and back every day was both exhausting and dangerous. His father, Sabion, was a manager at a large company, often having to go on business trips throughout the year in order to keep his job and to keep the company running smoothly. This left Adão in the care of his ‘aunt’ (his mother’s closest friend, Lena) during the times that his parents weren’t home, and he grew to love her like the mother that she wasn’t.
Lúcia and Sabion took no issue with this. They were just glad their child had someone to look out for him, and to care for him.
On March 4th, 2002, tragedy struck.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Where’s Auntie Lena, Mama?”
“She’s gone to sleep, meu anjo. To sleep for a very long time.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
Obviously, Lena’s death didn’t magically halt how busy Lúcia and Sabion were, so Adão was instead left in the care of their neighbours. When he was old enough, he was left in the care of various schooling programs up until his teens. And, on the topic of school, he made a few friends, thankfully. He wasn’t the best in school, at first, with going through grief and experiencing the effects of parental neglect, but still managed.
Chapter Two: Teenage Breakdown
Grief doesn’t disappear. It sticks with you; never letting go.. And that was the case with Adão – he still felt the grief of losing his aunt, even well into his teen years. Still, he did alright in school, for the most part…
At around fourteen years old, he found himself becoming fast friends with a group of boys who were a few years older than him. Too fast. This group was a terrible group of people, attempting to pressure Adão into doing all sorts of things – mainly illegal! He told his neighbours about this, always one to tell them everything that happened to him, and within the next few days, his group of friends had been arrested! This sparked a strong interest within the young boy for police work, seeing the officers in action as they marched into his school to arrest the boys.
Of course, childlike idolisation wears off quickly, and Adão focused his efforts on ballet, as his neighbour ran a ballet class! He wanted to participate and become a ballet dancer in her honour – something that he tried and tried with, but never could get a grasp on. Unfortunately, he didn’t have the right skillset for such graceful movements, but still practised until his neighbour unfortunately passed when he was fifteen, and she was seventy-six.
Over the final three years of his ‘childhood’, through the new set of grief he felt, he eventually went back to police work, and the criminal justice system, after a series of presentations that occurred in his later school years. It was around his eighteenth birthday that he finally decided on criminology as his university degree, and was also when his father found himself with a lot more free time on his hands.
The two spend the weeks of summer waiting for a response from Adão’s chosen universities while rebuilding and developing their relationship together to be something more than just passers-by. Eventually, they considered each other family once more, and Adão almost felt whole again.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Papa! The post came with their decisions!”
“Open them up, Adão, don’t keep Mama and I waiting.”
“I got in one!”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
And the boy only got in one out of his three choices. His final choice, which he was a tad upset about, but he was still happy. His parents were proud, and he was proud. That’s all that mattered at the end of the day.
(It was also around this time that he came out to his parents as transgender, and finally started officially going by Adão. Luckily, they were very, very supportive of their little boy, showering him with love and awkward parental support!)
Chapter Three: My Fallen Angel
Ah, yes! University… A time for adulthood, love, further education and.. occasionally, falling into the wrong crowd much too quickly.
Not even a week after starting his course, Adão Avila had already fallen victim to the less-than-desirable groups within the university social circle, and did things he isn’t proud of at all. A friend of his, Fuji, managed to pull him out of that dark place before he fell too far, but damage had already been done.
His mother found out first, however.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Oh, Adão… It’s okay.”
“Mama, I’m sorry—”
“I know. I know. We will fix this, meu anjo caído.”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
The guilt that consumed him was too much to bear, and he sought a way to punish himself, almost. He wasn’t one for handling his pain very well, but had always wanted a tattoo, and so he decided to kill two birds with one stone. The pain of that guilt was quickly compared to the pain of the tattoo gun against his skin, and the shape permanently drawn on his skin representing angel wings, with dark blue and black ink staining the otherwise white feathers.
His mother’s fallen angel, acting as a constant reminder of his mistakes.
Through the remainder of his time at university, his father was the main supporter of whatever he did. Any projects, extracurriculars, anything! Sabion was there at his beck and call. Additionally, during this time, he made a close friend, previously mentioned, called Fuji! Fuji was a Japanese student who was studying abroad in Russia. The poor guy didn’t know Russian very well, so Adão dedicated part of his time to teaching him, while Fuji taught him parts of Japanese. After a long, restless night talking to one another, Fuji also managed to convince Adão to learn Portuguese, to surprise his parents when he returned home!
Their friendship grew to the point where they wanted to become police officers together, back in Fuji’s home city: Kyoto.
Chapter Four: Kyoto
And so, after some tearful goodbyes from his parents, Adão moved to Kyoto with Fuji to join the local police force! The pair went through vigorous police training, but it all paid off when they became police partners! However, Adão’s previous friend groups had an influence on his behaviour subconsciously, and he misbehaved quite often, whether it was not listening to his superiors, not following when he was told to, or even running off in high-stress situations.
He was punished for these actions by his higher-ups, as expected of a police force, and soon recognised where his behaviour stemmed from and made an active effort to better himself! But certain members of the force, specifically ones who weren’t the fondest of him, taught him different lessons – harsher, more physical punishments. Despite them having no clearance or authority to treat Adão in that way, he still took all of their messed up lessons to heart and became a shell of his former self. A soldier.
The only person to bring out who he was before the abuse was Fuji, and he left the force after two years to support his grandparents. After that, he was a well-behaved, near-perfect officer. You wouldn’t think he’d be removed, would you?
You’d be wrong. But it isn’t for the reasons you’re thinking.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Fuji? I.. don’t feel too good.”
“You’re probably getting that cold everyone else is gett—wait, wait, hold on. Adão?—Shit, Adão!”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
It happened when he turned twenty-three, or around that time. Adão began experiencing some rather worrying symptoms. What started as the odd headache or dizzy spell quickly worsened into fevers and fatigue, paired with an irregular heartbeat and frequent nosebleeds. Unsurprisingly, it was Fuji who forced Adão to see a doctor, and the man was diagnosed with idiopathic aplastic anaemia, and subsequently removed from the force as he couldn’t function properly, and they didn’t want to take a risk with him having a potentially fatal blood disease.
Adão got steady treatment for a year, with his condition slowly improving. When he was deemed well enough by both his doctor and Fuji, he was allowed to move away from the bustling energy of Kyoto. He decided to move to the small island city of Karakura, instead!
Chapter Five: Hopeful Beginnings
Moving to an unknown city alone was a big step for Adão… especially with his condition, but Fuji accompanied him and stayed until the man got everything set up. Things such as healthcare, a doctor who was willing to see him to check on his condition, and a job – as well as groceries. God knows Adão would’ve completely forgotten about them if it weren’t for Fuji setting up weekly reminders for him.
After about a month, Adão was deemed fine to live alone, living in an apartment outside the main city of Karakura and working online, translating Criminology textbooks from one language to another he knew! It made pretty good money, all things considered. His condition eventually improved too; only getting the occasional nosebleed and dizzy spell. He is always tired, but that has improved since he was first diagnosed, and he only gets fevers around winter time.
He was content for a time. Occasionally, he’d go out into the main city of Karakura (mainly for the shop openings..) and look around. It was during one of these infrequent visits that he saw a group of masked individuals crowding around a young boy. Everything else happened in a flash! Officers arrived and tased the criminals, effectively and efficiently arresting them! This sparked something inside Adão – that same spark that he felt all those years ago.
He wanted to be part of that… part of a police force once more. He hadn’t realised how much he’d missed it until now. Of course, he waited until he was well enough before looking into applying… And eventually did.
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───
“Fuji, you have to promise me you won’t be pissed.”
“What have you done now?”
─── ⋆⋅☼⋅⋆ ───

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?
Adão presses his palms flat on the desk.
“No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife.”
Owning a pocket knife and being caught with one falls under the major crime of ‘Possession of Illegal Weaponry’ and can result in an arrest and a sentence of three months (if that was the only crime committed). It will also result in the criminal being given a felonious criminal record.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
He counts the items off on his fingers with a small smile!
“Paracetamol, cough syrup, wooden canes, eyepatches for your left or right eye, and multivitamins don’t require a prescription!”
He pauses.
“The prices are relatively cheap too. Paracetamol is ¥1,500… wooden canes are ¥7,000. I’m not sure about the prices of the other ones off the top of my head though…”
Cough Syrup costs ¥6,000.
Eyepatches cost ¥5,000.
Multivitamins cost ¥3,500.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
That smile drops. Oh.
“In what context?”
There are two ways that this scenario can be approached. First of all, if Adão’s co-workers were simply abusing an inmate for the sake of it (no motive behind it, or for an inappropriate reason), he’d immediately step in and try to stop his co-workers. Even if the inmate has committed a crime, that is no excuse for a government official to harm anyone. They should be showing professionalism and a mature demeanour while on duty, and should not be hurting people for no reason. After (hopefully) pulling his co-worker away from the inmate, Adão would radio for EMS to make sure the inmate is physically okay and ensure that they report this to their higher-ups with the appropriate body cam footage as evidence to back up their report.
Secondly, if Adão’s co-workers were acting in self-defence, they’d still approach the situation and make sure everyone got out of it mostly unscathed – whether helping to restrain the inmate, or calling for backup. Of course, their co-workers can take care of themselves in such situations, but there is nothing wrong with having backup if needed. However, physically abusing an inmate who has previously assaulted you is not the appropriate response, and Adão would still report the act to a higher-up.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
He tenses. Seems he could never escape people important to him being hurt, could he?
“What anyone would do, right?”
There are two scenarios in which Adão may see his co-worker being assaulted. On-duty, he would approach the situation quickly, yelling out at the criminal to stop immediately. Obviously, in some situations, this wouldn’t deter the criminal in the slightest, so he’d have to jump in – but not before calling for any backup. Whether this is to radio, or to make a broadcast, he would always do that first before bolting in! He’d then approach with his stun-blaster out, ready to apprehend and restrain the criminal. If there was a group, he’d stun whoever he could before restraining them and detaining/arresting them. The criminal who assaulted their co-worker would receive a sentence of assault on a government official, granting them six months minimum in jail and a felonious criminal record. If their co-worker was being assaulted with a weapon, he’d also make sure to radio EMS to be on standby, as there could be some major or even fatal damage done to their co-worker! Additionally, the criminal would potentially be charged with possession of illegal weaponry (three months and a felonious criminal record). If the assault was considered attempted murder, it would be a capital murder sentence (even if they weren’t successful) which is a life sentence, or forty months.
On the other hand, if there ever was a moment wherein Adão was off-duty and saw this happening, he’d use his radio or call the 110 line to inform any on-duty officers that their co-worker was being assaulted! Since he won’t have any of his equipment on hand, he’d try his best to stay out of the way. If the criminals leave before any backup arrives, he’d approach his co-worker to examine them for injuries and ultimately transport them to the hospital if needed.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organisations?
Adão faltered slightly. Seems he didn’t consider the existence of corruption.
If a co-worker was under suspicion of being corrupt, Adão would first bring their concern to a higher-up, as waiting could cause more harm than good. Afterward, if requested to by that higher-up, he’d collect all the evidence together. This could be anything from CCTV/bodycam footage to any reports or documents that have been filed or recorded incorrectly. Once satisfied with the extent of the damning evidence, he’d present it to the same higher-up.
If told to leave the case alone – either because he’s wrong/there’s no need for concern, or the higher-up has assured him that he doesn’t need to pursue the case further – he would listen. However, if there was any evidence that he found while going about his duties – not actively looking into anything – he would still collect that evidence and store it away if it was ever needed. Just in case!
Obviously, being corrupt as a government official is a felony and can result in 20 months of jail time after a trial has taken place. Adão wouldn’t wish that on anyone, but he’d have to report them regardless. It’s his duty.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
They hum.
“Since they have the spare cash lying around to bribe me, surely they can pay a measly fine.”
In any situation where a criminal was trying to bribe Adão, he’d make sure his body cam was recording the entire exchange – not obviously, though. Perhaps just a slight adjustment that would go unnoticed by the criminal attempting to bribe him, or would even make them think he’d turned it off (in reality, of course, he never would). After the criminal had finished saying their piece, Adão would calmly inform them that they’re being fined for attempting to bribe an officer. If they still continue, he’d walk away. Any further response or reaction to this will be dealt with accordingly!
Adão presses his palms flat on the desk.
“No, you cannot legally own a pocket knife.”
Owning a pocket knife and being caught with one falls under the major crime of ‘Possession of Illegal Weaponry’ and can result in an arrest and a sentence of three months (if that was the only crime committed). It will also result in the criminal being given a felonious criminal record.
Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription
He counts the items off on his fingers with a small smile!
“Paracetamol, cough syrup, wooden canes, eyepatches for your left or right eye, and multivitamins don’t require a prescription!”
He pauses.
“The prices are relatively cheap too. Paracetamol is ¥1,500… wooden canes are ¥7,000. I’m not sure about the prices of the other ones off the top of my head though…”
Cough Syrup costs ¥6,000.
Eyepatches cost ¥5,000.
Multivitamins cost ¥3,500.
If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?
That smile drops. Oh.
“In what context?”
There are two ways that this scenario can be approached. First of all, if Adão’s co-workers were simply abusing an inmate for the sake of it (no motive behind it, or for an inappropriate reason), he’d immediately step in and try to stop his co-workers. Even if the inmate has committed a crime, that is no excuse for a government official to harm anyone. They should be showing professionalism and a mature demeanour while on duty, and should not be hurting people for no reason. After (hopefully) pulling his co-worker away from the inmate, Adão would radio for EMS to make sure the inmate is physically okay and ensure that they report this to their higher-ups with the appropriate body cam footage as evidence to back up their report.
Secondly, if Adão’s co-workers were acting in self-defence, they’d still approach the situation and make sure everyone got out of it mostly unscathed – whether helping to restrain the inmate, or calling for backup. Of course, their co-workers can take care of themselves in such situations, but there is nothing wrong with having backup if needed. However, physically abusing an inmate who has previously assaulted you is not the appropriate response, and Adão would still report the act to a higher-up.
What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?
He tenses. Seems he could never escape people important to him being hurt, could he?
“What anyone would do, right?”
There are two scenarios in which Adão may see his co-worker being assaulted. On-duty, he would approach the situation quickly, yelling out at the criminal to stop immediately. Obviously, in some situations, this wouldn’t deter the criminal in the slightest, so he’d have to jump in – but not before calling for any backup. Whether this is to radio, or to make a broadcast, he would always do that first before bolting in! He’d then approach with his stun-blaster out, ready to apprehend and restrain the criminal. If there was a group, he’d stun whoever he could before restraining them and detaining/arresting them. The criminal who assaulted their co-worker would receive a sentence of assault on a government official, granting them six months minimum in jail and a felonious criminal record. If their co-worker was being assaulted with a weapon, he’d also make sure to radio EMS to be on standby, as there could be some major or even fatal damage done to their co-worker! Additionally, the criminal would potentially be charged with possession of illegal weaponry (three months and a felonious criminal record). If the assault was considered attempted murder, it would be a capital murder sentence (even if they weren’t successful) which is a life sentence, or forty months.
On the other hand, if there ever was a moment wherein Adão was off-duty and saw this happening, he’d use his radio or call the 110 line to inform any on-duty officers that their co-worker was being assaulted! Since he won’t have any of his equipment on hand, he’d try his best to stay out of the way. If the criminals leave before any backup arrives, he’d approach his co-worker to examine them for injuries and ultimately transport them to the hospital if needed.
What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organisations?
Adão faltered slightly. Seems he didn’t consider the existence of corruption.
If a co-worker was under suspicion of being corrupt, Adão would first bring their concern to a higher-up, as waiting could cause more harm than good. Afterward, if requested to by that higher-up, he’d collect all the evidence together. This could be anything from CCTV/bodycam footage to any reports or documents that have been filed or recorded incorrectly. Once satisfied with the extent of the damning evidence, he’d present it to the same higher-up.
If told to leave the case alone – either because he’s wrong/there’s no need for concern, or the higher-up has assured him that he doesn’t need to pursue the case further – he would listen. However, if there was any evidence that he found while going about his duties – not actively looking into anything – he would still collect that evidence and store it away if it was ever needed. Just in case!
Obviously, being corrupt as a government official is a felony and can result in 20 months of jail time after a trial has taken place. Adão wouldn’t wish that on anyone, but he’d have to report them regardless. It’s his duty.
How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?
They hum.
“Since they have the spare cash lying around to bribe me, surely they can pay a measly fine.”
In any situation where a criminal was trying to bribe Adão, he’d make sure his body cam was recording the entire exchange – not obviously, though. Perhaps just a slight adjustment that would go unnoticed by the criminal attempting to bribe him, or would even make them think he’d turned it off (in reality, of course, he never would). After the criminal had finished saying their piece, Adão would calmly inform them that they’re being fined for attempting to bribe an officer. If they still continue, he’d walk away. Any further response or reaction to this will be dealt with accordingly!