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-KPD Application-


Level 3

Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Previous bans: I do not believe I have had any.

Describe your activity on the server: I am applying for this on my alternative account which I am not very active on, but that will change if and when I get accepted. On my main account however, I am on almost everyday for about four to six hours.

Which timezone are you in? My time zone is Eastern Standard Time. (EST)

Do you have Discord? If so, what is your tag? I do! It is ness#0088

Do you have a microphone [Required]: I do. I use it almost everyday to talk to my friends, and I am willing to use it for any call I am required to be in.

List your current and past applications: I do not believe I have applied for anything.

What is your motivation for applying?: I feel as though it would give me something to do throughout my day/free time, and I have always been all for helping people whenever I can, and if I get accepted, I would be able to do something I enjoy everyday. I also want to make SchoolRP as appealing as I can for new and current members.

Do you understand Japanese Laws and Basic Conduct? I do not know too much, but I am willing to put the effort in and learn.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work? As of now, I know what to do if and when I see a citizen wearing a mask. (Gas mask, not face mask) For example, what I would do is have them put themselves against the wall so I could carefully pat them down. While doing that, I would ask why they are wearing a mask and depending on their answer, I would take their mask away, or leave them with it but tell them to take it off. If I find anything illegal, I would ask for an I.D. If they are of age, I would let them go, but tell them not to have it out in public. If they are not of age, I would take it from them, arrest them, and fine them. I have basic knowledge of how to take care of ‘street activity’. I also am aware that all co-workers should treat each other equally and with respect. Not only that, citizens of the Police Force must have good teamwork and communication. They must be calm and patient with everyone they come across that needs help, despite it being a co-worker or not. They are also expected to be professional and hard-working. They are to do whatever it takes to fulfill their purpose as a member of the Police Force; no matter what the rank.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP? It is important to SchoolRP because it keeps the roleplaying in order. If there were no Police, I believe all characters that participate in ‘gang activities’ would be out of line. Police Officers keep the city of Karakura a safe and healthy environment. This also helps to keep the SchoolRP server appealing.

Do you acknowledge that you're subject to being demoted if accepted at any given time? Yes! I understand.

Do you acknowledge that applying for this role, you are agreeing to be 100% dedicated to the Police Officer role? I understand.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are authorized to attend or you will be punished? I do.

Do you acknowledge that you’re subject to IC harassment, and you are NOT to take things OOCly when dealing with training & situations? Yes, I do.

In-Character (IC) Section


Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique
? Hyun Sinclair is around the height of 6’3, and weighs around 227lbs.. He has a soft orange hair color with pale skin and blue eyes. His voice is also deep and he has an Australian accent. What is unique about him is his personality. This is because he is helpful towards people, and he is very determined. Due to the crime that he and his family grew up with, he has developed a very careful personality, which has made him very well aware and sophisticated.

What they're like on and off the job? On the job, Hyun will be professional, determined, and he will strive towards what he does.

When Hyun is off the job, he is almost the same, but he also likes to relax and hang out with friends. He has a good personality, a good heart, and a good sense of humor. He will use some of these traits when working on the Police Force.

Outlook on their co-workers? Plans for the future? The outlook on Hyun’s co-workers would be to take care of, to help, and to respect them as much as possible to make the healthiest and easiest work environment possible.

Hyun’s main plans for the future are to work hard and help the Karakura Citizens as much as possible. He would like to make Karakura a safe and comfortable place to live in. He strives to work in a healthy but hard-working environment, and that is what he will do. If Hyun gets on the Police Force, he will use this as an advantage to do what he loves: taking care of people and making them feel safe.

(Make sure this biography/lore has 100+ words.)

Growing up in Hobart, Australia, Hyun grew up in an unhealthy environment with his sister, mother, and father. The crime rates in Hobart, Australia were very bad, the living conditions were terrible, and they lived in a very poor household. Hyun focused mainly on school as he couldn’t notice the issues Harper had to deal with growing up. Harper, his younger sister, and Hyun were too young to work as they were barely reaching the double-digits. The harsh living conditions they were going through were mainly money rooted. Due to these money-rooted housing issues, their parents decided they would be better off living somewhere else. This ‘somewhere else’ turned out to be Euno, Tokyo. Hyun’s sister, Harper, and he focused mainly on school since neither of them could get a stable job because of the harsh living conditions and because of the crime rate making it unsafe. Their parents, Kyong and Mia both worked all day to provide for Hyun and Harper. Kyong worked as a chauffeur, whereas Mia worked as a maid for the same family of five nearby. They were working together every day and usually came home together. Even though they were barely scraping by, they made it work. At some point, the two children and their mother noticed that their father stopped coming home after work, and before they knew it, he was gone. Later, Mia found out Kyong was having an affair and their mother needed to figure out a way to provide for herself, Hyun, and Harper. For Hyun and his family, this was very difficult. Hyun was not sure how to take this, so he went into a bad state of mind. It seemed like all that could help him was his friends, but as dangerous as the city he lived in with his mother and sister was, it was only on rare occasions that he could. To cope with the ‘loss’ of his father, he began focusing on himself. Every day, Hyun started going to college and focused on the future for himself.

Along with going to college, Hyun landed a part-time job as a bouncer outside of Karakura. Once Hyun got enough money to move out of his mother’s house, he took Harper and left for Karakura, leaving their mother in Euno, Tokyo to fend for herself. They both packed their bags and left for Karakura, leaving their mother in Euno, Tokyo to basically fend for herself. When Hyun and his sister moved into an apartment directly next to the Karakura Police Department, they saw the living conditions and crime rate in Karakura; they were both intrigued by pursuing their career in law enforcement. Because of all of this, Hyun works hard every day with his sister to protect themselves and create a safe space for people around them as they already grew up doing that for each other. Hyun strives to work in the Police Force, and he will do whatever it takes to pursue his dream.

SECTION 1: Personal Details

Characters Full Name:
Hyun Shoita Sinclair

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Mr.

Given Name(s): Shoita, Hyunie,

Preferred Name: Hyun

Age: 28

Gender: Male

IC Phone number:

Religious Denomination: Shinto/Catholic

Marital Status: Single

Nationality: Australian

Current Location: Karakura, Japan

SECTION 2: Academic Details

Years of training: Five years of Police Training

Working Experience: Hyun worked at a part-time job when he was in college, and quit when he graduated to make more time for the Police Force.

Academic Degree: Master’s degree

Year of Graduation: 2014

Major(s): Law Enforcement

Minor(s): Criminology and Psychology

Native Languages:

Other Languages: No other languages.


Level 102

Thank you for applying, however we have decided to deny the application
You may apply next wave if you wish to do so

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