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KPD | Miamorchito's Application


Level 39
Out-Of-Character (OOC) Section

IGN (In-Game Name):

Miamorchito (The one applying)

Discord Name & Tag:


Which timezone are you in?

Central Time Zone (CST)

List your current and past IC/OOC faction applications:

Doctor Application Accepted
Lawyer Application Accepted
Doctor Application Denied
BMD Application Denied

Describe your activity on the server:

I play School Roleplay almost on a day-to-day basis. I am usually more active on weekends and during vacations, or really whenever I am not in college, and I will spend most of that free time with either my friends or doing the work I need to do. I would probably be more active than my college or other adult characters I play with, either trying to work on my schoolwork or just messing around in the city. Here is a chart showing my availability for college.

14:00 - 22:00
15:00 - 24:00
14:00 - 22:00
15:00 - 24:00
14:00 - 02:00
10:00 - 02:00
10:00 - 22:00

This is my available time when it comes to college, but I am, of course, more than willing to adapt to what the position requires me to do. With good communication and understanding, I believe that there will be no issues with my current activity or out-of-character situation.

What is your motivation for applying?:

Believe it or not, KPD was one of the first factions I wanted to apply in SRP. Unfortunately, I could not apply since I was involved in GangRP. Therefore, I just let it sit until that phase was completed. Once I got my Lawyer position, I once again thought about joining KPD, but I was notified that I could not be in the Karakura Police Department and the Government at the same time. So, once again, I just waited until I believed it was the right time for me to say goodbye to that faction. Now that those holds are gone, I would love to be part of the faction I have been trying to apply to for almost a year now. The primary motivation for me is that when I was first introduced to KPD, the thing that I noticed the most was the kind of bond and relationship that the faction had; it was some sort of family, and I absolutely love and respect that. I felt like if I join, I would be meeting with people that I could share experiences with and become friends. This was true when I became a lawyer and visited KPD; I met a lot of my current friends there, and I also realized that there were a lot of past friends who I had met before. So yeah, I would love to be part of that family.

What knowledge do you have of Police Work?

As a new student in Criminal Justice, I can say that law enforcers make sure that the rule of law is met. They have the responsibility to help prevent crime or illegal activities from happening, to dissipate any wrongdoing if necessary, and also to enforce said laws to those breaking them by either warning, finning, or arresting them. My knowledge of police work will only expand from this point onwards, but this is what I can safely say regarding my knowledge of police work.

Why is Police important to SchoolRP?

Karakura Police Department deals with a number of scenarios; from helping with traffic or rescuing people's safety to cracking down on criminals and making them face the rule of law. KPD is crucial because it keeps the citizens in check and helps the government enforce the rules, laws, and regulations in the City of Karakura. They constitute the safeguard to prevent crimes from happening, and also the first callers when any wrongdoing is made.

Do you acknowledge that if training is held whilst you are online, you are needed to attend or you will be punished?

I know that training will be a required aspect of KPD, and I am more than able to attend said training. I also acknowledge that missing them will result in a punishment.

In-Character (IC) Section

What's your character's full name?:

Ji K. Kaizen

How old is your character (if accepted)?:


What are your character's gender and pronouns?:

Male (He/Him)

Please select your highest academic role at the time of writing this application:

Doctor of Judicial Science

What languages does your character know besides Japanese?:

Japanese (Default)

Describe your character; how they look, what makes them unique?

Ji K. Kaizen is a Korean male born and raised in the city of Seoul, Korea. He is a professional individual when it comes to their work, devoted to making sure he delivers the best of the best since he was raised by the high standards of his family. Ji is a tall individual, always maintaining the right composture and making sure that he is seen as someone respected, as he would like to be treated as he was treated when first met. Ji is a caring individual, especially when it comes to his co-workers; he will do his best not only to perform well in his professional field but also in his relationships. Another quality that Ji has is his leg impediment; while this is now treated, it was something he had during his time in Karakura and something he had to deal with. Finally, Ji also has the trait of not being completely fluent in Japanese, which, in theory, sounds like a bad trait to have, but it adds immersion to someone who is still adapting to the very fast-paced city of Karakura. (It also serves as an excuse for me because English is not my first language).

How does your character act in a professional/casual situation?

Ji is very strict with himself and always tries to perform at the highest level. In a professional situation, Ji will focus on getting the job done in a proper and efficient way, trying to prevent any emotions from intercepting the way he performs. He's very connected with the people he loves, but he is also very down to earth and will not make relationships get in between work and personal life, as he sees them as two different entities.

In a casual situation, Ji is a serious person but is also down to do some activities with friends or family. He likes to talk and be involved in discussions, always in a respectful manner. He would be willing to loosen up when it comes to casual situations since he would prefer to have a good time around the ones he appreciates. You could see Ji either reading or walking around the city. He is not an eccentric guy by any means, but he likes to have peace for himself whenever he is not involved in high-paced and stressful scenarios.

What is their outlook on the idea of co-workers & teamwork?

Co-workers and teamwork is one of the essential parts of developing a good and efficient line of work. For Ji, this is no different. Having a trustworthy base of people who will cover you whenever danger arises is crucial for workplaces like this. Ji will reinforce the idea of having a solid teamwork place where he knows that people will be both supportive and critical of his work, helping both with not only support Ji when working but also helping him improve in ways to do his job.

What's your character's backstory?

Born in Seoul, Korea. Ji Kim was the child of an affair between Byeol Kim and Haruto Kaizen. His childhood in the city was protagonized by his family's constant reminder of being a "Bastard Child" and her mother being unworthy of having a child with a man married to another woman. Byeol, however, wanted to prove to them that they were wrong not only about Ji but also about her. She started showing a harsh attitude towards her son, making high expectations for him whenever he wanted to do something. Due to this, Ji became a very stressed kid, trying to focus only on what her mother wanted and mostly ignoring other activities, like having friends. These sorts of instances made Ji a somewhat reserved individual later on in life.

When he was 18, he started attending the University of Korea. Knowing that what he wanted to do was always related to rules, he tried to find an escape from that. He wanted to find ways to find ways to become a person who obeys the rules but also finds loopholes in them. He invested most of his time doing research in Korean law, most of the time working with his professors on research and trying to get as much recognition as possible. During his time in college, he started to become active in extra-curricular activities; he became the leader of the volleyball team, as well as the vice-president of the student council, doing everything he could to make her mother proud of him. He graduated from college at the age of 22 with a degree in criminal justice. However, he did not stop there. His interest in law, in addition to his good grades and research activities, helped him get the opportunity to expand his academic life. He worked the rest of his days in Korea, getting a Juris Doctor degree and a Master of Law, making him a Doctor of Law Science, a title that his mother finally was happy with.

Upon graduation, he was offered numerous positions in Korea, China, and Japan. He ultimately chose to go to the last one because his father, who had never been there all his life, resided in a small city located on one of Japan's many islands, Karakura. He worked for the government as a lawyer, a position that he was more than happy with since he expected to become one of the best in his field. In Karakura, he is finally able to meet with the family he was never a part of, the Kaizens, who welcomed Ji as their own and made him rethink his opinion of them, being able to have the lastname of the family that welcomed him in his new life. His beginnings, however, showed a different story. His lack of social skills and the language barrier made Ji isolate himself from the rest of the workers for a long time; he was seen as a quiet person, a loser according to some of the workers, and someone who should not be there. Despite this, he continued to deliver his work and tried his best not only to demonstrate he was competent but also to improve his social skills. In Karakura, he met a number of people, good and bad, people who wanted justice and people who wanted to see this world burn. But from all he saw, he noticed that Karakura had a significant dependency on police work, and that dependency made him raise his interest in becoming a KPD officer if he decided to retire from the faction. After all, he was young, and he had time.

After the incident, Ji developed a leg problem on his leg, either due to the amount of cigarettes he smoked because he was stressed or due to other circumstances. He was forced to walk with a wooden cane since whenever he did not, he felt immense pain. Despite this, Ji worked on improving his condition by walking around Karakura. During this time, he was able to fully understand how Karakura was, how the people were, how the government worked, and what Karakura offered. He stopped being a high-paced individual, someone who was always intense in his position, to someone more calm. Being unable to run and forced to sit sometimes made him develop a love for reading, something that helped him tremendously in learning the local language. After some time, he became a somewhat respected lawyer in the government, someone who was able to help when needed, but most importantly, a good friend to the ones who were close to him. Karma, on his truthful nature, laid once again on Ji; he was finally diagnosed with his leg issue and was placed under physical therapy, helping him recover from his difficulties and be able to move again correctly. Despite this, he preferred to stick with the way he was, using the cane as his constant reminder that life could easily impair you, so we should be more grateful for the little things we have.

Time passed, and Ji was already settled in the city that saw him grow, saw him fall, and saw him recover. He felt like any other Karakuran, but he believed that his time in the government was over. There were no more steps for him, nothing else he could gain, and no more titles he could hold. His mother, now an elderly woman, finally recognized Ji's efforts, and his family finally admitted that they were wrong about him, making him a part of the family. Having no more left to do, Ji decided to retire from the government at the age of 27, but with the hopes of coming back one day. It was at that moment that Ji looked back and remembered all the times he had to go to KPD due to a person getting detained and how he worked to try to get the best outcome for them. Still, this time, he realized that maybe it was time to be part of the officers on the other side of the wall.

General knowledge

Can you legally own a pocket knife in Karakura?

No. Pocket knives are one of the many weapons in Karakura that would be illegal to carry. Having one will result in an arrest due to the Felony of unlawfully carrying or owning a weapon.

Name 5 medical items that do NOT require a prescription

1. Melatonin
2. Iron Supplements
3. Bandages
4. Paracetamol
5. Wooden Cane

If you see your co-workers physically abusing an inmate, what should you do?

If I am in a situation where one of my co-workers is physically abusing someone, I will remove him from the place to de-escalate the situation. I would try to calm the inmate and request that the co-worker take some time to cool off. Depending on the situation, I could request assistance to help either side. Once that is settled, I will proceed with my duty, and if the co-worker still needs some time, I will ask if they want any assistance from me. Depending on the situation, I would also consider notifying a higher-up about this and prevent further situations like this from happening.

What should you do if you see your co-worker being assaulted?

Depending on each scenario, if I see my co-worker being assaulted by one individual, I would first inform the station about this situation and try to reduce the threat myself. If the situation is getting worse, or if there is more than one individual assaulting my co-worker, I would once again notify the station, requesting backup in order to reduce the threat effectively. In the meantime, I would try my best to contain the attacks until said reinforcements come to the area, and once that is done, I would proceed to make the corresponding arrests for assault.

What do you do if you find out that your co-worker is corrupt and is helping criminal organizations?

In the case of corrupt co-workers. I believe that the best way to tackle such issues is to notify the higher-ups regarding such a situation. From that point forward, it would mostly be the decision of said higher-ups to deal with the co-worker.

How would you react to a criminal trying to bribe you?

Taking a bribe from a criminal would not only mean that I failed my duties as a police officer, but it would also make me liable for malpractice, which could potentially lead me to jail. Therefore, I would not perform in a way that goes against the guidelines, my training, or even my duties as a law enforcer. At the same time, Bribery is a finable offense, which I will immediately apply to the individual who tries to perform such actions, considering that they have not done anything else; if they have not, then only the fine will be applied.
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Level 317
Senior Admin
Black Market Lead
Police Lead
After having carefully reviewed your applications, the higher-up team has decided
to unfortunately deny your application to join our faction.

Why have I been denied?
We appreciate your efforts and your motivation to join our faction, but we have
made this decision based on the following reason(s)
Thank you for applying, however your application has been denied. We sometimes have to deny amazing applications because other people are deemed a better choice at this current time.

What can I do to increase my chances to be accepted?
The fact that you've been denied this time doesn't mean that you can't be accepted
anymore! If you're interested, below are some pieces of advice that could improve
your chances to be accepted during future application waves.
- A decisive factor that influences our decision is server reputation. We tend to pick players who have been in the server for a while, and that have a relatively clean history. We suggest applying for other factions / community teams to improve how other players see you and boost your chances at
becoming part of our faction!

Due to the large influx of applications, any DMs concerning your application
will be ignored or referred back to this response. Remember that this decision
is a collective agreement between all the higher-ups in the faction, meaning
that this decision hasn't been taken by one single player.

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