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KUERT SITE GOI (classification methods)


Level 78
Classification procedures


The GOI classification procedure​

In the need to classify the cuantious group at Karakura, the KUERT applies the liberty classification method. This method values how much dangerous is certain group. These associations are classified in the maximun potential power they can unleash, how complex the crimes they take on are, and what is their usual power expression.

Group classes

The safe class is assigned to groups that won't or can't do organised crime. They are simply not criminal groups.


The tard class is assigned when it is known that the group commits organised crime. However their activity doesn't usually disrupt the life of citizens and their presence is kept to the ones around them within the underworld. In their maximun expression they can cause major trouble in the lifes of people. Tard groups, are usually small gangs, with not many members. Tard groups usually fight each other in order to stablish their presence in the city.


The keter class is assigned to groups whose organised activity is able to disturb the life of citizens in the island and cause major trouble in certain situations. In their maximun expression they can cause trouble to authorities and goverment. They are usually grown groups with massive income and many organised sources of power. They usually control certain aspects of crime in their totality.


The apollyon class is reserved to groups whose maximun expression is able to make the city of karakura tremble. They are able to force the goverment to call for lockdowns or even force special operations forces to show up. The apollyon class is considered to be a danger to the people of Karakura as a whole.


This class is assigned to groups whose natures is ultimately unknown, it is not known if they intend on comitting organised crime or not. These makes them dangerous in the way people may not know what to expect from them upon interaction.


This class refers to a group that is able to commit crimes and might commit crimes. However they have not much potential for massive crimes due to them not being focused in commiting crimes but doing other activities that benefit society. It is a class that is usually following the laws but might stray away from law when the consequences of that are benefitial for them or society.


Thaumiel class is defined as a group who is able to commit crimes and has that power to cause great chaos and disrupt the city massively, however the group does not use their power for that and instead use it to keep dangerous groups under control.

  • SCP foundation can sue all they want for stolen intelectual property of their anomalies classes. WE ARE NOT PAYING! womp womp
  • No there is no secret groups we are keeping hidden from public. duh.
  • Paranormals share a similar classification method. However the power scales are somewhat different.

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