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KUERT SITE POI-022 (Kiken station)


Level 78

Kiken station
Exploration difficulty
  • Entrance: (3/5) / Exit: (3/5)​
  • Entities: (3/5)
  • Enviormental threats: (2/5)
The POI presents remarkable difficulties
for it's exploration.

General description
Description: POI-022 is an abandoned subway station found in the underground. The station is made of the same material pallete as the other stations, mainly white and red concrete for the walls and gray concrete for the floor.

The structure seems to be somewhat deteriorated, this is further corroborated by the great amount of debri in the floor and the missing sections of some columns. However, no actions of manteinance have been carried out and considering the metro goes through the station, it seems to have been considered stable in the long run.

The electrical installation is broken, making the station hard to navigate. only emergency lights are activated along some other ceiling lights which are still recieving electricity.

The station is covered in concrete and metal debri, boxes, trash, cowebs and various schaffholdings, which could end up resulting in tripping over them if not careful.

Zones and structure.
There station is relatively small and does not have many zones.

The platforms
The platforms are the main area of the station. Both platforms are identical to the other and follow the same structural desing mentioned before. The platforms are separated by the metro rail. There are guard rails in next to the metro rails in order to prevent users from falling into there. The usual floor markings of the stations can still be seen as they have not been fully worn out yet.

One can find what seems the remnant of the collapsed main entrance in the each platform. There are also small rooms in each side of the platform. The one on the left (point of refference being the train direction, which comes from the north to south.) is opened, but the one on the right is locked.

Both platforms are covered in; great amount of structural debris; plentiful of trash, like flat tyres, and other boxes. Along said trash the signs with the text Kiken station can be found along some text indicating "7-11" which probably refers to the 7-11 shop.

The small room
The small room can be accessed in the left side of the platforms, the entrance is found next to the, still hanging, Kiken station sign.

The room walls' between it and the platforms are made of slightly damaged glass. The other walls between the room are made of wood and the others are made of the already mentioned white and red concrete.

Inside of the room there is an small busted cabinet with no documents. Apart from this the room holds nothing of interest, apart from being an small hiding spot from the indiscrete sights of the train passengers.

Entrances and exits
There are a few entrances and exits.
  • Entrance/exit 1: Going into the rails into the south direction. One can find a ladder that will lead into the sewers. Even though this might be longest route, it is highly reccomended, as it is the safest one.
  • Entrance/exit 2: Going into the rails into the south direction, one will find the Itsbyoshi station. This route is harder due to the danger of the trains.
  • Entrance/exit 3: Going into the rails into the north direction, one will find the shopping station. This route is hardest as the shopping district station is significantly farther than the Itsbyoshi. This means more time going next to the rails, which is very dangerous.

There are a high number of entities in the station, both humans and non-humans.

Non-human entities
The vermin have overtaken this place. The most common are rats, spiders and others. None of them are harmful in any sense.

Human entities
Encountering humans is very common. Kiken station has become a Urban exploration hotspot
  • KUERT members: You can ask us for help to exit sewers or ask us for food etc.
  • Explorers: they are not harmful, you may ask them for food or help if you want so. This place attacts a lot of people looking for a casual experience of exploration, even thought it might not be most accessible one. It can always be a good moment to meet people
  • Criminals Self explanatory. However they are not very common, as the train passes through there. Upon weird activity, people in the train can call KPD and the police enforcement can arrive easily, therefore it is a relatively safe place.

Environmental threats
This place is extremly dangerous given three factors for this categorization
  • Collapse threat: The station structure does not seem relatively safe. Even though it has not been mantained in a while, the town hall seems to have deemed it safe enough to let the train go through it periodically. Therefore they consider the risk of collapsing low. Still, one never knows.
  • Blackout: There is no light at all in the whole POI, traversing through here requieres lightsources. Carry some flashlights when entering here.
  • No signal: Ya'll gen z's cant last a dman dai withou tik tokz...

  • Can't stop the A-train...
  • No ghosts=:thumbsup: !

[OOC]:All content in the website is accessible ICLY unless stated otherwise.


Level 78
Thread starter
Another place of interest - thank you for the documentation!
Your welcome :3.

I have also been hearing the documents have been quoted in official stuff, idk much in depth about it but it makes me feel proud about it.

(The members of kuert also make cool very documents which can be checked in the agents only site.)

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