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Accepted KURIEITĀ | Verified Business Application - CeruleanRocket


Level 11






Describe your activity on the server:

When I first joined this server back in January of 2021 I started out slow like most, Roaming around with close IRL friends as we tried figuring out how the server works and functions, alongside the community itself. After being very lucky with applications, I managed to create a solid and continuously growing friendship group who I make the most memorable moments with. Although my time zone creates barriers with a lot of my friends, I've had no issues with staying up till sunrise, and would say I'm a dedicated player when my time allows me to be so. Unfortunately, My job in the outside world is a rather strict and time consuming one, but I'm still able to create a strict schedule that allows me to still be active on the server. My average time spent on a regular day of SRP would be an estimated 4-7 hours - sometimes even more. My main goal since almost the very beginning and reason behind joining SRP was purely to create a story I could be proud of and I hope to continue doing so through as many experiences as I can.

What is the name of your business?:

This in Japanese translates to Creator/Creation. It is a designed name fitting theme that the owner and founder ‘Create’ things, whether it be creating anchors for people to better themselves, strengthening those who lack it, or simply creating new art work on those with a blank canvas.

Attach a discord link to your business here:

Discord ; Kurieta

In a paragraph or more, please describe what your business does:


Welcome to Kurieitā, a company run by Skylar T. Tsu. Here at Kurieitā we help create individuals to become the best possible versions of themselves. Whether this be through rigorous disciplinary, etiquette And manners lessons, Strength training, Fight styles or simply turning your body into an artistic canvas, you can do it all.

● As leaderships are of Yakuza stand points, they hold public display and reputation above all else. Tsu Is a firm believer that anyone with the correct formalities and proper understanding of the business world can truly be used in any scenario possible.

● Tsu was a former police trainer, along with being an extensive member of the crime World. From yakuza to gangs, to b.a and bounty hunter, this woman has covered and excelled in all forms of training, with the history to back it.

● INFORMATION: What exactly is taught? For our etiquette plan, the first cover basis is manners. Simple, but a rare find these days. Teaching inadequate members of criminal organisations how to correctly speak to a higher rank, how to perform during meetings, or simply learning the correct lingo is all a part of this area to an extensive degree.

● Disciplinary. Too many people suffer with issues such as Lashing out, uncontrollable emotions, or even sticky morality. As a leader, their job is to create the best possible anchor for these people to eventually be able to further them into their career.

● Physical training:
Weapons : Privately discussed.
Self- defense
Brazilian jiu-jitsu
Muay Thai

● These can be formed in group sessions or for a higher payment of one on one sessions.

● For our other set of creators, We are also a Tattoo and piercing company. Having created almost every bit of ink on her own body, Skylar has been tattooing and piercing for years; Not just on her own body, but for others also. This will NOT function like a regular tailoring server. Our tailors are to be specifically TATTOO only, and will not be having any form of ‘auctioning’ either. Any and all styles are welcomed.

Is your business non-profit or for-profit?:

KURIEITĀ is a non-profit business that will work hard on being charitable and of usage to the public by any means necessary. We will be wanting to create a profit
In order to solely benefit the company's workers, equipment and so on.

What is your business’s mission statement?:

Our sole mission is to be able to lessen the amount of uncontrollable, undereducated and ill-mannered nuisances that surround the main parts of Karakura. We want to have the power to teach people a far more respectable way of living, through solid discipline and teaching control over strong emotions. In doing so, if they are deemed adequate enough, they will receive a tattoo of their choosing. Tattoos are also an option to those not wanting any other training; Primarily for the creatives out there.

What do you plan to accomplish with your business?:

We at KURIEITĀ wish to accomplish helping as many people as we can. Those who struggle to express themselves, those who worry about anger-management issues, those with a lack of care towards authority and more. Anyway we are able to help create a new, more established individual; We will do whatever it takes to do so.

Specify one event your business would host/take part in on the server:

As our business has a training side, one event Idea I thought of was the possible rivalry of gangs. The Company is open to taking in any sort of person within, and therefore could lead to two opposing gangs being present. A brawl between the two opposing sides could take place, maybe even leaving an opportunity for a war to start that would help push one side towards a non-verified or even a verified gang status.

A second event Idea we thought of was a paint art ‘festival’ similar to the ones hosted in Brazil, or India. By using a space, people can be able to express themselves through countless options of colour, having a wonderful time with food and drinks provided.

Do you understand that your business may lose its verified status if not kept active?:

Yes, I am aware.

Do you have any additional comments?:



Level 153
Government Lead
Build Coordinator

Thank you for applying, I have decided to accept your application. Please send me a ping in the Town Discord to receive your roles.

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