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L8tley | Revert Football..


Level 35
Community Team
fyi no evidence of fb plugin lagging the server)
Well yeah thats to be expected for players, its not typically released for all to see.

Causes of lag can be pinpointed via timing reports, in which the football plugin was being flagged as taking up too long to process.

Of course football won't be the only contributing factor, having 400 people on a server itself is also a pretty big thing in itself, though it had a notable impact.


Level 47
I understand that, but as of this moment the basketball plugin still has its ways to develop skill. It still had the core aspects of the concept and its still good to play
The current basketball plugin is good, my point was that when it first changed people didn't think that was the case. A lot of players hated the current bball plugin, the ball takes too long to charge, the ball bounces off the net too easily, crouch shots are cringe and slow down the game. These were all things people said when the plugin changed but they just needed to take time to learn the new plugin


Level 86

this plugin isn’t bad like most people think. It’s most certainly something you have to take time to learn and get used to. As Dylan mentioned, the old plugin was causing a butt load of lag which simply wasn’t great. After a conversation with Tippie bringing problems up that my team found, here’s what was mentioned by him.

You can’t curve it
Untrue, ask eco

Ball feels heavy..???
Get used to it

Flicking the ball with right click doesn't work / ball sinks
Find new tactics

You need to look up for wayyy too long to high ball it.
Get used to it

Both flicks and curving feel nerfed
Get new tactics
I'm not exactly for restoring the old plugin but the new one needs some troubleshooting. Yes there's a degree of get used to it, but in some places like "flicks and curves are nerfed" and "high balls take too long" aren't that. Just because things are fine doesn't mean they can't be improved on, the plugin should feel nice and atm it doesn't. It's really hard to play for practice when the ball sinks or gets stuck.

My current stance is that flicks and curves felt more fun in the old plugin because they weren't particularly challenging, and I'm not sure what it is maybe it's the .8 seconds longer I have to look up to flick but it's not as nice.

The plugin needed to be replaced, but I think the replacement was either rushed or not troubleshooted enough.


Level 13
Thread starter
never saw myself ever posting anything here. but its fb, gotta show myself.

im not gonna write an intro, body paragraphs and conclusion cuz aint no way im typing an essay on a roleplay server forum. ill cut straight to the chase. the old plugin is better. (my whole point is based arnd this with no balanced pov, and solely focused on the subject of reverting it. if u disagree with me step onto the pitch with me and ill prove all the points ive said below WITH evidence. fyi no evidence of fb plugin lagging the server)

Dylan's post!
brother its still lagging.

Ghostfire's post!
play a match against me and tell me u enjoy playing a plugin where the ball sinks into the ground, has a hitbox of 1.75, the ball gets stuck on the corners, the ball can go through the walls of the goalpost allowing u to score THROUGH the side.

Atoki's post!
Im not sure how the old plugin caused lag... based on my experiences at least. They even disabled the plugin and the server's lag got worse like a month ago! up until this day ive been hearing abt how it causes lag etc but theres been no proof to convince me. if there is, pls humble me

u can curve it, u can even make the ball do donuts around you which is new. quite quirky

whoever complained about it taking too long to highball, rlly is just skill issue. ive been playing fb on this server since it first came out and with bad ping + new plugin i can still highball when im getting pressured by players that are considered as one of the best in fb

Ghostfire's repost!
get on the pitch with me, try and curve it. even if u practice for years, its pointless. at least the previous plugin made curving more responsible and flexible. dont use "curving" anyhow. if u rlly wanna know what its like to get curved on, go against lqmed or desyu in the old plugin.

My own stuff
as one of the best if not the current best in the fb plugin, idm what yall say just dont diss the old plugin please. that thing was god tier and if u dont agree, try asking any of the other players who are actually good at fb (after the recent leavings in fb teams, theres only 2 good players left in all 4 fb teams! a very big contrast when u compare it with other sports. Most of the other good players are not on the teams and mostly hang around the fb pitch. feel free to hit any of us up, we're all fb junkies waiting for matches)

also i have nothing against tippie or the plugin. he is my friend, i was involved in the early stages of its development and have contributed miniscule amounts to what it is now. but this thread's subject is abt it being reverted so to see ppl refuting this thread with claims that are invalid made me write this up

but yes to sum it all up, if u want anymore info on any of the stuff ive mentioned here feel free to find me in my dms, ill give u details more elaborately cuz ive barely skimmed over them here. If u do wanna take me up on the challenge of 1v1s, IGN is Harisankar7 and RPname is Rahul Sivakumar.

even with the new unofficial rule stated by YonioTheNacho which i quote "Drag-clicking / Butterfly-clicking is also not permitted, as only a handful hardware permits such a CPS method." i think by this he meant all those ipad kids and laptop touchpad kids who dont have a mouse. but yes! new unofficial rules abt clicking... u cant jitter click either this means. so feel free to 1v1 with these revised rules and new plugins and ill show yall how frustrating a match can be in this new fb plugin and change ur mind, and make u want to revert it. if u dont wanna 1v1, 5v1 it makes 0 difference against me
Personally i heavily agree with a lot of the points, And as i mentioned there are a vast majority of other plugins. The only consistent excuse is lag it caused, but the other broken plugins are also siphoning this lag. Such as the baseball plugin as i said. There have always been major glitches within the plugin. Another comparison i see is the basketball remake. Yes, basketball had the same response but theres still a high level of skill to be obtained, its still a good if not the best plugin. Football on the other hand has drastically changed to the point whee its boring. Curving is possible yes, i said that. But its delayed. Very delayed. And it lags more for me now than it did before. Regardless i appreciate your time to write this.


Level 13
Thread starter
I understand a lot of people have put a lot of time and work into knowing the old plugin. However that plugin caused server lag and had peoples such as the ball disappearing. The new plugin will have less problems, and people will have the chance to get use to it that is why it was introduced after the tournament so people wouldn't need to adjust before
If you look further itno my post i mention that. But all the old issues are still here and even worse than they were in the past. Not only that, but its just less enjoyable on the whole. Lag is not a full justified response for it as its not the only plugin. There are others that have far more features that cause far more lag. Its the server as a whole.


Level 29
-1 Although I understand where you're coming from, the plug-in hasn't even been out for a month and most players that are putting +1 haven't taken the time to enjoy nor learn it. Some of the things I viewed on your suggestion are things that are meant to be there and you simply don't understand the mechanics of the current ball (Not to sound like a geek) but you look around and the amount you click the ball plays a huge role now. You can still highball and curve the ball as well, if you'd like I can teach you but apart from that I've said what I needed to say.

Yes, there are a few bugs but that's bound to happen with anything made from scratch and can be fixed within a few bug reports. In my personal opinion, you are stuck in a nostalgic phase and want something that you took time to learn back, which I completely understand but this was bound to happen.


Level 355
HS Sports Lead
Thank you for your suggestion!

Why we changed it in the first place
I definitely understand your frustration, however the previous plugin wasn't suitable for a larger player base and often caused TPS drops from 20 straight to 13 (and below during busier times) which is very far from ideal; this was even happening when just one person was curving the ball and playing alone, imagine how bad it was with 2 or more pitches being active at the same time. For reference, 20 TPS is perfect, whilst most tend to consider anything below 18 to be quite bad, whilst numbers below 16 are typically unplayable.


Since removing the previous plugins we've seen a huge improvement during peak times in terms of performance.

Moving forward
We are very open to making improvements to our existing sports plugin and by no means are these changes going to be what I'm sure you'd imagine is the final product. It takes quite a lot of real data and feedback from both players and sports teams to make everything as enjoyable for every one as possible, so if you have suggestions for improvements, please make suggestion threads of your own (if you're a Football team member, please use #football-plugin in Academics)!

Like any update we've done from older systems/plugins, it takes a lot of getting used to as the physics and math involved with our plugin is by no means the same as the previous plugin's, but as I've said, we are open to suggestions on improving the new plugin so we will commit to making improvements where needed.

General lag / performance outside of Football
We are making active efforts to optimize the server and we've got some upcoming plans to improve performance network-wide.

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