This biography is influenced and inspired in the structure department from @Im6 ~

Family Discord Invitation:
Written and produced by:
Aulliver | Federicco Giuseppes
SaltyPebble | Kotori Yoongi - Rose Giuseppes
"To succeed is to be loyal."
Family Theme Song

Head of Giuseppes Family
Federicco 'Ricco' Giuseppes

[!] Item - Glock 17
@Aullieee - Becomes Cadet on the force
@Aullieee - Becomes Patrol Officer
@Aullieee - Becomes Corporal
@Aullieee - Becomes Sergeant
@Aullieee - Becomes Lieutenant
@Aullieee - "Resignation" from the police force
@Aullieee - Returns as an Investigator

@Aullieee - Becomes Cadet on the force

@Aullieee - Becomes Patrol Officer

@Aullieee - Becomes Corporal

@Aullieee - Becomes Sergeant

@Aullieee - Becomes Lieutenant

@Aullieee - "Resignation" from the police force

@Aullieee - Returns as an Investigator

Physical Description - A well-tailored man, that looked fit for his purpose as a Police Officer. His golden name-tag, located on the hip, read "Investigator Giuseppes". He stood around 6'0", emitting a glorious scent of expensive cologne. His chest was home to an abnormally large scar across it (as well as holding close to his heart a necklace, which stated " In memory of Annabell Sturm - R.I.P ") - He would occasionally inherit eye-bags from sleep deprivation, as a result of insomnia/depression.

Samuel 'Sammy' Giuseppes

[!] Item - Glock 17
Physical Description - A tall male standing at 6'2 with light brown hair. He has a strong athletic build and he'd usually wear smart clothing, accompanied by an intimidating facial expression that would be on display via his face. Would wear a badge underneath his suit, labeled "Investigator Giuseppes".

Kotori 'Mija' Yoongi - Rose Giuseppes

High-School Student
Physical Description - Standing at 4”5 with a pear-shaped body. She has freckles on her shoulders and bridge of her nose, her skin is blushed pale with fresh / older scars all over her body and hetero-chromia eyes (meaning one eye was dis-coloured darker) accompanied by blue, dyed hair. She smells of roses. There’s a bandage on her right arm, covering a deep wound.

[!] SECRET [!]
Kazuo 'Kazza' Giuseppes

High-School Student
Physical Description - A skinny boy at the height of 5'8 with fair skin. He'd have messy brown hair with sparkling blue eyes. He'd have a smooth and quiet voice, dimples appearing when he smiles. His clothes would always be formal. A cast would be around his right arm.

Cassandra "Cass" Giuseppes

Maternity Leave
Physical Description - ‘Cassie’ Barrons | A rather small woman, standing at a mere height of 5’1”. Her freckles are light and are scattered across the top of her cheeks which have a natural blush, and the bridge of her nose. Her eyes are similar to the color of ocean blue. She would wear a beautiful wedding ring on her ring finger.

Amadeo "Ama" Giuseppes

High-School Student
Physical Description - A small male teenager with blonde, dyed hair. He had Italian-American ethnicity, with a strong Italian accent. He had a little grin to him, and could often be seen causing mischief.

Matteo "Matt" Giuseppes

Physical Description - A well-tailored man, that looked fit for his purpose as a Police Officer. His golden name-tag, located on the chest, that read "Commissioner Giuseppes". He stood around 6'0", emitting a glorious scent of expensive cologne. He would have a scar beneath his eye where Ricco pushed him against a radiator when he was younger.

There is definitely more family members, but it refuses to let me place up any images of their characters. I'll try and find a fix to the issue for the future.

The Giuseppes are currently allied with the following families:
~ Barrons Family
~ Ripper Family
~ Gray Family
Link | No.1 Best Friend / Police Partner
Annabell "Anna" Sturm

[!] Item - Glock 17
Physical Description - An agile female standing at 5’9, her hair would be dark brown and curly, framing her face and friendly blue eyes nicely. She’d have a calm voice with a German accent. She’d have holstered Police gear and a badge saying: “Head-Lieutenant Annabell Sturm”.
~ Barrons Family
~ Ripper Family
~ Gray Family

Link | No.1 Best Friend / Police Partner
Annabell "Anna" Sturm

[!] Item - Glock 17
Physical Description - An agile female standing at 5’9, her hair would be dark brown and curly, framing her face and friendly blue eyes nicely. She’d have a calm voice with a German accent. She’d have holstered Police gear and a badge saying: “Head-Lieutenant Annabell Sturm”.

And so it begins . . .
On January 1st, 1990, Samuel Mario Giuseppes was born. Tailing 3 years after that, also on the unique date of January 1st, Ricco Mario Giuseppes was then born in 1993 - Florence, Italy.

and Samuel- Sam's 4th birthday)
and Samuel- Sam's 4th birthday)
"The Giuseppes family were a very wealthy family, living on privately owned land with a manor labeled "The Giuseppes Penthouse" engraved above the doorbell. The entire family would dress the part every single day, as this was their normal attire. The fathers would go to work every day, working in the Office's helpfully placed within the Privately owned land only yards away from the manor, and would earn good pay from it. The children of the family would attend a Private Tutoring school on the 4th floor of the manor, and where taught from the age of 3 upwards..."
Our story begins at a rather odd beginning. A past alliance family, the Kaderona's, once was the shelter in which Ricco could call home. Living under them for 1 whole year, his safety was in their hands.
After such a horrid beginning with Ricco's soon to be family, his parents were struck by the situation and suggested he moved far, far away from wherever he was living; this was due to it being far to dangerous for him. His existence was put on the line of every second longer he remained in the area. Luckily, his father had a good suggestion. Seeing as Ricco would rather not spend his entire life with his parents, and neither did Samuel living in the manner, the Giuseppes turned to the alliance family known as the Kaderona's for a chance to gain a place to restart afresh. His father rung up Marcus Kaderona and requested that Ricco and Samuel came to live in Japan with them, with extra protection that his father would pay for. Marcus agreed with triumph and spoke for a couple of hours over the phone as they caught up on each other's life.

(Samuel Giuseppes - Recruitment)

(Federicco Giuseppes - Recruitment)
A month later, Ricco and Samuel said their farewells to the neighborhood of New Jersey (where Ric was previously situated), and flew away to Japan. They both met with the Kaderona's, and were welcomed by a party set for themselves! They were both excited and spent the night getting overly-drunk and playing awful games among Marcus, Marcelo, Lucifer, Aulliver and Alonzo. It was fantastic. On top of this, Ricco was now also being medicated for his depression as well and is handling this safely and correctly by himself.
During this time, Ricco and Samuel decided that they needed a job placement within Karakura, similar to that of their past jobs as Officers in New Jersey and Florence. On that decision, they applied for the Police Force. Having an anxious 6 weeks to wait before their applications were under moderation made Ricco and Samuel unemployed adults. They enjoyed drinking and partying their lives away with family during this period, spending time with the Kaderona's, and had a blast the majority of times when surrounded by such positive aromas. After the moderation, Ricco, and Same were both alerted that they had in fact passed, and became Police Cadets at the station. They immediately tell Marcus Kaderona [???] on the fantastic news; Ricco and Samuel then head towards the KPD ( Karakura Police Department ) and receive their uniform, taser, and baton, as well as their Cadet training as the weeks, go by.

Ricco finally passes his Cadet test, and ranks up to Patrol Officer! During the process, he also gains a new partner, Annabell Sturm. (Also known as the perfect duo) During the present time, Ricco had fallen into a rather large pit of darkness. He wasn't reaching out to his colleagues, showing little to no respect to his fellow peers, including higher-ups, and disregarded himself as a "useless officer" after the becoming of a "monster" he called himself due to the whole situation where he lost control. Here to bring him at peace, was Spermia- Imean- Annabell Sturm, his police patrolling partner.

Upon speaking with Ricco about his life issues (which included him punching his desk so hard that he fractured his wrist and hand in multiple places), letting him let loose for a while, Sturm managed to regain some order into Ricco's disordered lifestyle. She aided him when sorting his issues into sections so that Ricco could focus more on the worsened parts, due to him over-worrying about small things; she collected his thoughts and rationalized him. After this, he became somewhat changed. Ricco's low moods de-frequented periodically, and he seemed a lot more content at work.
However, as the year passed by and all seemed calm and serene, Ricco receives a report he never thought would reach his direction. An anonymous civilian files a report on his own brother, Marcus, and is informed that he had worked for the "Black Market" business, selling illegal weaponry and drugs to those who require them. In the pure shock, Ricco leaves the report to the higher-ups, who decide to investigate. After finding Marcus, in fact, guilty to the crime, Ricco was distraught and feeling the ultimate betrayal in the trust and relationship he had between him and Marcus. 10,000,000 yen was burnt to a crisp in front of his eyes, some of the money his own, and enough was enough. Ricco left the Kaderona's -

Although Ricco left on such a tough note, he decided it was time to yet again turn over a brand new leaf in his journey through life, and see what it bring him. In the station one day, his eyes were strung on a young woman named "Freya Bennett", as she trots up to the front desk and requests to bail someone. With a sharp grin, Ricco happily replies- also taking her number during the process as well. This was the beginning of something big.
6 weeks later, (we shan't speak of the.. antics between those weeks) Ricco and Freya can be seen in a wedding avenue, embracing an everlasting kiss beneath the bright sun in harmony. Ricco would easily count this as his happiest moment in life. Things were finally looking optimistic again; Freya was his reason to continue on strong.
A day passes after the wedding.
The day after, Ricco and Freya prepare themselves for a weeks trip to Canada! They spend the entire week visiting the mountain peaks, skiing in the blessed snow, and enjoying the cold, fresh air that Canada has to offer. This was the trip of a lifetime and one that was spent stress-free.

On this date, Ricco and Freya had to come to an immense decision. Seeing as Freya did not accept the idea of becoming pregnant, they decided to adopt their first child. However, this did not go to plan. Only a few nights before they chose to do this, Ricco and Freya both found out that by accidental "situations", Freya had fallen pregnant. They both agreed now was the time to begin a proper family seeing the circumstances, and so they decided to do so. At this point, Ricco began to show an interest in a house as well to have to shelter to his brand new family.
Kotori Yoongi-Rose was her name. Upon signing the necessary legal documents from her parents to sign ownership over to Ricco and Freya, she officially became a part of the family! Kotori's life hadn't been the greatest, with abusive relationships being the enemy here, the Giuseppe's wanted to change that. For the near future, Ricco loves and adores Kotori with all he can, and provides the health care and mental help to solve all her issues that he physically can. Without further doubt, Kotori Yoongi-Rose Giuseppes was welcomed into the family!

Upon more decision making between Freya and Ricco, they decided it would be time to adopt yet another child. There was a young girl, previously disowned from a colleague of Ricco's, with the beautiful name of "Lillian Rose". Ricco saw her and immediately fell in love with her small, innocent antics, as they bonded over each other's faults and became a very close pair. Kotori was also bonding with her, as many of the personality traits and mannerisms adopted into one another whereof similarity rather than difference. Ricco took Lillian to his house and sat her down in front of himself and Kotori. After agreeing with herself to sign all the needed documents, Lillian Rose Giuseppes was welcomed as a family member!

Event Story: 17/02/2019
This story begins underneath the ground; from deep bellow, in the Karakura's very own subway station, a gas leak occurred. Hearing the news, the SAT crew are rushed over to find that the station was filled with "dead 'cleaners' ".

After viewing this catastrophic scene, the SAT crew leave without another word, reporting it to the rest of the Force as a "gas leak Emission" - and to: "Stay clear of all Subway Stations". During the time it took for the gas to reach the surface from the subway, the Cleaners had awoken.
Angry at what had happened to them, and majorly caused by the inhaling of this toxic gas, made them completely loose their minds. They began screaming, "REVOLT! REVOLT! LET THEM FEEL OUR PAIN!" evidently intoxicated from the mustard-yellow fumes. As they arose to the surface, each and everyone one of them equipped with a trusty flamethrower, with an array of other weapons too.
Now you might be thinking, how does Ricco come into all of this? Well. If someone was to say inhale this gas, what would the effects be exactly? The problem with this gas is it caused the victim to go insane. Common sense became a distant memory, only floating behind slowly, whilst every other part of the brain that controls actions became blurry lined. On the night, Ricco managed to receive a call of a victim to the gas impaling their heads into the wall of the 11-7 window. He ran over to see that the person was now dead.

In a panic, he called his colleagues on the phone, with "K900 > All Units: Requesting back up on 11....-7...... *The phone would be dropped.*" Ricco would smirk under his mask, removing it. There was a leak in his gas mask. He removes it, everybody around him beginning to scream in terror... "OFFICER NO!" "KEEP YOUR MASK ON-!" Ignoring the request of desperation, his mask was removed. Ricco pulls out the gun, shooting a shot into the air, screaming in joy. His laughs became related to those of a maniac, as he trampled around the 11-7 parking lot, shooting innocent civilians with his Glock-17. He completely lost his mind.
Here to save the day, was Inspector John Conware equipped with a Glock-17 too. He shoots Ricco right in the gut, instantly killing the man dead on sight. The civilians all rush for refuge in the provided shops around the area, as the whole town panics in peril.

It was official, Kazuo Mario Giuseppes was finally welcomed into the world.

Having a rather tiresome and painful entering, Freya fell ill and was absolutely exhausted, as expected. Ricco in all his efforts tried his best to both cater for Freya, Kotori, Kazuo, and Lillian all at once on top of his extremely to a heavy job as an Officer. At this point in life, Ricco was at his all-time low. He was moody 24/7, and constantly having negative thoughts on the world, not once looking back to think what he was doing was wrong. It was at this time that Annabell made an agreement that she promised to keep forever. She swore on her life to look after the Giuseppes family, and if that meant getting her killed, then "so be it".
At this time, Ricco managed to final purchase the house that he had been wanting after Herrington's decided that the hefty price was far too obscure. Ricco was able to gain his house for the family and began to set up his life once again, without Freya this time, with their own house entirely for themselves.
Around a month after this, a stabbing incident occurred in the forest walk, location not to be precise. On a patrol by himself, Ricco was struck with a Kama towards the chest after attempting to search a male in full, black clothing, causing him to be in critical condition. He was referred to an ambulance as soon as possible by an extremely traumatized football-team member, where he spent the night in the A&E, slowly recovering both mentally and physically as much as he could.
Upon this thought making process (his negative thoughts not being blocked out), he began to distance himself from all the family members. He began to also use Police work as a distraction from his real-life problems, because trust me, it's easier than it sounds to take out your life problems on criminals in iron-barred cells. He began to think he was taking work seriously, whilst failing miserably in the process. Habits that often can become adopted in depressed individuals such as drinking and smoking sprung back into Ricco's life, automatically providing a wall between his health and his job.

Soon after this, Freya called Ricco announcing that she was "done with his bullshit". They began a long (hour) argument over the phone, and the entire time, Ricco's attitude remained the same. He came across as if he couldn't give less of a shit quite frankly, on top of coming across as a ****y asshole. She decided enough was enough and removed herself completely from the Giuseppes life.

On one night, just 3 days after the divorce, where Lillian was once again admitted into the hospital for yet another suicide attempt that was out of Ricco's reach, he thought enough was enough. He rung up his the******, alerting him that everything was alright with him; ensuring that he was off-guard for this attempt. He then made his way up to the top of the mountain, and simply cried for hours upon hours, alone.

Slowly but surely, Kotori grew worried after Ricco was failing to answer her texts or calls until he said in a shaky reply back - "meet me at the top of the mountain." - where they shared their last moments they would together before Ricco was referred to a mental hospital for a few months to recover from the chain of events that caused his depressed mental state.

Although Ricco began to think of himself as a failure, and that no one could ever love the mess that was Ricco Giuseppes, a young lady named "Cassandra Barrons" was here to prove him wrong. When he first arrived, all the couple did was catch eyes, and apply a warm smile to one another. As Ricco and 'Cassie' realized they were both here for the same reason meaning that they were both on the same ward; this kicked started the most random conversations ever, but did still, in fact, help Ricco to have another person to relate to.
By this time, it was clear that Ricco had the heart to heart feelings for the young woman that he spent most of his days communicating with, and this simply made him over the moon. 4 days into his mental health program, Cassandra and Ricco began a healthy and romantic relationship with each other. Ricco believed in himself once again, for the first time in a while.

In contrast to the slightly more happier 'ending' to the paragraph above, Ricco after 1 week was referred to the ward above her, as his mental health and anger management slowly became worse. He was devastated. At this time as well, Annabell Sturm was aware that her life may soon be cut short to an end. The constant smell of death coming towards her every time she set a foot outside the station caused her to want to see Ricco, even if it was her very last visit. The next morning, Annabell set out on her mission to see Ricco.
When she arrived, the ward was in a flustered panic. No one could recall seeing Ricco, and from CCTV footage, it was confirmed he had escaped to the nearest train track. Annabell came to the front desk and explained who she was, getting straight back into the police care and driving to the train tracks. Upon arriving there, Ricco could be seen crawled up in a ball, sat on the lines. Anna sprints over, and begins to talk to Ricco about his life decisions (dramaa...) - In doing this, she passes over a small pendant from her neck, into his palm, and states "Look after this for me". Nurses and Doctors take no longer to arrive, and begin to assess the situation. They soon begin to realize that in fact, he was feeling safer with Anna then with them, and so the nurse took out her phone and takes a photo of them both smiling, as a memory for Ricco to keep.

After the whole situation died down to a bearable level of some sort, and Anna returned home safely, slowly but surely Ricco began to improve once again in the foreseeing future to a better state.

Ricco and Cassandra were once again united! This is due to the fact Ricco kept on nagging over and over again until he was allowed back into the ward, only for a visit, and ended up immediately regaining those strong and harmonizing emotions towards the female that changed his life for the better. He continued to stay in the ward from then forward, every single day beginning to show intriguing and positive signs of recovery.
He also returned to work for a couple of days, visiting the remaining colleagues that he knew who survived the sudden rise of gang activity within Karakura.

(Ricco and the Police Dog [Mitsuo] - on his return into the station for a small visit)
During these months were very dark for Kotori. She had no one there and remained in the shadows for a while.

The horrid day, that was just waiting to happen...
A speech was given by Ricco himself -
"She will be always, always in my heart. From becoming just a colleague, to truly a best friend. You looked after me when I was ill. Both mentally, and physically. You had my back, 24/7. You cried on my shoulder in the ambulance, wishing for a God to exist, and make this all a dream... Annabell Sturm. You were my everything. When I was being ignored, you'd pay attention to me. When I was feeling alone, you'd appear for me. And now, you're gone. You're gone because I didn't have your back, that one.. last time. Those.. beasts.. those... horrible, fucking *********s..- ended your life. And on behalf of you, and my entire fucking family- I will fucking end it for you. You're suffering won't go down and forgotten. Don't. You. Worry." ~ Federicco Giuseppes, 2k19

The ring would read - "R.I.P Annabell Sturm. My soulmate."
(VOIDED-Story Altered [Read on!])

It was on this date that Ricco was now officially discharged from the hospital! He was extremely happy about the case and insisted that Cassandra came back to Karakura with him and shared the house. She agreed and was given a discharge leave 3 weeks after Ricco's. He impatiently awaits her arrive into Karakura.

Ricco, on this very day, became the only 1 of 2 officers (him & Teppo) from his wave to remain alive.

On one mediocre day in the office as a Police Officer, Ricco received a phone call from a "No Caller ID" - thinking it was more cop bait. Someone that wanted to kill him, because at this point, who in the force had it not happened too. He decided to ignore all the calls, and go undercover, in his off-duty attire. Doing so, he saw the person he'd been sure enough waiting for since he left the hospital. Cassandra, stood there, unknowing to the appearance of Ricco behind her.

With a swift behind hug from Ricco, she jumped in joy, sharing a bountiful kiss together. Shortly after this, they both shared the night together at Ricco's, both getting extremely, extremely drunk...

After Cassandra and Ricco had slightly sobered up, Ricco had.. other ideas..
Welp! Giuseppes number three is on the way...!

After a long journey from back home in America, Cassandra decided, seeing as he would be part of the family too, to introduce Amadeo into Karakura. The small male would have the similar facial structures to those of Ricco's, seeing as his.. brother.. was Amadeo's father (awks) - but shortly after meeting Amadeo, they began to bond extremely well, both enjoying each others company.

Amadeo, however, quickly made himself known at school to become quite the mischief maker. He would act extremely kind in front of teachers, but behind the scenes, it would be the flint and steel to any issue. He likes to involve himself with issues that do not belong to him, and often gets himself into deep trouble with this.

During this period, it also became clear that Kazuo, Ricco's son, was struggling with mental health problems. His social awareness, along with his skills, was not at the best it could be, causing him to become paranoid, and nervous during social situations.

(Kazuo Mario Giuseppes - Age 17)
His over-working behaviors, adopted by Ricco's genes, has even been brought to a head as a serious issue of Kazuo's. Kazuo often feels like he's the "odd one out" of the family, and blames himself for all of the issues he causes. Soon, Ricco hopes to support Kazuo in all of his struggles during life, whilst juggling work again. But this time, he is not alone. Cassie is there.

After the suspicion of a male named "Azrael Pierce" was brought to the attention of the officers, it was time to begin a raid. All officers knew what they were to sign up for, and this included Ricco. It would either be a disaster AND a failure, or just a failure or just... maybe success for once!- It was a failure. However, there were no officers injured or killed during any raid, which caused them to think highly of themselves.

("R.G" & "C.G")
However, the second raid on a house, next door to Ricco's, was far more successful. Upon entering the building, heaps of weaponry and armor, which is illegal would be found. To end on a good note, Teppo Setäla decided on the demolition using a "bomb" of sorts to blow up the shed in which they were found in. The Karakura Police Department plodded back to the station, in happy hearts and full of optimism. There was finally some hope, shining through the clouds for them on that day.

The entire family is gathered together, for the first time fully, and watch a movie together. Upon doing this, as well, their house got an entire new refurbishment! This was the beginning of the reformation to the Giuseppes family in Karakura, and the small group of members who were to be ranked as "Higher Family Members" in the families business and trust.


Along with there being Ricco and Samuel Giuseppes, who were at times the best of brothers to be around, there were still many brothers and sisters that Ricco would have, however they were remaining with his family that remained in Italy, purely for protection. As the gang activity began to rise in Karakura and reached a peak point, Ricco's parents decided that due to all of the siblings involving themselves in some sort of legal/law enforcement job, they should attend to Karakura and help to support it when they were in need the most, but most important, keep their son Ricco alive and healthy to help lead the family. This would be the introduction of Andrea, Vivianna, Yunalsaka, Matteo and Enzo's entrance into Karakura, along with, in some cases, their children/families too. The remaining sibling is still in Italy, being named [REDACTED] Giuseppes (soon to come!) to join them- Due to Matteo's qualifications being at such a high level, the police station now officially belonged to the Giuseppes family; Matteo became the new Commissioner.

Cassandra continues to be pregnant with the new baby which is announced to be a boy! Ricco takes a "break" from work in order to regain mental stability once again whilst also supporting his pregnant partner at home. It was also about this time that Kazuo began to roll downhill with his mental health too, being joined shortly after with Kotori who fell into a woe of intrusive and destructive thoughts due to her fiance deciding to cheat on her, pulling apart her trust once again as she falls back at square one. Kazuo's issues were more to do with over-working himself, in which he gets from Ricco. This made him stroppy, tired, uncaring and a mess of a person at times; his energy at times would be fuelled purely from energy drinks and nothing else. Ricco also purchased his suit, for the wedding, from the tailors.

The house begins to get a new refurbishment, once again. Still in progress as of this time! The new bedroom is prepared for the baby, as well as piteous amounts of milk and baby food is now bought.


(New roles in the Giuseppes Discord Server)
As the Police Station now officially becomes signed off to the Giuseppes, they begin to brainstorm ideas on how they can begin to sort this city out once and for all, in the sense of removing any criminal issues from it. After a short while, Ricco began to pull together a collection of ideas together and call it the "Legal Support Scheme" in which would involve every single trusted Police Member in it. The aim of it is to. . . [REDACTED] - and by the end, end up having enough to spend on those who really need it, homeless people, education and for all to remove any sort of corrupting behavior/attitudes away from Karakura's environment.

Not only was this a special time for Ricco and Cassandra, as they promise to take each other hand in hand for the rest of their lives at the marriage, but a surprise appearance came at 7:39 pm, in the bathrooms of Heartbucks, Giovanni Giuseppes was born! Helping to deliver the baby was Yunalsaka and Ricco: both trained in midwifery to help deliver Giovanni safe and sound. The day for both members was overall nervewracking and extremely tiring, but, by the end of it, extremely rewarding.

After a long 6 hours, Giovanni was introduced!

By becoming a Giuseppes family member, you agree on..
You will not betray a family members trust, or spread false/true information to bring down another member to other people.
You must have consistent activity. Without this, you may miss out on vital times of roleplay, which means that there would be virtually no point to you being included in the family at all.
If you get banned, you break the family rules or receive so many warns, you will be removed from the family as a whole. Killing permissions may be arranged (without Ricco's knowledge [It would be corrupt if I did so]) and you're the character, depending on how bad the action is, may come to an end.
If you would like to join the family or have friends who would like to join the family, PM me on discord, or simply invite them to the Giuseppes discord, where I can speak with them.
Especially when involved in the Legal Support Scheme, you are not allowed to be corrupt in any manner.
(If your player ICly doesn't know, then it is excused - unless they are caught)
You should be roleplaying at a high literacy during in your roleplay. E.g longer actions (excluding my brother, he's retarded) - actually remaining sensible to ensure that roleplay is as fun as possible, but also be able to distinguish when to become serious.
If you are arrested for anything major, or at all for the matter (excluding failure to pay fines, minor or stupid things) then you’re out of the family. Realistically, being an officer, Ricco would no longer enjoy being in the company of someone who graffiti-ed his work, for example.

Thank you for taking the time to read this; be sure to check this out in the near future to come, as well! -
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