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Language Application: French


Level 9
IGN: yozb
Language your character knows: French

How does your character know this language?:
Nathaniel Maeng originally lived in Busan, South Korea. Around the time of this story, Nathaniel was about 11 years old. His father was well acquainted with a French man named Antoine, who lived in Strasbourg, France. After the father had a conversation over the phone with Antoine, Nathaniel was informed that they’d be going on a trip to Strasbourg to visit Antoine’s family. About a month later, the family flew to France. The Maeng family originally intended to visit for about two weeks. However, Nathaniel’s cousin was found to be critically injured due to a pneumothorax (a collapsed lung). Due to the urgency and being one of the only available relatives, Nathaniel’s father sent funds to provide financial support for the high medical bill. However, because of this, they were unable to afford the trip back to Busan. This caused the Maeng family to live alongside Antoine’s family for about two years in France. This situation created an opportunity for Nathaniel to learn French. Since they’d be stuck in France for a while, it was crucial that they’d learn the native language. Antoine also had children of his own, and they became friends with Nathaniel. Antoine’s family taught him basic conversational phrases in French. Eventually, after Nathaniel was able to speak in basic French vocabulary, he attended the same school alongside his new friends. In class, his friends would often explain certain difficult words to Nathaniel. He also attended tutoring sessions after school to help his linguistic skills in French. Eventually, he was able to carry on more advanced conversations and his fluency improved. After the two years in France, and with additional financial support from their family relatives, the Maeng family was finally able to afford the trip back to Busan. Nathaniel was able to return with a newly developed language. (This took place in the earlier stages of Nathaniel’s life, he would soon move to Karakura after his father received a promising job offer in Japan.)


Level 104

Congratulations, your application has up-to-par with our standards, and has been accepted! You can request for your language to be added on the server through /help, or through direct messaging an Administrator+ on Discord.

- PS. This application is amazingly detailed and well-organized. Great job!

P.S: If you have any questions/inquiries about this application, feel free to message me over Discord!; Knot#2096

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