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Last Pictures?


Level 152
Hello everyone, I have decided to make this thread about the final memories we have on this map. I am not an important guy on the server but yes, I had this idea for a long time, and now since we're less than 24 hours away from the release. Why not share some pictures? Every photo counts for last hours. Lets get started.


A front view of the Coffee Shop

A deep view of the sewers (Sorry if it's not viewable)

The place where many people came to talk and what not.

Post more if you want to!
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Level 152
Thread starter
Ducking's home not under the pond
A small screenshot of the popularity of the Family Store.

A view of the Coffee Shop Inside it.

The infamous Radio Tower.

Good old Resident 62.

The area where T.D.S/T.I gang, had their meetings and Rin got arrested.

The place where many jumped in and didn't know how to come out.

The, uh y'know. . .

A view of the college

Where me personally had my first kill on the server.

The forest in it's prime.


Level 152
Thread starter
I couldn't get into the school. Sorry for not having any photos about the school! I hope any of you could go inside and manage to get photos, thanks!

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