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Denied Lavish | receptionist application


Level 1
Out-Of-Character Information

What is your Minecraft username?:


Do you have Discord (If so, what is your discord username?):


How old are you? (Optional):


What is your time zone?:


Describe your activity on the server:

I’m almost on everyday for around 2-5 hours, but never on the weekends

Have you ever been banned (If yes, when and why?):

Only banned for 3 days can’t remember what for

Do you acknowledge that if you are

inactive you will be demoted?:

I acknowledge this

School Employee Role you are applying for?:

Applying receptionist

In as much detail as possible, describe the employee role you are applying for:

Receptionist are the smile and welcome to the school, they will be sat at the front desk open and ready to help new students to guide them for their first day and helping any students that are looking for help, they are pretty much surrounded with all the information a student wpuld new. they have access to intercoms to call out of help or help a student around or when someone is in trouble.

What experience, in general, do you have in roleplay?:

When i first started playing minecraft i would join creative servers with friends and play school rp with a lot of people getting the experience of playing roleplay. i find SRP and eas extremely excited to finally have a server dedicated to RP, Now i’ve been playing for almost a year and i fully got the experience playing as a student and this is why i want to step up and have a new experience on SRP

Why do you want to join the School

Employee faction?:

More roleplay experience, Kotori has had a pretty hard life and what’s to improve herself and step up, the school employees inspired her to take a step and gave her courage to do what she wants. the whole school has truly inspired her and made her realise she wants to be apart of this team cause everyone is so lovely and caring

Link(s) to any previous applications and appeals on the server:

Russian application - [Accepted]

Application for Italian - [Accepted]

What are your current role(s) on the server? (If you're college, specify your degree level):

Currently a grade 12 student



/*Do not mention use of FearRP*/

During a work-shift a student starts cursing at you for being pathetic, how does your character react?:

Kotori is a very calm and bold person.

In A calm tone she would walk over to the student asking them “First of all, you need to calm down and tell me if i havedone something to upset you? if so let’s go talk”

As a adult you need to be calm with students as we are their role models and they look up to us. But if the students carry’s on “If you’re not willing to calm down im going to have to warn you if you keep going i’ll be punishing you”

You notice two students are physically fighting in the hallway, – multiple punches have been thrown – how does your character react?:

Id rush over there while calling over the radio to acknowledge other employees especially calling for the nurse as a student looks to be pretty bruised up as there is a fight and i need back up. i try backing up the fight with other employees, sitting the students down and calming asking why this fight started and how we can solve problems without violence! but i give them both a detention for not following school rules and listening to the school staff

Another school employee is clearly acting inappropriately, doing something very dangerous on the job, how does your character react?:

Would quietly call over the radio to warn others staff about the employee before getting involved to stop the situation and protect whoever the employee is making uncomfortable

if the situation was dangerous i would of course step in too protecting the person as they are very uncomfortable and vulnerable

id radio over to a higher up tell them about the situation and warn other employee

When in the employee break room, how does your character act?

She’d grab her lunch and sit sort of near the employee taking a deep breathe putting a smile on her face making the the vibe is right to start a conversation and make the employee feel comfortable and welcomed, she’d simply ask how the day is going so far which is a spark to the conversation as kotori is a very welcoming person and is always up for a chat

Provide us with at least three detailed /me's of your character whilst on your chosen role:

/me A soft welcoming smile appears on her face as she looks up seeing a student patiently waiting “Hello there! What can i help with you today” She says with a warm tone, She’s opens her draw looking for the school timetable “What’s you’re name dear” she pulls her pen out of the pen holder writing the students name down on the timetable “There you go love! Now if you need anymore help please come find me i’ll be sitting here!” i give the student a Warm smile

/me My eyes focused on my pen as a write away on the new documents, my eyes following the fine line i could hear the bell in the distance a small smile appears on my face as my tummy growls at me. i stand up stretching my back in a classy yet elegant way picking up my black handbag, quickly making my desk neat before i head off to lunch.

/me My eyes focused on the words in this book as school is quiet as students are in classrooms. i feel a presence infront of me i slowly look up closing my book placing it besides me “Hello dear why ain’t you in class?” i say softly, Tapping my finger on the desk as the student speaks “Oh yes the toilets, it’s just down this hallway and on you’re left my dear! now hurry and get back to class you got learning to do” i say softly reaching for my book once again continuing to read away.


In-Character Section

(Pretend your character is filling this out, not you)

Full Name (First & Last only): Kotori Kuznetsova

Title (Mr, Mrs, Miss): Miss

Preferred Name: Kotori

Age (Minimum is 25):

Gender: 25

Academic Degree: Degree in communication and Computer literacy

Major(s): Education

Minors: Social Skills

Nationality: Russian

Known Languages: English italian russian


Kotori Kuznetsova was born on 8th of january 1998, Birth place Yekaterinburg

She was raised by her father as her mother fled before we was even 1.

Her father tried making their lives wealthy and happy, he would buy her very expensive gifts so she would fit in at school. Kotori felt very out of place uneasy at school she always get bullied for having one parent. she eventually convince her father to let me home schooled as bullying as getting too much he agreed. Money people would be coming in and out of their home everyday kotori seeing masked man with bats be their side collecting money for her father she hated this.

Kotori would open her eyes seeing her father rushing packing bags “Sweetie we need to go” he whispers grabbing her arm pulling her out of the house “Dadd my toys and everything” she said softly he placed his hand on her face “It’s better for us to move i got business in Karakura” he softly give her a smile placing her in the car, kotori had so many thoughts going through her head maybe this was a better direction for her life.

It’s been a year now since they have moved to Karakura, Japan kotori life been a bit better since they left she’s now starting high school grade 7 hoping to meet new friends and become a A+ student like her father.

As more years go on kotori finds herself involved in criminal activities Her father wasn’t proud of how she was turning out the constant arguing everyday made kotori run away and move with her friend, every night kotori would be out doing illegal activities with her so called gang she thought there was no other way of making money. Kotori lost her leg due to gang involvement, her leg got sewn back on luckily she didn’t have to get a prosthetic leg, after this incident kotori really thought to herself about why she’s doing this she misses her father her quiet life she had going in Karakura. she eventually pick her bags and going back home. she’d open the door seeing a female with 6 kids surrounding her kotori felt confused and uncomfortable “KOTORI” the women would yell rushing into her arms kotori dropped her bags looking directly at her father he softly smile “Who are you” kotori softly asked “I’m you’re mother” she pushes her off looking at her anger confused “I came back to fix myself and now you randomly show up” kotori raising her voice “Kotori sit down. we can talk about this”.

Another year goes by

once again mother fled leaving kotori father and new siblings for them to take care of.

She would wake up every morning grt everyone ready for school help them with their homework while she was studying for a degree in communications as she wanted to better herself as the school and teachers had inspired and helped her become this new person she wanted to be apart of the team. Kotori and her father built their relationship back up again he was proud she wasn’t involved in gang violence anymore and is growing to be the girl she wants to be.

Motivation for Joining KHS:

I was so inspired by the employees here at

Karakura high school, the feeling of being nice and feeling welcomed again, id love the feeling of moving to japan and starting a new life and bettering myself. i want to be able to bring my abilities and skills to this school and hoping to inspire students to become their dream one day

Do you have any previous experience working in a school environment? If so, please elaborate (If not, respond with "N/A"):

I uss to tutor my siblings in all their subjects as my father was always working. i help them every subject, i eventually made my own tutoring program where my siblings would bring their friends who needed help would come in and we all have a lesson together to help them improve in school.

Why should you be accepted over the other applicants?:

i want to inspire students i want to help them make their dreams come true. i want everyone to feel welcome and comfortable at the this school i care for these kids like my own children. i want to guide them down the right path and hopefully they all become something big one day. i’m a loyal confident bold employee i feel like i could bring so much time and abilities to this community


Thankyou for taking ur time to read :)


Level 211

Thank you so much for taking the time to apply for this position! But compared to the other applicants, unfortunately, I've chosen to deny this application.

You may re-apply in 7 days.

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