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Accepted Lawyer App || Shinjigami


Level 3

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Do you have a working microphone?:
I do, I am just a bit shy!

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Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):

Describe your activity on the server:
For a while, I was struggling with activity due to being a full time pre-law student, and having personal things in my life.. I am very active for the most part, i’d rate my activity to be a 7.5/10. I want to become more active, and this faction is the perfect for me considering I enjoy anything law- Being able to rp it sounds ten times much fun! I was reporter for a bit, but a lot got in the way of me being able to sit down and write full reports- Mainly my sister's health and school. I would not be applying to a new faction IF I knew I was not able to balance irl with rp!
I play as TsukiKage Kirishiki, who I will speak more about down below, and he is already a very professional and sophisticated persona. The law/government world would fit perfectly with him in it. He is my current main char, and the one I enjoy to rp as.


What position are you applying for?:

I will be applying for lawyer

What is your motivation for applying?:
I am actually studying law, irl. It is my goal to become a lawyer- just like my father and family.. I am VERY well at debates, very well at grasping concepts. I am put weekly in the shoes of a lawyer, being handed old cases and having to unravel them as if it were a real trial.. Leading to Fridays becoming “TRIAL DAY.”
It isnt all about IRL law. I struggled to come out of my shell in srp, and I still do- A few friends recommended me to join this faction since they exclaim how fun and kind it is.. I agreed, law is something I already understand, so why not add it to my roleplays. I am able to apply the SRP law so perfectly.
I want to expand my roleplay, getting to understand a faction better, and bettering my roleplay as a whole! My vocabulary is very advanced, which is useful when it comes to roleplay. I am able to detail things and put more emphasis in actions/statements...

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:
I do! I went on to read both separately and understand everything- I have a good memory, so the rights were very easy to know/remember! The laws are something I will continue to take time to read over and over till I fully remember them, which is not hard for me! I know where to access each of them, which I would like to say is important!

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:

As I briefly mentioned in my motivation- I want to advance my rp. SchoolRP is very fun, do not get me wrong, but it would also be fun to do more than just that.. I want to get out of my shell too, find new people to rp with. I am a very shy person, and it took others needing to introduce me to people to help me be less-shy. I now want to better that on my own, and join something that I know I will enjoy and meet new people while doing so!
TsukiKage is part of the Kirishiki family, a small but growing family with great jobs. His sisters are both a psychiatrist and governor- and that's where he fits in. His Russian-Scary parents were known to be very harsh on all three of them, leaving him to study a career that will only lead him to success. He did not want to go on and follow his father's footsteps of entering the medical field, but instead he wanted to build his own name. He wants to be known as Sir Ozaki, the lawyer he worked for it on his own! He wants to help get justice for those searching for it, and build his reputation as a sophisticated-respectable man.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
The position I am applying for, Lawyer, goes on to provide legal help to the citizans of Karakura. They are somebody who will represent a client, and navigate them through the law and constitutional process on their case and issue. They will give proper guidance to help the client understand the lawsuits. When in court, they will represent the defendant or the plantiff, and it is your job to help defend your client at all costs!
There are a numerous types of cases, which needs to be explained to you clients when doing so-
The clients can range from individuals, groups and businesses, all of this can be defended in a case/legal matter! Lawyers will investigate, do research and gather proof to build a case and go take it to court- if needed!

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I acknowledge, and understand this.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Yes, of course

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
Of course

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
Yes, I have read and agreed to follow the gov faction rules

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
I am! If by any chance I cannot, it is because of exams!



Full name:

“ Kirishiki, Tsukiakge. Tsuki for short- but I truly prefer for my colleagues to call me Sir Kirishiki.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):

Current age:

Date of birth:
October 30th 1985

Male; He/Him

Academic Degree:

Major(s): “ I attended The University of Tokyo, where I went to better my knowledge on laws and politics. I went on to double major in International relations and Political science, two things that go hand in hand.. When choosing what to focus on, speaking on international relations, I decided peace and security would grab my interst the most- and I was deeply right. After this, I had to choose a language to focus on- Since Japanese is not my native, I decided this would be perfect.. It helped me *perfect* my Japanese language, especially surrounding the law-field vocabulary. Political science was to get a good grasp on the overal law world in this country, getting to know things and how they originated is very important..- How can it not be, when defending a point in trial.. Things only go back to the orgin, you must know where things came from to conduct a deeper and further answer..”

Minor(s): “I was not looking to focus my studies on becoming a criminal justice lawyer, but I did choose this as my minor.. Criminal justice helped me understand how the minds of victims and offenders tend to work- It gave me a better visual on how to piece information together when first handed to me.”

Work experience:

15 - 16 years old: Worked as an intern in his fathers job, Moscow Central Clinical Hospital. Helped take care of older patient, file paperwork, do errands for the staff, etc.

18 Years Old: Went to work as an intern in a law-firm to see if this was the career path he wanted to study- Specifically went on to look into business law!

21 Years old: Had two jobs. Worked at a bar every night in Tokyo, Japan- And picked up selling newspaper in their loyal stations to help get his work out there

25 Years Old: Began writing for that newspaper, full time! He became a journalist and would travel, with different marines/army-men to capture their story for different pieces. He continued this job for a while until applying as a reporter in Karakura

37 Years Old: Worked as a Reporter here.

As he continued his dreams with journalism, he was often continuing his studies to get to his end-goal of becoming a laywer..

Political background:
" Politics, here is the thing about me- I do not have a side I lean more on. There are number of things from each party that I go on and have faith in, that I will stand for and speak proudly about- But, for the most part, I am quite neutral on a party. I believe in the important stuff: workplace safety regulation, equal opportunity, disability rights, racial equity, regulations against environmental pollution, criminal justice reform, lgbtq rights, and much more! I stand for a lot, and I will not be afraid to project my voice when speaking on these things to voice my opinions!"

Nationality & born location:
"I am Russian-Japanese, and was proudly born in- Moscow, Russia! Yes.. the capital of Russia."

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
Russian, Japanese

Criminal record:
" Professional , honest, loyalty- I have no record, I want to get justice for those who have been hurt! Not engage with the ones who do the hurting!"

What makes you a good candidate for this job?
"Quite a lot- actually. I am a very authentic man- someone who remains ardent about his work and can be dependable. This is what is needed when seeking a good lawyer. Lawyers need to be passionate about their job, those they work with to help case studies. I am someone very easy to get along with, I respect everyone with hope that respect will be returned. I am a person that you can fall back on, knowing you can rely on me to get the job done; Things are hard in this industry, but I will never mind a test, a challenge. I did not take the easy way in this career, how can you? Becoming a lawyer is time consuming, difficult- and I made sure I can do my best to stand above the others in my graduating class..
I care about the people, I care about this town, I care about justice. I am true to my word, I will not rest until I get a job done-and done right! I mentioned I am easy to talk to, someone you can get along with very quickly, THIS IS IMPORTANT TO THE PEOPLE. Citizens and clients need a lawyer they can trust, how else will they be willing to share things to you. I remain loyal to my clients, and I will remain professional and trust-worthy while doing so.
I can stand in the shoes of both parties to grasp a better understanding on the entire situation, helping me do better to help. I have a love and passion for this job- I have a strong family surname to continue to prove as 'HardWorking, TrustWorthy, Loyal."


Level 118

After careful discussion with the Higher Ups of the faction, we've decided to accept you:

Please contact me on Discord, @Zaldoria to start the process and get you set !

Welcome to the Government Faction !

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