Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:
Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):
Yes I do, Turtlee#0001
Do you have a microphone?
I sure do!
List your timezone and country:
GMT/BST, England
How active are you on the server?:
Honestly, I'm a a very active person within the server playing nearly everyday for the past 6 or 7 months as SRP has become a real joy to me, some could say it is quite literally addicting as it provides a escape from the world. I would be on almost every week of the day, the occasional thing may pop up, this being holidays, family events, or event just going out which I do not do that often as I tend to stay inside most of my week. I've personally stuck to SRP, and this creating me a very active member within the SRP community. If I'd have to say how active I am on SRP I'd have to say at least a 8.5 out of 10. As being a lawyer may boost my activity within the server and possibly even get be on nearly every single day of the week in fact as it would be an eye opening event to see myself get the role Lawyer.
If I'm ever not on I'll always have a valid reason as I would not take a day of without an not giving an explanation if needed. The role would also somewhat give me more to be active about and create more RP situations such as cases in courts and arguing against the opposite side. Also I have seen many lawyers around some at which I do not see many of anymore but it would be lovely to become a lawyer within the Town Faction.
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):
I have been banned twice, once was a misunderstanding at which I spoke to the staff member at which they unbanned me, the other being Minor Offences.
Link any past applications below:
(18) App for Russian language | SchoolRP [Denied]
(18) Russian Application 2 | SchoolRP [Accepted]
(18) Italian Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
(18) Character Authorization | SchoolRP [Accepted]
(20) Dutch Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
(18) Police Application | BearDucky | SchoolRP [Denied]
(18) Police Officer Application 2 | SchoolRP [Denied]
(1) Language Application | Sign Language | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?:
I'm Applying for the role of Lawyer with the Town Faction.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation was actually less weird than I thought as Lawyers are determined, argumentative, yet stick strong. I myself am quite possibly all 3 as I tend to win debates and arguments when it comes to know who is right or wrong yet also maintaining a civil and calm atmosphere as stress and panic c an cause things to break when people start to turn disrespectful and anger. Also I've looked around at the city roles and would like to go into that category myself as I had reach Grade 12 months ago and is not exciting as it used to be, even thought there are other jobs in the city tab Lawyers are underrated and it would be great to see more cases and calls to court. Also the new City roles haven't been really much of a big part of SRP recently and I see this as disappointing, this is because the lack of Lawyers, Judges, and jobs within that area haven't been so popular.
What truly motivated me to apply for Lawyer was the unique role as it is one of the most challenging yet more mysterious roles as many people do not really have this role obtained. The fact that many people see the role as pointless I believe it is not and has more to what meets the eye, in fact In my opinion its one of the jobs that requires the most concentration and skill in order to have and keep hold of. Also my 2 applications I made for KPD were denied and my personal interest in law has drawn me to instead becoming a lawyer as it has some similar things to KPD, and honestly may even be better than it possibly. Also as the lawyer role would allow me to experience the role and what the role does, this is things such as court cases as I haven't seen much cases at all but I hope that eventually that should change and go up. Increasing the chances of court cases it may help be beneficial to the character and person roleplaying, skills can be adapted while doing this job as it would help you continue through the many applications someone may do but with more knowledge because of the last job they had, for example this being the 'Lawyer' role.
Are you aware that you cannot discriminate against others in character or deny service due to race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc?:
I completely understand, yes.
What qualities prove you suitable for this role?:
I am strong, determined, and I have a lot of knowledge within this area as a whole. Having a sibling which specialises in this topic really helps me understand the role and job of a Lawyer. But that is not the only point, as I myself am interested in law. It is because I'm determined yet understanding. I am suitable for this job as I have a wide knowledge of the job as a Lawyer and its fellow friends such as Judge and even Jury. And I truly am interested to see if the lawyer job is actually eye-opening or not as it seems to be quite a fun role to have, having heard from some people.
Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:
Yes I am aware.
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
I am indeed as while applying for other roles I have looked over them multiple times to ensure that I know what I am doing is correct and not wrong, this is so I do not go in blind when applying for a job, this is not the case however I have done enough research to know what I'm applying for.
Do you have a good understanding of this position?:
I do as my older brother is a Lawyer himself, working in Criminology and the areas of Law. Also I have knowledge of many countries Laws, not all are the same. I still believe I have a good understanding as the rules of lawyer and the roles requirements aren't that hard or complicated to understand as you must have high concentration and focus at all time when applying for a position. Also applying for a job that you have looked into before actually applying which I have indeed done before making this application.
Summarize what your position does:
The job of a lawyer is to provide clients advise on legal issues to do with cases such as accidents and police cases this is things such as accidental car crashes and even accused murders in some the police cases, this all will be gathered by the lawyer before the case is called into court so the lawyer may have an understanding of what to say at the time of the court. As preparing things that are small such as deeds, and wills which do not need to be taken to court unless certain people fight other things such as a will.
The lawyer must also be provided with evidence and any possible help that may prove their client is not guilty and in a matter of fact not guilty. But during court sessions and discussions the client must stay civil at all time in order to provide a good and calming reputation towards the people within the court room. But before talking to the client before the court would be called, possibly preventing their client from being imprisoned.
In Character | Questionnaire
Pretend that it is as if your character is filling this out, not yourself
Full Name:
Alidanye De Vries Jansen

Preferred name & Title:
Miss Alida De Vries
Current age? (25+):
Past job experiences?:
The past job experiences have been things such as being a reporter in my home city, Amsterdam. Also being a lawyer back in Amsterdam when I lived there with my family, also known as the De Vries Family.
I have also worked within the army for a while as it was a path I saw my self going to as a younger woman.
And at a much younger age I worked as a waiter as it wasn't easy nor hard to be accepted into a restaurant or diner.
How would you describe yourself?:
I have hot pink hair that would pass my shoulders, my posture is very high as I tend to keep my back straight to make myself look presentable and hard working to show that I do not lack the potential of getting the job at which I'm applying for. Personally I keep my mind on work as it is was is important, such as not being off guard when a case comes up, this involves being prepared at any given time to be in court and on a case. I'd give off a rather nice and relaxing scent of Pink Orchids.
What plans do you have for the town?:
I plan to make this town a promise as I swear to do my job as it must be run such as protecting and serving my client as instructed. Nor shall I go against the client at any given time, not arguing or attacking my client in any way whether this be verbal or physical. My job is to prove my client is not guilty as best as I can, also with taking deals such as reduced sentences when needed such as reducing bail and jail time to an innocent or not innocent man regardless what he has done, as it is not my problem unless the client has come to me with evidence at which they have not done it, then providing evidence when the case is in progress, if the client is truly guilty I should still attempt to prove his innocent regardless if he had said he did or did not as people may lie. Id also like to say about how I have plans to reduce environmental problems as well such as poverty.
What jobs will you execute with this position?
The jobs at which I execute in this position will consist of giving a clear guidance on the acceptable assumption of risk this being the client knowing the risks of having the Lawyer do the case. Also conduction legal research, this will also be backed up by any given evidence that may be found during or later on in the case. Also explaining laws to the client and not misleading them by giving them legal advice. When diving deeper into the job the Lawyer, they are supposed to defend their client and even attempt to prove the other party is guilty if the client has been in a fight with the other one, for example proving that the opposite party had started the fight by using physical force such as a punch.
Do you practice any sort of religion?:
No I do not, nor am I against religion but I myself do not do anything around religion.
How did you get into politics?:
At a young age I was quite argumentative and was determined as I believed everything had its own law, such as If a wrong action was made then there would have to be a vote between people as to believe who was wrong and who was right. This started in school when I was a child as we had two separate answers to a question and we had to justify how the answer was correct and why it was correct, this lead to debates such as calculations and defending those who stood in the correct answer. I myself was the one who argued as I believed mainly the people who were correct showing outstanding leadership and power qualities as I was suited to the role of the 'Lawyer' at school who won nearly all arguments which came my way. I was willing to accept some arguments may not be won, but you do not win every case that is thrown at you but you try your best and you don't stop trying until you've worked your limits.
Things such as innocent men and women being sent to jail have led me to this job to provide support and a solution to those who have been convicted wrongly and not had a fair trial in a way, this may be that the jury could may possibly either know or have connections to the opposing party, so quite possibly people who haven't come into connect with either parties will need to be picked so the Jury is not biased in anyway shape or form.
I went to Business school as a graduate, discussing prices and possible solutions around problems as I progressed the learning of Business studies I was approached by a firm who offered me a place in their business. I accepted of course as I had not been within the Law, ever! I was so excited I asked the person who I didn't know at the time what it would take to be a Lawyer in the place. The man explained his career and to my surprise he was a lawyer him self which came as a shock at first but then coming as a more clear view as the man stood in a quite smart posture. He recommended I go to Law school, with persuasion and effort I applied, later being accepted to one of the many Law schools. The first day was a struggle, after many weeks, months, and years my work had paid off being one of the top students in the class.
I returned to the firm, my eyes teared up as it was no longer there, it was moved a few years ago since I had last seen it. Trying the old phone number that rusted on the door I typed as fast as I can even dropping my phone a few times luckily not breaking it. A voice on the other line spoke in a croaky and sickening voice as the cough was terrible, I spoke it was the man I had spoken to, after the catch up he gave me the address to the new position at which the firm stood. Rushing over to the place it was.... run down and not in the best of position. I was offered the job of Lawyer, accepting it I burst into excitement and me being me I was determined to turn the place around and earn enough money off cases to build the place from the ground up.
I risked everything for this job such as my business studies, my business school and overall I risked my future life to become the person that people believe in, to be the person who depend on for safety, to be the person with open arms. I'm so willing I've done what I can for the job.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes:
No I do not have a criminal record.
Nationality & Born location:
Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Fluent languages: (Underline your native):
I am fluent in Japanese, and Dutch.
Out of Character | Basic information
What is your in-game name?:
Do you have discord? (If so, what is your username):
Yes I do, Turtlee#0001
Do you have a microphone?
I sure do!
List your timezone and country:
GMT/BST, England
How active are you on the server?:
Honestly, I'm a a very active person within the server playing nearly everyday for the past 6 or 7 months as SRP has become a real joy to me, some could say it is quite literally addicting as it provides a escape from the world. I would be on almost every week of the day, the occasional thing may pop up, this being holidays, family events, or event just going out which I do not do that often as I tend to stay inside most of my week. I've personally stuck to SRP, and this creating me a very active member within the SRP community. If I'd have to say how active I am on SRP I'd have to say at least a 8.5 out of 10. As being a lawyer may boost my activity within the server and possibly even get be on nearly every single day of the week in fact as it would be an eye opening event to see myself get the role Lawyer.
If I'm ever not on I'll always have a valid reason as I would not take a day of without an not giving an explanation if needed. The role would also somewhat give me more to be active about and create more RP situations such as cases in courts and arguing against the opposite side. Also I have seen many lawyers around some at which I do not see many of anymore but it would be lovely to become a lawyer within the Town Faction.
Do you have any previous bans? (If so, link your appeals):
I have been banned twice, once was a misunderstanding at which I spoke to the staff member at which they unbanned me, the other being Minor Offences.
Link any past applications below:
(18) App for Russian language | SchoolRP [Denied]
(18) Russian Application 2 | SchoolRP [Accepted]
(18) Italian Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
(18) Character Authorization | SchoolRP [Accepted]
(20) Dutch Application | SchoolRP [Accepted]
(18) Police Application | BearDucky | SchoolRP [Denied]
(18) Police Officer Application 2 | SchoolRP [Denied]
(1) Language Application | Sign Language | SchoolRP [Accepted]
Out of Character | Morals & ideas
What position are you applying for?:
I'm Applying for the role of Lawyer with the Town Faction.
What is your motivation for applying?:
My motivation was actually less weird than I thought as Lawyers are determined, argumentative, yet stick strong. I myself am quite possibly all 3 as I tend to win debates and arguments when it comes to know who is right or wrong yet also maintaining a civil and calm atmosphere as stress and panic c an cause things to break when people start to turn disrespectful and anger. Also I've looked around at the city roles and would like to go into that category myself as I had reach Grade 12 months ago and is not exciting as it used to be, even thought there are other jobs in the city tab Lawyers are underrated and it would be great to see more cases and calls to court. Also the new City roles haven't been really much of a big part of SRP recently and I see this as disappointing, this is because the lack of Lawyers, Judges, and jobs within that area haven't been so popular.
What truly motivated me to apply for Lawyer was the unique role as it is one of the most challenging yet more mysterious roles as many people do not really have this role obtained. The fact that many people see the role as pointless I believe it is not and has more to what meets the eye, in fact In my opinion its one of the jobs that requires the most concentration and skill in order to have and keep hold of. Also my 2 applications I made for KPD were denied and my personal interest in law has drawn me to instead becoming a lawyer as it has some similar things to KPD, and honestly may even be better than it possibly. Also as the lawyer role would allow me to experience the role and what the role does, this is things such as court cases as I haven't seen much cases at all but I hope that eventually that should change and go up. Increasing the chances of court cases it may help be beneficial to the character and person roleplaying, skills can be adapted while doing this job as it would help you continue through the many applications someone may do but with more knowledge because of the last job they had, for example this being the 'Lawyer' role.
Are you aware that you cannot discriminate against others in character or deny service due to race, gender, sexual orientation, appearance, etc?:
I completely understand, yes.
What qualities prove you suitable for this role?:
I am strong, determined, and I have a lot of knowledge within this area as a whole. Having a sibling which specialises in this topic really helps me understand the role and job of a Lawyer. But that is not the only point, as I myself am interested in law. It is because I'm determined yet understanding. I am suitable for this job as I have a wide knowledge of the job as a Lawyer and its fellow friends such as Judge and even Jury. And I truly am interested to see if the lawyer job is actually eye-opening or not as it seems to be quite a fun role to have, having heard from some people.
Are you aware of the rules each person must follow?:
Yes I am aware.
Are you familiar with the laws of Karakura?:
I am indeed as while applying for other roles I have looked over them multiple times to ensure that I know what I am doing is correct and not wrong, this is so I do not go in blind when applying for a job, this is not the case however I have done enough research to know what I'm applying for.
Do you have a good understanding of this position?:
I do as my older brother is a Lawyer himself, working in Criminology and the areas of Law. Also I have knowledge of many countries Laws, not all are the same. I still believe I have a good understanding as the rules of lawyer and the roles requirements aren't that hard or complicated to understand as you must have high concentration and focus at all time when applying for a position. Also applying for a job that you have looked into before actually applying which I have indeed done before making this application.
Summarize what your position does:
The job of a lawyer is to provide clients advise on legal issues to do with cases such as accidents and police cases this is things such as accidental car crashes and even accused murders in some the police cases, this all will be gathered by the lawyer before the case is called into court so the lawyer may have an understanding of what to say at the time of the court. As preparing things that are small such as deeds, and wills which do not need to be taken to court unless certain people fight other things such as a will.
The lawyer must also be provided with evidence and any possible help that may prove their client is not guilty and in a matter of fact not guilty. But during court sessions and discussions the client must stay civil at all time in order to provide a good and calming reputation towards the people within the court room. But before talking to the client before the court would be called, possibly preventing their client from being imprisoned.
In Character | Questionnaire
Pretend that it is as if your character is filling this out, not yourself
Full Name:
Alidanye De Vries Jansen

Preferred name & Title:
Miss Alida De Vries
Current age? (25+):
Past job experiences?:
The past job experiences have been things such as being a reporter in my home city, Amsterdam. Also being a lawyer back in Amsterdam when I lived there with my family, also known as the De Vries Family.
I have also worked within the army for a while as it was a path I saw my self going to as a younger woman.
And at a much younger age I worked as a waiter as it wasn't easy nor hard to be accepted into a restaurant or diner.
How would you describe yourself?:
I have hot pink hair that would pass my shoulders, my posture is very high as I tend to keep my back straight to make myself look presentable and hard working to show that I do not lack the potential of getting the job at which I'm applying for. Personally I keep my mind on work as it is was is important, such as not being off guard when a case comes up, this involves being prepared at any given time to be in court and on a case. I'd give off a rather nice and relaxing scent of Pink Orchids.
What plans do you have for the town?:
I plan to make this town a promise as I swear to do my job as it must be run such as protecting and serving my client as instructed. Nor shall I go against the client at any given time, not arguing or attacking my client in any way whether this be verbal or physical. My job is to prove my client is not guilty as best as I can, also with taking deals such as reduced sentences when needed such as reducing bail and jail time to an innocent or not innocent man regardless what he has done, as it is not my problem unless the client has come to me with evidence at which they have not done it, then providing evidence when the case is in progress, if the client is truly guilty I should still attempt to prove his innocent regardless if he had said he did or did not as people may lie. Id also like to say about how I have plans to reduce environmental problems as well such as poverty.
What jobs will you execute with this position?
The jobs at which I execute in this position will consist of giving a clear guidance on the acceptable assumption of risk this being the client knowing the risks of having the Lawyer do the case. Also conduction legal research, this will also be backed up by any given evidence that may be found during or later on in the case. Also explaining laws to the client and not misleading them by giving them legal advice. When diving deeper into the job the Lawyer, they are supposed to defend their client and even attempt to prove the other party is guilty if the client has been in a fight with the other one, for example proving that the opposite party had started the fight by using physical force such as a punch.
Do you practice any sort of religion?:
No I do not, nor am I against religion but I myself do not do anything around religion.
How did you get into politics?:
At a young age I was quite argumentative and was determined as I believed everything had its own law, such as If a wrong action was made then there would have to be a vote between people as to believe who was wrong and who was right. This started in school when I was a child as we had two separate answers to a question and we had to justify how the answer was correct and why it was correct, this lead to debates such as calculations and defending those who stood in the correct answer. I myself was the one who argued as I believed mainly the people who were correct showing outstanding leadership and power qualities as I was suited to the role of the 'Lawyer' at school who won nearly all arguments which came my way. I was willing to accept some arguments may not be won, but you do not win every case that is thrown at you but you try your best and you don't stop trying until you've worked your limits.
Things such as innocent men and women being sent to jail have led me to this job to provide support and a solution to those who have been convicted wrongly and not had a fair trial in a way, this may be that the jury could may possibly either know or have connections to the opposing party, so quite possibly people who haven't come into connect with either parties will need to be picked so the Jury is not biased in anyway shape or form.
I went to Business school as a graduate, discussing prices and possible solutions around problems as I progressed the learning of Business studies I was approached by a firm who offered me a place in their business. I accepted of course as I had not been within the Law, ever! I was so excited I asked the person who I didn't know at the time what it would take to be a Lawyer in the place. The man explained his career and to my surprise he was a lawyer him self which came as a shock at first but then coming as a more clear view as the man stood in a quite smart posture. He recommended I go to Law school, with persuasion and effort I applied, later being accepted to one of the many Law schools. The first day was a struggle, after many weeks, months, and years my work had paid off being one of the top students in the class.
I returned to the firm, my eyes teared up as it was no longer there, it was moved a few years ago since I had last seen it. Trying the old phone number that rusted on the door I typed as fast as I can even dropping my phone a few times luckily not breaking it. A voice on the other line spoke in a croaky and sickening voice as the cough was terrible, I spoke it was the man I had spoken to, after the catch up he gave me the address to the new position at which the firm stood. Rushing over to the place it was.... run down and not in the best of position. I was offered the job of Lawyer, accepting it I burst into excitement and me being me I was determined to turn the place around and earn enough money off cases to build the place from the ground up.
I risked everything for this job such as my business studies, my business school and overall I risked my future life to become the person that people believe in, to be the person who depend on for safety, to be the person with open arms. I'm so willing I've done what I can for the job.
Do you have a criminal record? If so, list your crimes:
No I do not have a criminal record.
Nationality & Born location:
Netherlands, Amsterdam.
Fluent languages: (Underline your native):
I am fluent in Japanese, and Dutch.
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