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Denied Lawyer Application | Muy_Gordo


Level 4

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Do you have a working microphone?:
I do, and I am comfortable with using it!

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Links to any current & past applications (Spoiler them):
Heigh Application [ACCEPTED]

Describe your activity on the server:


What position are you applying for?:
I am apply for the position of lawyer

What is your motivation for applying?:
Well to begin, I have been wanting to join a town faction for some time now. I have been a firm debater participating in multiple competitions oocly and would personally love to play as a lawyer. Why not RP as someone who does something I love oocly? To me it just seems like a win win. Furthermore, I've been wanting to flesh out my characters. I want to give them the ability to help those in need of legal counsel without the need for payment. I also want to use the adult role to start a family ICLY. Not only expanding my horizons on the court side of Karakura but also being a father during it. And finally, one of my biggest dreams is to actually open up a legal office in Karakura. That includes hiring other player, whether it be receptionists or other lawyers looking for a place to work.

Do you have an understanding of Karakura’s laws & Constitutional rights?:

I am well versed in the and have a firm understanding of how the constitution works as a base for the laws of Karakura. Of course I am not perfect and I am more than willing to be taught more! These 17 articles, found HERE, were made to be a shield as well as a foundation for the entire legal system. They outline the rights of citizens, ensuring no man or woman be prosecuted unlawfully and ensuring that no one is convicted when innocent. They are the beacon of hope and the true equalizer. I have read the laws, even going as far as to read in between the lines and gain a firm understanding of how they work and what they wish to accomplish. These laws are the highest rules in all of Karakura society and being well read in all of these will help me accomplish my goals and allow me to truly flesh out my character as a Lawyer. These laws, found HERE, are in place to prosecute the guilty, defend the innocent and create a just, and fair society for all. Each and every citizen of Karakura are defended by these laws and are subject to be prosecuted under them as well. They outline the punishments and fines, usually with bail varying on what they are convicted on. It could be 3 days in prison to a life sentence depending on the severity.

I have read both documents and actually look forward to learning more if possible. These laws are fundamental to keeping SRP a realistic yet fun roleplay experience.

Are there any goals for you or your character with this role?:
I wish for my character to use his role as a lawyer to provide cheap and easy legal protection for anyone who needs it. I want to flesh out my character and allow them to go through the struggles and stresses of being a lawyer. For one, my character has a family who has gotten into legal trouble and have been unable to pay for the excessive fees and payments needed to fight the charges. I want to make him a beacon of hope that can help anyone in Karakura to fight charges, no matter how unprivileged financially they are. Furthermore, my main goal is to start up a legal office, hiring regular players to work as a receptionist and maybe eventually hiring lawyers to work at the law firm. Not only that, with the adult role I want to start up a family and help adopt other plays to get a bigger family dynamic on the server as many players are just living without a family.

In your own words, describe what the position you’re applying for does within the government:
A lawyer is meant to be an advisor and representative for the people, or the city. Their entire job is to give legal counsel to their clients or help prosecute someone on behalf of the city. They give legal advice, participate in court and help uphold the standards of the government. The main thing they will do is give advice to people, as the laws are complex and expansive. They are used to ensure that people are properly represented, creating a more just and fair legal system as it requires a whole degree just to understand. Their role is also outlined in the constitution.
“The people have the inalienable right to dismiss a public official representing them on their own trial either in favor of a different one or in opportunity to represent themselves where applicable.” -ELEVENTH ARTICLE as well as the ninth article
“No person shall be deprived of life or liberty, nor shall any other criminal penalty be imposed unless the decision has been made by a Jury or the punishment is appropriate in accordance with Karakura’s laws.
These are here to ensure lawyers are doing their jobs, and also ensuring that the justice system is not to be abused.

Do you acknowledge that upon being accepted you can be subject to removal at any given time?:
I expect there to be high standards. Having this position is a big responsibility and I wouldn't expect anyone who doesn’t deserve it to have the position.

Do you understand that you’re expected to be dedicated to your position upon being accepted?:
Of course, I am more than willing to do anything the position requires of me.

Are you aware that any display of OOC bias toward anyone on the job will result in punishment?:
OOC bias will just make the RP experience worse for everyone, and I will not have any stand with it.

Have you read & agreed to follow the Government Faction rules?:
I agree to follow the Government Faction Rules which can be found below. I understand that there is a reason these rules are in place, not only to keep order and tranquility but to improve the atmosphere and overall reputation of the faction. I hold myself to these standards and will try to improve the law and justice experience on SRP to the best of my ability all while assisting people and fleshing out my own character.

- Follow ALL of RoleplayHub's OOC & IC rules.
- Hold myself to a HIGH standard of work and remaining unbiased both ICly and OOCly.
- NOT engaging in Criminal RP or Gang RP on the character I am applying with.
- NOT be immature in a setting where it would be inappropriate and reflect poorly on the faction.

Are you able to attend weekly meetings & events?:
Of course I am, I am looking forward to it to help learn more about the position and just expand my horizons with RP.


Full name:

A male would enter the interview room, wearing a finely pressed two piece suit. He looked around, before sitting down in the seat opposite the interviewer. He would sit up in the seat before speaking.
“Good afternoon, my name is Antonio Aiuchi.”

Preferred title (Mr., Mrs., etc.):
“I would consider myself to be a Mr.”

Current age:
“I am twenty five years old as of last month.”

Date of birth:
“I was born on April twenty six, 1999.”

“I would consider myself a male.”

Academic Degree:
“I recently acquired a postgraduate degree in Law (PGDL), at the university Waseda here in japan.”

“I majored in Political science and got a bachelor in law, both at Waseda University.”

“I minored in Criminology. I had a lot of motivation to be able to defend my clients.”

Work experience:
“It all began at the university, with my luck and a bit of social connections with a few friends I made there I was able to land an internship while I was still studying. This gave me hands-on experience rather than just being stuck in a classroom all day. 2021-2023, I got a 2 year internship at Ando Legal offices. 2023-2024, I was able to secure a one year job at the prosecution office in Tokyo
With my connections in the Ando legal office I was able to secure an intern job. There I worked with some of the most renowned lawyers in the law firm, and by extension, japan. This got me an extensive insight to the day to day workings of a lawyer. After that I focused on defense , learning how to properly defend my clients within the confines of the law.”

Nationality & born location:

“I was born just outside the city of Chihuahua in a small village named la máquina. I Consider my nationality to be Mexican, as it’s where I come from. Although I moved to Japan for education and to live with my family.”

Fluent languages (Underline your native):
“I speak Spanish and Japanese.”

Criminal record:
The background check would show no criminal record of any sort.

What makes you a good candidate for this job?

“To begin, I believe myself to be a justice driven individual. I have a firm understanding of the legal system, and have given great thought in time. Furthermore, I am interested primarily in defense. I’ve taken time in Ando legal offices to do the basics, whether it be gathering witness statements, reports and assisting the main lawyer on the case.”

He extended a hard drive to the individual.
“Here is every single case I've worked on, from just shadowing other lawyers to actually setting foot in the courtroom. It’s all there.”
He cleared his throat.

“ I do not wish to charge my clients excessive amounts. I want to be a savior for those who need legal counsel no matter how difficult the case might be or how financially well off they are. It’s not about the money for me, it’s about making the rest of the country, even the world, see us as a shining example of a well built legal system. I want to help the people know their rights, and then help defend them in court. Unfortunately, too often I see people suffering under the legal system. I see these sorts of things in our streets, where underprivileged young individuals are arrested and just plead guilty because they can’t afford a lawyer. I see it in our schools, where many are uneducated on their rights and don’t know what they should do if they are arrested. I see it in our courts, where it takes months, even years just to hear a verdict from a judge, only to be stuck inside a cell all that time. That’s why, with your help, I want to be a lawyer. To grow and if I can achieve my ambition, to start a legal office here in Karakura to help our people trust in our justice system. Because if we’re not able to help them, who will?”

The male stood, giving the interviewer a firm handshake.
“I look forward to your response, and I plead with you today and for the future of our legal system to consider my application. Thank you for your time and have a pleasant afternoon.”

With that, the male turned and exited the room, leaving only the weight of his words.​
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Level 180
News Lead

After discussion with the Higher Ups of the Government Faction, we have chosen to place you on pending:

- Your application is well structured & written, but other applicants stood out more

Once a position opens, you'll be contacted to see if you'd still like to be part of the faction !


Level 145
Government Lead

Unfortunately we have decided to deny your application. We would like to see more activity with you on the server and in the amount of applications we have every month, your application may have had good writing and detail, however some applications stood out more. You may reapply at any given time.

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